Syria jihadists impose Taliban-style music, smoking ban

Oh, Coyote, everyone knows that there are horrible things happening everywhere. However, right now the Middle East is in the news a lot, isn't it, so why shouldn't the posters want to post on this forum. No one is stopping you from posting here and giving your viewpoint (although I doubt you have had your experience of traveling through the Middle East) and also giving your viewpoint on all the many other forums that are available here. On these other forums you can talk about the horrible things that are happening elsewhere.

The Middle East is in the news because people don't give a shit about Africa Sally. No strategic resources. But hey - it gives you a great chance to pretend you really care about children with out much challenge ;)

Are you a mother, Coyote? When you are a mother you think about what is happening to children every place and are thankful that your own children don't have to undergo something like these children go through. And that is why I give money to UNICEF to help these children no matter what religion they are. By the way, there are stories about Africa in the newspaper as events fold. Perhaps you remember a big story they had about Sierra Leone the other year. However, I don't think we will be seeing much about the Boko Haram in Nigeria, do you? We did read about Mali, and learned how grateful the ordinary citizens of Mali were to see the French Army come in to help. If you are concerned with Africa, why not let it all hang out on the Africa forum?

I think everyone knows about Boko Haram and the SPLA and Al Shabaaz.
The Middle East is in the news because people don't give a shit about Africa Sally. No strategic resources. But hey - it gives you a great chance to pretend you really care about children with out much challenge ;)

Are you a mother, Coyote? When you are a mother you think about what is happening to children every place and are thankful that your own children don't have to undergo something like these children go through. And that is why I give money to UNICEF to help these children no matter what religion they are. By the way, there are stories about Africa in the newspaper as events fold. Perhaps you remember a big story they had about Sierra Leone the other year. However, I don't think we will be seeing much about the Boko Haram in Nigeria, do you? We did read about Mali, and learned how grateful the ordinary citizens of Mali were to see the French Army come in to help. If you are concerned with Africa, why not let it all hang out on the Africa forum?

I think everyone knows about Boko Haram and the SPLA and Al Shabaaz.

all of science ---in fact HUMAN INTELLIGENCE----- is based on COMMONALITIES----
that is why intelligence tests for five year olds consist of little pictures of four or
five objects and the direction "circle the one that does not belong in the group"

Science IS the search for the UNIFYING THEORY. There is lots of violence in the
world today------are there any UNIFYING THEORIES?
Oh, Coyote, everyone knows that there are horrible things happening everywhere. However, right now the Middle East is in the news a lot, isn't it, so why shouldn't the posters want to post on this forum. No one is stopping you from posting here and giving your viewpoint (although I doubt you have had your experience of traveling through the Middle East) and also giving your viewpoint on all the many other forums that are available here. On these other forums you can talk about the horrible things that are happening elsewhere.

The Middle East is in the news because people don't give a shit about Africa Sally. No strategic resources. But hey - it gives you a great chance to pretend you really care about children with out much challenge ;)

Why would you say that?

That people don't give a shit about Africa? Agreed, it's an exageration - but for some here, if a tragedy doesn't have a Muslim involved, it's invisible. :dunno:

Africa has multiple conflicts throughout the continent - but how much is the Congo in the news? That's just one example.
Oh, Coyote, everyone knows that there are horrible things happening everywhere. However, right now the Middle East is in the news a lot, isn't it, so why shouldn't the posters want to post on this forum. No one is stopping you from posting here and giving your viewpoint (although I doubt you have had your experience of traveling through the Middle East) and also giving your viewpoint on all the many other forums that are available here. On these other forums you can talk about the horrible things that are happening elsewhere.

The Middle East is in the news because people don't give a shit about Africa Sally. No strategic resources. But hey - it gives you a great chance to pretend you really care about children with out much challenge ;)

Are you a mother, Coyote? When you are a mother you think about what is happening to children every place and are thankful that your own children don't have to undergo something like these children go through. And that is why I give money to UNICEF to help these children no matter what religion they are. By the way, there are stories about Africa in the newspaper as events fold. Perhaps you remember a big story they had about Sierra Leone the other year. However, I don't think we will be seeing much about the Boko Haram in Nigeria, do you? We did read about Mali, and learned how grateful the ordinary citizens of Mali were to see the French Army come in to help. If you are concerned with Africa, why not let it all hang out on the Africa forum?

Well good for you Sally - I'm sure we'll all applaud you heartily.

