Take the Civics Test and Don't Cheat

What responsibilities? If rights are unalienable, then they are not dependent on anything.

That's not what inalienable means, Finger-boy. :rolleyes:

Yes it does, Popo.

No it isn't (the verb is is, not do), Jellyface:

in·alien·able adjective \(ˌ)i-ˈnāl-yə-nə-bəl, -ˈnā-lē-ə-nə-\
: impossible to take away or give up
Full Definition of INALIENABLE

: incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred <inalienable rights> (MW)
Oooh....now I'm intimidated. Maybe I'll just Google that.

You are obviously agitated. It's because you cheated on the quiz and for some reason, I don't know why, you think that you've been exposed. Nobody knows who you are here, so relax.

You could Google it, but that would mean putting down your bong, which is altogether too much effort for you.

You are a moron, which makes you the heart of the democratic party.

Leftism is the manifestation of stupidity - I hold you forth as irrefutable evidence.
I'm not taking no stinking test submitted by a radical leftie. Along the same lines of civics tests it seems that O'Reilly's guy went to spring break Fla and interviewed college students about American history. I'm not making any judgments based on anatomy but it seemed that the biggest boobs and the most obvious dyed hair on boys translated to the dumbest answers. Most of the college kids couldn't identify which sides were fighting in the American Revolution or the Civil War.

Actually, the test has a libertarian bias.
That and Thomas Freaking Aquinas. Yeah that ain't civics.
I can't even remember the questions, I took it too fast. But I believe Aquinas had Socrates also mentioned. Studying US history leads to study of other attempts at representative societies.

Aquinas stood out because it was a case of "which of these is not like the others". It was a question about moral philosophy, nothing to do with government, history or civics.

Near as I can remember the question was something like, "If Socrates, Aristotle, Mephisopheles and Thomas Aquinas walked into a bar, who gets the tab?". I went with "Pineapple".

There were a few that made me say "WTF?" That was one of them.
I'm not taking no stinking test submitted by a radical leftie. Along the same lines of civics tests it seems that O'Reilly's guy went to spring break Fla and interviewed college students about American history. I'm not making any judgments based on anatomy but it seemed that the biggest boobs and the most obvious dyed hair on boys translated to the dumbest answers. Most of the college kids couldn't identify which sides were fighting in the American Revolution or the Civil War.

Actually, the test has a libertarian bias.

I would agree, however parts of the test wasn't about what a particular person believes, its was about the definitions of certain concepts.
I'm surprised that given your alleged credentials you can't even spell bicameral.

Then again you claimed to be fluent in German and I've seen the ah, results of that too...

Ohhh, a spelling flame! :thup:

It's good to see you maintain your usual standards...

Oh, my German is atrocious, my parents insisted that we are Americans, and Americans speak English. I had one Grandmother who didn't speak English, we kids stumbled Auf Deutsche - since we wanted Christmas presents... Everyone else spoke English - with an accent, but still English.
:lol: -- so... being able to spell makes one a "Nazi". This is just getting better and better.


I have to admit, I never did know the Nazis were such good spellers. Does it go with making the trains run on time? :rofl:

On the other hand being unable to spell, in two languages, makes one.... well I hain't sure what. :dunno:

But say, DO tell the class --- what kind of German syntax puts the word Sie in a sentence three times in a row? :lmao:
And why are you using formal language anyway?
Oh one more thing: "Nazi" is not an acronym. It doesn't get writ in all caps.
Oh and PS -- it's spelled Göbbels, with an umlaut.


What a tard.

I should put that in my sig.

"Nazi" is a pseudo acronym for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei formed by combining the first and fourth syllables
Exactly. We've all taken Civics tests here over the years and they are always standard, very straight forward and just the kind of thing we know from school and playing around here.

This one takes an odd turn somewhere. Wingnutty turn and it devolves into propaganda.

Don't look at us. the OP isn't one of us. She is one of you.

