Sweden swinging hard right!

I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
What constitutes a “warped” mind? And what is the standard by which this mind is deemed “warped”?

Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.
Sure...........Syria...........Iraq...........Afghanistan.......lots of Europe.............it's called WAR.
I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
What constitutes a “warped” mind? And what is the standard by which this mind is deemed “warped”?

Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.
And there enters politics... Whom controls the politics controls what is legal...
hey , probably not gonna make a difference to old folks but might matter to Young Americans , Westerners and their kids Coyote . Plus i want board posters to see the spin that you s[out , Its quite a reputation that you are building Coyote .

That's just fine Pis...rather have that then a reputation for supporting the mass murder of innocent people.
You beqeath the title innocent “carte Blanche”...
Plenty here are saying slaughter them - and few are speaking up against it. Pardon me for getting confused as to who does and does not support mass murder.
You always play the straw man...............and you ALWAYS SIDE WITH ISLAM...........what is your religion............LOL

Are you saying no one here is advocating mass murder? I suggest you read through the thread.
I've seen the posts that say they get thrown out or die........yes..........

Well, if they get the deport notice then I suggest they leave peacefully...................Liberal IDIOCY has brought them there...........against the people's wishes.........and then people like you get shocked.............WHEN PEOPLE GET PISSED.

What if they are citizens? What if they are there legally and have committed no crimes?
They don't know who all is doing all the dang crimes.............too many are getting away with it..........so when you can't tell then maybe your best option is to throw them all back to their own countries and restore your own country...........

These people weren't born there............they showed up for help and then bite the hand that feeds them..........

Again...........you refuse to look at the Stats since they let them in.............They aren't pretty........ I don't blame you........because it makes your racist accusations suck..........

Again...........it's their country........not the immigrants.........they can revoke citizenship and send them off............they should have never taken so many in to begin with............not knowing the good from the bad............and now they are paying for it...........and OMFG.......people are getting pissed over it.

First off - who's country is it? It's the citizen's country. Otherwise - using your logic - America belongs only to the Native Americans and they have a right to revoke the citizenship of all the "immigrants" and their spawn. Right?

Second - where do you send them off to? If you revoke it, they have no citizenship. No country can be forced to take them. So what do you do? Some here have promoted killing them if they don't "self deport". And that is exactly why I brought up the Nazi's. When the Jews tried to self deport no one would take them. Then they were prevented from leaving. Then they were exterminated. We're not talking criminals in either then or now - just ordinary people who happen to be the wrong ethinicity/religion/race.
I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
Violent crime exploded after they let them up.......including Grenade attacks........I've shown that data.........

They were invited in by the Gov't elites and not necessarily the people. And after this it caused more crime.......including rape, murder, arson and grenade attacks............People get PISSED...........and now they are ready to undue the invitation and throw their asses out........

It's their right........it's their country.

Yes....just like the German people were right in 1930's and 40's...it was their country....right?
Yes. That is right. Do you contest this fact?

Yes. Human being aren't property.
People as Property has nothing to do with it. What are you trying to obfuscate?
I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
What constitutes a “warped” mind? And what is the standard by which this mind is deemed “warped”?

Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.
And the people are increasingly leaning for the removal of invaders. So... once they decide to “remove them... You’ll fall in line. Yes...?
You always play the straw man...............and you ALWAYS SIDE WITH ISLAM...........what is your religion............LOL

Are you saying no one here is advocating mass murder? I suggest you read through the thread.
I've seen the posts that say they get thrown out or die........yes..........

Well, if they get the deport notice then I suggest they leave peacefully...................Liberal IDIOCY has brought them there...........against the people's wishes.........and then people like you get shocked.............WHEN PEOPLE GET PISSED.

What if they are citizens? What if they are there legally and have committed no crimes?
They don't know who all is doing all the dang crimes.............too many are getting away with it..........so when you can't tell then maybe your best option is to throw them all back to their own countries and restore your own country...........

