Swedish Pentecostal Pastor On Trial For Anti-Gay Hate Speech

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gop_jeff said:
Both are sexual sins.

Depends on what your criteria for a sin is. I don't think homosexuality is a sin and I think that anyone who truly believes that is a fucking moron.
gop_jeff said:
Well, that's your opinion. My opinion is that you are the most anti-Christian poster on this board, and that anyone who rants about Christians as much as you do should be immediately dismissed as a loon by anyone on this board.

Now you can say that the above comment is unfounded, undeserved, etc. etc. I would say the exact same thing about your orignial comment.

I only bash Christianity because most people here are Christians. I think that all stuperstitions are stupid. But that's not even the point of the discussion. That's for another time.

Do you believe that the world is about to end and that all these natural disasters are some sort of prophecy being fullfilled? I certainly don't. Anyone who would give any serious consideration to the book of Revelation has lost all capacity for rational thought.
Powerman said:
Depends on what your criteria for a sin is. I don't think homosexuality is a sin and I think that anyone who truly believes that is a fucking moron.

Yet, from a Biblical perspective, which is what the original story is about, they are both sexual sins. What you believe has absolutely no bearing on what the Bible says.
Powerman said:
Yes...but that doesn't make them equatable. You just made 2 random comparisons. That means nothing. If you want to have some stupid 3rd grade argument about this then I'm not going to play along.

If you can give me any reason why homosexuality and pedophilia are reasonably comparable then I'll listen.

You inflame very easily. And you're fighting the wrong person on the whole gay issue. All I was trying to find out is why you felt the need to be such a dick.
gop_jeff said:
Yet, from a Biblical perspective, which is what the original story is about, they are both sexual sins. What you believe has absolutely no bearing on what the Bible says.

Touche. And what the bible says has no bearing on reality.
Powerman said:
Do you believe that the world is about to end and that all these natural disasters are some sort of prophecy being fullfilled? I certainly don't. Anyone who would give any serious consideration to the book of Revelation has lost all capacity for rational thought.

Powerman's opinion does not (and cannot) affirm or deny the truth behind the prophecies in Revelation. If one can rationally conclude that the Bible is the Word of God, then one can rationally conclude that Revelation is a book to be taken seriously.
Powerman said:
Depends on what your criteria for a sin is. I don't think homosexuality is a sin and I think that anyone who truly believes that is a fucking moron.

What a kind, understanding, caring soul you are.

We believe in the Bible. You don't.

The Bible say that homosexuality is a sin. Case Closed.

It has been proven time and time again the a majority of pedophiles are homosexuals. Case Closed.

It is what we believe. You believe something different.

Case Closed.
Powerman said:
Depends on what your criteria for a sin is. I don't think homosexuality is a sin and I think that anyone who truly believes that is a fucking moron.

You dismiss Christianity as superstition, yet have the authority to define what is and is not a sin?
The ClayTaurus said:
You dismiss Christianity as superstition, yet have the authority to define what is and is not a sin?

I don't believe in the idea of "sin." I believe that we are smart enough in today's society to intuitively tell what is right and wrong. If it is natural for someone to be homosexual why can't they have CONSENSUAL sex with another homosexual? Doesn't seem to be harmful to me. And I personally find the idea quite repugnant. But repugnant!=evil.

I don't see how people can compare pedophilia which is clearly not consensual to consensual homosexuality. You'd really have to be a fucking idiot to see the 2 in the same light. And I will gladly hurl any warranted insult at any fucking idiot on this board that believes that.
GotZoom said:
What a kind, understanding, caring soul you are.

We believe in the Bible. You don't.

The Bible say that homosexuality is a sin. Case Closed.

It has been proven time and time again the a majority of pedophiles are homosexuals. Case Closed.

It is what we believe. You believe something different.

Case Closed.

The bible says homosexuality is a sin? Great. The bible says a lot of things, most of which have proven not to be true.

And where is your proof that the majority of pedophiles are homosexuals? It's been proven on this board that there are more girl cases of opposite sex pedophilia than same sex. So you either have a bad memory are you just told an outright lie. Which is it?
Powerman said:
I don't believe in the idea of "sin." I believe that we are smart enough in today's society to intuitively tell what is right and wrong. If it is natural for someone to be homosexual why can't they have CONSENSUAL sex with another homosexual? Doesn't seem to be harmful to me. And I personally find the idea quite repugnant. But repugnant!=evil.

I don't see how people can compare pedophilia which is clearly not consensual to consensual homosexuality. You'd really have to be a fucking idiot to see the 2 in the same light. And I will gladly hurl any warranted insult at any fucking idiot on this board that believes that.

But sin has religious connotations. The fact is, you don't have any grounds to declare what is and is not a sin just like I don't have any grounds to debate Hindu's on the intricacies of their religion.

If Christians think homosexuality is a sin because it says so in the Bible, than it is.

You can argue that it's not "wrong" in a societal sense, but you can't argue that it's not wrong in a "biblical" sense. You're overreaching.

And I didn't say you didn't have the right to hurl insults at whoever you wanted, just curious as to whether you expect to be taken as anything other than a 7th grader with the way you act.
Powerman said:
The bible says homosexuality is a sin? Great. The bible says a lot of things, most of which have proven not to be true.

And where is your proof that the majority of pedophiles are homosexuals? It's been proven on this board that there are more girl cases of opposite sex pedophilia than same sex. So you either have a bad memory are you just told an outright lie. Which is it?

What's been proven to be untrue in the bible?
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Powerman said:
Well I believe it is hate speech. It just so happens to be hate speech that is consistent with the Bible. Why should something hateful be protected just because it is part of a religion? I personally believe that he should be able to say what he wants if for no other reason to expose himself and his stupid religion for what it is. Hateful primitive nonsense.

The problem is this: One person's hate speech is another's free speech. You're a totalitarian. Pseudointellectuals like you scare me.
The ClayTaurus said:
What's been proven to be untrue in the bible?

You're opening up a huge can of worms here. Just about everything. Tell me what HAS been proven to be true in the bible?
rtwngAvngr said:
The problem is this: One person's hate speech is another's free speech. You're a totalitarian. Pseudointellectuals like you scare me.

LOL pseudointellectual eh...sorry I'm not worthy of talking to you. I never claimed to be a Nobel prize winner but my logic skills are as sharp as anyone on this board, that much I can promise you.
Powerman said:
You're opening up a huge can of worms here. Just about everything. Tell me what HAS been proven to be true in the bible?

No. I'm not making your argument for you. You said things have been proven to be untrue in the Bible. So, what are they? I don't need every one. Just give like, 3 examples. This is your claim that things were proven to be untrue, not my claim that things are proven true.
Powerman said:
LOL pseudointellectual eh...sorry I'm not worthy of talking to you. I never claimed to be a Nobel prize winner but my logic skills are as sharp as anyone on this board, that much I can promise you.

Your debate skills however, are lacking.
Powerman said:
Hateful primitive nonsense.

Pot. Kettle. Black?

Powerman said:
You my friend are a fucking lunatic. (you) should be immediately dismissed as a fucking loon by anyone on this board.

You're a pathetic retrograde individual.

lol :)
Powerman said:
LOL pseudointellectual eh...sorry I'm not worthy of talking to you. I never claimed to be a Nobel prize winner but my logic skills are as sharp as anyone on this board, that much I can promise you.

Well you seem to be unable to understand how there can be areas of self determination even when global macro events may be known. can you explain your trouble? It seems to be an intellectual problem.
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