Sweating Obama Admits Drone Strikes Have Been Happening On Their Own


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Seems that Drones are becoming sentient!

WASHINGTON—Speaking at a hastily called White House press conference Friday, a visibly tense and perspiring President Barack Obama confessed that the United States’ fleet of roughly 700 armed drones have been conducting airstrikes entirely on their own for the past several years. “Look, I’m just going to come clean here: Every single U.S. drone currently deployed has been selecting and bombing targets without any guidance from military officials on the ground,” a trembling Obama told reporters, admitting that he last authorized a drone attack in 2010, and that recent strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and most perplexingly, the Philippines, have been planned and executed entirely by the unmanned combat air vehicles themselves. “I’ll admit that the extensive use of drone aircraft was something my administration readily embraced, but we’ve lost all contact with these things, and as it stands now, we have no idea who or what is controlling them—or if they’re even being controlled at all. Jesus, these things are terrifying. We need to shut them down before it’s too late!” At press time, all the blood had reportedly drained from Obama’s face and he stood stock-still as a faint whirring noise could be heard high above the White House briefing room

Sweating Obama Admits Drone Strikes Have Been Happening On Their Own | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Wouldn't shock me a bit to find the story true.

After all, he's the same asshole blaming guns for the actions of a few lunatics.
This has been a really sticky wicket for the Obama Administration and I am frankly personally torn on the matter. I really don't have any problem with us taking out those who have declared war on us and who are plotting mayhem against U.S. forces, most especially innocent U.S. men, women, and children. And I have a strong sense that those U.S. citizens who choose to run with terrorists are committing treason and should have no special protection against U.S. retaliation.

And I can understand how the U.S. can't publicize how they know a particular group are terrorists bent on committing mayhem to U.S. property and people because that would make it doubly hard for them to continue to uncover such groups.

So for me, it really comes down to whether I trust the Administration's motives. And given the increasing unpopularity of the drone strikes with their base, I have to figure they are doing it precisely to target terrorists. I can't come up with a different motive.

But there remains also a strong distrust of their motives overall.

And so it goes. . . .
Seems that Drones are becoming sentient!

WASHINGTON—Speaking at a hastily called White House press conference Friday, a visibly tense and perspiring President Barack Obama confessed that the United States’ fleet of roughly 700 armed drones have been conducting airstrikes entirely on their own for the past several years. “Look, I’m just going to come clean here: Every single U.S. drone currently deployed has been selecting and bombing targets without any guidance from military officials on the ground,” a trembling Obama told reporters, admitting that he last authorized a drone attack in 2010, and that recent strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and most perplexingly, the Philippines, have been planned and executed entirely by the unmanned combat air vehicles themselves. “I’ll admit that the extensive use of drone aircraft was something my administration readily embraced, but we’ve lost all contact with these things, and as it stands now, we have no idea who or what is controlling them—or if they’re even being controlled at all. Jesus, these things are terrifying. We need to shut them down before it’s too late!” At press time, all the blood had reportedly drained from Obama’s face and he stood stock-still as a faint whirring noise could be heard high above the White House briefing room

Sweating Obama Admits Drone Strikes Have Been Happening On Their Own | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

:doubt:Please.. This is a joke right?..What a poor excuse for a president we have..unbelievable...Stop the drone program then. You Obama slappys are a joke:cuckoo:
Yes, it's a spoof story from the Onion.

Still, I could hear the Boiking claiming exactly what the story says.
Not to mention his worshippers who swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. :)
Not to mention his worshippers who swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. :)

What else would you expect from the Obama-bots?

These are the same people who consider Jon Stewart a serious journalist.

These are the same people who worship at the altar of Arianna Huffington and George Soros and the clowns on MSNBC.

Now these are the people who believe that The Onion should be taken seriously.

What's next? Sponge Bob Square Pants and Beavis & Butthead quotes will start appearing in this forum?
Seems that Drones are becoming sentient!

WASHINGTON—Speaking at a hastily called White House press conference Friday, a visibly tense and perspiring President Barack Obama confessed that the United States’ fleet of roughly 700 armed drones have been conducting airstrikes entirely on their own for the past several years. “Look, I’m just going to come clean here: Every single U.S. drone currently deployed has been selecting and bombing targets without any guidance from military officials on the ground,” a trembling Obama told reporters, admitting that he last authorized a drone attack in 2010, and that recent strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and most perplexingly, the Philippines, have been planned and executed entirely by the unmanned combat air vehicles themselves. “I’ll admit that the extensive use of drone aircraft was something my administration readily embraced, but we’ve lost all contact with these things, and as it stands now, we have no idea who or what is controlling them—or if they’re even being controlled at all. Jesus, these things are terrifying. We need to shut them down before it’s too late!” At press time, all the blood had reportedly drained from Obama’s face and he stood stock-still as a faint whirring noise could be heard high above the White House briefing room

Sweating Obama Admits Drone Strikes Have Been Happening On Their Own | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

:doubt:Please.. This is a joke right?..What a poor excuse for a president we have..unbelievable...Stop the drone program then. You Obama slappys are a joke:cuckoo:

You've never heard of "The Onion"? You poor soul.
Seems that Drones are becoming sentient!

