Ta-ta, Justice Kagan!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The House Judiciary Committee is launching a probe into Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan’s prior involvement with healthcare reform legislation that could determine she must recuse herself from future high court deliberations on Obamacare.

When President Barack Obama signed the healthcare bill into law, Kagan was still serving as his solicitor general and was responsible for defending the administration’s position in federal court cases.

In one series of email exchanges between Kagan and staffers, her top deputy says about legal challengers to Obamacare: “Let’s crush them.”

A federal law prohibits a Supreme Court justice from judging a case if while in previous government service he or she served as counsel or adviser on the case or expressed an opinion about its merits, CNS News reported.

The Judiciary Committee investigation follows up on a letter sent by 49 members of the House to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, and ranking Democrat John Conyers of Michigan on June 24. It called on the committee “to promptly investigate the extent to which U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan was involved in preparing a legal defense of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) during her tenure as solicitor general.”

One item released by the DOJ is an email chain showing that on Jan. 8, 2010, then-Solicitor General Kagan assigned her top deputy, Neal Katyal, to handle the expected lawsuits against Obamacare, and that Katyal informed the Associate Attorney General’s office that Kagan “definitely” wanted her office involved in this issue.

Brian Hauck, the senior counsel to Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli, emailed Katyal to tell him that Perrelli wanted “to put together a group to get thinking about how to defend against the inevitable challenges to the healthcare proposals that are pending.”

Katyal replied: “Absolutely right on. Let’s crush them. I’ll speak to [Solicitor General] Elena [Kagan] and designate someone.”
Kagan instantly assigned Katyal.

Read more on Newsmax.com: House Probing Kagan's Link to Obamacare
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During Kagan’s confirmation hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee, which began on June 28, 2010, Republicans asked her if she had ever been “asked about your opinion regarding the underlying legal or constitutional issues related to any proposed healthcare legislation … or the underlying legal or constitutional issues related to potential litigation resulting from such legislation.” They also asked her whether she had “ever offered any views or comments” on those subjects.

Kagan answered both questions: “No.”

Read more on Newsmax.com: House Probing Kagan's Link to Obamacare

2. The American ideal is that we are “a nation of laws, not of men,” as John Adams put it.
I suppose we are about to find out if this is true....


There were numerous times Scalia should have recused himself..and did not. That should be the standard now.
So shes caught in a lie. If I understand this correctly, Congress can move to "impeach" or remove her from the Court for that? (I'm not holding my breath)
So shes caught in a lie. If I understand this correctly, Congress can move to "impeach" or remove her from the Court for that? (I'm not holding my breath)

Doc, I'm right behind you on (I'm not holding my breath).

Are we simply cynics, or has history taught us that the elites of both parties pick and choose the laws they'll obey....

Smith did not argue in his Wednesday letter to Attorney General Eric Holder that Kagan should recuse herself from the case. However, he did ask for "relevant documents and witness interviews" in order to understand Kagan's involvement in the healthcare legislation while she was U.S. solicitor general.

House GOP probing Justice Kagan's role in healthcare law defense - The Hill's Floor Action

So, what we have is a republican witch-hunt, fishing expedition, whatever you’d like to call it.

Not only is there no evidence of wrong-doing, but the investigation is yet to begin. Indeed, the Committee Chairman isn’t even asking for the Justice to recuse herself and the right already has her impeached, tried, and convicted.
The American ideal is that we are “a nation of laws, not of men,” as John Adams put it.
I suppose we are about to find out if this is true....

The right apparently doesn’t believe in that ideal, presuming political opponents to be guilty until proven innocent.
So shes caught in a lie. If I understand this correctly, Congress can move to "impeach" or remove her from the Court for that? (I'm not holding my breath)

Doc, I'm right behind you on (I'm not holding my breath).

Are we simply cynics, or has history taught us that the elites of both parties pick and choose the laws they'll obey....


And that's not the issue. The issue is whether or not a Supreme Court Justice can be compelled by Congress to recuse themselves from cases of possible conflict of issues.

Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

So..if this comes to pass..are Scalia's decisions in jeporady as well? Or is it only this particular justice in this particular case. Because there are more coming up that will have the same exact sorts of issues for Judge Thomas as well.
Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

How so what were the conflicts?
Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

How so what were the conflicts?

Scalia was appointed by Reagan..who's vice President was George HW Bush.

Scalia is a close personal friend of Dick Cheney..George W. Bush's running mate.

Scalia's sons were lawyers in firms representing George W. Bush.

Those three things alone are enough..
Smith did not argue in his Wednesday letter to Attorney General Eric Holder that Kagan should recuse herself from the case. However, he did ask for "relevant documents and witness interviews" in order to understand Kagan's involvement in the healthcare legislation while she was U.S. solicitor general.

House GOP probing Justice Kagan's role in healthcare law defense - The Hill's Floor Action

So, what we have is a republican witch-hunt, fishing expedition, whatever you’d like to call it.

Not only is there no evidence of wrong-doing, but the investigation is yet to begin. Indeed, the Committee Chairman isn’t even asking for the Justice to recuse herself and the right already has her impeached, tried, and convicted.
The American ideal is that we are “a nation of laws, not of men,” as John Adams put it.
I suppose we are about to find out if this is true....

The right apparently doesn’t believe in that ideal, presuming political opponents to be guilty until proven innocent.

Ohh my the outrage....

I love it

So, what we have is a republican witch-hunt, fishing expedition, whatever you’d like to call it.

hypocrisy red alert, all hands man your battle stations:lol:
Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

How so what were the conflicts?

Scalia was appointed by Reagan..who's vice President was George HW Bush.

Scalia is a close personal friend of Dick Cheney..George W. Bush's running mate.

Scalia's sons were lawyers in firms representing George W. Bush.

Those three things alone are enough..

U forgot the koch bros...:lol:

and hugo black was in the Klan....but hey.....its all good. :rolleyes:
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Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

How so what were the conflicts?

Scalia was appointed by Reagan..who's vice President was George HW Bush.

Scalia is a close personal friend of Dick Cheney..George W. Bush's running mate.

Scalia's sons were lawyers in firms representing George W. Bush.

Those three things alone are enough..

U forgot the koch bros...:lol:

and hugo black was in the Klan....but hey.....its all good. :rolleyes:

Excuse me?

You wanna kitchen sink this fine.

But deflection doesn't make my points less valid old bean.
Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

How so what were the conflicts?

Scalia was appointed by Reagan..who's vice President was George HW Bush.

Scalia is a close personal friend of Dick Cheney..George W. Bush's running mate.

Scalia's sons were lawyers in firms representing George W. Bush.

Those three things alone are enough..

Then why no uproar until now?? seems if he has such a huge conflict,there would have been a bunch of jumping mad libs Oh wait there was wasn't there,and boat loads of accusations,and in the end...............................................................
Scalia was appointed by Reagan..who's vice President was George HW Bush.

Scalia is a close personal friend of Dick Cheney..George W. Bush's running mate.

Scalia's sons were lawyers in firms representing George W. Bush.

Those three things alone are enough..

U forgot the koch bros...:lol:

and hugo black was in the Klan....but hey.....its all good. :rolleyes:

Excuse me?

You wanna kitchen sink this fine.

But deflection doesn't make my points less valid old bean.

you don't have any points bean brain, but, hey thats never stopped you before.

now Clarance Thomas!!! ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you know you want to...:lol:
So shes caught in a lie. If I understand this correctly, Congress can move to "impeach" or remove her from the Court for that? (I'm not holding my breath)

Doc, I'm right behind you on (I'm not holding my breath).

Are we simply cynics, or has history taught us that the elites of both parties pick and choose the laws they'll obey....


And that's not the issue. The issue is whether or not a Supreme Court Justice can be compelled by Congress to recuse themselves from cases of possible conflict of issues.

Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

So..if this comes to pass..are Scalia's decisions in jeporady as well? Or is it only this particular justice in this particular case. Because there are more coming up that will have the same exact sorts of issues for Judge Thomas as well.

Aside from the SCOTUS, who won the Bush-Gore election?

