Sweat shot & Alive

Not sure why they would have shot him if he didn't have one.....maybe he had a knife....
It is permissable for a cop to shoot someone if they are coming at him/her or they make a threatening movement (this could be reaching into a pocket) Makes no difference if they are armed or not.

Self-Defense Law in New York State
Article 35
Defense of Justification

Sec. 35.30 Justification; use of physical force in making an arrest or in preventing an escape.
1. A police officer or a peace officer, in the course of effecting or attempting to effect an arrest, or of preventing or attempting to prevent the escape from custody, of a person whom he reasonably believes to have committed an offense, may use physical force when and to the extent he reasonably believes such to be necessary to effect the arrest, or to prevent the escape from custody, or to defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of physical force; except that he may use deadly physical force for such purposes only when he reasonably believes that:
(a) The offense committed by such person was:
(i) a felony or an attempt to commit a felony involving the use or attempted use or threatened imminent use of physical force against a person; or
(ii) kidnapping, arson, escape in the first degree, burglary in the first degree or any attempt to commit such a crime; or
(b) The offense committed or attempted by such person was a felony and that, in the course of resisting arrest therefor or attempting to escape from custody, such person is armed with a firearm or deadly weapon; or
(c) Regardless of the particular offense which is the subject of the arrest or attempted escape, the use of deadly physical force is necessary to defend the police officer or peace officer or another person from what the officer reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force
Criminals always get guns...even in Europe, Australia, Japan and Canada......and Britain....

But oddly, we have 11,000 homicides to their 200 or so.
His point still was well made. The criminals will get guns regardless of the gun laws.

And one of the reasons we have some of the homicides we have, is killers not being executed, and being free to kill again. We still don't know if anyone was kill along the escape route from the prison to Constable, NY.

But we do know if these 2 killers had been executed, we wouldn't have had to have numerous cops out on a very dangerous manhunt, and we know there wouldn't have been a prison breakout, which we still don't know if anyone was killed by these 2 dirtbags over the last 3 weeks. Time will tell about that.
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Only down side is they didn't kill him.

Duh, they wanted him alive!
That's their mistake.

Well, not really.

They can learn a lot about how he escaped and put into place countermeasures to prevent future escapes.

I know this doesn't satisfy the Right Wing Blood Lust.
First I think it's safe to say they have already figured that out second he has no incentive to tell them anything and the authorities would have to be seven different kinds of stupid to offer him anything for answers they already have. Yet again logic escapes the left wing.
Criminals always get guns...even in Europe, Australia, Japan and Canada......and Britain....

But oddly, we have 11,000 homicides to their 200 or so.
And some countries have far MORE homicides than we have >>

Brazil, Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Russia, South Africa, Swaziland, Uruguay, Venazuela, and scores of Middle Eastern and African countries.
They'll need to scour the route from the prison to Constable, NY, were he was captured. Along the way these 2 killers went into houses and cabins. Some of these were unoccupied, according to news reports, belonging to people who use them during the hunting season (not yet in session). That's apparently how they survived - by stealing food and a shotgun.

The scary part though is they may also have entered occupied houses and cabins. If they did, there might be dead bodies left behind there. Or robbed and raped women who would rather not speak out about it. Time will tell. This escape story may not be over just yet.
You armchair sleuths are hilarious! Why didn't the cop shoot Sweat in the legs instead of risking killing him with two shots in his torso?
His point still was well made. The criminals will get guns regardless of the gun laws.

Except they really don't in countries where guns aren't readily available.

And one of the reasons we have some of the homicides we have, is killers not being executed, and being free to kill again. We still don't know if anyone was kill along the escape route from the prison to Constable, NY.

Uh, no, not really. Those countries that ban guns have also banned the death penalty. In fact, Germany, the UK, Italy, Canada, France have no death penalty at all, and still don't have anywhere near our homicide rates.

But we do know if these 2 killers had been executed, we wouldn't have had to have numerous cops out on a very dangerous manhunt, and we know there wouldn't have been a prison breakout, which we still don't know if anyone was killed by these 2 dirtbags over the last 3 weeks. Time will tell about that.

Well, actually, since the whole area was under survelience, we can be pretty sure they didn't.

And some countries have far MORE homicides than we have >>

Brazil, Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Russia, South Africa, Swaziland, Uruguay, Venazuela, and scores of Middle Eastern and African countries.

None of these are advanced industrialized democracies.

When we are talking about our peer group - then we have lots of homicides and they have very few.

The idea is, we want to be LESS like those third world countries and MORE like those advanced countries. We used to be one of those advanced countries until the Republicans came along and fucked everything up.
This is the second white murderer that law enforcement has been able to take in not only alive, but with care and compassion....that white punk Roof, gets a damn burger king meal and this cop killer gets medical attention....something black criminals who sell e-cigs and who owe child support aren't privy too...they get murdered by cops.
This is the second white murderer that law enforcement has been able to take in not only alive, but with care and compassion....that white punk Roof, gets a damn burger king meal and this cop killer gets medical attention....something black criminals who sell e-cigs and who owe child support aren't privy too...they get murdered by cops.

Doing some cherry-picking in support of the same black thugs you castigate in other threads for the damage they do to your community? What are you, bi-polar? BTW, you conveniently skipped over the part where Richard Matt (also white) was shot and killed (3 shots to the head) by officers while holding a weapon.
We have seen no rioting, looting or burning in protest and Rev Al is nowhere to be found.
You armchair sleuths are hilarious! Why didn't the cop shoot Sweat in the legs instead of risking killing him with two shots in his torso?
Are you fucking ignorant?

Why in the hell would they aim for one of their legs?
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This is the second white murderer that law enforcement has been able to take in not only alive, but with care and compassion....that white punk Roof, gets a damn burger king meal and this cop killer gets medical attention....something black criminals who sell e-cigs and who owe child support aren't privy too...they get murdered by cops.

Doing some cherry-picking in support of the same black thugs you castigate in other threads for the damage they do to your community? What are you, bi-polar? BTW, you conveniently skipped over the part where Richard Matt (also white) was shot and killed (3 shots to the head) by officers while holding a weapon.
We have seen no rioting, looting or burning in protest and Rev Al is nowhere to be found.

Cherry picking my ass.....I keep it 100 on everything I speak here, and I hold no bars when it comes to race or gender, lets make that clear first......I hold no sympathy for black thugs at all, I do however take exception to how they're handled in the presence of law enforcement who are paid by all tax dollars and who are sworn to protect and serve all citizens, even the criminals. The fact that Matt was killed, he waved a gun, he got shot...how the hell does that compare to the countless black men, unarmed and still gunned downed??? Apple and Oranges, you fool, apple and oranges. As for the rioting and looting, etc....what the hell you gonna loot? A tree?

As usual, can't make a comment without involving Al or Obama...you people seriously need to get a life.
The irony in all this, NY is patting itself on the back for capturing criminals, their fucked up penal system let loose in the first place. Hey NY you want to prevent shit like this from happening in the first place??? Get your female cops, vibrators and teach them a course on how to love yourself beyond prison walls!!

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