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Syrian army en route to Deir Ezzor


Nov 14, 2012
Deir Ezzor is a crucial battlefield for the development of the entire war. Away from western media coverage, it is ISIS´ fiercest battlefield and there is almost no day without large assaults on the Syrian government forces that hold a part of the city and bound thousands of ISIS troops far away from any other government presence. The situation is extreme: besieged, no electricity and few water, food and supplies can only arrive through air. ISIS allowed one humanitarian convoy in years. The situation worsened some months ago when ISIS managed to lay a tougher siege on the airport. Since then, only supply drops arrive but Russia and Syria deliver one cargo plane per day.
When the FSA/Nursa alliance with ISIS fell apart, ISIS defeated the "rebels" in a bloody battle but was unable to beat the government forces ever since.

Today, the SAA stands only 18 kilometers away from the government enclave and buries all ISIS dreams to take over before the opponent could regain contact to the outside.

BREAKING: Elite Syrian forces just 18 km away from Deir Ezzor city
With lifting the siege on Deir Ezzor, the government forces scored another major victory. Operations inside the city have already begun.

The SDF begins the race for the eastern Deir Ezzor Province.

"DAMASCUS, SYRIA (7:45 A.M.) – On Friday evening, a source embedded with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) told Al-Masdar News that the Kurdish-led troops had finalized preparations for their Deir Ezzor offensive. This comes just days after the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) lifted the long-standing siege of the provincial capital.

According to the source, the initial step of the coming offensive looks to push south along both banks of the Khabur River to dislodge ISIS militants from a string of towns in the southern countryside of Hasakah.

Once this stage is completed, the US-backed SDF hopes to reach the northern side of the Euphrates River to set Rojava’s (Syrian Kurdistan) future border with the SAA.

Hundreds of jihadist fighters are reported to have retreated from the Khabur River front in recent weeks to fight the SAA in Deir Ezzor city instead, thereby rendering ISIS’ frontline in southern Hasakah relatively weak and vulnerable to attacks.

However, the SAA – heavily backed by Russia – hopes to cutoff the SDF from their intended plans by pushing troops east across the Euphrates River to reach the border with Iraq. In effect, a race has begun between the rival parties to liberate territory from ISIS.

At the moment, the vast majority of the SDF’s manpower is tied up in the ongoing Euphrates Wrath campaign inside Raqqa city."

Kurdish forces kick off opportunistic offensive towards Deir Ezzor
Progress is being made inside the city:


"BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:55 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) lifted the nine month long siege imposed on the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, Saturday, following a short operation against the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS).

Not long after lifting the siege on the Military Airport, the Syrian Arab Army launched a powerful attack that targeted the ISIL-occupied Thardeh Mountains.

Intense clashes would follow as elements from the Tiger Forces and Republican Guard attempted to bypass the Islamic State’s front-lines at points 1 and 2 in the Thardeh Mountains.

Thus far, the Syrian Arab Army has managed to score an advance south of the provincial cemetery, capturing an entire Islamic State tank crew in the process.

More details to follow…"

Latest battle update from Deir Ezzor: map
The SDF has managed to get close to Deir Ezzor but the Americans say they will not enter the City. It looks like the Kurds are busy to capture country land where no Kurds live at all in order to get as much of the oil rich region as possible. In the future, it might be possible, that the SDF will have to withdraw from the region.


The official position is to leave Syria after ISIS is defeated and not to support the SDF traitorously out-maneuvering the Syrian Arab Army.
Some normality already returned to Deir Ezzor!


"Deir Ezzor, SANA – After the success of the Syrian Arab Army on September 5th in breaking the siege imposed by ISIS on Deir Ezzor city, positive changes have started to become apparent in the various aspects of locals’ lives.

Now, a tour in the streets and neighborhoods of Deir Ezzor city after it was freed from the chains of ISIS draws a clear picture of the locals’ daily lives as they are gradually shaking off the dust of suffering that lasted for more than three years.

Harabesh neighborhood, which overlooks Deir Ezzor Military Airport, stands witness to the vicious battles that took place and the hardships caused by the siege, yet its occupants are starting to reclaim their lives.

