Sweden swinging hard right!

hey , probably not gonna make a difference to old folks but might matter to Young Americans , Westerners and their kids Coyote . Plus i want board posters to see the spin that you s[out , Its quite a reputation that you are building Coyote .

That's just fine Pis...rather have that then a reputation for supporting the mass murder of innocent people.
----------------------------------------- for the record and for the hundredth time . i don't support harm to antone Coyote .

Well good Pis. I don't either. But plenty of folks here seem to and you don't seem to like having their views countered.
How many will be needed before it's justified.

How many pedophile Catholic Priests?
How many Christian abortion clinic bombers?

Save your double standards for another argument.
I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
Violent crime exploded after they let them up.......including Grenade attacks........I've shown that data.........

They were invited in by the Gov't elites and not necessarily the people. And after this it caused more crime.......including rape, murder, arson and grenade attacks............People get PISSED...........and now they are ready to undue the invitation and throw their asses out........

It's their right........it's their country.

Yes....just like the German people were right in 1930's and 40's...it was their country....right?
The people just got there and aren't adapting...........face it..........your liberal views are a failure.........you ignore the crime increases as a result and say charge them.......in the case of the wheel chair girl..............dang courts let them go........

What about the grenade attacks.....groping in public.......warning teenage girls to stay home in high refugee areas............they become prisoners in their own dang country because some idiot who thinks like you let them in..................and then ignore the consequences............LOL

They are newcomers........and yeah.........Sweden has every right to throw their asses out.........

Play the Hitler Nazi game with someone else........that dog doesn't hunt with me.
How many pedophile Catholic Priests?
How many Christian abortion clinic bombers?

Save your double standards for another argument.
I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
Violent crime exploded after they let them up.......including Grenade attacks........I've shown that data.........

They were invited in by the Gov't elites and not necessarily the people. And after this it caused more crime.......including rape, murder, arson and grenade attacks............People get PISSED...........and now they are ready to undue the invitation and throw their asses out........

It's their right........it's their country.

Yes....just like the German people were right in 1930's and 40's...it was their country....right?
The people just got there and aren't adapting...........face it..........your liberal views are a failure.........you ignore the crime increases as a result and say charge them.......in the case of the wheel chair girl..............dang courts let them go........

What about the grenade attacks.....groping in public.......warning teenage girls to stay home in high refugee areas............they become prisoners in their own dang country because some idiot who thinks like you let them in..................and then ignore the consequences............LOL

They are newcomers........and yeah.........Sweden has every right to throw their asses out.........

Play the Hitler Nazi game with someone else........that dog doesn't hunt with me.

There are people on this thread advocating killing them. What are your thoughts on that Eagle? A "Hitler Nazi" game?

Are you going to recommend deporting those who are citizens but the wrong ethnicity or religion? And where will you send them?
How many will be needed before it's justified.

How many pedophile Catholic Priests?
How many Christian abortion clinic bombers?

Save your double standards for another argument.
I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
And if groups of immigrants gang rape, slaughter, and call for an end to your culture, how many are needed before deporting them is justified.

Individuals rape and slaughter. Let the justice system handle it and deport them if they aren't citizens. Isn't that how crime is usually handled?
How about throwing the Muslim gangs out of the dang country.......don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Riddle me this............If that was your daughter in a wheel chair that got gang raped by 6 seeking asylum.........you wouldn't be pissed off.......I'd be more than pissed off ............they would be going to jail for their own dang safety........

You would just go OH WELL.............How about they respect the country that let them in and stop behaving like dang animals.
I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
Violent crime exploded after they let them up.......including Grenade attacks........I've shown that data.........

They were invited in by the Gov't elites and not necessarily the people. And after this it caused more crime.......including rape, murder, arson and grenade attacks............People get PISSED...........and now they are ready to undue the invitation and throw their asses out........

It's their right........it's their country.

Yes....just like the German people were right in 1930's and 40's...it was their country....right?
The people just got there and aren't adapting...........face it..........your liberal views are a failure.........you ignore the crime increases as a result and say charge them.......in the case of the wheel chair girl..............dang courts let them go........

What about the grenade attacks.....groping in public.......warning teenage girls to stay home in high refugee areas............they become prisoners in their own dang country because some idiot who thinks like you let them in..................and then ignore the consequences............LOL

They are newcomers........and yeah.........Sweden has every right to throw their asses out.........

Play the Hitler Nazi game with someone else........that dog doesn't hunt with me.

There are people on this thread advocating killing them. What are your thoughts on that Eagle? A "Hitler Nazi" game?

Are you going to recommend deporting those who are citizens but the wrong ethnicity or religion? And where will you send them?
I would send their asses out of the country back to their own dang countries or drop their butts back on the shores of Africa..........

And if they raped my daughter ..............yeah........I'd be ready to kill them. Clear it up for you........

