Tagg Romney Wanted to take a Swing at President Obama

Hmmmm....Violence, huh? This whole family has foot in mouth disease. Terrible! Where is the secret service on this? The familily of elites who feel entitled to be jerks!

Tagg Romney wanted to take a swing at Obama during the Debate

Bill LuMay, WPTF talk radio: What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar?

Tagg Romney: Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.

Oh for petes sake are you for real? It's natural for a son to want to knock out anyone who says things they don't like about their parents.
The tough guy is too much of a pussy to join the military, just like his 4 pussy brothers, his pussy father, and all his pussy male relatives as FAR BACK AS YOU WISH TO GO.

Romneys support war - they just don't ever fight in them.

Are you saying he doesn't have obama's glorious record as a nail-chewin' war hero?
the level of disrespect with which the rabid right treats this president is disgusting.

and if you don't think there's at least some racial element to it, i think you're hiding your head in the sand.

is it the sole reason? no. the rabid right always thinks they're entitled to the white house.

And to think I once thought you were an intelligent poster... :eusa_eh:
Well, The Infidel, it's silly season. Some people just have their ego all tied up in it.

It's a pretty hard blow to be promised "I'll take care of you with all that gubment tax collection money," only to be faced with "Sorry, the Make-a-Wish Government has run out of money. You will have to fend for yourselves for a while until we can plan another way to destroy the entrepreneurs and take everything over."
Hmmmm....Violence, huh? This whole family has foot in mouth disease. Terrible! Where is the secret service on this? The familily of elites who feel entitled to be jerks!

Tagg Romney wanted to take a swing at Obama during the Debate

Bill LuMay, WPTF talk radio: What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar?

Tagg Romney: Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.
When did the secret service become the thought police? And the Daily Kos media folk have knots in their britches?

Well, kiss mah grits!

It's easy to be brave when you're phoning it in from another location and you're nowhere even close to where the object of your comment is.

Kinda like what you see on these boards on a regular basis. Nobody knows where you live or who you really are, but they like to get all puffed up and threaten to kick their ass.

All Tagg has is bluster and bullshit. He should shut his mouth before he does the campaign even more damage.

However...............if I was within physical earshot and I heard this asshole pop off like that, I'd ask him if he'd like to have an asskicking for disrespecting the President, because as a member of the military, it's kinda my duty to defend him and this country.

Do you even realize what you just did there, you hypocrite poseur?

What part of hypocrite do you speak of? I said that if this fucker was in PHYSICAL EARSHOT (meaning within 15 ft or so), and I heard him say that, I'd ask him to participate in his own ass kicking.

I don't hide behind radio or other means.

But................I guess you do.

Ask me in a PM for info, and I might tell you asshole.
The entire Romney family has no respect for President Obama. Actually half the country has no respect for President Obama, in my opinion its because he's black. Like it or not its true. I mean look at the history of the US Presidents, no president was given this much bullshit from or citizens nor congress like President Obama has. And these traitorous black people disgust me. Can't these people see that all the republicans want is to make themselves richer and us middle class and the rest poorer? I mean open your eyes, the Republicans are not our friends, they do not care about us. That John Boehner can go screw himself also, his tears mean shit to me, I see right through him and the rest of his friends. If Mitt Romney becomes president, trust me, he will start a war against China. He'll make our National Debt greater. He'll make the poor poorer. He'll make the rich richer. He'll take away the medicare that really helps out us lower class people. He'll just cause a lot of problems in our country that we do not need at the moment. I also have something to say about these impatient little fuckers who complain about President Obama not doing that much for them. It took Bush 8 fuckin' years to fuck up America, and these blood suckers want President Obama to fix it in only 4 years. Also, how can President Obama do anything for us if the Senate and House of Reps. are all prepared to throw any offer he has out the damn window? They refuse to get over their childish ways and come together to help us citizens. The Romney family are disrespectful fucks and I'm telling you right now, if he is voted into office; America, my beautiful country, will come to it's end. Soldier families, be prepared to see your children returning home in a box. Men prepare your sons for another draft. Women kiss your men good bye. Men tell your families that you love them and warn them that there is a 99% chance that you will not be coming home alive. We will be in WW III by 2015 if Romney is President. :(

yeah sure it's because he's BLACK, blaa blaa blaaa
It's easy to be brave when you're phoning it in from another location and you're nowhere even close to where the object of your comment is.

Kinda like what you see on these boards on a regular basis. Nobody knows where you live or who you really are, but they like to get all puffed up and threaten to kick their ass.

All Tagg has is bluster and bullshit. He should shut his mouth before he does the campaign even more damage.

However...............if I was within physical earshot and I heard this asshole pop off like that, I'd ask him if he'd like to have an asskicking for disrespecting the President, because as a member of the military, it's kinda my duty to defend him and this country.

Do you even realize what you just did there, you hypocrite poseur?

What part of hypocrite do you speak of? I said that if this fucker was in PHYSICAL EARSHOT (meaning within 15 ft or so), and I heard him say that, I'd ask him to participate in his own ass kicking.

I don't hide behind radio or other means.

Yeah, and you said so hiding behind your computer. Or is Tagg Romney right there with you as you post? Is anybody? You got a Romney supporter in a headlock with your free hand? You're a fucking hypocrite. At least he was just talking about how it made him feel to see obama lying about his old man. YOU are actively trying (and failing, and making an ass of yourself) to play internet tough guy, you ridiculous poseur. You're a textbook example of wannabe e-tough guy, and you are apparently too stupid to realize it.