Abu Mohammad, a grocer, said “three long and hard years have passed. We spent them like slaves. Hunger killed some of us, both young and old, and it almost killed us but then the Syrian Arab Army’s vanguards arrived and brought us salvation and victory. ISIS terrorists used to target homes, shops, and even fields, preventing food from reaching the neighborhood and seizing all of it, leaving the locals to fall prey to hunger and disease.”

He said that prior to breaking the siege, they would wait for food airdropped via parachutes, but after the Syrian Army entered, dozens of trucks carrying food and medical supplies arrived, and locals began to come out of their homes and resuming their daily lives in a way that is almost normal.

Murrei, who was a teacher before the ISIS siege began, said that he wants all his students and the children of the neighborhood and the city to return to school, saying that the situation is much better and it’s possible for him to resume work in a few days.

In the middle of the neighborhood’s main street, a number of locals gathered at what remains of a pharmacy. Umm Abdelrazeq, one of the locals, said that this pharmacy was abandoned years ago, but after the government sent relief convoys following the end of the siege, medicine is now available again.

In al-Qusour neighborhood in the western part of the city, signs of normal life have returned, despite some wariness of ISIS’ treachery as the terrorists still target the area with shells.

Abu Fahd, who was standing near one of the local bread bakeries, said that he almost can’t believe that he can now buy bread normally, as terrorists used to attack locals as they gathered to buy bread, in addition to cutting off roads leading to the city.

During the tour of the city, scores of journalists from across the world were also wandering the alleys; something now made possible thanks to the Syrian Army’s epic battles against ISIS."

RE: Syrian army en route to Deir Ezzor
※→ Bleipriester, et al,

A couple of us just discussed this very thing in Post #20 - Fresh News from Hama Sryia.

Russia unveils how the SDF can make progress in ISIS controlled areas: There is simply no resistance. ISIS only fights the SAA.

Breaking: Satellite images reveal US forces operating freely in ISIS areas
The US Coalition denies heading through ISIS territory unchallenged to transport SDF elements.

US Coalition denies leading units through ISIS-held territory in Deir Ezzor

Much of this disinformation is directly attributable to comments made by MG Igor Konashenkov ⇒ Russian Ministry of Defense (RU/MOD).

It appears that the RU/MOD are trying to establish a tone for the new Russian Friendly - Arab History being written ⇒ so that the past record will likely include that the US was supporting the bad guys; once the conflict come to a conclusion. (Not that you don't already need a score card and players guide --- to figure-out who started what, who is an ally and who is an opponent. The war is over 6 years old and now had more than a half-million casualties.)

There are several tactically sound reasons why the opponents maybe avoiding contact. The least of which is they may need to reconstitute their units after the pursuit from Mosul to Raqqah, and to present local in the area of Hwaijet Saqr on a line east of Deir Ezzor City.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Syrian army en route to Deir Ezzor
※→ Bleipriester, et al,

A couple of us just discussed this very thing in Post #20 - Fresh News from Hama Sryia.

Russia unveils how the SDF can make progress in ISIS controlled areas: There is simply no resistance. ISIS only fights the SAA.

Breaking: Satellite images reveal US forces operating freely in ISIS areas
The US Coalition denies heading through ISIS territory unchallenged to transport SDF elements.

US Coalition denies leading units through ISIS-held territory in Deir Ezzor

Much of this disinformation is directly attributable to comments made by MG Igor Konashenkov ⇒ Russian Ministry of Defense (RU/MOD).

It appears that the RU/MOD are trying to establish a tone for the new Russian Friendly - Arab History being written ⇒ so that the past record will likely include that the US was supporting the bad guys; once the conflict come to a conclusion. (Not that you don't already need a score card and players guide --- to figure-out who started what, who is an ally and who is an opponent. The war is over 6 years old and now had more than a half-million casualties.)

There are several tactically sound reasons why the opponents maybe avoiding contact. The least of which is they may need to reconstitute their units after the pursuit from Mosul to Raqqah, and to present local in the area of Hwaijet Saqr on a line east of Deir Ezzor City.