You sit here all HIGH AND MIGHTY..........would you be so high and mighty if your husband was blown up by a grenade by these people.........You'd go..........I LOVE YOU MAN..............No the hell you wouldn't
How many pedophile Catholic Priests?
How many Christian abortion clinic bombers?

Save your double standards for another argument.
I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
And if groups of immigrants gang rape, slaughter, and call for an end to your culture, how many are needed before deporting them is justified.

Individuals rape and slaughter. Let the justice system handle it and deport them if they aren't citizens. Isn't that how crime is usually handled?
How about throwing the Muslim gangs out of the dang country.......don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Riddle me this............If that was your daughter in a wheel chair that got gang raped by 6 seeking asylum.........you wouldn't be pissed off.......I'd be more than pissed off ............they would be going to jail for their own dang safety........

You would just go OH WELL.............How about they respect the country that let them in and stop behaving like dang animals.

1. Individuals that commit crimes should be prosecuted and punished. Any disagreement there?

2. If it was my daughter I would want those 6 prosecuted to the nth degree and never see daylight out of prison again.

3. Most do respect the country that let them in...your news sources choose to focus on the crime though. I could post links but it wouldn't make any difference would it? It never has before.
agree , and to also say , they will never fit in and myself , i'd never want them to fit in even if they were all Angels which they will never be . They are alien and think alien for their 1400 years of being 'muslim' .
The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
Violent crime exploded after they let them up.......including Grenade attacks........I've shown that data.........

They were invited in by the Gov't elites and not necessarily the people. And after this it caused more crime.......including rape, murder, arson and grenade attacks............People get PISSED...........and now they are ready to undue the invitation and throw their asses out........

It's their right........it's their country.

Yes....just like the German people were right in 1930's and 40's...it was their country....right?
The people just got there and aren't adapting...........face it..........your liberal views are a failure.........you ignore the crime increases as a result and say charge them.......in the case of the wheel chair girl..............dang courts let them go........

What about the grenade attacks.....groping in public.......warning teenage girls to stay home in high refugee areas............they become prisoners in their own dang country because some idiot who thinks like you let them in..................and then ignore the consequences............LOL

They are newcomers........and yeah.........Sweden has every right to throw their asses out.........

Play the Hitler Nazi game with someone else........that dog doesn't hunt with me.

There are people on this thread advocating killing them. What are your thoughts on that Eagle? A "Hitler Nazi" game?

Are you going to recommend deporting those who are citizens but the wrong ethnicity or religion? And where will you send them?
I would send their asses out of the country back to their own dang countries or drop their butts back on the shores of Africa..........

And if they raped my daughter ..............yeah........I'd be ready to kill them. Clear it up for you........

You sit here all HIGH AND MIGHTY..........would you be so high and mighty if your husband was blown up by a grenade by these people.........You'd go..........I LOVE YOU MAN..............No the hell you wouldn't

What do you think you're? What God given right do you have to call for the slaughter of "those people" anywhere because someone of the same religion or ethnicity or race did something horrible?
agree , and to also say , they will never fit in and myself , i'd never want them to fit in even if they were all Angels which they will never be . They are alien and think alien for their 1400 years of being 'muslim' .

What makes you any different then they are then?
1. Individuals that commit crimes should be prosecuted and punished. Any disagreement there?
Of course I'd agree.......but you ignore the trend since they let them in..............violence and rape have went up massively since they were let in.........You ignore that factor.......and they are new there.......they are not required to keep them........They can revoke their status and throw them out.

2. If it was my daughter I would want those 6 prosecuted to the nth degree and never see daylight out of prison again.
Who wouldn't..............but according to the article the Political Correct circus let them out on the streets after they raped a wheel chair bound woman......
Remember the story of the boat load of refugees who threw christians overboard on the way to Europe..........hmmmm.....including a man in a wheel chair........tell me you want them in your dang neighborhood.

3. Most do respect the country that let them in...your news sources choose to focus on the crime though. I could post links but it wouldn't make any difference would it? It never has before.
So says you.............ALWAYS.......as you ignore the evidence that this was a bad idea as seen all over Europe.
Violent crime exploded after they let them up.......including Grenade attacks........I've shown that data.........

They were invited in by the Gov't elites and not necessarily the people. And after this it caused more crime.......including rape, murder, arson and grenade attacks............People get PISSED...........and now they are ready to undue the invitation and throw their asses out........

It's their right........it's their country.

Yes....just like the German people were right in 1930's and 40's...it was their country....right?
The people just got there and aren't adapting...........face it..........your liberal views are a failure.........you ignore the crime increases as a result and say charge them.......in the case of the wheel chair girl..............dang courts let them go........

