Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades - Yahoo! News

Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades

A car exploded in the middle of the seasonal shopping frenzy, shooting flames and causing several smaller blasts as people ran screaming from the scene. The blast that killed the alleged bomber came moments later further a few blocks away from the car explosion on a busy pedestrian street.
Experts said the alleged bomber probably didn't succeed in detonating all the explosives and could have caused much greater damage.
While police haven't confirmed Saturday's attack was motivated by Islamist views, an audio file sent to Swedish news agency TT shortly before the blast referred to jihad, Sweden's military presence in Afghanistan and a cartoon by a Swedish artist that depicted the Prophet Muhammad as a dog, enraging the Muslim world.

The most tolerant being attacked by the least tolerant.

The only thing that's shocking is that it took this long.
Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades - Yahoo! News

Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades

A car exploded in the middle of the seasonal shopping frenzy, shooting flames and causing several smaller blasts as people ran screaming from the scene. The blast that killed the alleged bomber came moments later further a few blocks away from the car explosion on a busy pedestrian street.
Experts said the alleged bomber probably didn't succeed in detonating all the explosives and could have caused much greater damage.
While police haven't confirmed Saturday's attack was motivated by Islamist views, an audio file sent to Swedish news agency TT shortly before the blast referred to jihad, Sweden's military presence in Afghanistan and a cartoon by a Swedish artist that depicted the Prophet Muhammad as a dog, enraging the Muslim world.

The most tolerant being attacked by the least tolerant.

The only thing that's shocking is that it took this long.

Hey You! Yes You! What planet to you live on? Muslims don't kill. Christians do.

Thankfully only the bomber was killed and now maybe the Swedes will be the first to start sending the malcontents back where they came from.
According to some liberal leaders, the christian taliban is more dangerous than the actual taliban.

Just ask them, and they can come up with at least 3 instances is the past 20 years. Just don't offend them by letting them know the actual muslim terrorist did more last week and will do it again this week, and the week after that, so on and so on.
Sweden calls Stockholm blasts 'terrorist attack' - World news - Europe - msnbc.com

The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter quoted a man called Pascal, a trained medic, as saying, "It looked as if the man had carried something that exploded in his stomach."

"He had no injuries to the face or body in general and the shops around were not damaged."

The newspaper Aftonbladet quoted a source as saying that the man was carrying six pipe bombs, of which only one exploded.

He also had a rucksack full of nails and suspected explosive material, the newspaper said. It also quoted eyewitnesses saying the man was shouting in what was apparently Arabic.

The police declined to comment on that report.

There is never really a bright side in these kinds of stories but on a less sad note, this looks (if it's not too early to say) like another "shoe bomber"/"underwear bomber" Muhammad Al Retarded. Sadly two injured but at least, as far as I know, he only killed himself.
Thankfully only the bomber was killed and now maybe the Swedes will be the first to start sending the malcontents back where they came from.

Dont hold your breath. Murder over a cartoon, and they didn't wake up, about 3000 killed here and we didn't take notice.

We have to tolerate everyone and everything just to make sure we don't offend anyone.

It doesn't matter what they do, their will be some that aren't crazy, so we or they, can't or wont' weed out the crazies.

Taimour Abdulwahab (28),

“Now, your children — daughters and sisters — will die like our brothers and sisters and children die,” it continued. “Our actions will speak for themselves. As long as you do not end your war against Islam and the insult against the prophet and your stupid support for that pig Vilks

The recorded message sent to Swedish news organizations demanded that Muslims in Sweden “stop sucking up and degrading yourselves,” and broadened the appeal to “all mujahedeen,” or holy warriors, in Europe. “Now it’s time to attack,” it said. “Do not wait any longer. Come forth with whatever you have, even if it is a knife, and I know that you can bring more than knives. Fear no one. Do not be afraid of jail. Do not fear death.”

The Jawa Report: VBIED Splodes in Stockholm (Updated/Rebumped) Islamic Terrorism Confirmed (Exclusive Images of Bomber Must Cite Jawa Report) Sticky

The Religion of Perpetual Outrage
Well, it looks like the leftist school of non-thought that says, "If we leave them alone, they'll leave us alone!" is shot out of the saddle.
It's very sad what happened. Sweden is one of the most tolerant and open minded countries of Europe that has opened its doors to countless refugees from war-torn countries. Huge majority of these immigrants are decent people in search of better life and this should not throw bad light on them only because some mentally unstable fuckwad decides to blow his insides out one beautiful winter day ...

Right after this happened, there was a gathering of Muslims for Peace and Justice on the main square expressing outrage and sadness over this ... I'm afraid how this might affect Muslims in this country in form of a raging backlash - there already is extreme-right racist political party in the parliament :doubt:

Very sad. Very sad indeed.
Who says the swedes are most tolerant?

I say that if they don't start deporting the high-risk demographic they are stupid. Its more than past time when "enough is enough".

And you obviously have shit for brains for even suggesting something like this. No government - no democratic government - could ever deport any 'population' or group of people for any reason whatsoever, not to mention actions of one misguided and probably mentally unstable individual.

