Syria Is Going to be Bombed to Hell in the Next 24 Hours

We cannot permit Assad to get away with his crimes. We MUST punish him. I hope we kill him.

Assad didn't commit the crime!

It was a false flag to start a war!!

My GOD, how can people be so blind!:mad-61:
And you know this from tea leaves or pigeon entrails?
And you know he did from palm reading and cows intestines???
I'm relying on the reports from the first responders in Syria and from the medical personnel who treated the victims as well and the US and European intelligence agencies that seem sure Assad did it.
Thanks. Well the U.K. isn’t ‘sure’ he did it, and if everyone else is - why don’t they produce it? It’s not a trivial matter we’re dealing with here.
I guess if if you’re happy to trust the first responders and medical personnel on the ground to be agenda free maybe you are unfamiliar with Pallywood productions. None of this is evidence, at all.
The UK is sure enough to have already ordered its submarines into the area and all indications are that British will join the US and France in the attack on Assad.
Assad didn't commit the crime!

It was a false flag to start a war!!

My GOD, how can people be so blind!:mad-61:
And you know this from tea leaves or pigeon entrails?
And you know he did from palm reading and cows intestines???
I'm relying on the reports from the first responders in Syria and from the medical personnel who treated the victims as well and the US and European intelligence agencies that seem sure Assad did it.
Thanks. Well the U.K. isn’t ‘sure’ he did it, and if everyone else is - why don’t they produce it? It’s not a trivial matter we’re dealing with here.
I guess if if you’re happy to trust the first responders and medical personnel on the ground to be agenda free maybe you are unfamiliar with Pallywood productions. None of this is evidence, at all.
The UK is sure enough to have already ordered its submarines into the area and all indications are that British will join the US and France in the attack on Assad.
Yes, readying, but some U.K. reports suggest Mrs May has indicated that she’s waiting for something that could be considered evidence before any action. On the other hand reports here are a bit contradictory regarding exactly what she is thinking - so who knows?
Oh, fuck. So it begins.
I believe Assad used chemical weapons on the rebels.
I believe the international community can do what it will about that.
I believe we should leave, not be hurling missiles about with the Russians and Iranians and God knows who hanging around.
It is not our country. We came to fight ISIS. ISIS is pretty much outta there. Time to go.

We cannot permit Assad to get away with his crimes. We MUST punish him. I hope we kill him.
So you’ve got the evidence that he gassed the people? What did he stand to gain by doing that now?
Oh and he’s been committing ‘crimes’ for years - blowing people and babies into small pieces is also pretty disgusting.
Why must WE (I include European countries) punish him?
What is the aim of this endeavour?

I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.
Wouldn’t you like more evidence for once?
And when he’s ‘gone’ - what then? Got a nice benevolent Islamic leader waiting in the wings? The next ones are always better, aren’t they?

A few days ago I was all for getting out of Syria. Unfortunately, it seems that Assad is forcing our hand. Why do you believe Assad isn't behind it and what evidence have you seen?

I would have expected it to take longer. Trump has ordered an aircraft carrier group to the eastern Mediterranean and it is not expected to arrive until the beginning of May.

If a US carrier is taking 2 weeks to get there, it is not in a hurry. US carriers are not needed, we have bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Italy, etc etc Our bombers in Kansas will likely take part.

What bombers in Kansas? I think you are confused. There is a refueling wing there, but no bombers.
Oh, fuck. So it begins.
I believe Assad used chemical weapons on the rebels.
I believe the international community can do what it will about that.
I believe we should leave, not be hurling missiles about with the Russians and Iranians and God knows who hanging around.
It is not our country. We came to fight ISIS. ISIS is pretty much outta there. Time to go.

We cannot permit Assad to get away with his crimes. We MUST punish him. I hope we kill him.
So you’ve got the evidence that he gassed the people? What did he stand to gain by doing that now?
Oh and he’s been committing ‘crimes’ for years - blowing people and babies into small pieces is also pretty disgusting.
Why must WE (I include European countries) punish him?
What is the aim of this endeavour?

I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.
Wouldn’t you like more evidence for once?
And when he’s ‘gone’ - what then? Got a nice benevolent Islamic leader waiting in the wings? The next ones are always better, aren’t they?
Hopefully he will be replaced by some one who doesn't order his army to open fire on economic protesters or drop barrel bombs on civilians or gas them. It is hard to imagine some one worse than Asssad.
Oh, fuck. So it begins.
I believe Assad used chemical weapons on the rebels.
I believe the international community can do what it will about that.
I believe we should leave, not be hurling missiles about with the Russians and Iranians and God knows who hanging around.
It is not our country. We came to fight ISIS. ISIS is pretty much outta there. Time to go.

We cannot permit Assad to get away with his crimes. We MUST punish him. I hope we kill him.
So you’ve got the evidence that he gassed the people? What did he stand to gain by doing that now?
Oh and he’s been committing ‘crimes’ for years - blowing people and babies into small pieces is also pretty disgusting.
Why must WE (I include European countries) punish him?
What is the aim of this endeavour?