What about the grenade attacks.....groping in public.......warning teenage girls to stay home in high refugee areas............they become prisoners in their own dang country because some idiot who thinks like you let them in..................and then ignore the consequences............LOL

They are newcomers........and yeah.........Sweden has every right to throw their asses out.........

Play the Hitler Nazi game with someone else........that dog doesn't hunt with me.

There are people on this thread advocating killing them. What are your thoughts on that Eagle? A "Hitler Nazi" game?

Are you going to recommend deporting those who are citizens but the wrong ethnicity or religion? And where will you send them?
I would send their asses out of the country back to their own dang countries or drop their butts back on the shores of Africa..........

And if they raped my daughter ..............yeah........I'd be ready to kill them. Clear it up for you........

You sit here all HIGH AND MIGHTY..........would you be so high and mighty if your husband was blown up by a grenade by these people.........You'd go..........I LOVE YOU MAN..............No the hell you wouldn't

What do you think you're? What God given right do you have to call for the slaughter of "those people" anywhere because someone of the same religion or ethnicity or race did something horrible?
Who the hell are you to judge me...............If they did that to my daughter.........in a wheel chair............I would hunt them down and put them down...........

You could hang me from a flag pole later........I wouldn't give a damn........I would protect my family from them when my own government will not bring them to justice.....

And who are you to say I'd slaughter them................I said I'd throw their asses out............and send them back to where the hell they came from.
I asked you first.

The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
And if groups of immigrants gang rape, slaughter, and call for an end to your culture, how many are needed before deporting them is justified.

Individuals rape and slaughter. Let the justice system handle it and deport them if they aren't citizens. Isn't that how crime is usually handled?
Not by ISIS, Al Qaeda, MS13, and many others.

Look up the RICO statutes and get back to me.

We aren't talking about ISIS, Al Qaeda or MS13 - we are talking about refugees, immigrants, migrants, etc in the country legally or illegally. There is a criminal justice and immigration system in place for each country to handle crimes. In civilized countries - if a person commits a crime, he is the only one charged and punished. Not every person of his race, religion or ethnicity in that country. But that is civilized nations...
Those are the people who make up the criminal groups. How many violent crimes before a country is justified in deporting them.
1. Individuals that commit crimes should be prosecuted and punished. Any disagreement there?
Of course I'd agree.......but you ignore the trend since they let them in..............violence and rape have went up massively since they were let in.........You ignore that factor.......and they are new there.......they are not required to keep them........They can revoke their status and throw them out.

2. If it was my daughter I would want those 6 prosecuted to the nth degree and never see daylight out of prison again.
Who wouldn't..............but according to the article the Political Correct circus let them out on the streets after they raped a wheel chair bound woman......
Remember the story of the boat load of refugees who threw christians overboard on the way to Europe..........hmmmm.....including a man in a wheel chair........tell me you want them in your dang neighborhood.

3. Most do respect the country that let them in...your news sources choose to focus on the crime though. I could post links but it wouldn't make any difference would it? It never has before.
So says you.............ALWAYS.......as you ignore the evidence that this was a bad idea as seen all over Europe.

Gang rape of disabled people is hardly unique to any one group: Disabled Ga. Girl Gang-Raped why is it more horrific when it's "those people" instead of "these people"?

And what is the "evidence" Eagle? Seems to be inconsistent at best:

Confusion over immigration and crime is roiling European politics
The answer is simple I thought you would realize it. If someone rapes someone. You arrest them and try them for rape. If someone goes on a killing spree, you arrest them and charge them with the appropriate offenses. If someone molests children...well ditto. I'm not going to suggest we mass murder Catholics because of the actions of some.

Mass murder by definition is never justified except in the most warped minds that decide to collectively punish a population because of who they are not what they did.
And if groups of immigrants gang rape, slaughter, and call for an end to your culture, how many are needed before deporting them is justified.

Individuals rape and slaughter. Let the justice system handle it and deport them if they aren't citizens. Isn't that how crime is usually handled?
Not by ISIS, Al Qaeda, MS13, and many others.

Look up the RICO statutes and get back to me.

We aren't talking about ISIS, Al Qaeda or MS13 - we are talking about refugees, immigrants, migrants, etc in the country legally or illegally. There is a criminal justice and immigration system in place for each country to handle crimes. In civilized countries - if a person commits a crime, he is the only one charged and punished. Not every person of his race, religion or ethnicity in that country. But that is civilized nations...
Those are the people who make up the criminal groups. How many violent crimes before a country is justified in deporting them.

MS-13 is made up of American citizensas well - it was formed in Los Angeles. Where would you deport them to?

Here are some more criminal gangs- where would you deport them to?
National Socialist Underground (NSU)

Racist, violent, unpunished: A white hate group’s campaign of menace — ProPublica
British Neo-Nazis Are on the Rise — and They’re Becoming More Organized and Violent

Violent gangs and gang warfare are nothing new...Gangs in the United States - Wikipedia
And if groups of immigrants gang rape, slaughter, and call for an end to your culture, how many are needed before deporting them is justified.