WASHINGTON—Speaking at a hastily called White House press conference Friday, a visibly tense and perspiring President Barack Obama confessed that the United States’ fleet of roughly 700 armed drones have been conducting airstrikes entirely on their own for the past several years. “Look, I’m just going to come clean here: Every single U.S. drone currently deployed has been selecting and bombing targets without any guidance from military officials on the ground,” a trembling Obama told reporters, admitting that he last authorized a drone attack in 2010, and that recent strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and most perplexingly, the Philippines, have been planned and executed entirely by the unmanned combat air vehicles themselves. “I’ll admit that the extensive use of drone aircraft was something my administration readily embraced, but we’ve lost all contact with these things, and as it stands now, we have no idea who or what is controlling them—or if they’re even being controlled at all. Jesus, these things are terrifying. We need to shut them down before it’s too late!” At press time, all the blood had reportedly drained from Obama’s face and he stood stock-still as a faint whirring noise could be heard high above the White House briefing room

Sweating Obama Admits Drone Strikes Have Been Happening On Their Own | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

The Onion, really? Troll bait.
This has been a really sticky wicket for the Obama Administration and I am frankly personally torn on the matter. I really don't have any problem with us taking out those who have declared war on us and who are plotting mayhem against U.S. forces, most especially innocent U.S. men, women, and children. And I have a strong sense that those U.S. citizens who choose to run with terrorists are committing treason and should have no special protection against U.S. retaliation.

And I can understand how the U.S. can't publicize how they know a particular group are terrorists bent on committing mayhem to U.S. property and people because that would make it doubly hard for them to continue to uncover such groups.

So for me, it really comes down to whether I trust the Administration's motives. And given the increasing unpopularity of the drone strikes with their base, I have to figure they are doing it precisely to target terrorists. I can't come up with a different motive.

But there remains also a strong distrust of their motives overall.

And so it goes. . . .

I do get where you are coming from. I have a problem with this administration regarding waterboarding and such, which they made a huge issue of. Indeed, they argued it was a war crime, though not officially, just in making themselves look clean.

Extraordinary renditions appear to still be happening, including water boarding, which has been admitted led to killing Bin Laden and other important intelligence. Still no admissions from the current or former, (both Obama(,) on the effectiveness.

Waterboarding could possibly, remotely, not happened, lead to accidental death. Drones? Deadly. How to support the later, while calling the former torture? Oh yeah, instantaneous death, without due process is humane.
Not to mention his worshippers who swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. :)

The only ones on display that swallowed it are non-Obama supporters.
Odd that.
Are you feeling a little embarrassed?
Not to mention his worshippers who swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. :)

What else would you expect from the Obama-bots?

These are the same people who consider Jon Stewart a serious journalist.

These are the same people who worship at the altar of Arianna Huffington and George Soros and the clowns on MSNBC.

Now these are the people who believe that The Onion should be taken seriously.

What's next? Sponge Bob Square Pants and Beavis & Butthead quotes will start appearing in this forum?

Interestingly, it's been proven scientifically that people that watch Jon Stewart are better informed than those that watch Fox.
In fact, science teaches us that people that watch no news at all are better informed than those that watch Fox....................true............it's science.
This has been a really sticky wicket for the Obama Administration and I am frankly personally torn on the matter. I really don't have any problem with us taking out those who have declared war on us and who are plotting mayhem against U.S. forces, most especially innocent U.S. men, women, and children. And I have a strong sense that those U.S. citizens who choose to run with terrorists are committing treason and should have no special protection against U.S. retaliation.

And I can understand how the U.S. can't publicize how they know a particular group are terrorists bent on committing mayhem to U.S. property and people because that would make it doubly hard for them to continue to uncover such groups.

So for me, it really comes down to whether I trust the Administration's motives. And given the increasing unpopularity of the drone strikes with their base, I have to figure they are doing it precisely to target terrorists. I can't come up with a different motive.

But there remains also a strong distrust of their motives overall.

And so it goes. . . .

I do get where you are coming from. I have a problem with this administration regarding waterboarding and such, which they made a huge issue of. Indeed, they argued it was a war crime, though not officially, just in making themselves look clean.

Extraordinary renditions appear to still be happening, including water boarding, which has been admitted led to killing Bin Laden and other important intelligence. Still no admissions from the current or former, (both Obama(,) on the effectiveness.

Waterboarding could possibly, remotely, not happened, lead to accidental death. Drones? Deadly. How to support the later, while calling the former torture? Oh yeah, instantaneous death, without due process is humane.

Yep, the rule of law and due process is one of the cornerstones of a civilised society.
But, when the other side don't respect those tenets and use them against their opponent, what's to be done?
Not to mention his worshippers who swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. :)

What else would you expect from the Obama-bots?

These are the same people who consider Jon Stewart a serious journalist.

These are the same people who worship at the altar of Arianna Huffington and George Soros and the clowns on MSNBC.

Now these are the people who believe that The Onion should be taken seriously.

What's next? Sponge Bob Square Pants and Beavis & Butthead quotes will start appearing in this forum?

Interestingly, it's been proven scientifically that people that watch Jon Stewart are better informed than those that watch Fox.
In fact, science teaches us that people that watch no news at all are better informed than those that watch Fox....................true............it's science.


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