Swastikas, 'Go Trump!' slogan deface Adam Yauch Park playground in Brooklyn

Did self-hating Jew liberals go on a graffiti spree?
Hey Rabbi! Whatchya doin'?

No matter who did it, the powers that be are making it sound like "Go Trump!" is the worst thing that could've been written. When are they going to learn to grow up?

God bless you always!!!

Swastikas were often made the wrong way around even decades ago, if you ever looked at graffiti. And usually by teenagers or drunks.


A Brooklyn park was defaced with two swastikas on Friday — along with the words, “Go Trump!”

City Councilman Brad Lander tweeted a picture of the hateful symbol spray-painted on playground equipment at Adam Yauch Park in Brooklyn Heights.

“Yet more hatred & anti-Semitism from Trump supporters,” the local pol tweeted, adding the hashtag #neverisnow.

Swastikas, 'Go Trump!' slogan deface Adam Yauch Park in Brooklyn
Those arent even nazi swastikas! Looks like the work of a very VERY stupid lefty. :laugh:


A Brooklyn park was defaced with two swastikas on Friday — along with the words, “Go Trump!”

City Councilman Brad Lander tweeted a picture of the hateful symbol spray-painted on playground equipment at Adam Yauch Park in Brooklyn Heights.

“Yet more hatred & anti-Semitism from Trump supporters,” the local pol tweeted, adding the hashtag #neverisnow.

Swastikas, 'Go Trump!' slogan deface Adam Yauch Park in Brooklyn
Those arent even swastikas! Looks like the work of a very VERY stupid lefty. :laugh:

Republicans stay far away from Brooklyn. They know it's another miserable Democrat Hellhole. Democrats did this. Very dumb ones.
That is my whole point. Read the articles and notice that they are your type of people, neo-Nazis, but most likely of the 15-year-old wannabe category.
Those arent even nazi swastikas! Looks like the work of a very VERY stupid lefty. :laugh:

That don't narrow the field much does it? :)
Gotta expect that.

Damn leftist mayor wouldn't give his snowflakes free colouring books, crayons and puppies so they had to find some way on their own to release the pent up fear and angst.
It's obvious most of these offences supposedly committed by Trump supporters are false flag operations. Every time they are investigated they have been proven to be false flag operations.

See, Trump supporters aren't the kind of people who deface other people's property or assault innocent people. That's what Democrats do. They have a long history of it.

Remember, those liberals also do it in quest of participation trophies!

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