Syria jihadists impose Taliban-style music, smoking ban

I've heard of clogging. Is that a kind of dance tolerated ? Or is it no dancing at all. I'm just curious , because I've never heard about that rule before
Clogging is usually done by either all boy or all girl dance teams.

And even very religious church going S. Baptists see no problem with it.

But again, the preachers speak out against mixed sex hand holding dancing. ... :cool:
And the assholes of the world want Assad to step down and hand Syria to these wackos.

Well obviously having Al Queda related rebels would be a terrible thing, but I think most of us can agree that Assad has no future in Syria.

Do you think it would be possible, if the Assad regime is defeated, to have some sort of elections?

I think elections are already scheduled. Assad has not decide if he should run or not.

I think he should not run. That would take the wind out of the sales of those assholes fighting for him to step down. That way the people can get who they want not who a bunch of foreigners want.
And the assholes of the world want Assad to step down and hand Syria to these wackos.

It would not matter one iota who took charge, it would still be ruled by 7C laws out of a manual that teaches THEFT, MURDER, RAPE and CHILD SEX ABUSE

so true------the issue Mr Tin raises was also raised in support of SADAAM

so far-----I am having trouble thinking of any leaders in the UMMAH world
who exist today who wre BETTER than ---Mubarak ---MusHarraf----and ---Saleh of
Yemen Is the US going to be blamed for knocking them off? I cannot think
of any place of the UMMAH that REVOLUTION improved.

The US supported Saddam also.
When you say dancing, is it like a guy dancing with a girl, or just dancing in general?
Church's in the south frowned on boy/girl dances such as the high school prom.

Have you ever heard of 'clogging'? It's what the rural mountain folk did instead of dancing. (much like the Irish river dance style)

It was allowed because you danced alone and the dancer doesn't use his arms.....only the feet. .. :cool:

I've heard of clogging. Is that a kind of dance tolerated ? Or is it no dancing at all. I'm just curious , because I've never heard about that rule before

Here you go - it's kind of like the Morris Dancers I think

[ame=]Completely Awesome Cloggers - YouTube[/ame]
They don't. They might disapprove but they don't go bugfuck and butcher people because they ate a porkchop. Now take the Islamists..........

Frankly, Hoss, "Islamist" is an ill defined word and its meaning in common usage has morphed. I find its use somewhat offensive, and particularly the way you and many others choose to use it.

Please be a bit more specific. I suppose I could start reerring to the more radical elements of the Jewish faith as "Judaeists", and probably with more accuracy, attributing the values of those radical elements to all Jews.

Perhaps you would care to be more clear.

You just can't help yourself can you?? You just had to relate it to Judaism. Pathetic

And did he say something in his post that you don't agree with? Why couldn't you comment on what he said ???

One of the devices of JIHADO DOGS--is the claim that lots of people are
accusing "ALL MUSLIMS" of lots of negatives. So far I have never
encountered the phenomenon that the JIHADO DOGS claim. Of course--
the INEVITABLE threat is "I AM GOING TO SAY ---ALL JEWS--are this or
that----" Inerestingly--- the "ALL JEWS" thing is part and parcel of
their GENOCIDAL FILTH for centuries AL AZHAR U. ----the recognized authority in
SHARIAH FILTH for the entire body of sunni muslims has declared the
in the world -----LEGAL -------it gets more and more absurd by the
Eating a lobster dinner at a nice restaurant is a social activity and I see nothing wrong with that...and don't even get me started on canadian bacon, pepperoni and sausage pizza with extra cheese.

Why do some Jews see an issue with this?
They don't. They might disapprove but they don't go bugfuck and butcher people because they ate a porkchop. Now take the Islamists..........

Frankly, Hoss, "Islamist" is an ill defined word and its meaning in common usage has morphed. I find its use somewhat offensive, and particularly the way you and many others choose to use it.

Please be a bit more specific. I suppose I could start reerring to the more radical elements of the Jewish faith as "Judaeists", and probably with more accuracy, attributing the values of those radical elements to all Jews.

Perhaps you would care to be more clear.
To clarify: It's to be understood that when I speak of Islamists, I am referring to the people of the Islam faith who want to rule the world and butcher and behead non-believers. Any idjit would undersand that.
I've heard of clogging. Is that a kind of dance tolerated ? Or is it no dancing at all. I'm just curious , because I've never heard about that rule before
Clogging is usually done by either all boy or all girl dance teams.

And even very religious church going S. Baptists see no problem with it.

But again, the preachers speak out against mixed sex hand holding dancing. ... :cool:
And those preachers are weird assoholes who go to other cities to drink, fornicate and purchase porn and adult sex toys. I personally know some.
I've heard of clogging. Is that a kind of dance tolerated ? Or is it no dancing at all. I'm just curious , because I've never heard about that rule before
Clogging is usually done by either all boy or all girl dance teams.

And even very religious church going S. Baptists see no problem with it.

But again, the preachers speak out against mixed sex hand holding dancing. ... :cool:
And those preachers are weird assoholes who go to other cities to drink, fornicate and purchase porn and adult sex toys. I personally know some.
And I have also known many preachers who were upright people and good family men. .. :cool:
Clogging is usually done by either all boy or all girl dance teams.

