Sweden's Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be The Worlds

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but
Wow 40%? If that's true, that is great news. Hopefully some mathematicians will get busy and verify Tom Britton's calculations.
The "I Want To Be Free" crowd is pushing herd immunity, when in Korea and other countries, people are catching the damned thing a second time within a few months. We don't know that there IS immunity to this thing. Can you catch the common cold twice in one season? Yeah, you can. Some viruses, the herd immunity thing doesn't work quite the way it does for small pox or measles.

We need more time to make that conjecture. If those people who have been exposed don't catch it for the next year, then great. We've answered a question. But it is too soon to know, and researchers are not at all sure that herd immunity is going to work with this thing.
Herd immunity is the way to go.

"Herd immunity" is an argument of lazybones who don't want to fight against Corona.

Natural immunity is exponentially better than any vaccines which have contaminated animal seed lines. No thanks dude. Y'all can pump yourself full of that cell damaging junk.
Trusting Liberals will be willing guinea pigs for the hastily brewed concoction. Hopefully they don't turn into "I Am Legend" DarkSeekers.

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but

SWEDEN HAS THE 8TH HIGHEST PER CAPITA LEVEL OF DEATH FROM CORONAVIRUS ON THE PLANET! They are the perfect example of what NOT to do when it comes to coronavirus.

Some things you should know about Sweden:

01. They have a low rate of per capita testing. Infections and deaths from coronavirus are going unreported.
02. Poor surveillance and information on where the virus is and who is infected, dead or alive, makes it difficult to defeat the pathogen.
03. the per capita death rate from coronavirus could by higher than it is right now and probably is. They could potentially have the highest number of per capita deaths in the world instead of the 8th highest.
04. Sweden has a low population density which works in its favor a country of 10 million people larger than most U.S. states. New York City almost has as many people. If New York City had adopted Sweden's approach, the city would have collapsed from all the extra deaths it would have incurred.

THE COUNTRY that has the BEST RECORD on coronavirus is TAIWAN! TAIWAN is doing the exact opposite of going for herd immunity and is protecting the population as much as possible.

Only 7 people have died in TAIWAN, the 12 most densely populated country on earth with 24 million people squeezed into an area 1/3 the size of Pennsylvania.

TAIWAN only had 440 of its 24 million people get infected. There are currently only 50 people in TAIWAN who still have active cases of the virus.

TAIWAN shows how you save lives and do the best to help the economy. Sweden shows how you kill the most people, without little benefit to their economy.

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but

I think this approach was reasonable. As you learn more, share details with citizens and people will respond accordingly. Nobody wants to endanger more vulnerable citizen, so they will respond accordingy.

The problem is the lack of information early an the dire situation places like Italy faced that scared all of us. With the Communist being so secretive, they are responsible for all of this destruction.

Not to mention the Monday Morning Quarterbacks on this board who sit back and look for some kind of miracle and insist everyone stay in their basement until every fucking germ on the globe is eliminated.

There is a Science to fighting a dangerous pathogen. Smart people follow that science. The idiots do something else.

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but
It took a LOT of courage for Sweden's leaders to trust their own scientists and not follow us and the rest of the world into the massive lockdown over-reaction. When you have models predicting MILLIONS of deaths, it takes a big set of cajones to say "Nah that's bullshit, we got this". If there was a global Medal of Valor, Sweden should get it.


Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but
Sweden's Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be The Worlds

It may be....I was duped in the beginning.....Trump needs to speak to the nation from the oval office and explain his thinking and to allow us to go back to work......the cure is now worse than the virus....at the very least Trump needs to bring in other experts to join Fauci so he can get a full picture of what is going on.....

Unemployment of 14.7% is far better than millions of people dying. You defeat a pathogen by denying it hosts. You deny it hosts through isolation of people.

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but
Sweden's Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be The Worlds

It may be....I was duped in the beginning.....Trump needs to speak to the nation from the oval office and explain his thinking and to allow us to go back to work......the cure is now worse than the virus....at the very least Trump needs to bring in other experts to join Fauci so he can get a full picture of what is going on.....

Unemployment of 14.7% is far better than millions of people dying. You defeat a pathogen by denying it hosts. You deny it hosts through isolation of people.