Most Respectfully,
If the Coalition was committed to put an end to ISIS, why is it still there? The only answer is that the Anti-ISIS Coalition is actually the ISIS Coalition. Another point is that Russia is always busy to improve the relationship with the US, therefor the Russian claim is certainly well founded.
RE: Syrian army en route to Deir Ezzor
※→ Bleipriester, et al,

Don't over complicate things; and resist the temptation to adopt some half-baked conspiracy theory.

If the Coalition was committed to put an end to ISIS, why is it still there? The only answer is that the Anti-ISIS Coalition is actually the ISIS Coalition. Another point is that Russia is always busy to improve the relationship with the US, therefor the Russian claim is certainly well founded.

Contrary to popular belief, the US cannot just snap its fingers and make-it-so. In fact, in that part of the Levant, the Russians have many more times the influence then other major power (maybe all the major powers combined).

DAESH/ISIS originally was dominaed by the remnants of the JTJ (Abu Musab al-Zarqawi) and a few unaligned opponents grouped as AQI. Unless you just want to throw away the Rules of Warfare, it is virtually impossible for the US to eliminate the entire threat from any Jihadist, Virulent Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighter organization in those regions of the world. They are like Roaches, resilient, self-replicating and supported by the disenfranchised.

The US gets in trouble simply because of what the world has as an impression. It is the exact opposite of the Russian Federation. They go where they want and take what they want; and heaven help you if you get in the way. The US just gets racked over the coals. In those regions of the world, Americans are simply evil, having no redeeming qualities and fair game.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Syrian army en route to Deir Ezzor
※→ Bleipriester, et al,

Don't over complicate things; and resist the temptation to adopt some half-baked conspiracy theory.

If the Coalition was committed to put an end to ISIS, why is it still there? The only answer is that the Anti-ISIS Coalition is actually the ISIS Coalition. Another point is that Russia is always busy to improve the relationship with the US, therefor the Russian claim is certainly well founded.

Contrary to popular belief, the US cannot just snap its fingers and make-it-so. In fact, in that part of the Levant, the Russians have many more times the influence then other major power (maybe all the major powers combined).

DAESH/ISIS originally was dominaed by the remnants of the JTJ (Abu Musab al-Zarqawi) and a few unaligned opponents grouped as AQI. Unless you just want to throw away the Rules of Warfare, it is virtually impossible for the US to eliminate the entire threat from any Jihadist, Virulent Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighter organization in those regions of the world. They are like Roaches, resilient, self-replicating and supported by the disenfranchised.

The US gets in trouble simply because of what the world has as an impression. It is the exact opposite of the Russian Federation. They go where they want and take what they want; and heaven help you if you get in the way. The US just gets racked over the coals. In those regions of the world, Americans are simply evil, having no redeeming qualities and fair game.

Most Respectfully,
ISIS couldn´t grow that strong without US support. No matter how many terrorist groups wer around, the tenor has been "Assad must go" until the Russians came. Since ISIS appeared to go down, the US suddenly became busy to fight ISIS and this only to support the SDF grabbing as much Syrian soil as possible.

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RE: Syrian army en route to Deir Ezzor
※→ Bleipriester, et al,

As I mentioned, the US is lacking (particularly in the military) both Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counterintelligence (CI). Nowhere (in recent times) was this any more obvious then in Syria. Without the necessary ground intelligence on the actual ground truth, nearly three-quarters of the bombing sorties against DAESH/ISIS in early to mid-2015 were aborted and RTB (returned to base).

This was a known flaw in the chain of military leadership and was remarked upon at length in the Intelligence Community (IC) Study -- The Intelligence Community in the 21st Century, relative to the demands for intelligence support to military operations (SMO). This comment, from the study, demonstrates the pre-21st Century thoughts on the issue.

Finally,I would suggest with respect to the role of the DCI that we have an anomaly today. Military intelligence is declining in importance to our nation, but the control of the Department of Defense over the intelligence apparatus has increased substantially in the last dozen years or so.
ISIS couldn´t grow that strong without US support. No matter how many terrorist groups wer around, the tenor has been "Assad must go" until the Russians came. Since ISIS appeared to go down, the US suddenly became busy to fight ISIS and this only to support the SDF grabbing as much Syrian soil as possible..

