Syria jihadists impose Taliban-style music, smoking ban

Not everything is addressed in the Quran.

We are known as 'Sunni' muslims because we believe in the 'Sunnah' of the Prophet Muhammad.

Sunnah is the sayings and actions of Muhammad and are found in the books called Hadiths.

Our Islamic jurisprudence is taken from both the Quran and the Hadiths and is known as Sharia Law.

Prophet Muhammad is recorded in a hadith as declaring music to be haram (forbidden).

Thus sunni muslims should not play or listen to music.

Hope this helps......... :cool:

yes---it helps. Some people did not know. Of course music is very popular in
islamic societies----just as is drinking alcohol and the use of drugs but muslims are
not the only people who do things not considered "ideal" behavior in accordance with
religion. I think that one of the SIGNS that a religious revival is going on in
an islamic society is------MUSIC GETS ATTACKED. Lots of people do not know
that fact. I do have a question------how do the sufis view music?
That's a complicated thing to answer irosie.

Sufi beliefs and practices are all over the place.

There are all kinds of Sufis......both sunni and way out there crazy sects.

Some sufis sects are strict muslims and adhere to orthodox Islam..

While other sufi sects believe in drinking alcohol, dancing to music, and fornication. .. :doubt:

with a little effort----you could have come up with a reasonably cogent response
Oh, Coyote, everyone knows that there are horrible things happening everywhere. However, right now the Middle East is in the news a lot, isn't it, so why shouldn't the posters want to post on this forum. No one is stopping you from posting here and giving your viewpoint (although I doubt you have had your experience of traveling through the Middle East) and also giving your viewpoint on all the many other forums that are available here. On these other forums you can talk about the horrible things that are happening elsewhere.

The Middle East is in the news because people don't give a shit about Africa Sally. No strategic resources. But hey - it gives you a great chance to pretend you really care about children with out much challenge ;)

Are you a mother, Coyote? When you are a mother you think about what is happening to children every place and are thankful that your own children don't have to undergo something like these children go through. And that is why I give money to UNICEF to help these children no matter what religion they are. By the way, there are stories about Africa in the newspaper as events fold. Perhaps you remember a big story they had about Sierra Leone the other year. However, I don't think we will be seeing much about the Boko Haram in Nigeria, do you? We did read about Mali, and learned how grateful the ordinary citizens of Mali were to see the French Army come in to help. If you are concerned with Africa, why not let it all hang out on the Africa forum?

I don't think anyone who displays the hatred and bigotry and dishonesty that you do should be lecturing others about their parenting.

I don't agree with Coyote about everything but she is consistant in her judgement about right and wrong and doesn't allow a person's religion or ethnicity deter rom that consistancy.

The Middle East is in the news, not so much because Americans do not care about other places but more because America is so deeply involved politically and financially in the Middle East and a lot of that involvement stems from our support of a state that is becoming a pariah and is ruining our reputation around the world as an honest broker.

Since when did you become the board traffic cop, directing people to go here and there?
Not everything is addressed in the Quran.

We are known as 'Sunni' muslims because we believe in the 'Sunnah' of the Prophet Muhammad.

Sunnah is the sayings and actions of Muhammad and are found in the books called Hadiths.

Our Islamic jurisprudence is taken from both the Quran and the Hadiths and is known as Sharia Law.

Prophet Muhammad is recorded in a hadith as declaring music to be haram (forbidden).

Thus sunni muslims should not play or listen to music.

Hope this helps......... :cool:

yes---it helps. Some people did not know. Of course music is very popular in
islamic societies----just as is drinking alcohol and the use of drugs but muslims are
not the only people who do things not considered "ideal" behavior in accordance with
religion. I think that one of the SIGNS that a religious revival is going on in
an islamic society is------MUSIC GETS ATTACKED. Lots of people do not know
that fact. I do have a question------how do the sufis view music?
That's a complicated thing to answer irosie.

Sufi beliefs and practices are all over the place.

There are all kinds of Sufis......both sunni and way out there crazy sects.

Some sufis sects are strict muslims and adhere to orthodox Islam..

