Take the Survey

Mine came out Centrist. I voted for the libertarian last time because Trump and Hillary sucked.

Mine came out Centrist. I voted for the libertarian last time because Trump and Hillary sucked.

Yet Trump is doing a hell of a good job. How are you going to vote in 20?

He is not as bad as the last 2, I will give him that much.
He hasn't got as meany troops killed and he hasn't crashed the economy, but seems crooked and he has proven he will lie about anything, even when the truth would work better to his advantage.
Here's two other political alignment thingies that go more in-depth if you have the time to answer the lengthy quiz



My results:

Fascism, again?
I guess my dislike of globalist economic models and support for traditional values means I like genocide, go figure.


The big white sections on this one show my relative disinterest in economic matters.
Believe or not, it rated me as a centrist. Tell any lib here that I'm a centrist, and see what kind of reaction you get. :21:
Several of the questions didn't have sufficient choices.

And the choices they gave are so far apart from each other, all you can do is choose one that's closest to the way you really feel. I don't know how they figure they can determine what you are that way.
Where You Scored On The Survey
Your answers suggest that you are a conservative. The yellow star shows generally where you fall within the conservative region of the Nolan Chart.

Now you can tell your friends, "I'm a conservative."
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