You don't quarantine healthy people. The absolute stupidity in this is just staggering.
Swedens Corona strategy is to do on the own free will, what others do because they have to be forced. This will not work in most cases in other nations. And it works also not very good in Sweden itself, if someone compares Sweden with all other countries in the North of Europe. Only in England is the situation more worse than in Sweden.

Great Britain 49.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Sweden 32.5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Netherlands 32 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Germany 9.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Poland 2.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Norway 4.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Finland 5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Iceland 2.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Estonia 4.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Lithuania 1.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Latvia 0.9 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
... (May 13th 2020)

And the strategy in Sweden never had anything to do with "herd immunity" = the strategy to do nothing and to let die everyone in the gutter. For a virus (or the nature in general) it is for example not any problem to extinct a complete species and to die out on the own afterwards. A virus has nothing what we could call self-preservation capacity. A virus is insensitive. If Corona-2 mutates - and the more Corona-2 viruses exist the higher is the chance of mutations - then in a worst case scenario a descendant of the Corona-2 virus could in theory erase all mankind within a month. Sure this virus would die out afterwards too - but who cares, if not we now? The virus about itself? For sure life adapts itself very easily if all Corona-viruses and all human beings will die out. That's no problem for our planet.

If you read the article....50% of Sweden's fatalities are people in nursing homes. The result of failure to get that right.

Other countries have had the same issue...but not at 50%.

The comparison really does not matter.

And that is the point of the article.

Sweden is already where other countries will have to be. Open.

They lead the way.

As the U.S. opens up, we become more like Sweden.

The criteria for doing well is how many new infections and new deaths are occurring. Sweden is not doing very well. TAIWAN is doing great.

Our goal should be what TAIWAN has done. It would be stupid to open up and allow the virus to spread and kill more Americans. Just exactly how many Americans would you like to see killed by this virus? The virus needs oxygen to survive, in this case, that oxygen is more people, more hosts. Reduce isolation, and you risk spreading the fire and killing more people.

Oh, and people in Nursing Homes have just as much right to life as anyone.

The United States criteria for success is reducing the number of new infections per day as well as the number of new deaths. Opening up risks, making those numbers go up or stay up substantially. It will also keep the economy relatively weak, because few people will want to expose themselves to a dangerous environment. Consumers will stay at home longer and the economy will suffer as a result. Opening up won't save any economy if consumers don't feel safe to come back.

Just because you build a business or open a business does not mean people will come and buy your shit. The consumer is the ultimate decider in all of this, and as long as they don't feel safe, opening up won't do anything for the economy.

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but
Sweden's Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be The Worlds

It may be....I was duped in the beginning.....Trump needs to speak to the nation from the oval office and explain his thinking and to allow us to go back to work......the cure is now worse than the virus....at the very least Trump needs to bring in other experts to join Fauci so he can get a full picture of what is going on.....

Unemployment of 14.7% is far better than millions of people dying. You defeat a pathogen by denying it hosts. You deny it hosts through isolation of people.

You don't quarantine healthy people. The absolute stupidity in this is just staggering.

Any healthy person is a potential hosts that the virus can use to spread itself. You quarantine healthy people to prevent them from spreading the virus.
Herd immunity is the way to go.

"Herd immunity" is an argument of lazybones who don't want to fight against Corona.

Natural immunity is exponentially better than any vaccines which have contaminated animal seed lines. No thanks dude. Y'all can pump yourself full of that cell damaging junk.

Vaccines work, but it would not be necessary if people would simply isolate long enough for the virus to burn out. Its what TAIWAN has done. Only 440 infections and 7 deaths. Only 50 active cases in a country of 24 million people now, and dropping every day.

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but
Sweden's Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be The Worlds

It may be....I was duped in the beginning.....Trump needs to speak to the nation from the oval office and explain his thinking and to allow us to go back to work......the cure is now worse than the virus....at the very least Trump needs to bring in other experts to join Fauci so he can get a full picture of what is going on.....

Unemployment of 14.7% is far better than millions of people dying. You defeat a pathogen by denying it hosts. You deny it hosts through isolation of people.

You don't quarantine healthy people. The absolute stupidity in this is just staggering.