While other sufi sects believe in drinking alcohol, dancing to music, and fornication. .. :doubt:

What do you mean 'believe in' drinking alcohol, dancing to music.....?
Those aren't beliefs. They are social activities, and I see nothing wrong with them. Why do some Muslims see an issue with this ?
Last edited:
And the assholes of the world want Assad to step down and hand Syria to these wackos.

He has committed humanitarian and war crimes. There is a new government of syrians, not alqaida foreign fighters. Those too seem to have been of Assad's support to counter the Syria free army.
And the assholes of the world want Assad to step down and hand Syria to these wackos.

Well obviously having Al Queda related rebels would be a terrible thing, but I think most of us can agree that Assad has no future in Syria.

Do you think it would be possible, if the Assad regime is defeated, to have some sort of elections?
What do you mean 'believe in' drinking alcohol, dancing to music.....?
Those aren't beliefs. They are social activities, and I see nothing wrong with them. Why do you ?
Regardless of what you call them.

They are haram according to Islamic theology.

And muslims are not to participate in these so called social activities. .. :cool:
yes---it helps. Some people did not know. Of course music is very popular in
islamic societies----just as is drinking alcohol and the use of drugs but muslims are
not the only people who do things not considered "ideal" behavior in accordance with
religion. I think that one of the SIGNS that a religious revival is going on in
an islamic society is------MUSIC GETS ATTACKED. Lots of people do not know
that fact. I do have a question------how do the sufis view music?
That's a complicated thing to answer irosie.

Sufi beliefs and practices are all over the place.

There are all kinds of Sufis......both sunni and way out there crazy sects.

Some sufis sects are strict muslims and adhere to orthodox Islam..

While other sufi sects believe in drinking alcohol, dancing to music, and fornication. .. :doubt:

with a little effort----you could have come up with a reasonably cogent response

Well, it certainly was a reasonable and accurate response, and your question about a subject as complex as sufiism defies a cogent explanation.
yes---it helps. Some people did not know. Of course music is very popular in
islamic societies----just as is drinking alcohol and the use of drugs but muslims are
not the only people who do things not considered "ideal" behavior in accordance with
religion. I think that one of the SIGNS that a religious revival is going on in
an islamic society is------MUSIC GETS ATTACKED. Lots of people do not know
that fact. I do have a question------how do the sufis view music?
That's a complicated thing to answer irosie.

Sufi beliefs and practices are all over the place.

There are all kinds of Sufis......both sunni and way out there crazy sects.

Some sufis sects are strict muslims and adhere to orthodox Islam..

While other sufi sects believe in drinking alcohol, dancing to music, and fornication. .. :doubt:

What do you mean 'believe in' drinking alcohol, dancing to music.....?
Those aren't beliefs. They are social activities, and I see nothing wrong with them. Why do some Muslims see an issue with this ?

Eating a lobster dinner at a nice restaurant is a social activity and I see nothing wrong with that...and don't even get me started on canadian bacon, pepperoni and sausage pizza with extra cheese.

Why do some Jews see an issue with this?
What do you mean 'believe in' drinking alcohol, dancing to music.....?
Those aren't beliefs. They are social activities, and I see nothing wrong with them. Why do you ?
Regardless of what you call them.

They are haram according to Islamic theology.

And muslims are not to participate in these so called social activities. .. :cool:

so true-----for those who do not know----there is no music in mosques -----
some guy CHANTS the part of the koran for the week in friday-----
but it is not actual singing. MUSIC happens outside of mosques----
as it is considered--------something a bit naughty. Whilst "naughty"---
it is a huge part of the cultural life of muslims in shariah cesspits.

Long ago----I was told by a person adamant about his muslim identity---
from India-----that DANCING is done----simply to make men "hot" ---
as in -----the viagra kind of "hot"

My impression of islamic society in general is that -----there is a clear
dichotomy between "holy" and "dirty" -----and dirty is HIGHLY
ACCEPTABLE-------and EXPECTED from the average male. The women
of one's household are supposed to be clueless.

AS to alcohol-----of course muslims drink it------but the custom is
that either jews or christians SUPPLY it One goes to the jews
or christians to COMMIT SINS really----I am not joking. An
interesting issue is the SYMBIOTIC relationship that exists
between the communities in islamic majority lands------the last thing
the controlling people want to lose------is their BOOZE SUPPLIERS.

