T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

Keep serving slow pitches, Maggie will keep hitting them out of the park, Neo.

Are you going to be like bigreb, when he loses? He dances around screaming "I struck him out" as if he were a pitcher whose opponent smacked the ball into the center field bleachers.

The great majority of America is looking at the far righ with horror. Check the polls on Palin.

Actually Jake, if you look back through the postings, Maggie has already claimed that prize..
How elitist of you

The above is a statement worthy of a loon.

Experience, education, work, etc., do lead to wisdom. This is common sense, Neo.

Wisdom from experience, education, enhancement of knowledge is why there are more moderate independents. We've ALL voted for one party or the other at some point in our personal histories because we've ALL seen that there are great things about conservatism and there are great things about liberalism as well. To be stuck in one mindset regardless of any evidence to the contrary is ignorant. Fortunately, ignorance is curable. It's stupidy that isn't.
Shall we wait until one of them says Jeff Flake is a rino? I don't think I'll waste much more time here, but count on it.

Looking for Jake to hold your hand will not help you

Neo is unhappy that the Republican Flake backs your opinions, Maggie Mae.

Neo apparently is not happy that he is in a vast minority far to the right.

Neo apparently is unhappy about a "balanced and fair" flow of ideas, but would rather simply dominate and corrupt the process as he is trying today.


What colour is the sky in your world?

"Fairness Doctrine" the Republicans back?

I am glad to see you are concerned with my happiness.

I am very happy; though I do find Maggie and you to be very sad sometimes

In fact, the 'Ménage à trois' you two have tried to pull with me has been quite interesting; it shows me how empty you two really are....

It is almost like you two are one in the same.....
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Why does the Left fear the free exchange of speech and ideas?

Apparently, hatred for competition is just not limited to the marketplace for the Left

You're the one (or maybe Libapocalypse) is the one who brought up the Fairness Doctrine. Who is it that's scared? Not me, pal. The 24/7 political news cycle is decided by the right wing noise machine. Why would you object to someone from the left granted editorial space following a Glenn Beck rant, or someone from the right granted editorial space following a Keith Olbermann rant as a matter of policy by the respective channels?

Starting to sound a little more paranoid then usual there...

Object for the same reason we don't have affirmative action in the NBA

What about Air America? They tried to compete in the open market place?

You don't even know what paranoid means, so how can I attempt to respond to your attempted comparisons? You really should already know the simple answers, which adds even more to my presumption that you really don't have a very wide range to your thought process.
Seems as if Maggie has no regard for copyrights, the behavior of liberals or where funding comes from.

Obama made a poor choice of the memorial to attend. He had the ability to steer it back in that direction, but like the egomaniac he is, just let it become a political rally.

Until we get a President who walks the talk and Congress respects the trust we have given them, we will see more of this whole scene.
Well of course you don't want to speak of the Left's (yours) hypocrisy, "grandma"

Pretty much a "no brainer" on that one, but we never expected less from you

Neo can't refute the facts, so he becomes the SaulAlinksyOfTheRight.

Neo, you can't argue because you don't have the facts on your side, and your demonization fails.


Honestly, you can't see the hypocrisy by the left here in that example?

Why should I respond to her poor attempt to spin the point?

Neo--hypocrisy and truth are most assuredly two different approaches. I never deny that the left can be hypocrical. The entire last decade has been played out as a tit-for-tat sandbox game of hypocrisy. But to accuse the left of hypocrisy on the TOPIC of this thread misses truths that are inyourface.
You're the one (or maybe Libapocalypse) is the one who brought up the Fairness Doctrine. Who is it that's scared? Not me, pal. The 24/7 political news cycle is decided by the right wing noise machine. Why would you object to someone from the left granted editorial space following a Glenn Beck rant, or someone from the right granted editorial space following a Keith Olbermann rant as a matter of policy by the respective channels?

Starting to sound a little more paranoid then usual there...

Object for the same reason we don't have affirmative action in the NBA

What about Air America? They tried to compete in the open market place?

You don't even know what paranoid means, so how can I attempt to respond to your attempted comparisons? You really should already know the simple answers, which adds even more to my presumption that you really don't have a very wide range to your thought process.

Definition of Paranoid: see Maggie's post above

That's strange most readers would think you can't respond because you don't have an answer
Got to go to a stewardship meeting.

You are in good hands here. Listen to Maggie Mae, and perhaps you will realize the world is much larger than your corner of the room.

I don't see that happening. Only a few conservatives who post here show a common sense approach to agreeing to disagree. I understand perfectly that there's a great chasm of differences in political ideology, but when it comes to disagreeing just for the sake of disagreeing, then it becomes childish and, frankly, a big fat waste of time.
Jake, the statement was proper since hers was one of a pompous arse
I know you guys like to help each other in these things; but give it a rest Jake

You are the pompous one here, Neo. Those who are wiser, more experienced, better schooled are not elitist, but it is elitist to accuse them of it. Yes, you are now sounding goofy.

How do such things as facts- you don't

I say it is more "pompous" on your part to assume such things as true.

With no proof, it is only your opinion.

"just words" as they say

Sorry, she still came off as pompous

I know she is your friend and you feel you need to defend her

Frankly, when I come across someone who really appears to be just insulting with few if any facts to back up his statements, when I can back up mine, then I have a right to point that out. The very fact that it comes across as "pompous" just because I have wisdom based on my background also speaks to your refusal to step outside your own little world of pomp. Do you think "wisdom" just magically appears? It happens after years of reading, watching, listening, analyzing, AND occasionally admitting to one's self that "I may be wrong." And then studying whatever the issue is even further, not relying on whatever your buddies, your parents, or your favorite pundits say.
That sounds good - but is completely disconnected from reality.