Not to stray too far off topic, your perception, and the perception of many other, who are disappointed with the performance of US involvement in Syria, was driven by a series of forces.

√ There were those that wanted to promote democracy in Syria and oppose what they viewed as a despotic government. Any focus, resources and funding that went to any other project relative to Syria was simply being done at their expense. They thought they could make much better use of the allocations than any other project.

√ There were those that wanted to destabilize and topple the Assad Regime and Ba'athist Government. They saw the weakness of this government as reaching out and relying upon the Russian Federation; while at the same time, fermenting anti-Semitic/anti-Jewish sentiments throughout the region.

√ There were those that saw the hand of Syrian Intelligence as:

• Being responsible for the 1983 bombing of the USMC Barracks that killed more than 300 military and allied personnel in Beirut.

• Being in support the kidnapped and tortured Bill Buckley (an Army Officer and CIA Station Chief), who died in the hands of Hezbollah.

• Associating Syrian Intelligence as being a principle support mechanism behind Hezbollah; and facilitating Hezbollah operations that either were designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, act of aggression; Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence.​

√ And then there were those that see any involvement at all with Arab League members as a potentially serious political-military risk. That the US should exempt itself from political entanglements and let the various Arab interests to fight out the battles themselves. The theory being that the more the radicals fight among themselves, the harder they fight among themselves and the more lethal the engagements are, the better off the US will be; with the opponents focused on each other and not on the US.​

These are just big four of the several facets in the US that has the reach to effect US policy in the region. Among the others are:

√ Those that want to reduce the carnage and reestablish regional peace and stability.

√ Non-governmental agencies (NGOs) that want to resort peace for the purpose of cultural and human development projects.

√ There are Situational Predictors that want to exploit the potentials for war profiteering.​

And within each of these, there are latent sub-facets and movements that have other hidden agendas. What you are describing is a single layer → just one from a palette of layers in which some are in disguise, some are invisible, some are not what they seem to be; and then some are transparent or frosted, or beveled prisms that shift to be whatever it is you want them to be --- the chameleons of political-military operations (the most dangerous).

(There are dogs that have a bone in the fight. There are dogs that don't have a bone, but want to be in the fight. And there are dogs that simply don't care and rather watch the fight and maybe place their bets.)

Last but not least, there are criminal activities that are carried out on a large scale; with the money and contacts necessary to influence the government entities (politicians and civil servants) that are for sale.

The idea that the President can just getup one morning and decide he is going to make a major shift in foreign policy or the military focus, is simply not reality.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Syrian army en route to Deir Ezzor
※→ Bleipriester, et al,

As I mentioned, the US is lacking (particularly in the military) both Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counterintelligence (CI). Nowhere (in recent times) was this any more obvious then in Syria. Without the necessary ground intelligence on the actual ground truth, nearly three-quarters of the bombing sorties against DAESH/ISIS in early to mid-2015 were aborted and RTB (returned to base).

This was a known flaw in the chain of military leadership and was remarked upon at length in the Intelligence Community (IC) Study -- The Intelligence Community in the 21st Century, relative to the demands for intelligence support to military operations (SMO). This comment, from the study, demonstrates the pre-21st Century thoughts on the issue.

Finally,I would suggest with respect to the role of the DCI that we have an anomaly today. Military intelligence is declining in importance to our nation, but the control of the Department of Defense over the intelligence apparatus has increased substantially in the last dozen years or so.
ISIS couldn´t grow that strong without US support. No matter how many terrorist groups wer around, the tenor has been "Assad must go" until the Russians came. Since ISIS appeared to go down, the US suddenly became busy to fight ISIS and this only to support the SDF grabbing as much Syrian soil as possible..

Not to stray too far off topic, your perception, and the perception of many other, who are disappointed with the performance of US involvement in Syria, was driven by a series of forces.