These people weren't born there............they showed up for help and then bite the hand that feeds them..........

Again...........you refuse to look at the Stats since they let them in.............They aren't pretty........ I don't blame you........because it makes your racist accusations suck..........

Again...........it's their country........not the immigrants.........they can revoke citizenship and send them off............they should have never taken so many in to begin with............not knowing the good from the bad............and now they are paying for it...........and OMFG.......people are getting pissed over it.

First off - who's country is it? It's the citizen's country. Otherwise - using your logic - America belongs only to the Native Americans and they have a right to revoke the citizenship of all the "immigrants" and their spawn. Right?

Second - where do you send them off to? If you revoke it, they have no citizenship. No country can be forced to take them. So what do you do? Some here have promoted killing them if they don't "self deport". And that is exactly why I brought up the Nazi's. When the Jews tried to self deport no one would take them. Then they were prevented from leaving. Then they were exterminated. We're not talking criminals in either then or now - just ordinary people who happen to be the wrong ethinicity/religion/race.
Excuse me but they came from a country when they migrated............so oops..........send them back.........

And SECONDLY............they are newbs to Sweden...........and yeah they can revoke it and send them back.....Now you play the PAPERWORK twist........send them back and a Piece of paper says they are Swedes..............give me a break.......

Novel Idea............why the hell don't they stop acting like animals..........and no one would be saying a damn thing........Islam is where the brain cells go to die.
You always play the straw man...............and you ALWAYS SIDE WITH ISLAM...........what is your religion............LOL

Are you saying no one here is advocating mass murder? I suggest you read through the thread.
I've seen the posts that say they get thrown out or die........yes..........

Well, if they get the deport notice then I suggest they leave peacefully...................Liberal IDIOCY has brought them there...........against the people's wishes.........and then people like you get shocked.............WHEN PEOPLE GET PISSED.

What if they are citizens? What if they are there legally and have committed no crimes?
They don't know who all is doing all the dang crimes.............too many are getting away with it..........so when you can't tell then maybe your best option is to throw them all back to their own countries and restore your own country...........

These people weren't born there............they showed up for help and then bite the hand that feeds them..........

Again...........you refuse to look at the Stats since they let them in.............They aren't pretty........ I don't blame you........because it makes your racist accusations suck..........

Again...........it's their country........not the immigrants.........they can revoke citizenship and send them off............they should have never taken so many in to begin with............not knowing the good from the bad............and now they are paying for it...........and OMFG.......people are getting pissed over it.

First off - who's country is it? It's the citizen's country. Otherwise - using your logic - America belongs only to the Native Americans and they have a right to revoke the citizenship of all the "immigrants" and their spawn. Right?

Second - where do you send them off to? If you revoke it, they have no citizenship. No country can be forced to take them. So what do you do? Some here have promoted killing them if they don't "self deport". And that is exactly why I brought up the Nazi's. When the Jews tried to self deport no one would take them. Then they were prevented from leaving. Then they were exterminated. We're not talking criminals in either then or now - just ordinary people who happen to be the wrong ethinicity/religion/race.
And according to your logic... (Which you’ll sprint from...) the first Americans were the Clovis people. Undisputedly Europeans...
Dance for me baby. Remember to work the hips...
The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
Violent crime exploded after they let them up.......including Grenade attacks........I've shown that data.........

They were invited in by the Gov't elites and not necessarily the people. And after this it caused more crime.......including rape, murder, arson and grenade attacks............People get PISSED...........and now they are ready to undue the invitation and throw their asses out........

It's their right........it's their country.

Yes....just like the German people were right in 1930's and 40's...it was their country....right?
Yes. That is right. Do you contest this fact?

Yes. Human being aren't property.
People as Property has nothing to do with it. What are you trying to obfuscate?
Funny thing is ........in the Islamic world they believe that other religions must pay a tax or become their slaves...........

Property............LOL.........in the middle east they consider other human beings PROPERTY.........
I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
What constitutes a “warped” mind? And what is the standard by which this mind is deemed “warped”?

Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.

Mass murder doesn't need to be legalized... it's a natural outflow of the Human Experiment.

The action that can and should be taken is to agree as a society to punish humans convicted of committing it. The unfortunate reality is that a mass murderer can work with relative impunity as long as he can maintain control over a large enough army to control a piece of land arbitrarily designated with geographic borders as a 'country'.

It's not as bad as in the days of feudal Europe when the 99% were wholly owned right down to their virgin daughters by the good, Christian king, but control of a national military remains the career launching pad for the world's most successful mass murderers.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
What constitutes a “warped” mind? And what is the standard by which this mind is deemed “warped”?

Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.
And the people are increasingly leaning for the removal of invaders. So... once they decide to “remove them... You’ll fall in line. Yes...?

No. Not if it means mass murder or the expulsion of citizens.

How about you and Eagle since he agrees with you?
The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
What constitutes a “warped” mind? And what is the standard by which this mind is deemed “warped”?

Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.

Mass murder doesn't need to be legalized... it's a natural outflow of the Human Experiment.

The action that can and should be taken is to agree as a society to punish humans convicted of committing it. The unfortunate reality is that a mass murderer can work with relative impunity as long as he can maintain control over a large enough army to control a piece of land arbitrarily designated with geographic borders as a 'country'.

It's not as bad as in the days of feudal Europe when the 99% were wholly owned right down to their virgin daughters by the good, Christian king, but control of a national military remains the career launching pad for the world's most successful mass murderers.

So now the immigration problem and higher crime is Feudalism...............LOL

Riddle me this........in the middle east how do they treat christians..........they have wiped them out over time...........

So let's invite people from the same area that may be with that crowd........and say all welcome........

Take a look at the Hidu's.......and Bangledesh..........the Hindu's are pissed.............they came there then started doing the extreme Islamic MAMBA............and they pushed back.........and they did so violently...........

And the world goes look at how bad they are............while overlooking what caused them to go postal on them and kick them out.........The Bengals were murdering and raping Hidu's...........and the Hindu's...............said I don't fucking think so.......and kicked their asses out..........same thing with India and Pakistan...........countries line's are Religious lines..........and it's brutal there....
Somebody is going.....the native Swedes or the immigrants. Only k00k progressives, still romanticized with multiculturalism, think if some institutions are changed, everything will end up hunky dorey!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The intellectuals always think their thinking can change what thousands of years of history have taught us well!:cul2:
What constitutes a “warped” mind? And what is the standard by which this mind is deemed “warped”?

Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.
And the people are increasingly leaning for the removal of invaders. So... once they decide to “remove them... You’ll fall in line. Yes...?

No. Not if it means mass murder or the expulsion of citizens.

How about you and Eagle since he agrees with you?
My blood. My soil. Now... How bout that dance?
What constitutes a “warped” mind? And what is the standard by which this mind is deemed “warped”?

Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.
And the people are increasingly leaning for the removal of invaders. So... once they decide to “remove them... You’ll fall in line. Yes...?

No. Not if it means mass murder or the expulsion of citizens.

How about you and Eagle since he agrees with you?
I would revoke their citizenship and throw them out............yep..............

They are new there and are causing crime to go through the roof..........but I'd never have accepted them to begin with so you could wave a piece of paper in the air and say.............they are citizens now....................It was people like you that want them in...............and when the shit hit's the fan and crime increases you avoid that side of the discussion like a kid playing dodgeball.............
C’mon “Coyote” all that gyrating you been doin’... Surely you got somethin’ left for me...?
Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.
And the people are increasingly leaning for the removal of invaders. So... once they decide to “remove them... You’ll fall in line. Yes...?

No. Not if it means mass murder or the expulsion of citizens.

How about you and Eagle since he agrees with you?
I would revoke their citizenship and throw them out............yep..............

