Take Nothing At Face Value Coming Out Of Ukraine.....Here's Why.

Quick.....Send more billions and put up some more blue and yellow flags!

LOL.....You weld me into an armed operational tank (assuming I know how to use it) you'd better run really damn fast in a zig-zag pattern on your way back to camp.

Russians have always fought their battles with little regard for their own soldiers. Those Nagant pistols officers carried in WW2 probably shot more retreating Russian soldiers than they did Nazis.
Russians have always fought their battles with little regard for their own soldiers. Those Nagant pistols officers carried in WW2 probably shot more retreating Russian soldiers than they did Nazis.
Point of order.

The Nagant is a revolver....The TT-33 a pistol....Officers usually carried the TT-33, NCOs the revolver.
Point of order.

The Nagant is a revolver....The TT-33 a pistol....Officers usually carried the TT-33, NCOs the revolver.

OK. I meant that thing they carried in a leather thing on their belt, the one with the thing that goes up and had shells inside it.
More Litwinesque garbage .

I talk to a couple of UK lads who went out to support the Ukeys and their stories are heart breaking -- they phone occasionally . The Ukey forces are at rock bottom and they refuse to listen to mercenary and " NATO" advice . The British lads reckon their lives are over because they have no supply lines and the Russian artillery force is overwhelming. Equally they cannot "desert" as they will be shot by Nazi troops behind them ..

There are several regular ( some daily) reports from investigative reporters on the front lines or close to them . Some are Americans living in Ukey Land and up to the rank of General ( retired) .
Not one thinks that Ukey forces will survive once the winter ground offensive starts .Massacre , is a term often used .
More Litwinesque garbage .

I talk to a couple of UK lads who went out to support the Ukeys and their stories are heart breaking -- they phone occasionally . The Ukey forces are at rock bottom and they refuse to listen to mercenary and " NATO" advice . The British lads reckon their lives are over because they have no supply lines and the Russian artillery force is overwhelming. Equally they cannot "desert" as they will be shot by Nazi troops behind them ..

There are several regular ( some daily) reports from investigative reporters on the front lines or close to them . Some are Americans living in Ukey Land and up to the rank of General ( retired) .
Not one thinks that Ukey forces will survive once the winter ground offensive starts .Massacre , is a term often used .


Ukraine forces have a reason to be there, the Russians do not support Putin’s invasion

Ukraine forces are being Re supplied with modern equipment and supplies while the Russians are salvaging what they can

Winter will not be kind to the Russians
Anyone that thinks the Russians aren't going to win the war in Ukraine is seriously deluded. ... :cuckoo:
They are doing well at attacking population areas and murdering civilians.

But winning? So far the Russians are excellent at getting their military asses kicked.
Russian has assembled a massive force of 500,000+ experienced soldiers, 1,500 tanks, 3.500 assault vehicles, 1,000 rocket launchers, thousands of supply and support vehicles, and hundreds of Air force jet fighters.
In another week or two the ground in Ukraine will be frozen solid and the Russian Army will steam roll across Ukraine and annihilate the Ukraine forces. ...:thup:
Russian has assembled a massive force of 500,000+ experienced soldiers, 1,500 tanks, 3.500 assault vehicles, 1,000 rocket launchers, thousands of supply and support vehicles, and hundreds of Air force jet fighters.
In another week or two the ground in Ukraine will be frozen solid and the Russian Army will steam roll across Ukraine and annihilate the Ukraine forces. ...:thup:
In general I agree....But....I don't know why folks take the view that Ukrainians can't put up with harsh winter conditions the same as the Russians can.....Ukraine is not called Little Russia for no reason.

I think it's a gross underestimation....That and bear in mind they have fought through one winter already.

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