Tactics against attack with a knife

This is not a recommendation, just my personal considerations, not supported by sufficient experience.

Most of the techniques against the knife deal with tricky hand moves and grips. In my opinion, this technique is too dangerous and ineffective. To apply such techniques, you need to hone from to automatism and have excellent physical data, no one has time for this.
Meanwhile, the one who attacks with a knife has an obvious weakness. For attacks, he needs to come up to a medium distance. Therefore, I think that the simplest and most effective tactic is to work with feet from a long distance and a constant gap in the distance, retreats back and to the sides.

By the way, once I managed to knock out a knife from the aggressor with my foot. True, it was in childhood, and the attacker had a kitchen knife

Also low kicks can be effective, although I have not tested this. If the enemy burst into a medium distance and you are locked or do not have time to leave, you can try to hit on the legs and at the same time try to neutralize the danger with blows to the hand that hold knife. This can confuse him. I have not tested this but I think that it may work.

True, the enemy can stab in the leg, this is also dangerous. But firstly, the risks are still less than a blow to the torso, secondly, this is unusual for him, and in the third it is difficult for him to hit to fast-flying legs.

At the same time, we cannot throw out a lot of blows, because of this, we can quickly lose strength.

In general, other things being equal, I consider this approach more effective than defense with hands.

of course, throwing improvised means to a knife will also be effective
If you are close enough to be stabbed by as knife wielder, there is only ONE tactic anyone should use. "Wrist control" (literally grabbing the persons wrist). A close quarters knife fight generally wont involve stabbing; it will be about slicing cuts, lots of them. In a fight like this you can expect to get cut multiple times, but cuts arent generally deadly. You have to fight the wrist thats holding the knife, and that attacker will try to switch hands as you gain "wrist control".

This video is a good representation of how a knife fight will happen.

Knife attacks by crazies are of course rising everywhere; the most recent were one in Germany and one in Japan, on trains. Hard to avoid that if you take trains.

Usually these guys go after women to up their body count. Hard to know what to do, really. I avoid public transportation, have for decades, so unless they start with supermarkets, not so much of an issue.

It's a fashion in psychosis, mass murdering and then killing themselves, if they can. It's been in fashion for a couple decades now, I think.
21-foot rule.

Knife attacks by crazies are of course rising everywhere; the most recent were one in Germany and one in Japan, on trains. Hard to avoid that if you take trains.

Usually these guys go after women to up their body count. Hard to know what to do, really. I avoid public transportation, have for decades, so unless they start with supermarkets, not so much of an issue.

It's a fashion in psychosis, mass murdering and then killing themselves, if they can. It's been in fashion for a couple decades now, I think.
Knife attacks in Europe going up?
Weird....Obama helped flood Europe with assholes from the Middle-East who love knives....and can't get laid by a woman before age 30.
What could possibly go wrong?
Knife attacks in Europe going up?
Weird....Obama helped flood Europe with assholes from the Middle-East who love knives....and can't get laid by a woman before age 30.
What could possibly go wrong?
They do not sleep with their women, they use European women without restrictions. Taliban prefer little boys for entertainment
.....all social workers have to do is say ''pretty please'' and the irrational jackass will put the knife down
Grabbing the hand is not easy, you still need to hold it, which is why, in my opinion, hand techniques against a knife are not very effective. If you hit any area of the attacker's arm with your foot in the boot, it will disarm him. It's easier if you can kick.

For example, in MMA, the hand is almost never caught. It's hard to do, you need a lightning-fast reaction
Forget the MMA BS. fncceo post #4 and all of Mudwhistle's are the correct answer. Situational awareness is best, three warning shots to chest is next, and definitely running to evade or draw in, to terrain or situation, where you can surprise, cripple or kill with his other tactics. It is not a sporting event. No goal to find out who is better, stronger, faster, better trained. Strictly egress or cripple/kill.
Forget the MMA BS. fncceo post #4 and all of Mudwhistle's are the correct answer. Situational awareness is best, three warning shots to chest is next, and definitely running to evade or draw in, to terrain or situation, where you can surprise, cripple or kill with his other tactics. It is not a sporting event. No goal to find out who is better, stronger, faster, better trained. Strictly egress or cripple/kill.
Whats all this gun shit? I thought this thread was about a knife attack. I mean shit, if we can be fully prepared for a knife attacker in this thread, then why not say youre inside of a armored tank and surrounded by a platoon of soldiers?
Whats all this gun shit? I thought this thread was about a knife attack. I mean shit, if we can be fully prepared for a knife attacker in this thread, then why not say youre inside of a armored tank and surrounded by a platoon of soldiers?

