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Swamped MAGA agenda in jeopardy


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Trump is having a difficult time implementing his America First agenda with nearly every single Democrat politician and many establishment Republicans acting as disruptors every time they get a chance.

Live: Swamped! MAGA Agenda In Jeopardy

Keep him to the grind stone that's what the public can do.
these are two credible writers despite what the stupid idiot sheep in america say,this proves that trump while he could be doing a lot better,is the best we have had better than these clowns we have had in the past five administrations before him.

The Russia Hoax - Johnson County Library
INTRODUCTION. The Northeast and West Coast elites despised Trump and his inland
supporters. Any wrongdoing to stop him was justified. For a year they strove to depress his vote by insisting he had no chance. Meanwhile Obama officials protected Hillary from prosecution and spied on Trump's campaign. When Trump won anyway, they hatched the Russia hoax to ruin him.
--- The Clintons received more than $230,000,000, largely disguised as speaking and consulting fees, while Hillary was Senator and Secr of State deciding issues affecting the payors. She set up an illegal server in her home to hide these payoffs. Obama condoned it.
--- Hillary approved a huge sale of US uranium to Russia. Her Foundation received $145,000,000 in connection with it. Bill Clinton got $500,000 for a speech in Moscow where he met Putin. Mueller, Comey, and Rosenstein knew of the deal, but made no objection. They did not speak of "collusion", bribery, or treason, despite the fact that Bill Clinton had made a mysterious visit to Moscow in 1969 at the height of the Cold War. Altogether, the Clintons got $2,975,000 in Russian payoffs.
--- Russian ambassador Kislyak met many times with Obama, his aides, Dem Senators, and Clinton Campaign advisers. Sen Schumer met with Putin.
--- Hillary lied under oath repeatedly to thwart Congressional probes of her illegal server. Her aides erased 30,000 subpoenaed gov records, and destroyed many cellphones. Instead of prosecuting these crimes, Obama's DOJ and FBI forgave them, immunized the perpetrators, and even joined in the destruction of evidence.
--- Just before the Dem Convention, came news that Hillary and the DNC had conspired to cheat Bernie. Clintonites blamed the Russians for exposing this fact.
--- Hillary bought fake Russian anti-Trump info (Steele Dossier), which Obama's DOJ and FBI used for warrants to spy on Trump's campaign. Knowing the Dossier was bunk, Comey repeatedly deceived the warrant-issuing court.
--- For months, Dems warned that Trump would seek to disrupt Hillary's presidency by claiming the election was rigged. They declared it unriggable and denounced his plan to cause turmoil. When Trump won, they suddenly reversed. Now they said the process HAD been rigged -- not by Hillary and the DNC against Bernie -- not by Obama's illegal spying on Trump -- but by Vladimir Putin in Moscow. Trump was not their president! Resist! Dems rioted across the land. They tried to corrupt the Electoral College. Liberal Media spewed the pseudo-legal phrase "Russian collusion", and Mueller was appointed to pursue the hoax. In fits of xenophobia, the Media treated all Russians as villains, and routine Trump contacts as proof of treason. Obsessive Trump-haters clung to the delusion that Hillary was really Pres, and Mueller would restore her.
--- The Mueller witch hunt is not just to ruin Trump, but to save Obama, Hillary, Comey and others from prosecution for trying to steal the 2016 election. Mueller filled his legal staff with Clinton partisans, and hid this bias from Congress.
--- Blaming Trump for what Hillary did is easy for Dems. Their base upholds false accusations, even when refuted: it shows the requisite zeal against Trump.
--- Jarrett details the anti-Trump skulduggery: who did what and applicable criminal statutes. The culprits include Obama; Dem smear-firm Fusion GPS (execs took the Fifth); Steele (facing perjury, he repudiated the Dossier); DOJ's Lynch, Ohr (whose wife worked for Fusion GPS), Rosenstein & Yates; FBI's Comey (many violations), McCabe, Strzok & Page; spy-chiefs Brennan & Clapper (a self-confessed perjurer); Dem leaders Schiff & Reid (wanted Clapper to give Trump fake intel briefings)


Donald Trump beat 16 Republican challengers and Hillary Rodham Clinton to win the presidency. Now he must beat the Deep State to keep his presidency. Here's how!

#1 New York Times bestselling author of UNFIT FOR COMMAND and THE OBAMA NATION Jerome Corsi uncovers the secret conspiracy to destroy the Trump presidency and what Trump must do now to prevail.

The truth behind how well-funded hard-left extremists, the mainstream media, and Obama/Clinton holdovers in the government bureaucracy have combined with clandestine forces within the US intelligence apparatus – the “Deep State” -- to block and undermine Trump’s every move. At 2:45 a.m. ET on Nov. 8, 2016, television networks announced to a stunned nation that Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral had gone for Donald Trump, making him the president-elect of the United States, defying all odds in a surreal victory that sent the Deep State into an immediate sense of panic.

By dawn on Nov. 9, 2016, the Deep State forces that expected Hillary Clinton to continue the leftist politics of Barack Obama were already planning Donald Trump’s demise.

What emerged from the hard left was a political strategy calculated to block Donald Trump from being inaugurated, and if that failed, to make sure Donald Trump would not long serve out his term as 45th President of the United States.

Investigative journalist and conspiracy expert Jerome Corsi goes into shocking detail about how this Deep State or Shadow Government secretly wields power in Washington, and why the Deep State is dangerous – capable of assassinating Trump, if efforts to impeach him or to force him to resign fail.

Corsi will also define a three-point strategy Trump -- as a political independent, opposed both by Democratic Party enemies and GOP establishment -- must employ to stay in office and have a chance of a successful first term in office.
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