Sympathy for the Devil?

"At least we aren't chopping off heads..."

The Two Wrongs Make a Right Wing Nazi argument.
Thanks to Republicans selling out our morals it now extends beyond "ragheads"
Any nation that captures an American is now justified to torture Americans for the same reason Bush did it
TORTURE???!!!! You mean WATER BOARD?




Hey. According to these hand wringing idiots we Americans are supposed to take the moral high ground no matter what.

I wonder what they would be saying if dirtbag jihadists appeared in their towns and started murdering and taking heads?

I'm sure their moral high ground would save the day.

Actually, YES
We are supposed to take the moral high ground no matter what
That is what being American means. It means we have values. It means we don't sacrifice those values for temporary gain or even worse....revenge

We do not allow terrorists to set the bar on our moral high ground
Moral highground does not equal suicidal. Learn the difference.

Moral highground is what this country was built on

The rights of the individual to expect humane treatment at the hands of the Government
Tell you what: the next time we face a terrorist attack I nominate you to die for the moral high ground.
It's because I have listened to former interrogators ( especially Ali Soufan) explain why it doesn't work. It's because we know it doesn't work. We know that the info drawn during torture is often unreliable. Often enough to make the practice pointless.

No, no, no! Torture does work. Hundreds of women were burned at the stake because they confessed, under torture, that they were witches. It works! I mean, look at the Inquisition...all those converted Jews thanks to torture. How can you ignore results like that?
And how many people have we BURNED AT THE STEAK, you TRASH TALKING PILE OF CAT SHIT?

You really are not very smart are you?
How much information did the KGB glean from sources? What about the Nazis?

The USSR and Nazi Germany are defunct.
That you, Capt Irrelevant.
Nothing will stop them from chopping of heads.

After all they are monsters who hate anyone who isn't a Muslim. Hell. If your not the right sect of Muslim they hate you as well and have no problem chopping your head off. Ask the Iraq's.

These are the monsters you want treated humanely. Treated like they would do the same for you.

Your a fool.


That is what used to be what this nation stood for. Giving even the most despicable monster their human rights
How many criminals have we executed?
TORTURE???!!!! You mean WATER BOARD?




Hey. According to these hand wringing idiots we Americans are supposed to take the moral high ground no matter what.

I wonder what they would be saying if dirtbag jihadists appeared in their towns and started murdering and taking heads?

I'm sure their moral high ground would save the day.

Actually, YES
We are supposed to take the moral high ground no matter what
That is what being American means. It means we have values. It means we don't sacrifice those values for temporary gain or even worse....revenge

We do not allow terrorists to set the bar on our moral high ground
Moral highground does not equal suicidal. Learn the difference.

Moral highground is what this country was built on

The rights of the individual to expect humane treatment at the hands of the Government
Tell you what: the next time we face a terrorist attack I nominate you to die for the moral high ground.
Those who died as a result of terrorist attacks HAVE died holding a moral high ground.

It is amazing to see rock ribbed Conservatives using moral relativism and a total lack of ethics right out in the open! Usually those qualities are masked and obfuscated. But not when it comes to torture! Nope! the Conservatives show their true colors, and those colors are absolutely not American colors in the least.
Nothing will stop them from chopping of heads.

After all they are monsters who hate anyone who isn't a Muslim. Hell. If your not the right sect of Muslim they hate you as well and have no problem chopping your head off. Ask the Iraq's.

These are the monsters you want treated humanely. Treated like they would do the same for you.

Your a fool.


That is what used to be what this nation stood for. Giving even the most despicable monster their human rights

Wonder if you'd still be talking like a fool if they had one of your loved ones?

Somehow I doubt it. I would be willing to bet you'd do anything to get your loved one back alive.

I'd be willing to bet your moral highgroud would take a fucking hike in a heartbeat.
Hey. According to these hand wringing idiots we Americans are supposed to take the moral high ground no matter what.

I wonder what they would be saying if dirtbag jihadists appeared in their towns and started murdering and taking heads?

I'm sure their moral high ground would save the day.

