Take the Civics Test and Don't Cheat

It's posts like this that reinforce my belief that "some people" cheated on that quiz.

This site is just too easy sometimes. It's like a bunch of trained seals waiting for the guy with that big bucket of chum.

You ignorance reinforces that everyone else is lying?

And you don't see the problem with that do you?

I think you bullshitted your results, too, just like the rest of your posts for the last few years on here. Sorry, but you are all form and no substance.

Any excuse to avoid facing the truth. This is why you won't ever do better on these quizzes or in life. You can't accept the fact that you don't know something. Everyone else is just cheating. That's how they do better.
I got 100% correct.

You answered 33 out of 33 correctly — 100.00 %

If you have any comments or questions about the quiz, please email [email protected].

You can consult the following table to see how citizens and elected officials scored on each question.
You must not read my posts.

I posted my real score. And I knew that this thread would suddenly be flooded with geniuses after I linked to that test.

I posted my "real score;" but dude, I have a masters degree, where you are entering 10th grade (for the third time.) There is a HUGE gulf between your education and mine, I found the test to be extremely basic.

I have a Master's degree as well. The test was very basic. Really only about 3 or 4 I had to think about at all.
That and Thomas Freaking Aquinas. Yeah that ain't civics.
I can't even remember the questions, I took it too fast. But I believe Aquinas had Socrates also mentioned. Studying US history leads to study of other attempts at representative societies.

Aquinas stood out because it was a case of "which of these is not like the others". It was a question about moral philosophy, nothing to do with government, history or civics.

Near as I can remember the question was something like, "If Socrates, Aristotle, Mephisopheles and Thomas Aquinas walked into a bar, who gets the tab?". I went with "Pineapple".

I thought it was "a same view of an individual" question; again, I went through it fast.
It's posts like this that reinforce my belief that "some people" cheated on that quiz.

This site is just too easy sometimes. It's like a bunch of trained seals waiting for the guy with that big bucket of chum.

I didn't realize one COULD cheat; still, most of the questions were US history, not really what I think of as "civics". Nothing much about the duties of citizens, more "which President did _, __,__."

Citizens don't have any duties except in a people's republic.

I disagree. Rights are inseparably connected to responsibilities of self government.
Did you notice how all the libturds didn't do very well on the test?

Don't they always claim to be the smart ones?

Most of them did okay, Peach had a perfect score.

Jillian and NTPP just aren't very bright.. :dunno:

How do you know I didn't lie about my true score?

("Aarfff...aarff"...Flap those flippers.....)

Considering how much you think everyone is lying it wouldn't be surprising if you were projecting onto them.
Liberals lie claiming they got 100% or even 80% because they would have to admit conservative economic policies are the truth.
If the authors of the site are correct, then the participants on this thread beat the average college professor by almost 100%. I'm not wrong, I'm just not naive, either.

The authors are not correct. They gave a low number to entice more people to take the quiz.

Also, this a very basic test on government you've given to a message board about politics. I mean, would you challenge the high scores a group of people got on a test of sailing definitions, if all those people were nautical enthusiasts?
You answered 27 out of 33 correctly — 81.82 %

If you have any comments or questions about the quiz, please email [email protected].

You can consult the following table to see how citizens and elected officials scored on each question.

If I'd been able to cut n paste the answers I'd have gotten 100%.

32 out of 33. So what?

So what? It means you cheated. Everyone who did well cheated and is lying about it. cause there is no way the OP could be wrong:)

Oh, I see. I guess the idea that I had a minor in Poli Sci doesn't matter? :D

I was surprised that it didn't ask for the proper definition of a Bicamaral form of government. :D

I'm surprised that given your alleged credentials you can't even spell bicameral.

Then again you claimed to be fluent in German and I've seen the ah, results of that too...
So what? It means you cheated. Everyone who did well cheated and is lying about it. cause there is no way the OP could be wrong:)

Oh, I see. I guess the idea that I had a minor in Poli Sci doesn't matter? :D

I was surprised that it didn't ask for the proper definition of a Bicamaral form of government. :D

I'm surprised that given your alleged credentials you can't even spell bicameral.

Then again you claimed to be fluent in German and I've seen the ah, results of that too...

You know what I CAN spell? NAZI. Read your statement below you grammatically correct Brownshirt piece of human excrement. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of you.

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it... bumsen Sie Sie Sie Stück der Nazistischen Scheiße.
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Oh, I see. I guess the idea that I had a minor in Poli Sci doesn't matter? :D

I was surprised that it didn't ask for the proper definition of a Bicamaral form of government. :D

I'm surprised that given your alleged credentials you can't even spell bicameral.

Then again you claimed to be fluent in German and I've seen the ah, results of that too...

You know what I CAN spell? NAZI. Read your statement below you grammatically correct Brownshirt piece of human excrement. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of you.

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it... bumsen Sie Sie Sie Stück der Nazistischen Scheiße.

:lol: -- so... being able to spell makes one a "Nazi". This is just getting better and better.


I have to admit, I never did know the Nazis were such good spellers. Does it go with making the trains run on time? :rofl:

On the other hand being unable to spell, in two languages, makes one.... well I hain't sure what. :dunno:

But say, DO tell the class --- what kind of German syntax puts the word Sie in a sentence three times in a row? :lmao:
And why are you using formal language anyway?
Oh one more thing: "Nazi" is not an acronym. It doesn't get writ in all caps.
Oh and PS -- it's spelled Göbbels, with an umlaut.
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I'm surprised that given your alleged credentials you can't even spell bicameral.

Then again you claimed to be fluent in German and I've seen the ah, results of that too...

You know what I CAN spell? NAZI. Read your statement below you grammatically correct Brownshirt piece of human excrement. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of you.

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it... bumsen Sie Sie Sie Stück der Nazistischen Scheiße.

:lol: -- so... being able to spell makes one a "Nazi". This is just getting better and better.


I have to admit, I never did know the Nazis were such good spellers. Does it go with making the trains run on time? :rofl:

On the other hand being unable to spell, in two languages, makes one.... well I hain't sure what. :dunno:

But say, DO tell the class --- what kind of German syntax puts the word Sie in a sentence three times in a row? :lmao:
And why are you using formal language anyway?
Oh one more thing: "Nazi" is not an acronym. It doesn't get writ in all caps.
Oh and PS -- it's spelled Göbbels, with an umlaut.

writ? hain't ? What the fuck are you talking about Nazi? You're so full of shit I can smell your breath from here.

God I detest you fucking Nazis.

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