T-publicans To Crazy For Koch Bros.


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
The Koch brothers, AKA the Frankensteins created a T-monster but now-----but now...

Wow, the standards for thread creation here are pretty low.

Meaning, this thread is a piece of shit. Have a nice day.
Wow, the standards for thread creation here are pretty low.

Meaning, this thread is a piece of shit. Have a nice day.

I'll have to check my archives but the above post may be the most banal post to a USMB thread ever but-----but WTH that's way T-publicans roll <shoulder shrug>

Didn't bother or-----or didn't know how to open the link?

"...Koch officials have expressed concern to lawmakers that the prospect of a government default over the Obamacare issue would be a "disaster" for the economy, according to one GOP consultant who recently discussed the matter with Koch officials and asked for anonymity."
Koch Industries: We Are Not Behind The Government Shutdown

Koch Industries: We Are Not Behind The Government Shutdown

DYLAN SCOTT &#8211; OCTOBER 9, 2013, 12:44 PM EDT
In a letter to U.S senators dated Wednesday, Koch Industries denied ever advocating for a government shutdown as a way to force the defunding of Obamacare. The letter was in response to comments on the Senate floor Tuesday by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in which he blamed Koch for the shutdown, which followed a conservative push to pressure Democrats into defunding or delaying Obamacare to keep the government open.

"Koch believes that Obamacare will increase deficits, lead to an overall lowering of the standard of health care in America, and raise taxes," the letter said. "However, Koch has not taken a position on the legislative tactic of tying the continuing resolution to defunding Obamacare nor have we lobbied on legislative provisions defunding Obamacare."

The letter was sent by Philip Ellender, president of government and public affairs for Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC. It was not immediately clear if the letter was sent to all senators.

Koch Industries is headed by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who are major contributors to various conservative causes. A New York Times story on the origins of the defund Obamacare fight noted that groups that received Koch support have been significant forces in opposing the health care reform law.

The full letter at link.
Koch Industries: We Are Not Behind The Government Shutdown

Koch Industries: We Are Not Behind The Government Shutdown

DYLAN SCOTT &#8211; OCTOBER 9, 2013, 12:44 PM EDT
In a letter to U.S senators dated Wednesday, Koch Industries denied ever advocating for a government shutdown as a way to force the defunding of Obamacare. The letter was in response to comments on the Senate floor Tuesday by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in which he blamed Koch for the shutdown, which followed a conservative push to pressure Democrats into defunding or delaying Obamacare to keep the government open.

"Koch believes that Obamacare will increase deficits, lead to an overall lowering of the standard of health care in America, and raise taxes," the letter said. "However, Koch has not taken a position on the legislative tactic of tying the continuing resolution to defunding Obamacare nor have we lobbied on legislative provisions defunding Obamacare."

The letter was sent by Philip Ellender, president of government and public affairs for Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC. It was not immediately clear if the letter was sent to all senators.

Koch Industries is headed by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who are major contributors to various conservative causes. A New York Times story on the origins of the defund Obamacare fight noted that groups that received Koch support have been significant forces in opposing the health care reform law.

The full letter at link.

yep, and they've been planning for a long time.


The traitorous Repubs want to see this country fail completely and they'll do whatever they must to make that happen.They've got lots of help from rw's who want to see the same thing - just so they can say its President Obama's fault.
Koch Industries: We Are Not Behind The Government Shutdown

Koch Industries: We Are Not Behind The Government Shutdown

In a letter to U.S senators dated Wednesday, Koch Industries denied ever advocating for a government shutdown as a way to force the defunding of Obamacare. The letter was in response to comments on the Senate floor Tuesday by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in which he blamed Koch for the shutdown, which followed a conservative push to pressure Democrats into defunding or delaying Obamacare to keep the government open.

"Koch believes that Obamacare will increase deficits, lead to an overall lowering of the standard of health care in America, and raise taxes," the letter said. "However, Koch has not taken a position on the legislative tactic of tying the continuing resolution to defunding Obamacare nor have we lobbied on legislative provisions defunding Obamacare."

The letter was sent by Philip Ellender, president of government and public affairs for Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC. It was not immediately clear if the letter was sent to all senators.

Koch Industries is headed by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who are major contributors to various conservative causes. A New York Times story on the origins of the defund Obamacare fight noted that groups that received Koch support have been significant forces in opposing the health care reform law.

The full letter at link.

yep, and they've been planning for a long time.


The traitorous Repubs want to see this country fail completely and they'll do whatever they must to make that happen.They've got lots of help from rw's who want to see the same thing - just so they can say its President Obama's fault.

Yup. I've published the link to that article from the NYT numerous times today. It is an expose. It is a flushing out of these bastards. They had better reinforce the walls of their personal Versailles because I am with columnist Gail Collins. I too am seeing lit torches in dark streets.
It is good to see the TeaPs begin their surrender process.

They will but we will have gone into default before they do. It may only last a day or two but the damage is done. The oil companies, utility companies, banks and insurance companies are all busy tonight devaluing or money into paper that has no more worth than the Sunday NYT sitting on my coffee table.

If you had a question in your mind about who the T-publican masters are, consider; this AM the billionaires ordered their minions to drop their Obamacare BS and-----and voila...

If you're tired of buying Koch Industry stuff or-----or any other stuff that takes your hard earned dollars then turns around and funds Republicans and other stuff most of us don't like and-----and you have a smartphone, go to your App Store, download the Buycott app, sign on to the stuff you like/don't like then-----then as you do your shopping simply scan the UPC code of the products you are considering buying and just like that
Buycott will tell you if you are supporting that company, have no issues with that company or you're avoiding that company - quick-easy-simple, check out Buycott

Buycott App

Have you ever wondered whether the money you spend ends up funding causes you oppose?
A buycott is the opposite of a boycott. Buycott helps you to organize your everyday consumer spending so that it reflects your principles.

Example: During the SOPA/PIPA debate in 2012, a number of companies pushed to pass legislation that reduced online freedom of expression, while other companies fought hard to oppose the legislation. With Buycott, a campaign can be quickly created around a cause, with the goal of targeting companies with a boycott unless they change their position, or buycotting a company to show your support.

When you use Buycott to scan a product, it will look up the product, determine what brand it belongs to, and figure out what company owns that brand (and who owns that company, ad infinitum). It will then cross-check the product owners against the companies and brands included in the campaigns you've joined, in order to tell you if the scanned product conflicts with one of your campaign commitments.


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