√ There were those that wanted to promote democracy in Syria and oppose what they viewed as a despotic government. Any focus, resources and funding that went to any other project relative to Syria was simply being done at their expense. They thought they could make much better use of the allocations than any other project.

√ There were those that wanted to destabilize and topple the Assad Regime and Ba'athist Government. They saw the weakness of this government as reaching out and relying upon the Russian Federation; while at the same time, fermenting anti-Semitic/anti-Jewish sentiments throughout the region.

√ There were those that saw the hand of Syrian Intelligence as:

• Being responsible for the 1983 bombing of the USMC Barracks that killed more than 300 military and allied personnel in Beirut.

• Being in support the kidnapped and tortured Bill Buckley (an Army Officer and CIA Station Chief), who died in the hands of Hezbollah.

• Associating Syrian Intelligence as being a principle support mechanism behind Hezbollah; and facilitating Hezbollah operations that either were designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, act of aggression; Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence.​

√ And then there were those that see any involvement at all with Arab League members as a potentially serious political-military risk. That the US should exempt itself from political entanglements and let the various Arab interests to fight out the battles themselves. The theory being that the more the radicals fight among themselves, the harder they fight among themselves and the more lethal the engagements are, the better off the US will be; with the opponents focused on each other and not on the US.​

These are just big four of the several facets in the US that has the reach to effect US policy in the region. Among the others are:

√ Those that want to reduce the carnage and reestablish regional peace and stability.

√ Non-governmental agencies (NGOs) that want to resort peace for the purpose of cultural and human development projects.

√ There are Situational Predictors that want to exploit the potentials for war profiteering.​

And within each of these, there are latent sub-facets and movements that have other hidden agendas. What you are describing is a single layer → just one from a palette of layers in which some are in disguise, some are invisible, some are not what they seem to be; and then some are transparent or frosted, or beveled prisms that shift to be whatever it is you want them to be --- the chameleons of political-military operations (the most dangerous).

(There are dogs that have a bone in the fight. There are dogs that don't have a bone, but want to be in the fight. And there are dogs that simply don't care and rather watch the fight and maybe place their bets.)

Last but not least, there are criminal activities that are carried out on a large scale; with the money and contacts necessary to influence the government entities (politicians and civil servants) that are for sale.

The idea that the President can just getup one morning and decide he is going to make a major shift in foreign policy or the military focus, is simply not reality.

Most Respectfully,
There was no "flaw". Flights not directly in support of Kurdish forces returned without deliverance. ISIS was not fought but canalized against government troops in Syria and Iraq even with supply drops. Keep that 75 % figure in mind when you read here:

"Washington (AFP) - American pilots call it "going Winchester," when a warplane drops every bomb on board, and air crews for the B-1 bomber told AFP it was not uncommon in the battle for the Syrian town of Kobane, recaptured by Kurdish forces last month.

The airmen, recently returned from a six-month stint flying combat missions over Syria and Iraq, recounted how American aircraft relentlessly pounded Islamic State jihadists fighting the Kurds in Kobane.

The heavy bombing, not seen since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, helped the Kurds hold and eventually recapture the northern border town last month, a symbolic blow to the extremists who appeared on the verge of seizing Kobane in October.

"When you went to Kobane, you could almost guarantee you were going to release a weapon that day," said Captain Todd Saksa, a B-1 weapons systems officer."

In battle for Kobane, US crews recount heavy bombing

Here´s another "flaw":

"(IraqiNews.com) On Saturday, MP Majid al-Ghraoui said that, an American aircraft dropped a load of weapons and equipment into the hands of the ISIS group militants in southeast of Tikrit, located in Salahuddin province.

MP Majid al-Ghraoui, the member of the Security and Defense Committee in the Parliament, said: “The information that has reached us in the security and defense committee indicates that an American aircraft dropped a load of weapons and equipment to the ISIS group militants at the area of al-Dour in the province of Salahuddin.”

He added, “The committee will set a meeting within the next few days to follow up on that incident,” pointing out that, “This incident is continuously happening and has also occurred in some other regions.”"

American aircraft dropped weapons to ISIS, says MP

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