Tagg Romney: Mitt had no desire to run for President

This ranks right up there with anything Ron Reagan has to say.
Angry Liberals have to focus their negativity somewhere... Attacking Romney is easier to stomach than admitting their vote for Obama was nothing more than a vote for George Bush's fourth term.
From day one you could tell the Republicans and Romney weren't serious. Why else would his handlers allow him to make so many hilarious gaffs during the course of his campaign. And why would the Republicans run a mormon sociopath who appeals to no one and will only draw voters who fear Obama enough to suspend their common sense? It's obvious the Republicans are waiting a generation for the Democrats to fix the nation and the problems they created during the Bush Administration before creating a new history and trying to screw the nation out of the Presidency again.
You know very well I mean you collectively, the voters of the GOP, who when I pointed out that Romney was too much of a Mormon Douchebag to ever get elected, you all whined about "bigotry" and "class warfare".
You know very well I mean you collectively, the voters of the GOP, who when I pointed out that Romney was too much of a Mormon Douchebag to ever get elected, you all whined about "bigotry" and "class warfare".

In four presidential elections, I have voted three different ways. Keep swingin', corky.
From day one you could tell the Republicans and Romney weren't serious. Why else would his handlers allow him to make so many hilarious gaffs during the course of his campaign. And why would the Republicans run a mormon sociopath who appeals to no one and will only draw voters who fear Obama enough to suspend their common sense? It's obvious the Republicans are waiting a generation for the Democrats to fix the nation and the problems they created during the Bush Administration before creating a new history and trying to screw the nation out of the Presidency again.

The problem here, I think, is that the GOP has a philosophy of "Next in Line" when picking candidates, as opposed to the Democrats, who have a philosophy of "shooting their wounded".

The GOP will recycle their old candidates because they've been "vetted" and we aren't going to find out anything bad about them that we don't already know.

The Democrats tend to not recycle candidates who come in second or third, they pull the guy from the back of the room. (Carter, Clinton, Obama).

Since the "Runner-Ups" for the GOP were Perry, Gingrich and Santorum, I don't think any of these guys are viable, and I really don't think retreading another Bush is going to work for them either.

I'm not sure what the Romneys are up to. (I don't think Tagg would have said this without Mitt's blessing.) Perhaps Mitt is falling on his sword to the GOP establishment that pushed him on an unwilling rank and file will take less of hte blame in their upcoming battle with the Teabaggers for the soul of the Party.

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