Actually, YES
We are supposed to take the moral high ground no matter what
That is what being American means. It means we have values. It means we don't sacrifice those values for temporary gain or even worse....revenge

We do not allow terrorists to set the bar on our moral high ground
Moral highground does not equal suicidal. Learn the difference.

Moral highground is what this country was built on

The rights of the individual to expect humane treatment at the hands of the Government
Tell you what: the next time we face a terrorist attack I nominate you to die for the moral high ground.
Those who died as a result of terrorist attacks HAVE died holding a moral high ground.

It is amazing to see rock ribbed Conservatives using moral relativism and a total lack of ethics right out in the open! Usually those qualities are masked and obfuscated. But not when it comes to torture! Nope! the Conservatives show their true colors, and those colors are absolutely not American colors in the least.

Another fool who thinks we should treat terrorists with kid gloves and treat them as honored enemies.

I wonder what you'd do if they had one of your loved ones and you had captured a terrorist who knew where they were?

I venture to say that you'd do whatever it took to get your loved on back. Torture? You fucking bet.

Funny how that moral high ground isn't so important after all.
Actually, YES
We are supposed to take the moral high ground no matter what
That is what being American means. It means we have values. It means we don't sacrifice those values for temporary gain or even worse....revenge

We do not allow terrorists to set the bar on our moral high ground
Moral highground does not equal suicidal. Learn the difference.

Moral highground is what this country was built on

The rights of the individual to expect humane treatment at the hands of the Government
Tell you what: the next time we face a terrorist attack I nominate you to die for the moral high ground.
Those who died as a result of terrorist attacks HAVE died holding a moral high ground.

It is amazing to see rock ribbed Conservatives using moral relativism and a total lack of ethics right out in the open! Usually those qualities are masked and obfuscated. But not when it comes to torture! Nope! the Conservatives show their true colors, and those colors are absolutely not American colors in the least.

Another fool who thinks we should treat terrorists with kid gloves and treat them as honored enemies.

I wonder what you'd do if they had one of your loved ones and you had captured a terrorist who knew where they were?

I venture to say that you'd do whatever it took to get your loved on back. Torture? You fucking bet.

Funny how that moral high ground isn't so important after all.
speaking for yourself. If the Right Wing maintains this moral and ethical ambiguity, how the hell can we take them seriously?

Arguing for torture as an American is anathema. But Conservatives in the 21st century are an anathema. They claim America is the Greatest Nation on Earth, but they argue for somethi9ng guaranteed to erase that notion from every thinking person's head.

They claim the moral high ground on bedroom issues. Well, once you abandon that high ground, you can NEVER get it back. It's like a maidenhead.
Hey. According to these hand wringing idiots we Americans are supposed to take the moral high ground no matter what.

I wonder what they would be saying if dirtbag jihadists appeared in their towns and started murdering and taking heads?

I'm sure their moral high ground would save the day.

Actually, YES
We are supposed to take the moral high ground no matter what
That is what being American means. It means we have values. It means we don't sacrifice those values for temporary gain or even worse....revenge

We do not allow terrorists to set the bar on our moral high ground
Moral highground does not equal suicidal. Learn the difference.

Moral highground is what this country was built on

The rights of the individual to expect humane treatment at the hands of the Government
Tell you what: the next time we face a terrorist attack I nominate you to die for the moral high ground.
Those who died as a result of terrorist attacks HAVE died holding a moral high ground.

It is amazing to see rock ribbed Conservatives using moral relativism and a total lack of ethics right out in the open! Usually those qualities are masked and obfuscated. But not when it comes to torture! Nope! the Conservatives show their true colors, and those colors are absolutely not American colors in the least.
What moral high ground did the victims at the Towers occupy? They were innocent people who unfortunately happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There was nothing moral about their deaths,
There is no moral relativsm here. There is an issue of dealing with a very determined fanatical enemy and trying to foil his plans.
Moral highground does not equal suicidal. Learn the difference.