Ok, now say something really, really 'tough' and see if anyone in the universe is impressed, you damn clown.
Hmmmm....Violence, huh? This whole family has foot in mouth disease. Terrible! Where is the secret service on this? The familily of elites who feel entitled to be jerks!

Tagg Romney wanted to take a swing at Obama during the Debate

Bill LuMay, WPTF talk radio: What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar?

Tagg Romney: Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.

You have got to be kidding me lol

It's disrespectful indeed, but come on. How many people do you think actually believe this guy would be foolish enough to hit a sitting POTUS? Over some words as well? Utter rubbish.

The Romneys are a lot of things. Based on what I've seen of them, violent isn't one of those things.
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Pretty sad, if his dad gets elected he will be taking swings at people every day, all day long. Welcome to public life Junior.

So you don't consider Romney's time as governor of Mass. public life? Interesting.
The entire Romney family has no respect for President Obama. Actually half the country has no respect for President Obama, in my opinion its because he's black. Like it or not its true. I mean look at the history of the US Presidents, no president was given this much bullshit from or citizens nor congress like President Obama has. And these traitorous black people disgust me. Can't these people see that all the republicans want is to make themselves richer and us middle class and the rest poorer? I mean open your eyes, the Republicans are not our friends, they do not care about us. That John Boehner can go screw himself also, his tears mean shit to me, I see right through him and the rest of his friends. If Mitt Romney becomes president, trust me, he will start a war against China. He'll make our National Debt greater. He'll make the poor poorer. He'll make the rich richer. He'll take away the medicare that really helps out us lower class people. He'll just cause a lot of problems in our country that we do not need at the moment. I also have something to say about these impatient little fuckers who complain about President Obama not doing that much for them. It took Bush 8 fuckin' years to fuck up America, and these blood suckers want President Obama to fix it in only 4 years. Also, how can President Obama do anything for us if the Senate and House of Reps. are all prepared to throw any offer he has out the damn window? They refuse to get over their childish ways and come together to help us citizens. The Romney family are disrespectful fucks and I'm telling you right now, if he is voted into office; America, my beautiful country, will come to it's end. Soldier families, be prepared to see your children returning home in a box. Men prepare your sons for another draft. Women kiss your men good bye. Men tell your families that you love them and warn them that there is a 99% chance that you will not be coming home alive. We will be in WW III by 2015 if Romney is President. :(

Respect is something earned I don't respect the prick either, deal with it.
Holy shit! What kind of a name is Tagg? lmao
Holy shit! What kind of a name is Tagg? lmao

It must have been very confusing for him on the playground when he was a little kid.

"Tag, you're it!"

"What? But I'm way over here!"

"Let's play tag!"

"Ok, what do you want to play?"

"Let's play tag!"

"Right. Now what do you want to play?"

"Let's play..."
The entire Romney family has no respect for President Obama. Actually half the country has no respect for President Obama, in my opinion its because he's black. Like it or not its true. I mean look at the history of the US Presidents, no president was given this much bullshit from or citizens nor congress like President Obama has. And these traitorous black people disgust me. Can't these people see that all the republicans want is to make themselves richer and us middle class and the rest poorer? I mean open your eyes, the Republicans are not our friends, they do not care about us. That John Boehner can go screw himself also, his tears mean shit to me, I see right through him and the rest of his friends. If Mitt Romney becomes president, trust me, he will start a war against China. He'll make our National Debt greater. He'll make the poor poorer. He'll make the rich richer. He'll take away the medicare that really helps out us lower class people. He'll just cause a lot of problems in our country that we do not need at the moment. I also have something to say about these impatient little fuckers who complain about President Obama not doing that much for them. It took Bush 8 fuckin' years to fuck up America, and these blood suckers want President Obama to fix it in only 4 years. Also, how can President Obama do anything for us if the Senate and House of Reps. are all prepared to throw any offer he has out the damn window? They refuse to get over their childish ways and come together to help us citizens. The Romney family are disrespectful fucks and I'm telling you right now, if he is voted into office; America, my beautiful country, will come to it's end. Soldier families, be prepared to see your children returning home in a box. Men prepare your sons for another draft. Women kiss your men good bye. Men tell your families that you love them and warn them that there is a 99% chance that you will not be coming home alive. We will be in WW III by 2015 if Romney is President. :(
You can take that race card crap and cram it up your fucking ass.
We are sick to death of you people having no rebuttal, no plan, no substance. So you play that race card.
How many times do you have to be told that we no longer will defend the race card. We just don't care. You're side is going to call us racist no matter what. It means nothing.
So if you think you are winning any points by screeching "RACIST!!!!"..you are mistaken.
YOU are the racist. The anti Caucasian undertone of your post is evident.
Shut the fuck up.
The tough guy is too much of a pussy to join the military, just like his 4 pussy brothers, his pussy father, and all his pussy male relatives as FAR BACK AS YOU WISH TO GO.

Romneys support war - they just don't ever fight in them.

Are you saying he doesn't have obama's glorious record as a nail-chewin' war hero?
I'm saying that he actively supported the Vietnam War, protesting in favor of it, and protesting in favor of the draft.

Then he took 4 deferments to go lie on the beach in France.


As far as I know, President Obama (praise be unto Him!) has never been in favor of a war while avoiding it.

If you don't understand the difference, get someone to explain it to you.

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