Take the Civics Test and Don't Cheat

If in your view the questions were biased ( toward whom?) then why did you bother starting this thread?
I think I can answer.
Your hope was that USMB members that are conservatives would do poorly on the quiz
Nice try.


I posted it because I knew that most people would cheat by Googling the answers and lie about their score. And they did.

Either they lied or the authors of the site lied, and I tend to believe the author's test results over a bunch of people here who can't seem to remember a damn thing before January 2009 much less 1936 or what Thomas Aquinas thought about in 1250.
Actually the conservatives are posting their true scores. Conservatives on this site are consistently better informed than the liberals. So no surprise.

That doesn't fit her world view so she is trying to explain it away.
I took the test and did nearly 20% better then the college educators! Unbelievable that the "educated" amongst us are so ignorant!

Or... the person that wrote the anecdotes about the results of college educators was a boldfaced lie.

The authors of the site have no reason to mislead, but the participants of this site are neurotically consumed with their rankings and rep points, gold stars and "Thank You"s, so of course they just aced that quiz. Yep.

Really? They have no reason to mislead? How exactly do you know that?
Take this civics test and don't cheat. Answer the questions quickly, no Googling. I scored 68.7% and finished the test in 4 minutes.

Intercollegiate Studies Institute - Educating for Liberty

Full Civic Literacy Exam (from our 2008 survey)
Are you more knowledgeable than the average citizen? The average score for all 2,508 Americans taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%. Can you do better? Questions were drawn from past ISI surveys, as well as other nationally recognized exams.

Intercollegiate Studies Institute - Educating for Liberty

32 out of 33. 96.97%.

Me too.

You answered 32 out of 33 correctly — 96.97 %

I'm puzzled about the one I got wrong:

If taxes equal government spending, then:
Your Answer: government debt is zero
Correct Answer: tax per person equals government spending per person on average

If government is spending only what it collects, then by definition, there should not be any debt.
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Take this civics test and don't cheat. Answer the questions quickly, no Googling. I scored 68.7% and finished the test in 4 minutes.

Intercollegiate Studies Institute - Educating for Liberty

Full Civic Literacy Exam (from our 2008 survey)
Are you more knowledgeable than the average citizen? The average score for all 2,508 Americans taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%. Can you do better? Questions were drawn from past ISI surveys, as well as other nationally recognized exams.

Intercollegiate Studies Institute - Educating for Liberty

32 out of 33. 96.97%.

Me too.

You answered 32 out of 33 correctly — 96.97 %

I'm puzzled as to which one I got wrong.


Why would you be puzzled? It tells you right underneath the score
I'm puzzled that my answer was wrong. I think my answer is correct.
That's right. We wrote the answers on our hands and flashed them across the aisle.
And of course the conservatives did better because we understand free market economics.

I'm pretty sure all of the moonbats picked the Big Government Economic Solution answers.
I'm puzzled that my answer was wrong. I think my answer is correct.

I think it is too. Sometimes they list more than one right answer and they don't know it. Thus it's possible to score higher than those who made this quiz up.

I got 132% myself... :eusa_shifty:
I'm puzzled about the one I got wrong:

If taxes equal government spending, then:
Your Answer: government debt is zero
Correct Answer: tax per person equals government spending per person on average

If government is spending only what it collects, then by definition, there should not be any debt.

Zero deficit, not zero debt.

The govt could still have a huge debt, from previous years deficits, even if its tax revenue NOW equals spending.

So that answer is wrong. You have to search for the next best.
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I'm puzzled about the one I got wrong:

If taxes equal government spending, then:
Your Answer: government debt is zero
Correct Answer: tax per person equals government spending per person on average

If government is spending only what it collects, then by definition, there should not be any debt.

Zero deficit, not zero debt.

The govt could still have a huge debt, from previous years deficits, even if its tax revenue NOW equals spending.

So that answer is wrong. You have to search for the next best.

The question doesn't venture into the past tense -- it's completely in present tense. Therefore the answer is assumed to also be in present tense.

Boedicca's right. I know she's right because my thought process was the same. :eusa_angel:
I'm puzzled about the one I got wrong:

If taxes equal government spending, then:
Your Answer: government debt is zero
Correct Answer: tax per person equals government spending per person on average

If government is spending only what it collects, then by definition, there should not be any debt.

Zero deficit, not zero debt.

The govt could still have a huge debt, from previous years deficits, even if its tax revenue NOW equals spending.

So that answer is wrong. You have to search for the next best.

If there is ZERO deficit, then the accumulation of those ZERO deficits equate to ZERO debt.

Poor little noTPpees. He invited eveyone to a quiz, and got his butt kicked. Then he called everyone liars out of the blue, and got it shoved down his throat. Then he called them computer-illiterate, and got THAT shoved down his throat. Then he announced they were cheating on the quiz, and got THAT shoved down his throat.

Now he's shucking, jiving, ducking, and dodging, and backtracking like mad, trying to pretend he planned it all that way in the first place.

Pay special attention to posts 8, 11, 26, 32, 36, 49, 56, 61, 64, 71.

He's still twisting and squirming, coming up with more and more accusations, trying to double down on his previous ones. It's truly a sight to see.

And these are the people who want us to believe THEY are the ones who should be running our country.
You shouldn't challenge people to something if you're not ready to deal with them taking said challenge.
Take this civics test and don't cheat. Answer the questions quickly, no Googling. I scored 68.7% and finished the test in 4 minutes.

Intercollegiate Studies Institute - Educating for Liberty

Full Civic Literacy Exam (from our 2008 survey)
Are you more knowledgeable than the average citizen? The average score for all 2,508 Americans taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%. Can you do better? Questions were drawn from past ISI surveys, as well as other nationally recognized exams.

Intercollegiate Studies Institute - Educating for Liberty

Intercollegiate Studies Institute - Educating for Liberty

You answered 27 out of 33 correctly — 81.82 %

not bad considering the rust on some of that info
Question: The Puritans:
Your Answer: opposed all wars on moral grounds
Correct Answer: stressed the sinfulness of all humanity
in my defense, I got little info on them during school

Question: Which of the following fiscal policy combinations has the federal government most often followed to stimulate economic activity when the economy is in a severe recession?
Your Answer: increasing both taxes and spending
Correct Answer: decreasing taxes and increasing spending
OOPS, then why is big 0 not doing what works?

Question: If taxes equal government spending, then:
Your Answer: government debt is zero
Correct Answer: tax per person equals government spending per person on average
I think both are right, just sayin

Question: Name one right or freedom guaranteed by the first amendment.
Your Answer: Due process
Correct Answer: Religion
straight up guess
Question: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas would concur that:
Your Answer: values originating in one’s conscience cannot be judged by others
Correct Answer: certain permanent moral and political truths are accessible to human reason

Question: What was the source of the following phrase: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”?
Your Answer: Declaration of Independence
Correct Answer: Gettysburg Address
You shouldn't challenge people to something if you're not ready to deal with them taking said challenge.

I agree. But I think she thought she did really well and posted it to boast and then was caught off guard when just about everyone here scored extremely high on the quiz. Clearly the rest of us had to be cheating or she would have scored far better than us:)

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