They are new there and are causing crime to go through the roof..........but I'd never have accepted them to begin with so you could wave a piece of paper in the air and say.............they are citizens now....................It was people like you that want them in...............and when the shit hit's the fan and crime increases you avoid that side of the discussion like a kid playing dodgeball.............

You would revoke the citizenship of people who commited no crimes?

Where would you throw them?
What constitutes a “warped” mind? And what is the standard by which this mind is deemed “warped”?

Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.

Mass murder doesn't need to be legalized... it's a natural outflow of the Human Experiment.

The action that can and should be taken is to agree as a society to punish humans convicted of committing it. The unfortunate reality is that a mass murderer can work with relative impunity as long as he can maintain control over a large enough army to control a piece of land arbitrarily designated with geographic borders as a 'country'.

It's not as bad as in the days of feudal Europe when the 99% were wholly owned right down to their virgin daughters by the good, Christian king, but control of a national military remains the career launching pad for the world's most successful mass murderers.

So now the immigration problem and higher crime is Feudalism...............LOL

Riddle me this........in the middle east how do they treat christians..........they have wiped them out over time...........

So let's invite people from the same area that may be with that crowd........and say all welcome........

Take a look at the Hidu's.......and Bangledesh..........the Hindu's are pissed.............they came there then started doing the extreme Islamic MAMBA............and they pushed back.........and they did so violently...........

And the world goes look at how bad they are............while overlooking what caused them to go postal on them and kick them out.........The Bengals were murdering and raping Hidu's...........and the Hindu's...............said I don't fucking think so.......and kicked their asses out..........same thing with India and Pakistan...........countries line's are Religious lines..........and it's brutal there....

Wow. That's a stretch. Feudal Europe was mentioned only as a comparison, emphasizing with an extreme example the still relevant point that he or she who controls the military makes the rules, and mass murder is just one of the things still easily justifiable in the name of 'National Security'.

And this applies more to dictators and warlords in places like Syria, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and some of the other places where organizations of humans who control at least one army are pounding other organizations and individuals to bloody hell for whatever reason, not to modern, stable democracies.
Those enamored by mass murder usually have a degree of warpage.
You’re dodging. With so much conviction... You ought to be able to pin this down. So... Explain. I’m listening...

Do any countries have laws legalizing mass murder? That should indicate how far outside the civilized norm it is. The standard is defined by the law which is determined by the people.

Mass murder doesn't need to be legalized... it's a natural outflow of the Human Experiment.

The action that can and should be taken is to agree as a society to punish humans convicted of committing it. The unfortunate reality is that a mass murderer can work with relative impunity as long as he can maintain control over a large enough army to control a piece of land arbitrarily designated with geographic borders as a 'country'.

It's not as bad as in the days of feudal Europe when the 99% were wholly owned right down to their virgin daughters by the good, Christian king, but control of a national military remains the career launching pad for the world's most successful mass murderers.

So now the immigration problem and higher crime is Feudalism...............LOL

Riddle me this........in the middle east how do they treat christians..........they have wiped them out over time...........

So let's invite people from the same area that may be with that crowd........and say all welcome........

Take a look at the Hidu's.......and Bangledesh..........the Hindu's are pissed.............they came there then started doing the extreme Islamic MAMBA............and they pushed back.........and they did so violently...........

And the world goes look at how bad they are............while overlooking what caused them to go postal on them and kick them out.........The Bengals were murdering and raping Hidu's...........and the Hindu's...............said I don't fucking think so.......and kicked their asses out..........same thing with India and Pakistan...........countries line's are Religious lines..........and it's brutal there....

Wow. That's a stretch. Feudal Europe was mentioned only as a comparison, emphasizing with an extreme example the still relevant point that he or she who controls the military makes the rules, and mass murder is just one of the things still easily justifiable in the name of 'National Security'.

And this applies more to dictators and warlords in places like Syria, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and some of the other places where organizations of humans who control at least one army are pounding other organizations and individuals to bloody hell for whatever reason, not to modern, stable democracies.

Too true. Look at Myanmar.

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