Whats all this gun shit? I thought this thread was about a knife attack. I mean shit, if we can be fully prepared for a knife attacker in this thread, then why not say youre inside of a armored tank and surrounded by a platoon of soldiers?
Never take a knife to a gun-fight.
Whats all this gun shit? I thought this thread was about a knife attack. I mean shit, if we can be fully prepared for a knife attacker in this thread, then why not say youre inside of a armored tank and surrounded by a platoon of soldiers?
I am licensed to carry, often do and live in a stand your ground state. Any cop will tell you the best safest way to handle an attacker armed with a knife is as Mudwhistle suggested originally, is to draw your weapon and put 3 personal defense rounds in their chest, unless it requires more, as police find in sometimes requires more to convince the assailant to not only drop the knife, but cease to be a threat at that time or anytime in the future. It is the only thing important, if someone attacks you with a knife. Does not matter their sex, color, religion, mental state, drugs or alcohol involvement, none of it, only that you and the surrounding noncombatants live, and the attacker ceases to be a threat. Don't get emotional, feel sorry for them (or yourself) or hesitate, their live vs your is just not important. You can be as emotional as you wish later, though I do not recommend it when talking to police, public, or anybody else. Sometimes you must keep your own counsel.
If you listen to fncceo's first tip about situational awareness, you can probably avoid the situation and should. His was the best of all, for all encounters, especially potentially violent ones. For most Americans in free-man states, have a weapon for personal defense is a given. I recommend you get some training, purchase a high quality dependable personal weapon of choice, and obtain a carry permit. Many states, like mine allow state citizens over a certain again and without felony record (normal people) to carry without permit. A permit allows you this advantage in about 30 states with reciprocal agreements. It is and should be your right, until you prove yourself unworthy to have that right.
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Using your bare hands with a knife-welding attacker is tough.
The best thing to do is avoid the confrontation.
The second best thing is carry a gun. Three warning shots in the chest usually does the job.
Most people who use knives don't have much training at it....so they tend to hold the knife incorrectly.
Still....they can cut you by accident.....so the best thing is stay out of range.....wait for them to lunge at you and grab their arm to disarm them. Or find something long to hit them with. A long leather belt with a big belt-buckle works pretty well....or a nylon belt can work as a whip.
Don't take your shirt off because they could stab you while you're doing it....and that's just a trick they do in Hollywood to show off their muscles.
Clearly they intend to kill you if they lunge at you...so you need to hit them in weak spots to disable them....the eyes, throat, genitals, don't play around because they want to kill you.....don't hold anything back.
Still the best solution is run like Hell and don't mess with them.
MW- “Three warning shots to the chest should do it”. Spock-like perfect delivery! Lol
If you are close enough to be stabbed by as knife wielder, there is only ONE tactic anyone should use. "Wrist control" (literally grabbing the persons wrist). A close quarters knife fight generally wont involve stabbing; it will be about slicing cuts, lots of them. In a fight like this you can expect to get cut multiple times, but cuts arent generally deadly. You have to fight the wrist thats holding the knife, and that attacker will try to switch hands as you gain "wrist control".

This video is a good representation of how a knife fight will happen.

When I was in the army, our close combat instructor told us that the "winner" in a knife fight was the last to bleed to death. He was only slightly joking. His advice was never to get into a knife fight unless you had to, running away was a better alternative than fighting a good knife man. The only time I faced a knife was a lot like Crocodile Dundee without the snappy dialog or actual contact. I was in uniform and was confronted by gang member who pulled a Bali Song flip knife on me and demanded my wallet. Running away wasn't an option as I was guarding our vehicles, so I pulled out my Buck Folding Hunter (a four inch folding lock blade hunting knife) went into a low guard position and he decided to go find a easier victim than a soldier in fatigues carrying a nastier looking knife than he had. I always figured that I got off lucky, if he was any good he could have cut me to ribbons.
If you are close enough to be stabbed by as knife wielder, there is only ONE tactic anyone should use. "Wrist control" (literally grabbing the persons wrist). A close quarters knife fight generally wont involve stabbing; it will be about slicing cuts, lots of them. In a fight like this you can expect to get cut multiple times, but cuts arent generally deadly. You have to fight the wrist thats holding the knife, and that attacker will try to switch hands as you gain "wrist control".

This video is a good representation of how a knife fight will happen.

I don't trust what he shows. He immediately rushes to the side of the hand with a knife, exposing himself to the blow. He will not be able to grab the wrist in this position, but he becomes an excellent target for a punch to the stomach.

This is analogous to what in martial arts it turns out when a fighter falls through and gets a cross, the worst scenario
I don't trust what he shows. He immediately rushes to the side of the hand with a knife, exposing himself to the blow. He will not be able to grab the wrist in this position, but he becomes an excellent target for a punch to the stomach.

This is analogous to what in martial arts it turns out when a fighter falls through and gets a cross, the worst scenario
you'll get cut to pieces
Simple. Run.

Do not get into a knife fight in the first place. If you do not have a stand-off weapon like a gun, get away as quickly as you can.

There is no reason to ever get involved in a knife fight.
Whats all this gun shit? I thought this thread was about a knife attack.

And it is just as he said. If you can't use a gun, get the hell away.

That is one of the first things I was taught in close combat training. If they have a knife, get the hell away. Even if you win, you lost that fight.
And it is just as he said. If you can't use a gun, get the hell away.

That is one of the first things I was taught in close combat training. If they have a knife, get the hell away. Even if you win, you lost that fight.
This is controversial advice. It may turn out that you are trapped and there is nowhere to run, it may turn out that your leg is injured, or in the end it may turn out that he runs faster than you, and turning your back you became an easy target for him.
Of course, it is better to avoid this, but it may not always work out.
Even if you run away, you must understand that you still need time to turn around and orient yourself, and here time is not on your side.
Besides, if he knows how to throw a knife, he can throw it in your back
It's not at all a fact that running in this situation is better than fighting.
If his goal is precisely to kill, and not just scare, but otherwise it is a matter of psychology.
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