It gets even more idiotc-----when some controlling party decides
to put the INFIDELS down----for whatever reason----the
RATONALE is often "they sold wine to muslims"------it is the libel
that justifies a pogrom
So, how many children will die from this ban on music and smoking?

As many as are mass murdered by the muslims for breaching this ban
It seems much is being made of nothing. Only when it is showing just how evil the muslims really are
And these people are not lawfully in power, they will eventually be kicked out of Syria.
Don't be so sure that this will be the case, they still hold power in Libya and Pakistan
That's a complicated thing to answer irosie.

Sufi beliefs and practices are all over the place.

There are all kinds of Sufis......both sunni and way out there crazy sects.

Some sufis sects are strict muslims and adhere to orthodox Islam..

While other sufi sects believe in drinking alcohol, dancing to music, and fornication. .. :doubt:

What do you mean 'believe in' drinking alcohol, dancing to music.....?
Those aren't beliefs. They are social activities, and I see nothing wrong with them. Why do some Muslims see an issue with this ?

Eating a lobster dinner at a nice restaurant is a social activity and I see nothing wrong with that...and don't even get me started on canadian bacon, pepperoni and sausage pizza with extra cheese.

Why do some Jews see an issue with this?
They don't. They might disapprove but they don't go bugfuck and butcher people because they ate a porkchop. Now take the Islamists..........
That's cool Sally, but I was talking about these forums. Everyone has their own perspective and see's the world differently through the lens of their experiences. No one owns the right to insist that their view is the only Right View. I wouldn't. I hope you don't. Sometime you should consider exploring other areas here. Horrible things happen in many parts of the world. And, it's not just Muslims doing it. :)

Oh, Coyote, everyone knows that there are horrible things happening everywhere. However, right now the Middle East is in the news a lot, isn't it, so why shouldn't the posters want to post on this forum. No one is stopping you from posting here and giving your viewpoint (although I doubt you have had your experience of traveling through the Middle East) and also giving your viewpoint on all the many other forums that are available here. On these other forums you can talk about the horrible things that are happening elsewhere.

The Middle East is in the news because people don't give a shit about Africa Sally. No strategic resources. But hey - it gives you a great chance to pretend you really care about children with out much challenge ;)

Have you taken a look at the Africa sextion of this message board. Here is the index on the first page

