Sweet Victory For Earth Is The Destruction Of Religion.

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!
There is no "factual evidence that every religion is based upon lies". No factual evidence whatsoever, and there never will be.

Not every religion requires Faith or the belief in God(s) or the belief in Supernatural forces, and thus, what is there to prove "untrue?"

Not that I view any of those things as "lies".

Sometimes religion has more to do with a philosophical viewpoint, or the way one celebrates their "moral" alignment, or the embracing of culture that one resonates with... rather than devotion to a God or Gods.

So many Mundanes assume that every religion must be like the Abrahamic religions. So many Mundanes assume that every religion is about followers who blindly follow the Leader while deepthroating more and more indoctrination until they are spiritually enslaved and can hardly think for themselves.
The foundation of every religion is a ridiculous story of how we got here.

The factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video will continue to go uncontested as Ashtara also confirmed by evading contesting those very facts with so much as a shred of validity but instead desperately scrambling to make Ashtara's delusions the issue. All this to do with what Ashtara is up too is already revealed within the video

Thanks for the demonstration of desperately scrambling to try and make your delusions the issue because of not being able to contest the facts that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!
It's amazing how the anti religion people all sound alike in trying to explain how their thought process is new and revolutionary
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The foundation of every religion is a ridiculous story of how we got here.

The factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video will continue to go uncontested as Ashtara also confirmed by evading contesting those very facts with so much as a shred of validity but instead desperately scrambling to make Ashtara's delusions the issue. All this to do with what Ashtara is up too is already revealed within the video

Thanks for the demonstration of desperately scrambling to try and make your delusions the issue because of not being able to contest the facts that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

Then by all means enlighten us. Tell us how we got here. We await your well of knowledge to overflow and save us all. Please provide us with a list of your books and publications and other credits so we may go out and purchase some of them.
The foundation of every religion is a ridiculous story of how we got here.

The factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video will continue to go uncontested as Ashtara also confirmed by evading contesting those very facts with so much as a shred of validity but instead desperately scrambling to make Ashtara's delusions the issue. All this to do with what Ashtara is up too is already revealed within the video

Thanks for the demonstration of desperately scrambling to try and make your delusions the issue because of not being able to contest the facts that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

Then by all means enlighten us. Tell us how we got here. We await your well of knowledge to overflow and save us all. Please provide us with a list of your books and publications and other credits so we may go out and purchase some of them.
I don't know about everybody else, but I drove.
The foundation of every religion is a ridiculous story of how we got here.

That's bullshit.

The foundation of every religion is NOT some story about how we got here.

Some religions don't find anything spiritually relevant about how the Universe, Earth or humanity was formed.

Some religions find it far more logical to focus on the present rather than arguing about some bullshit creation story our ancestors came up with to explain the Cosmos.

Not that I'm bashing the Enûma Eliš, I fucking love that story.

But oftentimes in these fantastical creation stories, there is a far deeper message beyond what people tend to see on the surface, when they attempt to understand the stories too literally.

Yet I have nothing against people who do take creation stories literally. Perhaps extraterrestrials did play a role in the formation of Man. I won't dismiss that possibility, and I may even play devil's advocate from time to time in the defense of such theories, but I don't preach such theories as if there were no other alternative.

There are indeed religions that embrace Science but do not find spiritual relevance in how Man/ the Earth/ the Universe was formed, and thus the foundation of every religion is NOT "some ridiculous story about how we got here".

You obviously know very little of religion.
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Religion is an attempt to answer the unprovable questions of where we come from, and what happens to the software that drives our flesh when we die.

For an opinion on the subject to be present, faith is required because those questions are, by definition, unprovable.

The closer we get to a reasonable explanation for how we came to exist, the easier it is to put religions, especially those religions that are based on ancient texts, in to proper perspective.
Religion is an attempt to answer the unprovable questions of where we come from, and what happens to the software that drives our flesh when we die.

For an opinion on the subject to be present, faith is required because those questions are, by definition, unprovable.

The closer we get to a reasonable explanation for how we came m. Pp to exist, the easier it is to put religions, especially those religions that based on ancient texts, in to proper perspective.

Religion is not an attempt to explain where we came from or what happens when we die.

Yes, many religions seek to explain these things.

But not all religions dwell on these pointless topics. For a religion to exist, it is not a prerequisite for it to attempt to explain the origins of Life, or what happens when we die.

And thus, religion is not an attempt to explain where we came from, or what happens when we die, as not all religions hold these topics to be relevant to their spiritual system.
True, any religion worth looking into is going to have to be more fulfilling than just having a believable answer to the unprovable questions, but for a philosophy to qualify as a religion, it must attempt to answer the unprovable queries.
Joe, that's not what religion is. If it was, then no one would be religious because of unanswered questions. I'm religious and certainly don't have all the answers, but that doesn't mean there are no answers. It means I haven't discovered them yet. In fact, the answers can even be revealed, but it takes forever for our intelligence to catch up to God's. Truth is, what we call physics, God calls technique. We don't create it, we stumble on to it. Then we strive to understand how it works.

For instance, anyone who has read the Bible knows that there are more dimensions than we have discovered. Their attributes are described in the Bible. But, until recently man couldn't wrap his head around those properties, and when a property unique to our realm was witnessed an immediate conclusion of lie, fable or metaphor arises as an explanation. e.g. Man can't float, therefore there was no Transfiguration, it is a fable. Philosophers merely ponder the things we can't explain. Like the 3 hour darkness that covered the earth during the crucifixion of Christ.