And even very religious church going S. Baptists see no problem with it.

But again, the preachers speak out against mixed sex hand holding dancing. ... :cool:
And those preachers are weird assoholes who go to other cities to drink, fornicate and purchase porn and adult sex toys. I personally know some.
And I have also known many preachers who were upright people and good family men. .. :cool:
So do I and I'm related to a number of preachers. But none of them are Southern Baptists. Hard shell Southern Baptists are the Taliban of Christianity. Ask Sherriah.
And those preachers are weird assoholes who go to other cities to drink, fornicate and purchase porn and adult sex toys. I personally know some.
And I have also known many preachers who were upright people and good family men. .. :cool:
So do I and I'm related to a number of preachers. But none of them are Southern Baptists. Hard shell Southern Baptists are the Taliban of Christianity. Ask Sherriah.
My first wife was Southern Baptist and I attended her church for over 10 years.

I liked that they adhered literally to the Bible more than many other denominations. .. :cool:
What do you mean 'believe in' drinking alcohol, dancing to music.....?
Those aren't beliefs. They are social activities, and I see nothing wrong with them. Why do some Muslims see an issue with this ?

Eating a lobster dinner at a nice restaurant is a social activity and I see nothing wrong with that...and don't even get me started on canadian bacon, pepperoni and sausage pizza with extra cheese.

Why do some Jews see an issue with this?

Not just the Jews though is it, as the muslims feel the same way about pig meat. They far outnumber the Jews by a factor of 17,000,000 to 1.

personally I would see no problem in eating dry cured middle bacon, dry cured garlic and chilli pepper sausage or bratwurst and cheese on bread. You should try black pudding with the spices added, or pigs trotters and the delicacy of my area of the UK pressed pigs head in aspic or brawn as it is known. I cut my teeth on a roast pigs ear many decades ago, and had pork dripping sandwiches for lunch every Monday.

I used to love the chopped ham in gel with a hard boiled egg in the middle and pastry on the outside. I don't find them at the english stores around me. A slice at tea time.....
They don't. They might disapprove but they don't go bugfuck and butcher people because they ate a porkchop. Now take the Islamists..........

Frankly, Hoss, "Islamist" is an ill defined word and its meaning in common usage has morphed. I find its use somewhat offensive, and particularly the way you and many others choose to use it.

Please be a bit more specific. I suppose I could start reerring to the more radical elements of the Jewish faith as "Judaeists", and probably with more accuracy, attributing the values of those radical elements to all Jews.

Perhaps you would care to be more clear.
To clarify: It's to be understood that when I speak of Islamists, I am referring to the people of the Islam faith who want to rule the world and butcher and behead non-believers. Any idjit would undersand that.

No need to get all hot under the collar and issue insults like "idjit". I don't run around calling you names.

Here is one of three definitions I found...

Islamist - Wiktionary

From Islam +* -ist. Compare Islamicist.

Islamist (plural Islamists)

(now rare) A Muslim. [from 19th c.]
A person who specializes in Islamic studies. [from 1910s]
A person who espouses Islamic fundamentalist beliefs. [from 1980s]
Quran thumper, Koran thumper
Mohammedan (dated term for Muslim)

The other two definitions, similar, are from Merriam Webster and the Free Online dictionary.

Nowhere is "bugfuck"ing, "butcher"ing, or "behead"ing mentioned. It seems to describe someone who adheres to Islam and is not much different than Evangelical Christians, albeit lacking the hypocrisy and proselytizing indulged in by the Evangekicals.

I am quite sure, however, that that was the way you meant it in your description and that is why I find your and other's use of the term as objectionable.
Well, my Baptist Church does not have a problem with dancing .

Church members who work at the school even participated in dancing contests at the school, and church members won even.

What is a concern of my preacher are morality matters like alcohol and abortion and homosexuality, all frowned upon.
What do you mean 'believe in' drinking alcohol, dancing to music.....?
Those aren't beliefs. They are social activities, and I see nothing wrong with them. Why do some Muslims see an issue with this ?

Eating a lobster dinner at a nice restaurant is a social activity and I see nothing wrong with that...and don't even get me started on canadian bacon, pepperoni and sausage pizza with extra cheese.

Why do some Jews see an issue with this?

You misunderstood, I asked the question out of curiosity, not to insult Islam.

And what a surprise, you once again bring Jews into the conversation. You are pathetic

It was a perfectly legitimate and non-judgemental response illustrating to you, a Jewish person, that different religions have different restrictions on behavior. Had you been a Mormon I would have used the restrictions placed upon birth control or gambling or, if Catholic, i would have spoken about fishsticks and offered to light a votive candle to St. Jude for your benefit.

Let us also not forget the opening post, by a Jewish person of a biased (surely you remember that word as you applied it to another poster, certainly one of the least biased posters on these boards with a consistanct of opinion to be admired) article from a Jewish propaganda rag run by David Horowitz. To accuse me of bringing Jews into the equation is disingenuous at best.

