Syrian war is slipping from the hands of battered rebels

No. Being confronted with the plans of someones who want to create their own religious state of craze does not make one a part of them. I warned the other side of what could occur in the future and created a plan to prevent their success. This is my part of these happenings.
Which side wants to create their own religious state of craze? It's hard to distinguish one side from the other. That's why I root for both sides to win.
These both sides couldn´t be more different. There is the modern Syria granting freedom and stability to the Syrian people.

Three or four days ago the Syrian Arab Army retook the Crac Des Chevaliers Citadel.
Syria's Crac Des Chevaliers Citadel Captured By Government Troops

Here is the reaction of the people who probably live nearby:





And there is the other side, the jihadist terrorists.
Here is a report, that shows what state of craze the terrorists are about to create in the areas controlled by them.

Girl 'is stoned to death by Syrian fundamentalists for having a FACEBOOK account'
  • Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militants reportedly stoned girl to death
  • Girl sentenced to death by Sharia court for having Facebook account
  • Court ruled being a member of social network deserved to be punished in the same way as adultery
Girl 'stoned to death by Syrian fundamentalists for having a FACEBOOK account' | Mail Online
Who's responsible for killing those 140,000 innocent civilians in the past 3 years? I'll be against that side and be on the side of the ones who didn't kill any innocent people, by gum! Tell me which is which so I can send Christmas cards.
Which side wants to create their own religious state of craze? It's hard to distinguish one side from the other. That's why I root for both sides to win.
These both sides couldn´t be more different. There is the modern Syria granting freedom and stability to the Syrian people.

Three or four days ago the Syrian Arab Army retook the Crac Des Chevaliers Citadel.
Syria's Crac Des Chevaliers Citadel Captured By Government Troops

Here is the reaction of the people who probably live nearby:





And there is the other side, the jihadist terrorists.
Here is a report, that shows what state of craze the terrorists are about to create in the areas controlled by them.

Girl 'is stoned to death by Syrian fundamentalists for having a FACEBOOK account'
  • Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militants reportedly stoned girl to death
  • Girl sentenced to death by Sharia court for having Facebook account
  • Court ruled being a member of social network deserved to be punished in the same way as adultery
Girl 'stoned to death by Syrian fundamentalists for having a FACEBOOK account' | Mail Online
Who's responsible for killing those 140,000 innocent civilians in the past 3 years? I'll be against that side and be on the side of the ones who didn't kill any innocent people, by gum! Tell me which is which so I can send Christmas cards.

Innocents have been killed on both side. The difference is intentionally killing innocents rather than by happenstance or accident.
Who's responsible for killing those 140,000 innocent civilians in the past 3 years? I'll be against that side and be on the side of the ones who didn't kill any innocent people, by gum! Tell me which is which so I can send Christmas cards.
Honest, have you ever been that concerned about innocent lifes, when the USAF bombarded another country, or were they simply collateral damage?

In spite of the West´s aggression wars, Syria´s war is not optionial. In reality, Syria is a victim of another western aggression and needs to fight to survive.

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Innocents have been killed on both side. The difference is intentionally killing innocents rather than by happenstance or accident.
The terrorists force the Syrians to defend themselves, so all of the innocent people´s deaths are caused by the terrorists.
Innocents have been killed on both side. The difference is intentionally killing innocents rather than by happenstance or accident.
The terrorists force the Syrians to defend themselves, so all of the innocent people´s deaths are caused by the terrorists.
What about the barrel bombs, the poison gas, the other inhumane acts by both sides?
Innocents have been killed on both side. The difference is intentionally killing innocents rather than by happenstance or accident.
The terrorists force the Syrians to defend themselves, so all of the innocent people´s deaths are caused by the terrorists.
What about the barrel bombs, the poison gas, the other inhumane acts by both sides?
The measures like the use of barrel bombs have financial reasons. The use of barrel bombs is limited to Aleppo and each drop of a barrel bomb is previously announced by the Syrian forces. If gas has been used by the Syrian forces, then in very small scales, so there is no civilian victim. War is a sad thing but think of the lifes that are saved due to the brave Syrian soldier´s efforts.
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The terrorists force the Syrians to defend themselves, so all of the innocent people´s deaths are caused by the terrorists.
What about the barrel bombs, the poison gas, the other inhumane acts by both sides?
The measures like the use of barrel bombs have financial reasons. The use of barrel bombs is limited to Aleppo and each drop of a barrel bomb is previously announced by the Syrian forces. If gas has been used by the Syrian forces, then in very small scales, so there is no civilian victim. War is a sad thing but think of the lifes that are saved due to the brave Syrian soldier´s efforts.
That type of tactics doesn't make sense. And the civilians I saw on TV writhing around like a worm on a hot stove were victims of war criminals. From gas.
That type of tactics doesn't make sense.
It does. It is about to destroy the covers. Nothing to be proud about but it seems to be necessary...