But I have to wonder. Here you are, so vocal on insisting that others (who might have a different opinion than your own) are "lying" about their experiences and foreign travels. How do we know you are telling the truth about all your wonderful charitable efforts when your posting concerns stop so abruptly when the violator is not Muslim?

It's a strange world Sally maybe you should hang out in it more :)
Are you a mother, Coyote? When you are a mother you think about what is happening to children every place and are thankful that your own children don't have to undergo something like these children go through. And that is why I give money to UNICEF to help these children no matter what religion they are. By the way, there are stories about Africa in the newspaper as events fold. Perhaps you remember a big story they had about Sierra Leone the other year. However, I don't think we will be seeing much about the Boko Haram in Nigeria, do you? We did read about Mali, and learned how grateful the ordinary citizens of Mali were to see the French Army come in to help. If you are concerned with Africa, why not let it all hang out on the Africa forum?

I think everyone knows about Boko Haram and the SPLA and Al Shabaaz.

all of science ---in fact HUMAN INTELLIGENCE----- is based on COMMONALITIES----
that is why intelligence tests for five year olds consist of little pictures of four or
five objects and the direction "circle the one that does not belong in the group"

Science IS the search for the UNIFYING THEORY. There is lots of violence in the
world today------are there any UNIFYING THEORIES?

The Middle East is in the news because people don't give a shit about Africa Sally. No strategic resources. But hey - it gives you a great chance to pretend you really care about children with out much challenge ;)

Why would you say that?

That people don't give a shit about Africa? Agreed, it's an exageration - but for some here, if a tragedy doesn't have a Muslim involved, it's invisible. :dunno:

Africa has multiple conflicts throughout the continent - but how much is the Congo in the news? That's just one example.

???? this is the MIDDLE EAST BOARD. In the middle east there is an issue
which involves -----BELIEFS and IDEOLOGIES The three belief and ideology
systems most involved are-----Islam, Christianity and Judaism. It seems to me
that IDEOLOGICAL DRIVEN activities in other parts of the world or in history which
are SIMILAR to ideolgoical driven activity which is prominent in the middle east---
LOGICALLY can and should not noted on this board.

Take the issue of MUSIC. Historically----islamic REFORM movements
include restrctions on MUSIC----to the point of outlawing it----and even
mass INSTRUMENT DESTRUCTIONS I would say that the murder of
a popular singer in Pakistan on RELIGIOUS GROUNDS----is germane to
the restrictions on music imposed in Syria. By the same token----if some
jews decided to RESTRICT MUSIC-----in Jerusalem-----and some popular
jewish singer was to be murdered in Brooklyn New York on religious grounds---
then THAT would be an inssue germane to RESTRICTIONS ON MUSIC IN
JERUSALEM (intelligence in humans is based on the ability of the brain
The Middle East is in the news because people don't give a shit about Africa Sally. No strategic resources. But hey - it gives you a great chance to pretend you really care about children with out much challenge ;)

Are you a mother, Coyote? When you are a mother you think about what is happening to children every place and are thankful that your own children don't have to undergo something like these children go through. And that is why I give money to UNICEF to help these children no matter what religion they are. By the way, there are stories about Africa in the newspaper as events fold. Perhaps you remember a big story they had about Sierra Leone the other year. However, I don't think we will be seeing much about the Boko Haram in Nigeria, do you? We did read about Mali, and learned how grateful the ordinary citizens of Mali were to see the French Army come in to help. If you are concerned with Africa, why not let it all hang out on the Africa forum?

Well good for you Sally - I'm sure we'll all applaud you heartily.

But I have to wonder. Here you are, so vocal on insisting that others (who might have a different opinion than your own) are "lying" about their experiences and foreign travels. How do we know you are telling the truth about all your wonderful charitable efforts when your posting concerns stop so abruptly when the violator is not Muslim?

It's a strange world Sally maybe you should hang out in it more :)

There are several other people would merit the response you just gave Sally. And that seems to be the problem with you. You claim to be unbiased, but you only criticize the pro - Israelis, even thought the anti - Israelis are clearly guilty of the same thing. I don't understand you, I really don't.
Now, there is no problem with being pro - Palestinian and anti - Zionist. But stop pretending you are not biased and don't pink sides, because that is a blatant lie.
What is this nonsense about suffering children?

The OP has nothing to do with suffering children.

I do not think Sally could care less about any children or their suffering.
I think it is good for children not to smoke.

And restrictions on music a child hears , wow, I think I have heard even parents in America impose such restrictions.
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I think it is good for children not to smoke.