Now be carefull....this is a one-question test of your political acumen...so the pressure is on!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXGhvoekY44]‪Jeopardy! Think Music, 1960s 1984-1997‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

How so what were the conflicts?

Scalia was appointed by Reagan..who's vice President was George HW Bush.

Scalia is a close personal friend of Dick Cheney..George W. Bush's running mate.

Scalia's sons were lawyers in firms representing George W. Bush.

Those three things alone are enough..

Then why no uproar until now?? seems if he has such a huge conflict,there would have been a bunch of jumping mad libs Oh wait there was wasn't there,and boat loads of accusations,and in the end...............................................................

Oh you're fucking kidding right?

There was a huge uproar. But basically Scalia was like "Fuck you, there's no law or Constitutional edict that says I have to recuse myself..so I am staying put". And he's done this quite often.

NOW..the Republicans, who never went after Thomas or Scalia about recusal..suddenly see fit to go after Kagan.

You don't see the problem here?

I kinda hope they do this..and make it retroactive!:lol:
Doc, I'm right behind you on (I'm not holding my breath).

Are we simply cynics, or has history taught us that the elites of both parties pick and choose the laws they'll obey....


And that's not the issue. The issue is whether or not a Supreme Court Justice can be compelled by Congress to recuse themselves from cases of possible conflict of issues.

Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

So..if this comes to pass..are Scalia's decisions in jeporady as well? Or is it only this particular justice in this particular case. Because there are more coming up that will have the same exact sorts of issues for Judge Thomas as well.

Aside from the SCOTUS, who won the Bush-Gore election?

Now be carefull....this is a one-question test of your political acumen...so the pressure is on!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXGhvoekY44]‪Jeopardy! Think Music, 1960s 1984-1997‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Gore won the Popular vote.

Bush..in a state where is his BROTHER was govenor, and his campaign manager was Secretary of State..and his cousin on FOX news announced he won the state..had an interesting night in Florida.

Of course...NONE of that means anything to you.
And that's not the issue. The issue is whether or not a Supreme Court Justice can be compelled by Congress to recuse themselves from cases of possible conflict of issues.

Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

So..if this comes to pass..are Scalia's decisions in jeporady as well? Or is it only this particular justice in this particular case. Because there are more coming up that will have the same exact sorts of issues for Judge Thomas as well.

Aside from the SCOTUS, who won the Bush-Gore election?

Now be carefull....this is a one-question test of your political acumen...so the pressure is on!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXGhvoekY44]‪Jeopardy! Think Music, 1960s 1984-1997‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Gore won the Popular vote.

Bush..in a state where is his BROTHER was govenor, and his campaign manager was Secretary of State..and his cousin on FOX news announced he won the state..had an interesting night in Florida.

Of course...NONE of that means anything to you.

:cuckoo:you're lost dude....none of that mattered in the end...ask the NY Times...
And that's not the issue. The issue is whether or not a Supreme Court Justice can be compelled by Congress to recuse themselves from cases of possible conflict of issues.

Scalia has presided over cases..most notably Bush v. Gore..where there were clear conflicts of issues.

So..if this comes to pass..are Scalia's decisions in jeporady as well? Or is it only this particular justice in this particular case. Because there are more coming up that will have the same exact sorts of issues for Judge Thomas as well.

Aside from the SCOTUS, who won the Bush-Gore election?

Now be carefull....this is a one-question test of your political acumen...so the pressure is on!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXGhvoekY44]‪Jeopardy! Think Music, 1960s 1984-1997‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Gore won the Popular vote.

Bush..in a state where is his BROTHER was govenor, and his campaign manager was Secretary of State..and his cousin on FOX news announced he won the state..had an interesting night in Florida.

Of course...NONE of that means anything to you.

Well tanks for the attempt at letting me know what means what to me. But hysterical nonsense doesn't mean much to me.

Bush's campaign manager was NOT Catherin Harris,as far as what TV announcers said or didn't say is irrelevant. Yep the dumbest President ever managed to sway the election so it all came down to just one state,and his brother just happens to be governor.You are just plan nuts !!!

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