Swedish Pentecostal Pastor On Trial For Anti-Gay Hate Speech

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Powerman said:
The point is you tried to act as if the majority of pedophiles are homos when that simply wasn't the case. Be careful about how you say things next time.

So, what was the picture? :laugh:
KarlMarx said:
Yes, let's feed all the Christians to the lions!!!!

Awwww...Jeeeeez! Here we go again with the persecuted Christian complex. If you want to see Christians persecuted, go to Sudan, any Islamic republic or any Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist regime. Because it just ain't happening here in America.
Powerman said:
But what you are stating as truth is that certain people existed. That's not even the important stuff in the bible. If you can prove that the earth was covered with water above mount Everest with a few feet to spare then you're onto something.
Your original contention was that "most of the Bible has been proven to be false" and I provided several examples that disproved your claim.

I also stated that, apart from the first few chapters of Genesis ( which contain the flood account), most of the Bible is not only true, but verifiable. But perhaps you don't realize that the flood account is in the first chapters of Genesis, the first book of the Bible.

My feeling is that you don't know much about the Bible, nor have bothered to read it, yet you condemn it outright.
Bullypulpit said:
Awwww...Jeeeeez! Here we go again with the persecuted Christian complex. If you want to see Christians persecuted, go to Sudan, any Islamic republic or any Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist regime. Because it just ain't happening here in America.
Somewhat true.... but if we allow "hate speech" to become a crime then it won't be long before Christians are being persecuted in this country (just like the Tibetans are in theirs!)

Anyway, why is it that Christians and Jews have to constantly defend their beliefs? Why is the Bible always getting the Nth degree?

Why isn't anyone saying that the Buddha was just a figment of someone's imagination, and prove to them that he sat for 70 days and nights under that Banyan tree? And how do you know that by following the Eightfold Noble Path and believing in the Four Nobles Truths that you will actually attain a state of Nirvana?
Powerman said:
The point is you tried to act as if the majority of pedophiles are homos when that simply wasn't the case. Be careful about how you say things next time.

They are. You are simply refusing to associate the numbers based on percentages.

But that is O.K. for you. Like I said, no worries.

The thread is about freedom of speech. Any religious (or non-religious) person in Sweden who quotes certain scriptures directly out of the Bible, can be arrested for a hate crime.

rtwngAvngr said:
Here's an example, you're gonna die. That is predermined. How you live your life till then is not predetermined. So some things ARE predermined, and some things are NOT predermined. Maybe you don't believe the concept of prophetic knowledge is incompatible with the concept of free will, but it's just not for the same reason. Some things are known some, some things arent. You're free to do what you want, however, the day of judgement is coming. You get to choose good or evil. What say you?

Probably my worst post ever. I butchered the shit out of it LOL! I can admit it. THis post sucks.
GotZoom said:

Here goes.

Homosexuals Molest Children At A Far Higher Rate Than Heterosexuals

Homosexuals account for only 1-2% of our population based on current surveys. The National Opinion Research Center in 1992 found that 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women identified themselves as “homosexual” or “bisexual. A 1995 survey of 18-49-year-old men published by the Journal of Sex Research indicated that 2.6% of them had engaged in homosexual sex within the prior 12 months; 4% had had homosexual sex within the past five years. In other words, at least 98-99% of our population is heterosexual in orientation.

Homosexual activists routinely claim that most child molesters are “heterosexual” males, thus shifting the focus away from their own very high rates of molestation. Since 98-99% of the population is heterosexual, it is technically correct to say that most molestations are done by heterosexuals. However, statistics indicate that homosexuals pose a far more serious threat to children than do heterosexuals.

For example: In 1987, Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College conducted a ten-state study of sex abuse cases involving school teachers. He studied 199 cases. Of those, 122 male teachers had molested girls, while 14 female teachers had molested boys. He also discovered that 59 homosexual male teachers had molested boys and four female homosexual teachers had molested girls. In other words, 32 percent of those child molestation cases involved homosexuals. Nearly a third of these cases come from only 1-2% of the population.