And restrictions on music a child hears , wow, I think I have heard even parents in America impose such restrictions.

is there a point to your idiotic post? I never knew of parents who do not
allow their children any music. That would be horrible-----music is excellent
for children. Children trained early in music tend to learn MATH a lot better
than children not so trained
Where are suffering children in this story?

I read from the article in the OP that the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham has banned music and smoking in Syria's Raqqa, days after taking control of the northern city following battles with rebel groups.:

"ISIS said it had decided to "ban the sale of music CDs, music players, and playing songs in cars and buses and in shops and all places," in a statement posted on jihadist websites and signed the "Wali [governor] of Raqqa.""

In a second statement, ISIS said that as part of efforts to "apply sharia [Islamic] law... it is completely forbidden to sell cigarettes or water pipes in any place."
Where are suffering children in this story?

I read from the article in the OP that the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham has banned music and smoking in Syria's Raqqa, days after taking control of the northern city following battles with rebel groups.:

"ISIS said it had decided to "ban the sale of music CDs, music players, and playing songs in cars and buses and in shops and all places," in a statement posted on jihadist websites and signed the "Wali [governor] of Raqqa.""

In a second statement, ISIS said that as part of efforts to "apply sharia [Islamic] law... it is completely forbidden to sell cigarettes or water pipes in any place."

Just whom are you trying to kid? Does this particular article have to mention that these crazies are responsible for so many children being killed? We already know that. Does this article have to state that these crazies are responsible for so many children who are refugees now and who are freezing? We already know that also. I wonder if Mrs. Sherri follows the Sharia Law so closely that she never turns on the radio to listen to music. If Mrs. Sherri did listen to music, I wonder who her favorite Iranian singer would be.
Are you a mother, Coyote? When you are a mother you think about what is happening to children every place and are thankful that your own children don't have to undergo something like these children go through. And that is why I give money to UNICEF to help these children no matter what religion they are. By the way, there are stories about Africa in the newspaper as events fold. Perhaps you remember a big story they had about Sierra Leone the other year. However, I don't think we will be seeing much about the Boko Haram in Nigeria, do you? We did read about Mali, and learned how grateful the ordinary citizens of Mali were to see the French Army come in to help. If you are concerned with Africa, why not let it all hang out on the Africa forum?

Well good for you Sally - I'm sure we'll all applaud you heartily.

But I have to wonder. Here you are, so vocal on insisting that others (who might have a different opinion than your own) are "lying" about their experiences and foreign travels. How do we know you are telling the truth about all your wonderful charitable efforts when your posting concerns stop so abruptly when the violator is not Muslim?

It's a strange world Sally maybe you should hang out in it more :)

There are several other people would merit the response you just gave Sally. And that seems to be the problem with you.

Yes. There are.

Question is - why is it you NEVER call out your own side? You NEVER call out people like Sally on their crap? Why do you expect something of me that you aren't willing to give yourself?

You claim to be unbiased, but you only criticize the pro - Israelis, even thought the anti - Israelis are clearly guilty of the same thing. I don't understand you, I really don't.

I do not claim to be unbiased. I never have. I say what I believe on any given issue. Sometimes I think Israel is right, sometimes I think the Palestinians are right. And yes - Toast, I've defended Israel's actions as well. But I am not unbiased - no one here is.

Now, there is no problem with being pro - Palestinian and anti - Zionist. But stop pretending you are not biased and don't pink sides, because that is a blatant lie.

I have NEVER claimed I don't pick sides - I do. But the side isn't always the same - the side depends on the issue involved doesn't it? How can you ALWAYS be pro-Israel or ALWAYS be pro-Palestinian when sometimes they are both wrong? That's the whole problem with this.

How is it you have all these people pretending to care about children when all they really care about is scoring political points off of dead bodies because their concern never ever extends beyond the Muslim/Jewish & Christian divide? It's no different whether it's Sherri or Sally is it? Or is it Toast? I've criticized Sherri on it, have you ever criticized your own side when they're making their disgusting comments on Muslims? Or do you cheer them on and join in? I see many voices calling Sherri on her crap. Where are those voices calling Sally on her crap?
Well good for you Sally - I'm sure we'll all applaud you heartily.

But I have to wonder. Here you are, so vocal on insisting that others (who might have a different opinion than your own) are "lying" about their experiences and foreign travels. How do we know you are telling the truth about all your wonderful charitable efforts when your posting concerns stop so abruptly when the violator is not Muslim?