Moral highground is what this country was built on

The rights of the individual to expect humane treatment at the hands of the Government
Tell you what: the next time we face a terrorist attack I nominate you to die for the moral high ground.
Those who died as a result of terrorist attacks HAVE died holding a moral high ground.

It is amazing to see rock ribbed Conservatives using moral relativism and a total lack of ethics right out in the open! Usually those qualities are masked and obfuscated. But not when it comes to torture! Nope! the Conservatives show their true colors, and those colors are absolutely not American colors in the least.

Another fool who thinks we should treat terrorists with kid gloves and treat them as honored enemies.

I wonder what you'd do if they had one of your loved ones and you had captured a terrorist who knew where they were?

I venture to say that you'd do whatever it took to get your loved on back. Torture? You fucking bet.

Funny how that moral high ground isn't so important after all.
speaking for yourself. If the Right Wing maintains this moral and ethical ambiguity, how the hell can we take them seriously?

Arguing for torture as an American is anathema. But Conservatives in the 21st century are an anathema. They claim America is the Greatest Nation on Earth, but they argue for somethi9ng guaranteed to erase that notion from every thinking person's head.

They claim the moral high ground on bedroom issues. Well, once you abandon that high ground, you can NEVER get it back. It's like a maidenhead.
Wow, clueless mixed metaphors and inapt comparisons. You truly are a dolt.
Actually, YES
We are supposed to take the moral high ground no matter what
That is what being American means. It means we have values. It means we don't sacrifice those values for temporary gain or even worse....revenge

We do not allow terrorists to set the bar on our moral high ground
Moral highground does not equal suicidal. Learn the difference.

Moral highground is what this country was built on

The rights of the individual to expect humane treatment at the hands of the Government
Tell you what: the next time we face a terrorist attack I nominate you to die for the moral high ground.
Those who died as a result of terrorist attacks HAVE died holding a moral high ground.

It is amazing to see rock ribbed Conservatives using moral relativism and a total lack of ethics right out in the open! Usually those qualities are masked and obfuscated. But not when it comes to torture! Nope! the Conservatives show their true colors, and those colors are absolutely not American colors in the least.
What moral high ground did the victims at the Towers occupy? They were innocent people who unfortunately happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There was nothing moral about their deaths,
There is no moral relativsm here. There is an issue of dealing with a very determined fanatical enemy and trying to foil his plans.
Torture means we're adopting the morals of our enemies. And that means we are surrendering the moral high ground. We have fought other foes, just as ruthless as Al Qeida. But we did not adopt their morality as a paradigm for defeating them. Only people with ambiguous morals in the first place could support abandoning our own morality for that of the enemy. Therefore, those who argue that Al Qeida is immoral therefore we must be immoral too are, in fact, practicing moral relativism.
Moral highground does not equal suicidal. Learn the difference.

Moral highground is what this country was built on

The rights of the individual to expect humane treatment at the hands of the Government
Tell you what: the next time we face a terrorist attack I nominate you to die for the moral high ground.
Those who died as a result of terrorist attacks HAVE died holding a moral high ground.

It is amazing to see rock ribbed Conservatives using moral relativism and a total lack of ethics right out in the open! Usually those qualities are masked and obfuscated. But not when it comes to torture! Nope! the Conservatives show their true colors, and those colors are absolutely not American colors in the least.
What moral high ground did the victims at the Towers occupy? They were innocent people who unfortunately happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There was nothing moral about their deaths,
There is no moral relativsm here. There is an issue of dealing with a very determined fanatical enemy and trying to foil his plans.
Torture means we're adopting the morals of our enemies. And that means we are surrendering the moral high ground. We have fought other foes, just as ruthless as Al Qeida. But we did not adopt their morality as a paradigm for defeating them. Only people with ambiguous morals in the first place could support abandoning our own morality for that of the enemy. Therefore, those who argue that Al Qeida is immoral therefore we must be immoral too are, in fact, practicing moral relativism.
You seem to be having trouble with this.
Let's start simply: how do you define torture?
Moral highground is what this country was built on

The rights of the individual to expect humane treatment at the hands of the Government
Tell you what: the next time we face a terrorist attack I nominate you to die for the moral high ground.
Those who died as a result of terrorist attacks HAVE died holding a moral high ground.