Dr. Judith Reisman, in her book, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences, describes the research done by Dr. Gene Abel. This researcher compared the molestation rates of self-confessed homosexual and heterosexual child molesters. In a sample of 153 homosexual molesters, they confessed to a total of 22,981 molestations. This is equivalent to 150 children per molester. Self-admitted heterosexual molesters admitted to 4,435 molestations. This comes to 19.8 victims per molester. Dr. Abel concluded that homosexuals “sexually molest young boys at an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls.”

This high rate of molestations by homosexuals is consistent with other studies conducted during the past several decades. Here are just a few studies that show homosexuals molesting children at epidemic rates:

The Los Angeles Times conducted a survey in 1985 of 2,628 adults across the U.S. Of those, 27% of the women and 16% of the men had been sexually molested. Seven percent of the girls and 93% of the men had been molested by adults of the same sex. This means that 40% of child molestations were by homosexuals. (Los Angeles Times, August 25-6, 1985)

In 1984, a Vermont survey of 161 adolescents who were sex offenders found that 35 of them were homosexuals (22%). (Wasserman, J., “Adolescent Sex Offenders—Vermont, 1984” Journal American Medical Association, 1986; 255:181-2)

In 1991, of the 100 child molesters at the Massachusetts Treatment Center for Sexually Dangerous Persons, a third were heterosexual, a third were bisexual, and a third were homosexual. (Dr. Raymond Knight, “Differential Prevalence of Personality Disorders in Rapists and Child Molesters,” Eastern Psychological Association Conference, New York, April 12, 1991)

Drs. Freund and Heasman of the Clark Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto reviewed two studies on child molesters and calculated that 34% and 32% of the sex offenders were homosexual. In cases these doctors had handled, 36% of the molesters were homosexuals. (Freund, K. “Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality,” Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 1984; 10:193-200)


I'm at a loss, unless this is Kansas math. I'm pretty sure that a majority has to be at least 51%, feel free to post evidence to the contrary. The highest percentage you can come up with in your data is 40%, therefore, your claim that the majority of pedophiles are homosexual is false.
Powerman said:
You my friend are a fucking lunatic. Anyone who starts talking about end time prophecies being fullfilled should be immediately dismissed as a fucking loon by anyone on this board.

And I love how you criticize me for making an accusation and willfully admit that you are guilty of equating the 2 yourself. You're a pathetic retrograde individual.

Try again. YOU are the fucking lunatic. All you do is emotionally rant and rave about shit.

Pedophilia = disgusting abonormal behavior. Homosexuality = disgusting abnormal behavior.

Perhaps you can find solace in the fact that I probably wouldn't shoot two fags for being what they are while I wouldn't hesitate to blow away someons I caught molesting a child.

There's your differentiation.
Powerman said:
Depends on what your criteria for a sin is. I don't think homosexuality is a sin and I think that anyone who truly believes that is a fucking moron.

And I believe anyone willing to accept aberrant behavior as normal, when CLEARLY it is not is a dumber than a moron. Paramecium perhaps .....
Powerman said:
You my friend are a fucking lunatic. Anyone who starts talking about end time prophecies being fullfilled should be immediately dismissed as a fucking loon by anyone on this board.

And I love how you criticize me for making an accusation and willfully admit that you are guilty of equating the 2 yourself. You're a pathetic retrograde individual.

So because you don't believe the prophecies anyone who does is insane?

Me thinks you have some issues.

Whether you believe so or not, the prophecies will be fulfilled.
Powerman said:
Depends on what your criteria for a sin is. I don't think homosexuality is a sin and I think that anyone who truly believes that is a fucking moron.

You are amazingly arrogant. anyone who disagrees with you is a moron. Fabulous.

Tell me do you believe anything is a sin?
Powerman said:
Fair enough. I'll provide you with a couple examples.

For one we know the flood story to be a complete myth for several reasons.

1. It's scientifically impossible that it could have happened
2. There is geological evidence to suggest that it was merely a local river that may have killed no more than 1000 people
3. It is a complete plagerism of the Epic of Gilgamesh which is an old Babylonian tale and one that people believe is the first story ever written

The Bible says that the earth sits on top of pillars. We know that is not the case.

In the story of the Exodus the Pharoah's magicians are able to reproduce several of the plagues and magic tricks that Yahweh performs. Unless you believe in magic then this contradicts the idea that there is only one God.