The facts are, Together We Thrive is an Organizing For America slogan and is not appropriate for a memorial service supposedly in honor of six dead.
Looking for Jake to hold your hand will not help you

Neo is unhappy that the Republican Flake backs your opinions, Maggie Mae.

Neo apparently is not happy that he is in a vast minority far to the right.

Neo apparently is unhappy about a "balanced and fair" flow of ideas, but would rather simply dominate and corrupt the process as he is trying today.


What colour is the sky in your world?

"Fairness Doctrine" the Republicans back?

I am glad to see you are concerned with my happiness.

I am very happy; though I do find Maggie and you to be very sad sometimes

In fact, the 'Ménage à trois' you two have tried to pull with me has been quite interesting; it shows me how empty you two really are....

It is almost like you two are one in the same.....

You also seem to have a subtle? hangup about homosexuality, yesterday subtly accusing Jake of wanting a hookup with you and now a threesome. Another indication by those comments that you're quite young and inexperienced in the political arena.
Neo can't refute the facts, so he becomes the SaulAlinksyOfTheRight.

Neo, you can't argue because you don't have the facts on your side, and your demonization fails.


Honestly, you can't see the hypocrisy by the left here in that example?

Why should I respond to her poor attempt to spin the point?

Neo--hypocrisy and truth are most assuredly two different approaches. I never deny that the left can be hypocrical. The entire last decade has been played out as a tit-for-tat sandbox game of hypocrisy. But to accuse the left of hypocrisy on the TOPIC of this thread misses truths that are inyourface.

is this Jake or Maggie speaking to me now?

Of course, when it comes to hypocrisy, no one or group can claim to pure from that sin. I have not claimed that to be true

However, my goal here is not to be "balanced"; it is partisan (non-party) and divisive by intention. As is yours, intended or not.
Neo is unhappy that the Republican Flake backs your opinions, Maggie Mae.

Neo apparently is not happy that he is in a vast minority far to the right.

Neo apparently is unhappy about a "balanced and fair" flow of ideas, but would rather simply dominate and corrupt the process as he is trying today.


What colour is the sky in your world?

"Fairness Doctrine" the Republicans back?

I am glad to see you are concerned with my happiness.

I am very happy; though I do find Maggie and you to be very sad sometimes

In fact, the 'Ménage à trois' you two have tried to pull with me has been quite interesting; it shows me how empty you two really are....

It is almost like you two are one in the same.....

You also seem to have a subtle? hangup about homosexuality, yesterday subtly accusing Jake of wanting a hookup with you and now a threesome. Another indication by those comments that you're quite young and inexperienced in the political arena.

On no the "homo" accusation ....

Is that suppose to intimidate me ?

Try again!

How old did you claim to be ?

What's next, I 'm a Nazi?

I implied a Jake had a "man-crush" which is something different

How do you know that one?
You were not involved with that conversation at all the other day

Hey, you and him are not the same poster in one?
Last edited:
Starting to sound a little more paranoid then usual there...

Object for the same reason we don't have affirmative action in the NBA

What about Air America? They tried to compete in the open market place?

You don't even know what paranoid means, so how can I attempt to respond to your attempted comparisons? You really should already know the simple answers, which adds even more to my presumption that you really don't have a very wide range to your thought process.

Definition of Paranoid: see Maggie's post above

That's strange most readers would think you can't respond because you don't have an answer

Respond to WHAT? Affirmative action in basketball? Don't you just have to be good at the game AND TALL???? And Air America couldn't survive once News Corps bought all the airwaves from Clear Channel.

What colour is the sky in your world?

"Fairness Doctrine" the Republicans back?

I am glad to see you are concerned with my happiness.

I am very happy; though I do find Maggie and you to be very sad sometimes

In fact, the 'Ménage à trois' you two have tried to pull with me has been quite interesting; it shows me how empty you two really are....

It is almost like you two are one in the same.....

You also seem to have a subtle? hangup about homosexuality, yesterday subtly accusing Jake of wanting a hookup with you and now a threesome. Another indication by those comments that you're quite young and inexperienced in the political arena.

On no the "homo" accusation ....

Is that suppose to intimidate me ?

Try again!

How old did you claim to be ?

What's next, I 'm a Nazi?

I implied a Jake had a "man-crush" which is something different

How do you know that one?
You were not involved with that conversation at all the other day

Hey, you and him are not the same poster in one?

Oh no!!! The sock puppet accusation!!! Hey, you're the one who brought it up, three times now.
Last edited:
You also seem to have a subtle? hangup about homosexuality, yesterday subtly accusing Jake of wanting a hookup with you and now a threesome. Another indication by those comments that you're quite young and inexperienced in the political arena.

On no the "homo" accusation ....

Is that suppose to intimidate me ?

Try again!

How old did you claim to be ?

What's next, I 'm a Nazi?

I implied a Jake had a "man-crush" which is something different

How do you know that one?
You were not involved with that conversation at all the other day

Hey, you and him are not the same poster in one?

Oh no!!! The sock puppet accusation!!! Hey, you're the one who brought it up, three times now.

Do you have a problem with homosexuals?

Why do you think using it would be some kind of insult?

Of course, it is still interesting how you knew about the "man-crush" thing and you were not involved.....
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Time to go, so carry on for me Jake. I've got a nice Bloody Mary and a plate of nachos waiting. Game time!
So many things to touch on after 32 pages and 474 posts but I'll limit myself to 2.

RIP t-shirts with slogans are quite common for many Americans, even if not in your neck of the woods. Consider them the equivalent of prayer cards, mementos of the memorial. And a bit of cheap advertising for the University.


As for the hoopla, this is my all-time favorite memorial. Draw your own conclusions.


Don't know how to embed the vids yet.

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