Syria explained: How it became a religious war


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I think many of us realize that this Civil War has morphed from the FSA trying to oust Assad to a war between the two main sects of Islam, with foreign fighters of both sects flooding into Syria from all over.

Syria explained: How it became a religious war
By Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editor

(CNN) - How did Syria go from an internal uprising to a wider clash drawing funding and fighters from across the region?

In a word, Middle East experts say, religion.

Shiite Muslims from Lebanon, Iraq and Iran have flooded into Syria to defend sacred sites and President Bashar al-Assad's embattled regime. Sunni Muslims, some affiliated with al Qaeda, have rushed in to join rebels, most of whom are Sunni.

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Syria explained: How it became a religious war ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Both sides use religious rhetoric as a rallying cry, calling each other "infidels" and "Satan's army."

"That is why it has become so muddy," said professor Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma. "The theological question has returned to the center."
The problem in Syria has always been political; and the divisions based on religious affiliation.

75% of the Syrian people are Sunni muslims.

And have ruled by a brutal Alawite/Shia government of Assad which composes of 15% of the population.

Christians usually aligned with the Assad government make up the other 10% of Syrian citizens.

So it's quite natural that individuals with similar religious beliefs will go to Syria to help their side win the civil war and rule the country. ... :cool:
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The problem in Syria has always been political; and the divisions based on religious affiliation.

75% of the Syrian people are Sunni muslims.

And have ruled by a brutal Alawite/Shia government of Assad which composes of 15% of the population.

Christians usually aligned with the Assad government make up the other 10% of Syrian citizens.

So it's quite natural that individuals with similar religious beliefs will go to Syria to help their side win the civil war and rule the country. ... :cool:

The Sunnis have the numbers so they should pull this out right?
The problem in Syria has always been political; and the divisions based on religious affiliation.

75% of the Syrian people are Sunni muslims.

And have ruled by a brutal Alawite/Shia government of Assad which composes of 15% of the population.

Christians usually aligned with the Assad government make up the other 10% of Syrian citizens.

So it's quite natural that individuals with similar religious beliefs will go to Syria to help their side win the civil war and rule the country. ... :cool:

So what is stopping you who already has had experience in the military? Perhaps you can lead a batallion.

Report: Saudis may free inmates to fight in Syria

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