It's a strange world Sally maybe you should hang out in it more :)

There are several other people would merit the response you just gave Sally. And that seems to be the problem with you.

Yes. There are.

Question is - why is it you NEVER call out your own side? You NEVER call out people like Sally on their crap? Why do you expect something of me that you aren't willing to give yourself?

You claim to be unbiased, but you only criticize the pro - Israelis, even thought the anti - Israelis are clearly guilty of the same thing. I don't understand you, I really don't.

I do not claim to be unbiased. I never have. I say what I believe on any given issue. Sometimes I think Israel is right, sometimes I think the Palestinians are right. And yes - Toast, I've defended Israel's actions as well. But I am not unbiased - no one here is.

Now, there is no problem with being pro - Palestinian and anti - Zionist. But stop pretending you are not biased and don't pink sides, because that is a blatant lie.

I have NEVER claimed I don't pick sides - I do. But the side isn't always the same - the side depends on the issue involved doesn't it? How can you ALWAYS be pro-Israel or ALWAYS be pro-Palestinian when sometimes they are both wrong? That's the whole problem with this.

How is it you have all these people pretending to care about children when all they really care about is scoring political points off of dead bodies because their concern never ever extends beyond the Muslim/Jewish & Christian divide? It's no different whether it's Sherri or Sally is it? Or is it Toast? I've criticized Sherri on it, have you ever criticized your own side when they're making their disgusting comments on Muslims? Or do you cheer them on and join in? I see many voices calling Sherri on her crap. Where are those voices calling Sally on her crap?[/QUOTE]

what "sally crap"?? sally provides very interesting --credible articles. Her specific
interest here is definitely ISRAEL-----I would not define that interest as "crap" Can
you quote "disgusting comments" that sally has made about muslims? (sally----not me--
In the Sunni Hadith, Music is declared haram.

In the Quran it is not.
Not everything is addressed in the Quran.

We are known as 'Sunni' muslims because we believe in the 'Sunnah' of the Prophet Muhammad.

Sunnah is the sayings and actions of Muhammad and are found in the books called Hadiths.

Our Islamic jurisprudence is taken from both the Quran and the Hadiths and is known as Sharia Law.

Prophet Muhammad is recorded in a hadith as declaring music to be haram (forbidden).

Thus sunni muslims should not play or listen to music.

Hope this helps......... :cool:
In the Sunni Hadith, Music is declared haram.

In the Quran it is not.
Not everything is addressed in the Quran.

We are known as 'Sunni' muslims because we believe in the 'Sunnah' of the Prophet Muhammad.

Sunnah is the sayings and actions of Muhammad and are found in the books called Hadiths.

Our Islamic jurisprudence is taken from both the Quran and the Hadiths and is known as Sharia Law.

Prophet Muhammad is recorded in a hadith as declaring music to be haram (forbidden).

Thus sunni muslims should not play or listen to music.

Hope this helps......... :cool:

yes---it helps. Some people did not know. Of course music is very popular in
islamic societies----just as is drinking alcohol and the use of drugs but muslims are
not the only people who do things not considered "ideal" behavior in accordance with
religion. I think that one of the SIGNS that a religious revival is going on in
an islamic society is------MUSIC GETS ATTACKED. Lots of people do not know
that fact. I do have a question------how do the sufis view music?
In the Sunni Hadith, Music is declared haram.

In the Quran it is not.
Not everything is addressed in the Quran.

We are known as 'Sunni' muslims because we believe in the 'Sunnah' of the Prophet Muhammad.

Sunnah is the sayings and actions of Muhammad and are found in the books called Hadiths.

Our Islamic jurisprudence is taken from both the Quran and the Hadiths and is known as Sharia Law.

Prophet Muhammad is recorded in a hadith as declaring music to be haram (forbidden).

Thus sunni muslims should not play or listen to music.

Hope this helps......... :cool:

yes---it helps. Some people did not know. Of course music is very popular in
islamic societies----just as is drinking alcohol and the use of drugs but muslims are
not the only people who do things not considered "ideal" behavior in accordance with
religion. I think that one of the SIGNS that a religious revival is going on in
an islamic society is------MUSIC GETS ATTACKED. Lots of people do not know
that fact. I do have a question------how do the sufis view music?
That's a complicated thing to answer irosie.

Sufi beliefs and practices are all over the place.

There are all kinds of Sufis......both sunni and way out there crazy sects.

Some sufis sects are strict muslims and adhere to orthodox Islam..

While other sufi sects believe in drinking alcohol, dancing to music, and fornication. .. :doubt:

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