As for what civics is:

the study of the rights and duties of citizens and of how government works

I think an argument could be made that understanding economics and how government acts in regards to the market would be included in that.

I think it's funny that both you and Jillian aren't sharing how you scores and won't share which of the questions you find so offensive. You just complain.

One of us and one of you? Lame. I'm not a Libertarian.

I don't know about Jill but I just stopped the "test" when I saw that it was not what we were led to believe. Others continued on and pretended they got a high score. :cuckoo:

Neither is the OP, which is exactly my point. It was posted by a left leaner. So one of you.
You answered 25 out of 33 correctly — 75.76 %

You did better than the OP Sb, you must be lying:D

Nearly everybody did better than the OP.

And sure enough, he's accusing ALL of us of lying, cheating, photoshopping, cheating some more, and lying again and again.

All without the slightest evidence... and with some people providing proof to the contrary.

Next time some leftist fanatic offers you a quiz, keep in mind what he'll do once you accept.

Especially if you kick his butt in the quiz.
I missed the question about the puritans but got the rest right. Much of it has to do with knowing how to take a multiple choice test rather than knowing the answers.
I missed the question about the puritans but got the rest right. Much of it has to do with knowing how to take a multiple choice test rather than knowing the answers.

Agreed , I knew most of it but what you don't know you can get to a 50 50 chance of getting right. One answer is always bat shit wrong, one answer is always opposite of what they want and then 2 are similar, in my experience.
I missed the question about the puritans but got the rest right. Much of it has to do with knowing how to take a multiple choice test rather than knowing the answers.

Agreed , I knew most of it but what you don't know you can get to a 50 50 chance of getting right. One answer is always bat shit wrong, one answer is always opposite of what they want and then 2 are similar, in my experience.

Ayup I got lucky on the puritan one.
:lol: -- so... being able to spell makes one a "Nazi". This is just getting better and better.


I have to admit, I never did know the Nazis were such good spellers. Does it go with making the trains run on time? :rofl:

On the other hand being unable to spell, in two languages, makes one.... well I hain't sure what. :dunno:

But say, DO tell the class --- what kind of German syntax puts the word Sie in a sentence three times in a row? :lmao:
And why are you using formal language anyway?
Oh one more thing: "Nazi" is not an acronym. It doesn't get writ in all caps.
Oh and PS -- it's spelled Göbbels, with an umlaut.


What a tard.

I should put that in my sig.

"Nazi" is a pseudo acronym for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei formed by combining the first and fourth syllables

Yeah you should. Because you're dead wrong.

"Nazi" is simply short for "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" -- in German "National" is pronounced "Nat-see-o-nal" since the combination tion is pronounced "tsee-ohn". THAT is where Nazi comes from. Not in any way an acronym; a phonetic truncation.

And the fourth syllable would be "nal" anyway, which doesn't enter the word Nazi anywhere so wtf? If they were going for the adjective sozialistische, being the second element of the compound word Nationalsozialistische, the resulting acronym would have been "NatSo". :eusa_doh:

A better example of an actual acronym would be GESTAPO (or GeStaPo) which stands for Geheime Staatspolizei or literally "secret state police". Thus GESTAPO actually is an acronym. Unlike Nazi.

So by all means, do put your abject ignorance in your sig. I'd go ahead and put it in mine but I already have something in there making rhetorical mincemeat of your previous abject ignorance on Rachel Carson and there's only so much I can tell the world at one time.
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Has little noTPpees apologized yet to the people he slandered in this thread, announcing they had lied about their score on the quiz, only to have them prove they hadn't?
Has little noTPpees apologized yet to the people he slandered in this thread, announcing they had lied about their score on the quiz, only to have them prove they hadn't?

I can remember in this calculus class this guy that got an F accused everyone of cheating. Granted some were cheating, but calculus was just easy for me, there was no need to cheat. IOW perspective matters. If he's used to living with a bunch of crooks & cheats, and what democrat isn't, then I get why he would assume anyone who Aced the test is probably cheating.

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