I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.
Wouldn’t you like more evidence for once?
And when he’s ‘gone’ - what then? Got a nice benevolent Islamic leader waiting in the wings? The next ones are always better, aren’t they?

A few days ago I was all for getting out of Syria. Unfortunately, it seems that Assad is forcing our hand. Why do you believe Assad isn't behind it and what evidence have you seen?
I don’t see what he had to gain from doing this now. Do you?
"A peaceful uprising against the president of Syria seven years ago has turned into a full-scale civil war. The conflict has left more than 350,000 people dead, devastated cities and drawn in other countries."

How did the Syrian war start?

Why is there a war in Syria?
We cannot permit Assad to get away with his crimes. We MUST punish him. I hope we kill him.
So you’ve got the evidence that he gassed the people? What did he stand to gain by doing that now?
Oh and he’s been committing ‘crimes’ for years - blowing people and babies into small pieces is also pretty disgusting.
Why must WE (I include European countries) punish him?
What is the aim of this endeavour?

I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.
Wouldn’t you like more evidence for once?
And when he’s ‘gone’ - what then? Got a nice benevolent Islamic leader waiting in the wings? The next ones are always better, aren’t they?

A few days ago I was all for getting out of Syria. Unfortunately, it seems that Assad is forcing our hand. Why do you believe Assad isn't behind it and what evidence have you seen?
I don’t see what he had to gain from doing this now. Do you?
The same thing ISIS hoped to gain by posting videos of beheadings, to terrorize his enemies into submission.
"It’s time for Britain and its allies to take concerted, sustained military action to curb Bashar al-Assad’s ability to murder Syria’s citizens at will. Before hands are thrown up in horror at the prospect of another open-ended, armed western intervention in the Middle East, consider the following.

Since 2011, when the uprising against Assad’s regime descended into civil war, nothing has worked. As the toll has risen inexorably towards 500,000 dead, the United Nations has tried ceasefires, truces, pauses, local talks and national negotiations. All have fallen apart.

As millions of civilians fled, or were trapped, the EU and others proposed refugee quotas, safe havens, humanitarian corridors, no-fly areas and de-escalation zones. None has succeeded in staunching the flow of blood and misery. And Assad is not finished. Next up is rebel-controlled Idlib province, where millions cower in terror, awaiting their turn.


It is just not good enough to say there is nothing the west can do in the face of mass murder. Are we straw men? Can we no longer distinguish between right and wrong? Allied military intervention, better late than never, is necessary to avoid future atrocities, spare innocent lives – and neutralise the vicious poison that everywhere is corroding faith in the universal rights of man, the international order, and international law."

After Douma, the west’s response to Syria’s regime must be military | Simon Tisdall

Unless the Great Douche is going to bomb civilians and power and water plants.
There is nothang much to bomb. The U.S Armed forces lost 5-7 wars/interventions in the ME.
Killing Syians now will do what?

btw: Will the CIC Bone Spur -Twilter be safe to start WWIII?

Gee! If Putin's got Dirt (Hookers and Money Scams) on the Great Douche- Twitler.
That's all he needs to release to win this here..LOL!

I feel an American Hunter Hero will get the Twitler.Warrior Coward.
That's real great, swell. Welp, I'll still be alive (maybe) but y'all won't see me. I'll be fighting for water and basic necessities n stuff, stopping looters from me and my neighbors and all that. I'll miss AC and water. I will get water and food and stop looters, though. Do what I can for the neighbors. This is gonna suck. I probably won't vote for Trump again, either. Provided I have another opportunity coming. That crap is totally unnecessary.
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That's real great, swell. Welp, I'll still be alive (maybe) but y'all won't see me. I'll be fighting for water and basic necessities n stuff, stopping looters from me and my neighbors and all that. I'll miss AC and water. I will get water and food and stop looters, though. Do what I can for the neighbors. This is gonna suck. I probably won't vote for Trump again, either. Provided I have another opportunity coming. That crap is totally unnecessary.
Oh, fuck. So it begins.
I believe Assad used chemical weapons on the rebels.
I believe the international community can do what it will about that.
I believe we should leave, not be hurling missiles about with the Russians and Iranians and God knows who hanging around.
It is not our country. We came to fight ISIS. ISIS is pretty much outta there. Time to go.

We cannot permit Assad to get away with his crimes. We MUST punish him. I hope we kill him.
So you’ve got the evidence that he gassed the people? What did he stand to gain by doing that now?
Oh and he’s been committing ‘crimes’ for years - blowing people and babies into small pieces is also pretty disgusting.
Why must WE (I include European countries) punish him?
What is the aim of this endeavour?
Not just punish him but disable his air force and helicopter fleet to prevent him from continuing to do this.

Now, why didn't we just do that?

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