Syria chemical weapons: UN adopts binding resolution


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Syria chemical weapons: UN adopts binding resolution

3 hours ago

The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a binding resolution on ridding Syria of chemical weapons.

BBC News - Syria chemical weapons: UN adopts binding resolution

UN security council agrees wording of resolution on Syria chemical weapons

The five permanent members of the UN security council reached an agreement on Thursday over the wording of a "binding and enforceable" resolution to eliminate Syria's stockpiles of chemical weapons.But the agreement does not authorise the use of force if Syria does not comply – the sticking point that had prevented diplomatic progress on the conflict that has lasted more than two years and killed more than 100,000 people.However, in order to get the agreement, the US had to concede that the wording of the resolution would not fall under chapter 7 of the UN charter, which allow it to be enforced by military action. Neither did the resolution ascribe blame for the 21 August chemical attack that killed hundreds of people in a Damascus suburb, and which prompted the latest crisis.

UN security council agrees wording of resolution on Syria chemical weapons | World news |

A UN Resolution has been enacted to get rid of chemical weapons in a nation, Syria, this sets history for the UN and perhaps establishes precedent to address chemical weapons stockpiles in other nations, such as Israel, too.
The Security Council, PP1. Recalling the Statements of its President of 3 August 2011, 21 March 2012, 5 April 2012, and its resolutions 1540 (2004), 2042 (2012) and 2043 (2012), PP2. Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, PP3. Reaffirming that the proliferation of chemical weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security, PP4. Recalling that the Syrian Arab Republic on 22 November 1968 acceded to the Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, signed at Geneva on 17 June 1925, PP5. Noting that on 14 September 2013, Syria deposited with the Secretary-General its instrument of accession to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (Convention) and declared that it shall comply with its stipulations and observe them faithfully and sincerely, applying the Convention provisionally pending its entry into force for the Syrian Arab Republic, PP6. Welcoming the establishment by the Secretary-General of the United Nations Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic (“the Mission”) pursuant to General Assembly resolution 42/37 C (1987) of 30 November 1987, and reaffirmed by resolution 620 (1988) of 26 August 1988, and expressing appreciation for the work of the Mission, PP7. Acknowledging the report of 16 September 2013(S/2013/553) by the Mission, underscoring the need for the Mission to fulfill its mandate, and emphasizing that future credible allegations of chemical weapons use in the Syrian Arab Republic should be investigated, PP8.

Deeply outraged by the use of chemical weapons on 21 August 2013 in Rif Damascus, as concluded in the Mission’s report, condemning the killing of civilians that resulted from it, affirming that the use of chemical weapons constitutes a serious violation of international law, and stressing that those responsible for any use of chemical weapons must be held accountable, PP9. Recalling the obligation under resolution 1540 (2004)that all States shall refrain from providing any form of support to non-State actors that attempt to develop, acquire, manufacture, possess, transport, transfer or use weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons, and their means of delivery, PP10. Welcoming the Framework for Elimination of Syrian Chemical Weapons dated 14 September 2013, in Geneva, between the Russian Federation and the United States of America (S/2013/565), with a view to ensuring the destruction of the Syrian Arab Republic’s chemical weapons program in the soonest and safest manner, and expressing its commitment to the immediate international control over chemical weapons and their components in the Syrian Arab Republic, PP11. Welcoming the decision of the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) of [XX September 2013] establishing special procedures for the expeditious destruction of the Syrian Arab Republic’s chemical weapons program and stringent verification thereof, and expressing its determination to ensure the destruction of the Syrian Arab Republic’s chemical weapons program according to the timetable contained in the OPCW Executive Council decision of [XX September 2013], PP12.


That is just the first 2 paragraphs of the Resolution.

This Resolution addresses a lot of conduct by many parties, including prohibiting Member Nations of the UN from assisting groups using chemical weapons.
So predictable. Assad wins, Obama loses, declares victory, and then moves on to the next disaster.

Next up...Iranians to get nukes....
Syria chemical weapons: UN adopts binding resolution

3 hours ago

The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a binding resolution on ridding Syria of chemical weapons.

BBC News - Syria chemical weapons: UN adopts binding resolution

UN security council agrees wording of resolution on Syria chemical weapons

The five permanent members of the UN security council reached an agreement on Thursday over the wording of a "binding and enforceable" resolution to eliminate Syria's stockpiles of chemical weapons.But the agreement does not authorise the use of force if Syria does not comply – the sticking point that had prevented diplomatic progress on the conflict that has lasted more than two years and killed more than 100,000 people.However, in order to get the agreement, the US had to concede that the wording of the resolution would not fall under chapter 7 of the UN charter, which allow it to be enforced by military action. Neither did the resolution ascribe blame for the 21 August chemical attack that killed hundreds of people in a Damascus suburb, and which prompted the latest crisis.