And let us also remember your response to that article, the 3rd post on this thread immediately following a post by Sunni Man, a devout Muslim, stating "Sunni Muslims extremists are the most violent, disgusting and backward creatures to live on this earth. The true scum of the earth, these people have no soul" which, given your past posts regarding Muslims in general, the addition of the word "extremist" would appear to apply to any practitioner fo the Islamic faith, and particularly appears to be an add on and after thought as lt follows the plural "Muslims"

But be that as it may, I have never said, nor have I seen, such a vitupeously vile statement as this made in the Middleeast forum other than the brief visit made by Iceman and National Socialist. You are in good company.
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Frankly, Hoss, "Islamist" is an ill defined word and its meaning in common usage has morphed. I find its use somewhat offensive, and particularly the way you and many others choose to use it.

Please be a bit more specific. I suppose I could start reerring to the more radical elements of the Jewish faith as "Judaeists", and probably with more accuracy, attributing the values of those radical elements to all Jews.

Perhaps you would care to be more clear.

You just can't help yourself can you?? You just had to relate it to Judaism. Pathetic

And did he say something in his post that you don't agree with? Why couldn't you comment on what he said ???

One of the devices of JIHADO DOGS--is the claim that lots of people are
accusing "ALL MUSLIMS" of lots of negatives. So far I have never
encountered the phenomenon that the JIHADO DOGS claim. Of course--
the INEVITABLE threat is "I AM GOING TO SAY ---ALL JEWS--are this or
that----" Inerestingly--- the "ALL JEWS" thing is part and parcel of
their GENOCIDAL FILTH for centuries AL AZHAR U. ----the recognized authority in
SHARIAH FILTH for the entire body of sunni muslims has declared the
in the world -----LEGAL -------it gets more and more absurd by the

I made no threat and I am not a "JIHADO DOG". I am a "PAPIST PADDY", if you must.
Eating a lobster dinner at a nice restaurant is a social activity and I see nothing wrong with that...and don't even get me started on canadian bacon, pepperoni and sausage pizza with extra cheese.

Why do some Jews see an issue with this?

You misunderstood, I asked the question out of curiosity, not to insult Islam.

And what a surprise, you once again bring Jews into the conversation. You are pathetic

It was a perfectly legitimate and non-judgemental response illustrating to you, a Jewish person, that different religions have different restrictions on behavior. Had you been a Mormon I would have used the restrictions placed upon birth control or gambling or, if Catholic, i would have spoken about fishsticks and offered to light a votive candle to St. Jude for your benefit.

Let us also not forget the opening post, by a Jewish person of a biased (surely you remember that word as you applied it to another poster, certainly one of the least biased posters on these boards with na consistanct of opinion to be admired) article from a Jewish propaganda rag run by David Horowitz. To accuse me of bringing Jews into the equation nis disingenuous at best.

And let us also remember your response to that article, the 3rd post on this thread immediately following a post by Sunni Man, a devout Muslim, stating "Sunni Muslims extremists are the most violent, disgusting and backward creatures to live on this earth. The true scum of the earth, these people have no soul" which, given your past posts regarding Muslims in general, the addition of the word "extremist" would appear to apply to any practitioner fo the Islamic faith, and particularly appears to be an add on and after thought as lt follows the plural "Muslims"

But be that as it may, I have never said, nor have I seen, such a vitupeously vile statement as this made in the Middleeast forum other than the brief visit made by Iceman and National Socialist. You are in good company.

I said Sunni Extremists, not all Sunni Muslims.

And once again, you show us your extreme bias by bringing up my comment and taking its meaning out of proportion, when Sunni Man, Sherri say the same things about Israeli Zionists. Even worse things. And don't bullshit me that you havent sen those posts.
To elaborate, your criticism of my post means nothing, or less than nothing for the reason I just posted.
The rest of your post is as usual, a bunch of pointless drivel that you probably spent 30 minutes preparing to write.
Why do you continue to make such a fool out of yourself, 'dreolin' ? I don't get it?
You just can't help yourself can you?? You just had to relate it to Judaism. Pathetic

And did he say something in his post that you don't agree with? Why couldn't you comment on what he said ???

One of the devices of JIHADO DOGS--is the claim that lots of people are
accusing "ALL MUSLIMS" of lots of negatives. So far I have never
encountered the phenomenon that the JIHADO DOGS claim. Of course--
the INEVITABLE threat is "I AM GOING TO SAY ---ALL JEWS--are this or
that----" Inerestingly--- the "ALL JEWS" thing is part and parcel of
their GENOCIDAL FILTH for centuries AL AZHAR U. ----the recognized authority in
SHARIAH FILTH for the entire body of sunni muslims has declared the
in the world -----LEGAL -------it gets more and more absurd by the

I made no threat and I am not a "JIHADO DOG". I am a "PAPIST PADDY", if you must.

What you are is an annoying anti - semite who goes around looking for posts by Zionists that you can take completely out of context in order to vilify them.
In simpler terms, you're an annoying little brat who runs around complaining about everything, but only if it's from a pro - Zionist poster.

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