Individuals rape and slaughter. Let the justice system handle it and deport them if they aren't citizens. Isn't that how crime is usually handled?
Not by ISIS, Al Qaeda, MS13, and many others.

Look up the RICO statutes and get back to me.

We aren't talking about ISIS, Al Qaeda or MS13 - we are talking about refugees, immigrants, migrants, etc in the country legally or illegally. There is a criminal justice and immigration system in place for each country to handle crimes. In civilized countries - if a person commits a crime, he is the only one charged and punished. Not every person of his race, religion or ethnicity in that country. But that is civilized nations...
Those are the people who make up the criminal groups. How many violent crimes before a country is justified in deporting them.

MS-13 is made up of American citizens for the most part - it was formed in Los Angeles. Where would you deport them to?

Here are some more criminal gangs- where would you deport them to?
National Socialist Underground (NSU)

Racist, violent, unpunished: A white hate group’s campaign of menace — ProPublica
British Neo-Nazis Are on the Rise — and They’re Becoming More Organized and Violent

Violent gangs and gang warfare are nothing new...Gangs in the United States - Wikipedia
El Salvador and Honduras, from whence they came.

Check out those RICO statutes then look up American citizen Lefty Luciano.
1. Individuals that commit crimes should be prosecuted and punished. Any disagreement there?
Of course I'd agree.......but you ignore the trend since they let them in..............violence and rape have went up massively since they were let in.........You ignore that factor.......and they are new there.......they are not required to keep them........They can revoke their status and throw them out.

2. If it was my daughter I would want those 6 prosecuted to the nth degree and never see daylight out of prison again.
Who wouldn't..............but according to the article the Political Correct circus let them out on the streets after they raped a wheel chair bound woman......
Remember the story of the boat load of refugees who threw christians overboard on the way to Europe..........hmmmm.....including a man in a wheel chair........tell me you want them in your dang neighborhood.

3. Most do respect the country that let them in...your news sources choose to focus on the crime though. I could post links but it wouldn't make any difference would it? It never has before.
So says you.............ALWAYS.......as you ignore the evidence that this was a bad idea as seen all over Europe.

Gang rape of disabled people is hardly unique to any one group: Disabled Ga. Girl Gang-Raped why is it more horrific when it's "those people" instead of "these people"?

And what is the "evidence" Eagle? Seems to be inconsistent at best:

Confusion over immigration and crime is roiling European politics
I already posted a site............If you don't like that site then I suggest you send them a written complaint about it and not to me........

And nice attempt to deflect on the stats over there which are against you........Crime as skyrocketed after they let them in.......You ignore it and say anyone not thinking they have the right to stay are Nazi's and Hitler..........Bogus.............

They are new...........they were invited and can be UNINVITED...............Whether you like it or not.........when they get in they refuse to adapt to the culture of that country and then DEMAND the HOST COUNTRY ADAPT TO THEM.............that is not the way it should work...........Adapt or get the fuck out.
Yes....just like the German people were right in 1930's and 40's...it was their country....right?
The people just got there and aren't adapting...........face it..........your liberal views are a failure.........you ignore the crime increases as a result and say charge them.......in the case of the wheel chair girl..............dang courts let them go........

What about the grenade attacks.....groping in public.......warning teenage girls to stay home in high refugee areas............they become prisoners in their own dang country because some idiot who thinks like you let them in..................and then ignore the consequences............LOL

They are newcomers........and yeah.........Sweden has every right to throw their asses out.........

Play the Hitler Nazi game with someone else........that dog doesn't hunt with me.

There are people on this thread advocating killing them. What are your thoughts on that Eagle? A "Hitler Nazi" game?

Are you going to recommend deporting those who are citizens but the wrong ethnicity or religion? And where will you send them?
I would send their asses out of the country back to their own dang countries or drop their butts back on the shores of Africa..........

And if they raped my daughter ..............yeah........I'd be ready to kill them. Clear it up for you........

You sit here all HIGH AND MIGHTY..........would you be so high and mighty if your husband was blown up by a grenade by these people.........You'd go..........I LOVE YOU MAN..............No the hell you wouldn't

What do you think you're? What God given right do you have to call for the slaughter of "those people" anywhere because someone of the same religion or ethnicity or race did something horrible?
Who the hell are you to judge me...............If they did that to my daughter.........in a wheel chair............I would hunt them down and put them down...........

You could hang me from a flag pole later........I wouldn't give a damn........I would protect my family from them when my own government will not bring them to justice.....

And who are you to say I'd slaughter them................I said I'd throw their asses out............and send them back to where the hell they came from.

Plenty here are saying slaughter them - and few are speaking up against it. Pardon me for getting confused as to who does and does not support mass murder.

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