In the bible there is mention of giant men who were over 11 feet tall and 7 feet wide. Nonsense...

They also claim that rain comes from God opening up the skies...if this book had any merit then they would know that there is a scientific explanation for such things.

I've given you an example of things that are obviously not true or just absurd in the bible.

Can you now tell me anything in the bible that IS true?

You know, having studied science a bit in my younger years I would have to point out that everytime scientists say something is scientifically impossible, someone who isnt as closed minded comes along and proves him wrong.

I mean look at the who geocentric v heliocentric model debate. Science of the day dictated that the earth was the center of the universe. Then other scientists came along with new modern tools and prove them wrong.

also you dismiss the flood to quickly. If the flood was isolated to a small part of the world why are their flood myths in major cultures throughout the world. The Greeks had a flood myth. So do various native American tribes. If the flood was localized to a small area why are there people on the other side of the world with flood myths?
Avatar4321 said:
also you dismiss the flood to quickly. If the flood was isolated to a small part of the world why are their flood myths in major cultures throughout the world. The Greeks had a flood myth. So do various native American tribes. If the flood was localized to a small area why are there people on the other side of the world with flood myths?

How can you use an American Indian flood myth as an argument for the big flood and the story of Noah? If the Noah story is true, all the inhabitants of the earth were wiped out except for those on the Ark. The American Indians would be the descendents of Noah who populated North America after making their way across an ocean. The Indians couldn't have witnessed the big flood and survived, as according to the Bible, only those on the Ark lived.
MissileMan said:
How can you use an American Indian flood myth as an argument for the big flood and the story of Noah? If the Noah story is true, all the inhabitants of the earth were wiped out except for those on the Ark. The American Indians would be the descendents of Noah who populated North America after making their way across an ocean. The Indians couldn't have witnessed the big flood and survived, as according to the Bible, only those on the Ark lived.

if you view the story of noah as a parable then it all makes perfect sense
manu1959 said:
if you view the story of noah as a parable then it all makes perfect sense

I understand the concept of parable. To some though, parable equals scientific evidence.
MissileMan said:
I understand the concept of parable. To some though, parable equals scientific evidence.

imho....the bible consists of historical writings / opinions of christ's life ..... parables and ..... "historical" stories told to make a point

the question i have been pondering is why did god bother to creat man in the first place
manu1959 said:
imho....the bible consists of historical writings / opinions of christ's life ..... parables and ..... "historical" stories told to make a point

the question i have been pondering is why did god bother to creat man in the first place

I agree with your assessment of the bible.

The question I've been pondering is why would a god bother to create man in the first place. :dunno:
MissileMan said:
How can you use an American Indian flood myth as an argument for the big flood and the story of Noah? If the Noah story is true, all the inhabitants of the earth were wiped out except for those on the Ark. The American Indians would be the descendents of Noah who populated North America after making their way across an ocean. The Indians couldn't have witnessed the big flood and survived, as according to the Bible, only those on the Ark lived.

Um duh. Of course American Indians are decendents of Noah. Who isn't?
The ClayTaurus said:
Darin is hardly a lunatic. You missed the entire point: you can compare anything you want to anything. I can compare him to Hitler. I might not find anything to equate between the two of them, besides that they both had two legs and two arms, but I can compare them all day long. It's one of Darin's pet peeves, the whole YOU CAN'T COMPARE THINGS argument.

Why don't you ease up on the insults? Simply no need.

good post. I also agree on your other assesment about politically correct.
KarlMarx said:
I think you all missed the point....

A pastor is jailed for expressing his religious beliefs and for exercising free speech....

The Roman Catholic Church's position on homosexuality is that it is a sin and "gravely disordered"... so a Cathoic priest saying the same thing in that country would have been jailed, too. And for nothing more than preaching the teachings of the Catholic Church.

It doesn't matter whether you agree with him or not.... this is the same type of crap that happens in China (why just the other day, some Pentacostals where jailed in China for printed bibles)

When you start labelling speech that you don't agree with as "hate speech"... it won't be long before other political freedoms are lost.

The supression of free speech and gun control was how Hitler ultimately came to power. Two of the lefts favorite freedoms to attack.
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