But I know, I'm aware that you and many others come to this forum just to talk shit. So, I'm pretty sure that in a face to face discussion you would never actually voice such an opinion. Unless you really are retarded or a fascist.
Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades - Yahoo! News

Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades

A car exploded in the middle of the seasonal shopping frenzy, shooting flames and causing several smaller blasts as people ran screaming from the scene. The blast that killed the alleged bomber came moments later further a few blocks away from the car explosion on a busy pedestrian street.
Experts said the alleged bomber probably didn't succeed in detonating all the explosives and could have caused much greater damage.
While police haven't confirmed Saturday's attack was motivated by Islamist views, an audio file sent to Swedish news agency TT shortly before the blast referred to jihad, Sweden's military presence in Afghanistan and a cartoon by a Swedish artist that depicted the Prophet Muhammad as a dog, enraging the Muslim world.

The most tolerant being attacked by the least tolerant.

The only thing that's shocking is that it took this long.

Hey You! Yes You! What planet to you live on? Muslims don't kill. Christians do.


WRONG !!!!!


For Centuries BOTH Religious Whackjobs: Christians and Muslims slaughtered each other.

BUT ........... The Christian Arseholes OUTDID the Muslim Arseholes. For more than a century the Christian Arseholes nearly wiped EACH OTHER OUT !!!!



BTW, while the Murderous Religious Whackjobs were showing which god was the TRUE ONE ....... The Psycho Commie Secularists showed the World how one can accomplish what the Religious Whackjobs did in a somewhat ultimate way.
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The last thing the terrorist said was:
It's very sad what happened. Sweden is one of the most tolerant and open minded countries of Europe that has opened its doors to countless refugees from war-torn countries. Huge majority of these immigrants are decent people in search of better life and this should not throw bad light on them only because some mentally unstable fuckwad decides to blow his insides out one beautiful winter day ...

Right after this happened, there was a gathering of Muslims for Peace and Justice on the main square expressing outrage and sadness over this ... I'm afraid how this might affect Muslims in this country in form of a raging backlash - there already is extreme-right racist political party in the parliament :doubt:

Very sad. Very sad indeed.

Damn your an asshole, and ignorant of history asshole at that. If we were going to be shitty to all muslims, it would have started on 9/12.

So take you bullshit fear mongering elsewhere. No conservative has targeted a muslim market just to kill innocent people.
Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades - Yahoo! News

Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades

A car exploded in the middle of the seasonal shopping frenzy, shooting flames and causing several smaller blasts as people ran screaming from the scene. The blast that killed the alleged bomber came moments later further a few blocks away from the car explosion on a busy pedestrian street.
Experts said the alleged bomber probably didn't succeed in detonating all the explosives and could have caused much greater damage.
While police haven't confirmed Saturday's attack was motivated by Islamist views, an audio file sent to Swedish news agency TT shortly before the blast referred to jihad, Sweden's military presence in Afghanistan and a cartoon by a Swedish artist that depicted the Prophet Muhammad as a dog, enraging the Muslim world.

The most tolerant being attacked by the least tolerant.

The only thing that's shocking is that it took this long.

Hey You! Yes You! What planet to you live on? Muslims don't kill. Christians do.


WRONG !!!!!


For Centuries BOTH Religious Whackjobs: Christians and Muslims slaughtered each other.

BUT ........... The Christian Arseholes OUTDID the Muslim Arseholes. For more than a century the Christian Arseholes nearly wiped EACH OTHER OUT !!!!



BTW, while the Murderous Religious Whackjobs were showing which god was the TRUE ONE ....... The Psycho Commie Secularists showed the World how one can accomplish what the Religious Whackjobs did in a somewhat ultimate way.

And here is the asshat I predicted in post number 4.

Congrats, you showed up right on time.
It's very sad what happened. Sweden is one of the most tolerant and open minded countries of Europe that has opened its doors to countless refugees from war-torn countries. Huge majority of these immigrants are decent people in search of better life and this should not throw bad light on them only because some mentally unstable fuckwad decides to blow his insides out one beautiful winter day ...

Right after this happened, there was a gathering of Muslims for Peace and Justice on the main square expressing outrage and sadness over this ... I'm afraid how this might affect Muslims in this country in form of a raging backlash - there already is extreme-right racist political party in the parliament :doubt:

Very sad. Very sad indeed.

Damn your an asshole, and ignorant of history asshole at that. If we were going to be shitty to all muslims, it would have started on 9/12.

So take you bullshit fear mongering elsewhere. No conservative has targeted a muslim market just to kill innocent people.

Who's talking about conservatives? Where in the post did I say anything about any conservatives? And why the hell should I be an 'asshole' for saying what I said?

I'm talking about Sweden, a country that I happen to live in!

Wow, just wow, what happened to this board?
Hey You! Yes You! What planet to you live on? Muslims don't kill. Christians do.

Humans kill. Of all persuasions. Even the Hindi and the Buddhist. For they are human, too.

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