It is amazing to see rock ribbed Conservatives using moral relativism and a total lack of ethics right out in the open! Usually those qualities are masked and obfuscated. But not when it comes to torture! Nope! the Conservatives show their true colors, and those colors are absolutely not American colors in the least.
What moral high ground did the victims at the Towers occupy? They were innocent people who unfortunately happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There was nothing moral about their deaths,
There is no moral relativsm here. There is an issue of dealing with a very determined fanatical enemy and trying to foil his plans.
Torture means we're adopting the morals of our enemies. And that means we are surrendering the moral high ground. We have fought other foes, just as ruthless as Al Qeida. But we did not adopt their morality as a paradigm for defeating them. Only people with ambiguous morals in the first place could support abandoning our own morality for that of the enemy. Therefore, those who argue that Al Qeida is immoral therefore we must be immoral too are, in fact, practicing moral relativism.
You seem to be having trouble with this.
Let's start simply: how do you define torture?
Using physical pain as a means of interrogation. Cruel and unusual punishment. Pretty clear cut.
No, no, no! Torture does work. Hundreds of women were burned at the stake because they confessed, under torture, that they were witches. It works! I mean, look at the Inquisition...all those converted Jews thanks to torture. How can you ignore results like that?
And how many people have we BURNED AT THE STEAK, you TRASH TALKING PILE OF CAT SHIT?

You really are not very smart are you?
How much information did the KGB glean from sources? What about the Nazis?

The USSR and Nazi Germany are defunct.
That you, Capt Irrelevant.

At least I'm not advocating we endorse torture because it worked for the Nazis and the USSR. Both have been relegated to the dust bin of history.
Look at all these nutters!! They tell us that they never trust a word that comes out of a government official's mouth. But.....when a government from the intelligence arm of the government...tells them something in this is gospel.

It's great shit.
Not to mention that Issa has filed several reports on Fast And Furious and Ben Gazi which they ignored but THIS report they jump all over. They have no problem murdering Ambassadors and Mexican children, but if a terrorist loses a little sleep because of loud music, they go into fits of hysteria.
Tell you what: the next time we face a terrorist attack I nominate you to die for the moral high ground.
Those who died as a result of terrorist attacks HAVE died holding a moral high ground.

It is amazing to see rock ribbed Conservatives using moral relativism and a total lack of ethics right out in the open! Usually those qualities are masked and obfuscated. But not when it comes to torture! Nope! the Conservatives show their true colors, and those colors are absolutely not American colors in the least.
What moral high ground did the victims at the Towers occupy? They were innocent people who unfortunately happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There was nothing moral about their deaths,
There is no moral relativsm here. There is an issue of dealing with a very determined fanatical enemy and trying to foil his plans.
Torture means we're adopting the morals of our enemies. And that means we are surrendering the moral high ground. We have fought other foes, just as ruthless as Al Qeida. But we did not adopt their morality as a paradigm for defeating them. Only people with ambiguous morals in the first place could support abandoning our own morality for that of the enemy. Therefore, those who argue that Al Qeida is immoral therefore we must be immoral too are, in fact, practicing moral relativism.
You seem to be having trouble with this.
Let's start simply: how do you define torture?
Using physical pain as a means of interrogation. Cruel and unusual punishment. Pretty clear cut.
That would include handcuffing people during questioning. Which is standard procedure in most police departments.
And that is totally unrelated to cruel and unusual punishment.
You'll have to try again.
And how many people have we BURNED AT THE STEAK, you TRASH TALKING PILE OF CAT SHIT?

You really are not very smart are you?
How much information did the KGB glean from sources? What about the Nazis?

The USSR and Nazi Germany are defunct.
That you, Capt Irrelevant.

At least I'm not advocating we endorse torture because it worked for the Nazis and the USSR. Both have been relegated to the dust bin of history.
Neither am I, Capt Oblivious.

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