US scrambles to resolve South Sudan unrest
sudan 01-19-2014 07:58 AM
by sudan Go to last post 0 140
Nigerian president signs anti gay law
tyroneweaver 01-17-2014 04:23 AM
by Coyote Go to last post 4 141
Moved: Nigeria bans gay marriage
National Socialist - - -
Muslim Riots Spread Into Tunisia
Matthew 01-12-2014 04:12 AM
by waltky Go to last post 3 462
U.S. Is Facing Hard Choices in S. Sudan
sudan 01-08-2014 10:52 PM
by irosie91 Go to last post 1 355
Save South Sudan from Itself
sudan 01-06-2014 10:17 AM
by Matthew Go to last post 5 201
Christians Flee Marauding Muslims in Africa’s ‘Forgotten Crisis’
Sally 01-01-2014 08:36 PM
by bianco Go to last post 3 511
How to Write About Africa
Vikrant 12-29-2013 06:37 PM
by Vikrant Go to last post 0 178
Sudan places no importance of agenda less US envoys
sudan 12-29-2013 07:38 AM
by sudan Go to last post 0 140
Hundreds dead, thousands flee South Sudan clashes
Sally 12-25-2013 08:51 PM
by Indeependent Go to last post 2 330
Obama Warns S. Sudan against Military Coup
sudan 12-24-2013 07:03 AM
by jon_berzerk Go to last post 1 182
7 U.N. peacekeepers killed in Sudan attack
Vikrant 12-22-2013 03:07 AM
by waltky Go to last post 1 880
Four African Trouble Spots
longknife 12-18-2013 09:03 PM
by longknife Go to last post 0 203
Africa, ICC and Mrs. Bensouda!
sudan 12-17-2013 07:04 AM
by sudan Go to last post 0 170
Lyman Lambastes SRF Reliance on Military Option
sudan 12-15-2013 09:33 AM
by sudan Go to last post 0 186
The 10th Parallel, religion and conflict in Africa
Coyote 12-13-2013 06:04 PM
by Coyote Go to last post 0 247
Could This Happen, Now That Mandela Has Gone
AquaAthena 12-13-2013 10:12 AM
by Politico Go to last post 7 300
African soldiers hand chimpanzee an AK-47
Sunni Man 12-12-2013 11:25 PM
by Baruch Menachem Go to last post 1 232
US To Support France in Central African Republic
longknife 12-10-2013 07:07 PM
by longknife Go to last post 0 210
Thumbs up President Obama remarks on Mandels's passing (Multi-page thread 1 2)
Dot Com 12-07-2013 07:49 PM
by HenryBHough Go to last post 17 579
Moved: Why do so many mourn Nelson Mandela’s death?
johnwk - - -
Nigeria’s Boko Haram strikes again in Cameroon
Sally 12-06-2013 04:57 AM
by Sally Go to last post 0 189
How Safe Is Going Home To Somalia? – Analysis
Sally 12-03-2013 09:44 PM
by Sally Go to last post 0 256
Armed youths raid mosque in Mombasa
Sally 12-03-2013 09:31 PM
by Sally Go to last post 0 211
CISSA in Khartoum .. For Peace and Unity in Africa
sudan 12-03-2013 11:44 AM
by sudan Go to last post 0 203
Post New Thread
Are you a mother, Coyote? When you are a mother you think about what is happening to children every place and are thankful that your own children don't have to undergo something like these children go through. And that is why I give money to UNICEF to help these children no matter what religion they are. By the way, there are stories about Africa in the newspaper as events fold. Perhaps you remember a big story they had about Sierra Leone the other year. However, I don't think we will be seeing much about the Boko Haram in Nigeria, do you? We did read about Mali, and learned how grateful the ordinary citizens of Mali were to see the French Army come in to help. If you are concerned with Africa, why not let it all hang out on the Africa forum?

Well good for you Sally - I'm sure we'll all applaud you heartily.

But I have to wonder. Here you are, so vocal on insisting that others (who might have a different opinion than your own) are "lying" about their experiences and foreign travels. How do we know you are telling the truth about all your wonderful charitable efforts when your posting concerns stop so abruptly when the violator is not Muslim?

It's a strange world Sally maybe you should hang out in it more :)

There are several other people would merit the response you just gave Sally. And that seems to be the problem with you. You claim to be unbiased, but you only criticize the pro - Israelis, even thought the anti - Israelis are clearly guilty of the same thing. I don't understand you, I really don't.
Now, there is no problem with being pro - Palestinian and anti - Zionist. But stop pretending you are not biased and don't pink sides, because that is a blatant lie.

I haven't seen the anti-Zionists display the same outrageous bigotry and hatred that the Zionist, as a whole, have displayed.

And I have seen her speak out against bigotry whenever and wherever it occurs, although to do it all the time would be a full time job.

Also, I think you are applying thw word "biased" incorrectly. The fact that one would condemn the actions of white South Africans and not condemn the actions of black South Africans in an equal amount during the times of apartheid is not necessarily indicative that a person is biased.
The Middle East is in the news because people don't give a shit about Africa Sally. No strategic resources. But hey - it gives you a great chance to pretend you really care about children with out much challenge ;)

Are you a mother, Coyote? When you are a mother you think about what is happening to children every place and are thankful that your own children don't have to undergo something like these children go through. And that is why I give money to UNICEF to help these children no matter what religion they are. By the way, there are stories about Africa in the newspaper as events fold. Perhaps you remember a big story they had about Sierra Leone the other year. However, I don't think we will be seeing much about the Boko Haram in Nigeria, do you? We did read about Mali, and learned how grateful the ordinary citizens of Mali were to see the French Army come in to help. If you are concerned with Africa, why not let it all hang out on the Africa forum?

I think everyone knows about Boko Haram and the SPLA and Al Shabaaz.