UN security council agrees wording of resolution on Syria chemical weapons | World news |

A UN Resolution has been enacted to get rid of chemical weapons in a nation, Syria, this sets history for the UN and perhaps establishes precedent to address chemical weapons stockpiles in other nations, such as Israel, too.

You are a bit confused Sherri-----I do understand that you RESENT the fact that both
Israel and the USA stock pile Atropine and anti anthrax vaccine and antibiotics against the use thereof by your fellow isa-respecters-------BUT those items are not classfied by any people other than isa-respecters as "WEAPONS"

Historically-----in "the west" the only people who have used chemical weapons
have been Isa-respecters In world war I isa-respecting germans used nitrogen
mustard gas------In fact isa-respecting germans invented the stuff and kindly passed it
on to Isa-respecting "BAATHISTS" such as Gamel Abdul Nasser who used it to
provide slow painful deaths to village children who lived in areas who resisted BAATHIST
rule (in the 1960s in yemen) Your other Baathist heros-----SADAAM and ASSAD also used or are using chemical weapons for the glory of arabism aka islamicism.
HIstorians credit GRAND MUFTI AL HUSSEINI with being the person who brought
Nitrogen mustard gas from his nazi friends to the Middle east for use in
the glorious struggle for the "GRAND CALIPHATE"

Your resentment is not singular-----The foreruner of the isa-respecting faith----CONSTANTINE------created laws that totally disarmed jews and even made
riding a horse illegal for jews He also introduced the isa respecting custom of
marking jews with the color yellow------yet another noble shariah rule aped by
your hero Adolf abu ali ----------no wonder you hate atropine and would gladly
outlaw its production. I doubt that the "HORSE" law means much to you
in the 21st century. What do you think of that yellow insignia thing?
A question to ponder: Must it be the US who starts a war that leads to the world's destruction?

Is it possible that the people speaking out loud enough can stop this from happening?

This UN Resolution has so many positive provisions in it, I just hope it prevents further chemical weapons use in Syria and outside Syria and that it leads to talks between the parties that help to end the fighting in Syria. It calls for talks.

Am I hoping for too much?
A question to ponder: Must it be the US who starts a war that leads to the world's destruction?

Is it possible that the people speaking out loud enough can stop this from happening?

This UN Resolution has so many positive provisions in it, I just hope it prevents further chemical weapons use in Syria and outside Syria and that it leads to talks between the parties that help to end the fighting in Syria. It calls for talks.

Am I hoping for too much?
People "talked" about stopping Hitler and it didn't accomplish diddly squat.
A question to ponder: Must it be the US who starts a war that leads to the world's destruction?

Is it possible that the people speaking out loud enough can stop this from happening?

This UN Resolution has so many positive provisions in it, I just hope it prevents further chemical weapons use in Syria and outside Syria and that it leads to talks between the parties that help to end the fighting in Syria. It calls for talks.

Am I hoping for too much?

You are not "hoping" You are manipulating. The rhetorical question you pose
is designed to imply that the US starts or started all or most major wars and intends to
START another one or that STARTING WARS is US custom. There is no reason at all
to suspect that the US has any intention of STARTING a war and even less to suggest
that it "MUST". There is nothing stopping the fighting elements in Syria from
talking to each other -----other than the fact that Iran is very interested in
maintaining the Pro Iranian Assad in Power ------and as a BAATHIST----
Assad also has some Russian support. Russia has been supporting BAATHISTS in
the Middle east for more than 50 years no matter how rotten they are. Nasser was
a BAATHIST, Sadaam-----was was SOUTH YEMEN in the 60s There is something
about ARABISM that excites the Russians------most likely as a very likely STRONG ALLY
against the USA and "the west" (whatever 'west' means)

The parties in conflict are actually the ANTI BAATHISTS and ----the BAATHISTS
against the freedom seekers and their polar opposites----the ISLAMICISTS
percysunshine, et al,

How is this a "loss" for President Obama?

So predictable. Assad wins, Obama loses, declares victory, and then moves on to the next disaster.

Next up...Iranians to get nukes....

Or, is this just more anti-American rhetoric?

Most Respectfully,

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