Ask science if they now believe it was possible for Christ to appear and disappear like it is recorded in the Bible. Those that saw it happen had absolutely no idea how it happened. We didn't see it happen but we know how it happened. The stretching of a dimension.
Religion is an attempt to answer the unprovable questions of where we come from, and what happens to the software that drives our flesh when we die.

For an opinion on the subject to be present, faith is required because those questions are, by definition, unprovable.

The closer we get to a reasonable explanation for how we came to exist, the easier it is to put religions, especially those religions that based on ancient texts, in to proper perspective.

Why assume they are unprovable or unanswerable? Why not exercise some faith that there are answers to questions?
Joe, that's not what religion is. If it was, then no one would be religious because of unanswered questions. I'm religious and certainly don't have all the answers, but that doesn't mean there are no answers. It means I haven't discovered them yet. In fact, the answers can even be revealed, but it takes forever for our intelligence to catch up to God's. Truth is, what we call physics, God calls technique. We don't create it, we stumble on to it. Then we strive to understand how it works.

For instance, anyone who has read the Bible knows that there are more dimensions than we have discovered. Their attributes are described in the Bible. But, until recently man couldn't wrap his head around those properties, and when a property unique to our realm was witnessed an immediate conclusion of lie, fable or metaphor arises as an explanation. e.g. Man can't float, therefore there was no Transfiguration, it is a fable. Philosophers merely ponder the things we can't explain. Like the 3 hour darkness that covered the earth during the crucifixion of Christ.

Ask science if they now believe it was possible for Christ to appear and disappear like it is recorded in the Bible. Those that saw it happen had absolutely no idea how it happened. We didn't see it happen but we know how it happened. The stretching of a dimension.
it never happened, that stuff was written about several generations after the supposed facts. Religion is just a bunch of lies and made up shit.
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

And yet it's the atheist countries of this planet that have murdered more people, faster, than all of religion, in all of mans history.
Religion is an attempt to answer the unprovable questions of where we come from, and what happens to the software that drives our flesh when we die.

For an opinion on the subject to be present, faith is required because those questions are, by definition, unprovable.

The closer we get to a reasonable explanation for how we came to exist, the easier it is to put religions, especially those religions that based on ancient texts, in to proper perspective.

Why assume they are unprovable or unanswerable? Why not exercise some faith that there are answers to questions?
Here's a Q: where is kolob? What proof do you have that it even exists?
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

Before getting too full of yourself for revealing things that will blow people's minds, remember that you wont be saying anything that others haven't said for thousands of years. There are no new ideas, and because of how old religion is, and how it is indeed all based on lies, anything we might think to say about it has been said already.
Religion is an attempt to answer the unprovable questions of where we come from, and what happens to the software that drives our flesh when we die.

For an opinion on the subject to be present, faith is required because those questions are, by definition, unprovable.

The closer we get to a reasonable explanation for how we came to exist, the easier it is to put religions, especially those religions that based on ancient texts, in to proper perspective.

Why assume they are unprovable or unanswerable? Why not exercise some faith that there are answers to questions?
Here's a Q: where is kolob? What proof do you have that it even exists?

They say there's more planets in the known universe than stars. Does Kolob exist? Sure. Why the hell not. :) Is it exactly where they say it is? Doubt it. :)
Religion is an attempt to answer the unprovable questions of where we come from, and what happens to the software that drives our flesh when we die.

For an opinion on the subject to be present, faith is required because those questions are, by definition, unprovable.

The closer we get to a reasonable explanation for how we came to exist, the easier it is to put religions, especially those religions that based on ancient texts, in to proper perspective.

I assumed the OP was abut to reveal something to us that would be of benefit. I guess not. Apparently, we are continuing to look for your "reasonable explanation".
Jesus said to look at the fruit to judge the tree.

Christianity has had its problems, but in the modern world, no other idea inspires more charity than Christianity.

In my town, Catholic Charities feeds hundreds of homeless every night, and gives them a warm place to sleep when it is cold.

I don't see atheism inspiring that kind of selfless dedication to others.

On the contrary, the fruits of atheism seem to be unhappiness, intolerance, and hate.

Look at the way this forum's atheists behave, or any other forum's atheists.

Look at the lawsuits they are constantly launching against Christians.

Look at the way atheists have behaved when they controlled countries like Russia, China or Cuba.

Or look at the terrors of the French Revolution.
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

Before getting too full of yourself for revealing things that will blow people's minds, remember that you wont be saying anything that others haven't said for thousands of years. There are no new ideas, and because of how old religion is, and how it is indeed all based on lies, anything we might think to say about it has been said already.

Jesus said to look at the fruit to judge the tree.

Christianity has had its problems, but in the modern world, no other idea inspires more charity than Christianity.

In my town, Catholic Charities feeds hundreds of homeless every night, and gives them a warm place to sleep when it is cold.

I don't see atheism inspiring that kind of selfless dedication to others.

On the contrary, the fruits of atheism seem to be unhappiness, intolerance, and hate.

Look at the way this forum's atheists behave, or any other forum's atheists.

Look at the lawsuits they are constantly launching against Christians.

Look at the way atheists have behaved when they controlled countries like Russia, China or Cuba.

Or look at the terrors of the French Revolution.

You are correct. Atheists are full of unhappiness, intolerance, and hate. They simply cannot abide the peace and joy Christians exhibit.
Atheists hate to attack Christians because they could never converse with one another. They would end up fighting over which one is the most intelligent.

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