Any healthy person is a potential hosts that the virus can use to spread itself. You quarantine healthy people to prevent them from spreading the virus.

youre wasting your time - rightwingers are too stupid to fathom the dynamics of fighting a pandemic

their own leader refuses to wear a mask

zaangalewa whines again.

We know this disease kills people. It will kill people no matter what we do. But the people dying already have one foot in the grave. They're old people who are going to die soon anyway. We can let our economy die too.

You can rebuild any economy. You can't resurrect someone who has physically died. You don't surrender your rights as a human just because you are older.

Hiroshima was nuked on August 6, 1945, but was fully rebuilt and a larger city by 1958. So this idea that the economy will die because a large segment of the population is staying home is false. Economies don't die unless all the people do.

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but

we are truly sorry that we tried to minimize deaths due to the virus that we knew so little about.

we apologize.

go right ahead and get back to business and let us know if you get the virus and die....or not....

we are quite interested to see how this affects you.

i can truly understand why you hate people who were trying to keep you alive when confronted with a virus that could have killed you!

and next time you see an unmarked bottle of.....something?....go right ahead and drink it! who cares what it is! don't let any namby pamby liberals keep you from committing suicide.....

Let's just litter the thread with Red Herrings.

1. We really don't want you minimizing anything for us as you don't know what the fuck you are doing.
2. Feel free to scare others into their basements and give the chance to starve down there waiting for your remedy.
3. We knew how it affected us before hand and we've been learning ever since.
4. As for your dumbassed bottle analogy, if I want to take active steps to kill myself I will do that as I want. If I feel I can safely avoid issues and continue with my life, I'll pass by your bottle. But since you left wingers are all bent on saving us, why don't you all go to New York and help them. They seem to be drinking from every bottle they can find.

Have a day.

The state of New York only had 115 deaths yesterday. The other 1,657 deaths were provided by other states yesterday.

Of course, if you were the Mayor of New York City, they would still be having over 1,000 deaths a day given your praise of opposing lockdowns and allow the virus more opportunities to spread by which it kills a larger number of people.

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but
Sweden's Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be The Worlds

It may be....I was duped in the beginning.....Trump needs to speak to the nation from the oval office and explain his thinking and to allow us to go back to work......the cure is now worse than the virus....at the very least Trump needs to bring in other experts to join Fauci so he can get a full picture of what is going on.....

Unemployment of 14.7% is far better than millions of people dying. You defeat a pathogen by denying it hosts. You deny it hosts through isolation of people.

You don't quarantine healthy people. The absolute stupidity in this is just staggering.

Any healthy person is a potential hosts that the virus can use to spread itself. You quarantine healthy people to prevent them from spreading the virus.

No, it doesn't work. It's never been done in the history of the world. You quarantine the sick.
zaangalewa whines again.

We know this disease kills people. It will kill people no matter what we do. But the people dying already have one foot in the grave. They're old people who are going to die soon anyway. We can let our economy die too.

I am unwilling to sign up for that statement.

We should be protecting them.

We don't need to shut down the economy to do it.

The only way to kill a pathogen, is to isolate it from more hosts. The economy we'll be fine, and anything that is lost economically can be rebuilt. What you can't do, is resurrect someone who has physically died from this virus.

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but
Sweden's Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be The Worlds

It may be....I was duped in the beginning.....Trump needs to speak to the nation from the oval office and explain his thinking and to allow us to go back to work......the cure is now worse than the virus....at the very least Trump needs to bring in other experts to join Fauci so he can get a full picture of what is going on.....

Unemployment of 14.7% is far better than millions of people dying. You defeat a pathogen by denying it hosts. You deny it hosts through isolation of people.

You don't quarantine healthy people. The absolute stupidity in this is just staggering.

Any healthy person is a potential hosts that the virus can use to spread itself. You quarantine healthy people to prevent them from spreading the virus.

No, it doesn't work. It's never been done in the history of the world. You quarantine the sick.

Tell that to TAIWAN. Only 440 infections and 7 deaths. They currently only have 50 active cases and that number is falling every day.

TAIWAN has the best record, and they have it because they were able to isolate the pathogen. That involved restrictions and isolation of millions of people who were healthy.

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