And the civilians I saw on TV writhing around like a worm on a hot stove were victims of war criminals. From gas.
From gas the terrorists launched:
UN Investigator Undercuts New York Times on Syria. Assad Government not Responsible for August 21 Chemical Attack | Global Research
One thing you have to realize. There are rules of war. They are called the Laws of Land Warfare. When laws are broken the perpetrators will be designated as war criminals. This goes for both sides and once this war is over there will be a shitload of Syrians standing at the docks in the Hague. It doesn't matter who you think is right or wrong, the guilty will be punished. You might want to take a gander at those laws before arguing with someone. Or ask Rocco. He's an expert on the matters.
That type of tactics doesn't make sense.
It does. It is about to destroy the covers. Nothing to be proud about but it seems to be necessary...

And the civilians I saw on TV writhing around like a worm on a hot stove were victims of war criminals. From gas.
From gas the terrorists launched:
UN Investigator Undercuts New York Times on Syria. Assad Government not Responsible for August 21 Chemical Attack | Global Research
One thing you have to realize. There are rules of war. They are called the Laws of Land Warfare. When laws are broken the perpetrators will be designated as war criminals. This goes for both sides and once this war is over there will be a shitload of Syrians standing at the docks in the Hague. It doesn't matter who you think is right or wrong, the guilty will be punished. You might want to take a gander at those laws before arguing with someone. Or ask Rocco. He's an expert on the matters.
Rules that are applied on some countries only dont matter. Assad and the Syrian people give a shit about a little shitty court in the Netherlands, which doesnt care about western war criminals. In addition to that, Assad isnt a war criminal. If someones should be punished by a serious international court, its those who support the terrorists in Syria.
IF we had a real President, we'd start staging NATO troops along the Ukraainian border under the guise of military exercises, and when Putin moved to counter that, freeze him there while we kill Asad and destory the Syrian government forces.

Then just let the rebels mop up the aftermath.

But we don't.
For what purpose?
You don't know?

I'm no sympathizer for what is going on in Syria, but a Syria without Assad is a good thing, and Obama would prove he can maneuver on the world stage with Putin. Not to mention, it fulfills our obligation to NATO (which should be dismantled and Europe left to its own devices, but since it hasn't.....)
IF we had a real President, we'd start staging NATO troops along the Ukraainian border under the guise of military exercises, and when Putin moved to counter that, freeze him there while we kill Asad and destory the Syrian government forces.

Then just let the rebels mop up the aftermath.

But we don't.
For what purpose?
You don't know?

I'm no sympathizer for what is going on in Syria, but a Syria without Assad is a good thing, and Obama would prove he can maneuver on the world stage with Putin. Not to mention, it fulfills our obligation to NATO (which should be dismantled and Europe left to its own devices, but since it hasn't.....)
Why is Syria without Assad a good thing? President Assad is Syria. If he´d fall, Syria would fall and would be divided into the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq and what Al-Qaeda´s Al-Nusra would make of the areas it controls.

And if Obama needs to sell his own Grandmother to show Putin that he is on eye height with him, he failed to show it dramatically as well...

Furthermore it is up to the international community to help the Syrians to get rid of these terrorists.

And have you heard about the 7 year limit Syrian Presidents are facing as of the presidential elections 2014? Isn´t it what the rebels claimed for? Why are they still fighting?

Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic, Article 88:
"The President of the Republic is elected for 7 years as of the end of the term of the existing President. The President can be elected for only one more successive term."
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syrians are being slaughtered; but it's ok, not with chemicals!!!

give obama another Nobel!!
For what purpose?
You don't know?

I'm no sympathizer for what is going on in Syria, but a Syria without Assad is a good thing, and Obama would prove he can maneuver on the world stage with Putin. Not to mention, it fulfills our obligation to NATO (which should be dismantled and Europe left to its own devices, but since it hasn't.....)
Why is Syria without Assad a good thing? President Assad is Syria. If he´d fall, Syria would fall and would be divided into the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq and what Al-Qaeda´s Al-Nusra would make of the areas it controls.

And if Obama needs to sell his own Grandmother to show Putin that he is on eye height with him, he failed to show it dramatically as well...

Furthermore it is up to the international community to help the Syrians to get rid of these terrorists.

And have you heard about the 7 year limit Syrian Presidents are facing as of the presidential elections 2014? Isn´t it what the rebels claimed for? Why are they still fighting?

Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic, Article 88:
"The President of the Republic is elected for 7 years as of the end of the term of the existing President. The President can be elected for only one more successive term."
Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic - 2012
Oh, I don't know. I just have a thing against malicious, brutal murderers who abuse the people in their care. Syria is NOT Assad and it would prosper, or at the very least, do better with his head decorating a spike on a city wall somewhere.
Oh, I don't know. I just have a thing against malicious, brutal murderers who abuse the people in their care. Syria is NOT Assad and it would prosper, or at the very least, do better with his head decorating a spike on a city wall somewhere.
For what purpose?
You don't know?

I'm no sympathizer for what is going on in Syria, but a Syria without Assad is a good thing, and Obama would prove he can maneuver on the world stage with Putin. Not to mention, it fulfills our obligation to NATO (which should be dismantled and Europe left to its own devices, but since it hasn't.....)
Why is Syria without Assad a good thing? President Assad is Syria. If he´d fall, Syria would fall and would be divided into the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq and what Al-Qaeda´s Al-Nusra would make of the areas it controls.

And if Obama needs to sell his own Grandmother to show Putin that he is on eye height with him, he failed to show it dramatically as well...

Furthermore it is up to the international community to help the Syrians to get rid of these terrorists.

And have you heard about the 7 year limit Syrian Presidents are facing as of the presidential elections 2014? Isn´t it what the rebels claimed for? Why are they still fighting?

Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic, Article 88:
"The President of the Republic is elected for 7 years as of the end of the term of the existing President. The President can be elected for only one more successive term."
Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic - 2012
Assad is Syria? 1971-2014, 43 years of Assads-In-Charge. Presidential or Dictitorial? President's terms don't start with a coup and continue for 43 years..
You don't know?

I'm no sympathizer for what is going on in Syria, but a Syria without Assad is a good thing, and Obama would prove he can maneuver on the world stage with Putin. Not to mention, it fulfills our obligation to NATO (which should be dismantled and Europe left to its own devices, but since it hasn't.....)
Why is Syria without Assad a good thing? President Assad is Syria. If he´d fall, Syria would fall and would be divided into the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq and what Al-Qaeda´s Al-Nusra would make of the areas it controls.

And if Obama needs to sell his own Grandmother to show Putin that he is on eye height with him, he failed to show it dramatically as well...

Furthermore it is up to the international community to help the Syrians to get rid of these terrorists.

And have you heard about the 7 year limit Syrian Presidents are facing as of the presidential elections 2014? Isn´t it what the rebels claimed for? Why are they still fighting?

Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic, Article 88:
"The President of the Republic is elected for 7 years as of the end of the term of the existing President. The President can be elected for only one more successive term."
Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic - 2012
Assad is Syria? 1971-2014, 43 years of Assads-In-Charge. Presidential or Dictitorial? President's terms don't start with a coup and continue for 43 years..
Whats the different between a one- and a two-party system? The one-party system is more honest, while the two-party system has to make the people believe that they have a say. And it´s over anyway as the new constitution does not include a Baath Party claim to leadership. Be lucky that our systems are backed by wealth. Once the wealth is gone, the people will start to question.
syrians are being slaughtered; but it's ok, not with chemicals!!!

give obama another Nobel!!

How many US Servicemen's lives are you interested in sacrificing to bring about the changes for which you so strongly advocate?
Why is Syria without Assad a good thing? President Assad is Syria. If he´d fall, Syria would fall and would be divided into the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq and what Al-Qaeda´s Al-Nusra would make of the areas it controls.

And if Obama needs to sell his own Grandmother to show Putin that he is on eye height with him, he failed to show it dramatically as well...

Furthermore it is up to the international community to help the Syrians to get rid of these terrorists.

And have you heard about the 7 year limit Syrian Presidents are facing as of the presidential elections 2014? Isn´t it what the rebels claimed for? Why are they still fighting?

Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic, Article 88:
"The President of the Republic is elected for 7 years as of the end of the term of the existing President. The President can be elected for only one more successive term."
Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic - 2012
Assad is Syria? 1971-2014, 43 years of Assads-In-Charge. Presidential or Dictitorial? President's terms don't start with a coup and continue for 43 years..
Whats the different between a one- and a two-party system? The one-party system is more honest, while the two-party system has to make the people believe that they have a say. And it´s over anyway as the new constitution does not include a Baath Party claim to leadership. Be lucky that our systems are backed by wealth. Once the wealth is gone, the people will start to question.
You win. I'm convinced. How ''bout we keep Obama in office until he fathers a son? After the son is 35 years old, we'll put him in charge. Maybe the son will finally get Obamacare to work.
Seems the President of Syria knows how to deal with Al Qaeda, maybe we can get some tips from him for our war in Afghanistan.

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