Just as we also know about the other extremist Islamic terror groups that want control of the world . Groups like Suuni and Shi'ite, isn't that so sha.................:cuckoo:
That's a complicated thing to answer irosie.

Sufi beliefs and practices are all over the place.

There are all kinds of Sufis......both sunni and way out there crazy sects.

Some sufis sects are strict muslims and adhere to orthodox Islam..

While other sufi sects believe in drinking alcohol, dancing to music, and fornication. .. :doubt:

What do you mean 'believe in' drinking alcohol, dancing to music.....?
Those aren't beliefs. They are social activities, and I see nothing wrong with them. Why do some Muslims see an issue with this ?

Eating a lobster dinner at a nice restaurant is a social activity and I see nothing wrong with that...and don't even get me started on canadian bacon, pepperoni and sausage pizza with extra cheese.

Why do some Jews see an issue with this?

It is not an issue, but if they observe the Kashrut laws those foods are not permitted.
Pigs and lobsters eat almost anything, they scavenge from the waste. Bottom feeders.
Muslims don't eat pork either, it is haram, but some do eat shellfish.
Where are suffering children in this story?

I read from the article in the OP that the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham has banned music and smoking in Syria's Raqqa, days after taking control of the northern city following battles with rebel groups.:

"ISIS said it had decided to "ban the sale of music CDs, music players, and playing songs in cars and buses and in shops and all places," in a statement posted on jihadist websites and signed the "Wali [governor] of Raqqa.""

In a second statement, ISIS said that as part of efforts to "apply sharia [Islamic] law... it is completely forbidden to sell cigarettes or water pipes in any place."

Then before you know it they will ban schooling for girls, enforced dress codes, marriage at 6 and marital rape at 9. Then girls will be shot by religious fanatics for going to school and western governments will pick up the pieces.

This is islam as I know it and I don't want any part of it
Not everything is addressed in the Quran.

We are known as 'Sunni' muslims because we believe in the 'Sunnah' of the Prophet Muhammad.

Sunnah is the sayings and actions of Muhammad and are found in the books called Hadiths.

Our Islamic jurisprudence is taken from both the Quran and the Hadiths and is known as Sharia Law.

Prophet Muhammad is recorded in a hadith as declaring music to be haram (forbidden).

Thus sunni muslims should not play or listen to music.

Hope this helps......... :cool:

yes---it helps. Some people did not know. Of course music is very popular in
islamic societies----just as is drinking alcohol and the use of drugs but muslims are
not the only people who do things not considered "ideal" behavior in accordance with
religion. I think that one of the SIGNS that a religious revival is going on in
an islamic society is------MUSIC GETS ATTACKED. Lots of people do not know
that fact. I do have a question------how do the sufis view music?
That's a complicated thing to answer irosie.

Sufi beliefs and practices are all over the place.

There are all kinds of Sufis......both sunni and way out there crazy sects.

Some sufis sects are strict muslims and adhere to orthodox Islam..

While other sufi sects believe in drinking alcohol, dancing to music, and fornication. .. :doubt:

Nothing wrong with drinking alcohol, in moderation as it is good for you. Dancing to music is also good for you as it tones up the body and strengthens the cardiovascular system. Fornication is enjoyable and also the start of everyone on this forum.
Only the stupid muslims would see problems with staying fit, healthy and producing more children.
And the assholes of the world want Assad to step down and hand Syria to these wackos.

It would not matter one iota who took charge, it would still be ruled by 7C laws out of a manual that teaches THEFT, MURDER, RAPE and CHILD SEX ABUSE
And the assholes of the world want Assad to step down and hand Syria to these wackos.

It would not matter one iota who took charge, it would still be ruled by 7C laws out of a manual that teaches THEFT, MURDER, RAPE and CHILD SEX ABUSE

so true------the issue Mr Tin raises was also raised in support of SADAAM

so far-----I am having trouble thinking of any leaders in the UMMAH world
who exist today who wre BETTER than ---Mubarak ---MusHarraf----and ---Saleh of
Yemen Is the US going to be blamed for knocking them off? I cannot think
of any place of the UMMAH that REVOLUTION improved.

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