Syria: Election of Trump an important message to the world, gov´t ready to cooperate with Trump


Nov 14, 2012
It should be clear that there is now easement in Damascus. We cannot say what Trump will do in the future but we can divine what Clinton would have done.

"DAMASCUS, SYRIA (7:15 P.M.) - During her interview with NPR (National Public Radio), Syrian presidential advisor, Bouthaina Shaaban, stated that the American people sent a great message to world by electing Donald Trump on Tuesday.

"I think the American people have sent a great, a very important message to the world," Shaaban told NPR on Thursday.

Shaaban stated that Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, is willing to cooperate with Donald Trump, if he meets the Syrian government's expectations.

Donald Trump has stated in the past that he does not seek to overthrow Bashar Al-Assad; however, the two presidents do not currently have any channels of communication."
Assad willing to cooperate with Trump
The eastern powers are going to play Donald Trump like the back of their hand.

His narcissism makes him blind to when others are using him.
For Iranian mollahs he's not welcome but for Raspoutine and his small Ass*ad he is the friend of dictators in the region.

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