Taco Bell makes the right call

I'm a liberal Democrat and probably have more guns than all of my repub neighbors. Gun owners are PEOPLE. They are not political party's, silly boy.

If you're a liberal democrat I'm Andrew Jackson...

Jefferson maybe, not Jackson though. And yes, I am pro gay marriage, pro abortion, pro pretty much everything a con hates. However, I am also pro many things that cons are pro for as well. I am all about the Rights of the individual to do what they want. I am not a globalist, nor am I an authoritarian. Those are progressive ideals and progs are scum.

You say progs are scum yet you claim to espouse the very ideas that progs take credit for having put in place.

Nope. Progs are authoritarian in nature. And they are globalists. I'm neither of those things. I am pro abortion for one simple reason, the government that says you can't have an abortion, has also given itself the power to say you must have an abortion. What does it matter to you, and how are you harmed if a man marries a man, or a woman marries a woman?

How are you harmed if people use drugs in the privacy of their own homes?

Tell me. I'm all ears.

Doesn't that make you a libertarian?

Nope. I would nationalize the energy production companies in a heartbeat to ensure inexpensive power to those who can't afford it. I am anti multinational corporations, and am in favor of pretty strict laws on what corporations can do, or not do as the case may be.

Very much not a libertarian ideal.
Nope. I would nationalize the energy production companies in a heartbeat to ensure inexpensive power to those who can't afford it. I am anti multinational corporations, and am in favor of pretty strict laws on what corporations can do, or not do as the case may be.

Very much not a libertarian ideal.


I guess I had a different image of you.

Regardless we are on about the same page when it comes to individual liberty. I would argue about nationalizing anything, but I oppose multinational corporations as an entity. Not sure how you can pay taxes in one country and avoid taxes doing business in another. So I'm with you as far as globalization is involved.
I don't have a problem with this.
What they did might land them in jail, not sure...if they were not carrying weapons I don't think this could constitute as self defense. As well as it was not their home they were defending.
Interesting how this will play out.
No criminal lover, it was their life they were defending.
If you were capable of reading a post eithout frothing at the mouth you might have noticed I said I don't have a problem with what they did and then went on to say they may get into trouble for it.
Oh, I read it clearly, all about the part where they weren't defending their homes and might end up in jail. Indeed. Typical lib loon statement.
Actually, it was an analysis of the possible legal jeopardy these employees may have to face. Struck Me as a straight forward neutral statement.
All but this....

I don't think this could constitute as self defense. As well as it was not their home they were defending.

They were defending their lives. Some of you never having been in those situations don't have an understanding of how dangerous it is.

If someone is pointing a gun at you, what would YOU call it?

Playing tiddlywinks?
Democrats = Criminals

The robber had a gun.

Guns = republicans .

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You're not too good at that analogy stuff are you! Three repubs, vs two other repubs. Repubs win!

So which is it? Gun owners are conservative or not ?

What makes you think they owned those guns legally?

Isn't that the big question ? Where did the robbers get the gun?

I'm not against gun ownership . I'm against loose gun law states that make it easy for criminals to get guns .

With you it is hard to tell. Being a professional idiot as you are, we never know what will come spilling out in your posts!

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