Swedish Pentecostal Pastor On Trial For Anti-Gay Hate Speech

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MissileMan said:
Noone wants to use all of the information available when making claims about homosexual pedophiles.

Here are the figures that most people agree on:

25-40% of molestation victims were attacked by a homosexual pedophile

60-75% of molestation victims were attacked by a heterosexual pedophile

Homosexual pedophiles have seven times the number of victims that heterosexual pedophiles do.

Lets use the 25%/75% ratio for this example.

Out of 28 Victims, 7 would be victims of a single homosexual pedophile and 21 would be the victims of heterosexual pedophiles.

This maintains the proper ratio of victims 25%/75% and also takes into account that the homosexual pedophile has 7 times the number of victims as heterosexual pedophiles.

This very clearly puts the ratio of homosexual pedophiles to heterosexual pedophiles at 1:21, which coincidently comes out to less than 5%

Feel free to correct the math if I'm in error.

missleman said:
This maintains the proper ratio of victims 25%/75% and also takes into account that the homosexual pedophile has 7 times the number of victims as heterosexual pedophiles.
I don't understand your 'given' of 7 times the number of victims"...
musicman said:
And once - when you weren't looking - I did a cannonball.

None of this alters the fact that society faces a danger to its children from homosexuality. Whether it comes from a small handful of "super-predators" is irrelevant; the constant is THE BEHAVIOR. From the segment of the population that indulges THE BEHAVIOR, society faces a greater danger to its children. This is the plain, demonstrable truth. It is not society's obligation to agonize over the whys and wherefores. It is society's obligation to protect itself.

This would be a true statement if all pedophiles were homosexual. Since that's not true, you can't show a causality between homosexuality and pedophilia. And since 95% of pedophiles are heterosexual I guess you would argue that also means we need to protect our children from homosexuals?
Kathianne said:
I don't understand your 'given' of 7 times the number of victims"...

There have been numerous studies that have found a homosexual pedophile will molest 7 times the number of children that a heterosexual one does. It's a factor that must be taken into account because the 25%/75% ratio is about the number of victims, not the number of pedophiles.
MissileMan said:
There have been numerous studies that have found a homosexual pedophile will molest 7 times the number of children that a heterosexual one does. It's a factor that must be taken into account because the 25%/75% ratio is about the number of victims, not the number of pedophiles.

OOOhhhkkkkaaaayyy. In which case it seems that when it comes to pedeophilia, you are saying that in actuality, homosexuals are more dangerous to a larger number of children, though the actual number of pedophiles is proportionate to the number of homosexuals per population? Am I getting this now?
Kathianne said:
OOOhhhkkkkaaaayyy. In which case it seems that when it comes to pedeophilia, you are saying that in actuality, homosexuals are more dangerous to a larger number of children, though the actual number of pedophiles is proportionate to the number of homosexuals per population? Am I getting this now?

Yes Ma'am! :clap:
MissileMan said:
This would be a true statement if all pedophiles were homosexual.

No - the statement stands as a truth. 1-3% of the population perpetrates 20-40% of child molestations.

MissleMan said:
Since that's not true, you can't show a causality between homosexuality and pedophilia.

Yes, I can. 1-3% of the population perpetrates 20-40% of child molestations.

MissleMan said:
And since 95% of pedophiles are heterosexual


MissleMan said:
I guess you would argue that also means we need to protect our children from homosexuals?

That seems perfectly prudent and sensible to me. 1-3% of the population perpetrates 20-40% of child molestations.
MissileMan said:
There have been numerous studies that have found a homosexual pedophile will molest 7 times the number of children that a heterosexual one does. It's a factor that must be taken into account because the 25%/75% ratio is about the number of victims, not the number of pedophiles.

And this somehow...VINDICATES the behavior (homosexuality)?
MissileMan said:
Yes Ma'am! :clap:

Then one would be correct in extrapolating that homosexuals pose a danger to children by the sheer number of attacks, disproportionate to their general population numbers.

I would think that these kind of numbers work against the idea of gays adopting.
Kathianne said:
Then one would be correct in extrapolating that homosexuals pose a danger to children by the sheer number of attacks, disproportionate to their general population numbers.

I would think that these kind of numbers work against the idea of gays adopting.

The risk to children from homosexuals is the same as from heterosexuals, per capita.
MissileMan said:
I explained it very clearly in post 139. As I said, if you can refute the math...knock yourself out.

Even if true, it offers scant comfort to the GREAT NUMBERS of victims.

Honestly, MM - don't these statistics give you pause when the American debate turns to the legitimization of homosexuality?

Don't you agree that there is obviously something deeply disturbing - and dangerous to our children - about this behavior?
MissileMan said:
The risk to children from homosexuals is the same as from heterosexuals, per capita.

Ok, then what am I missing?

Originally Posted by MissileMan
Yes Ma'am!

quoted by Kathianne: Then one would be correct in extrapolating that homosexuals pose a danger to children by the sheer number of attacks, disproportionate to their general population numbers.

I would think that these kind of numbers work against the idea of gays adopting.
Kathy, just give up. These statistics can be twisted around left and right to support whatever foregone conclusion that you want. Let the two of them bash their statistical skulls in.
MissileMan said:
The risk to children from homosexuals is the same as from heterosexuals, per capita.

I'm damned if I can see how you arrive at that.

Ordinary Americans aren't number-crunchers, or psycholigists, or social engineers, MM. Nor is it their JOB to be. It's their job to protect their families.

Homosexual activists seek the legitimization of their behavior. In light of the plain truth - that society faces an astronomically greater danger to its children from homosexuals relative to their population numbers - I remain shocked they can even find an audience.
musicman said:
Even if true, it offers scant comfort to the GREAT NUMBERS of victims.

And what comfort is there for the majority of victims who were molested by a member of the opposite sex.

musicman said:
Honestly, MM - don't these statistics give you pause when the American debate turns to the legitimization of homosexuality?
Again, I don't believe the problem lies with homosexuality, but with pedophilia. If someone tries to legitimize pedophilia, I'll be at the front of the line with you to speak out against it.

musicman said:
Don't you agree that there is obviously something deeply disturbing - and dangerous to our children - about this behavior?

Pedophilia yes, homosexuality, no.
The ClayTaurus said:
Kathy, just give up. These statistics can be twisted around left and right to support whatever foregone conclusion that you want. Let the two of them bash their statistical skulls in.

I don't see where I'm "twisting" ANYTHING. I am stating a demonstrable truth.

Staying alive in the American debate requires energy, Clay. You're a smart guy. Please don't fall victim to the "Well, both sides are just twisting things their way" trap. That's exactly what the confounders and jargonists want you to do. It means they win. It means the truth is lost in the flood of verbiage.

Roll up your sleeves and join the fight!
MissileMan said:
Only a small percentage of homosexuals are pedophiles...approximately the same percentage as among heterosexuals.
But the 'few' hurt many more, right?
MissileMan said:
Only a small percentage of homosexuals are pedophiles...approximately the same percentage as among heterosexuals.

And yet they account for a number of molestations that is astronomically out of whack with their population numbers. I marvel that you see nothing disturbing about homosexuality in this, MM. With all respect and good will, you seem to have a blind spot.
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