Taking Money


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
This will be my last thread start of the night so here goes. When you "TAKE" money from a person they are NOT going to like you. I don't care if its the government or a mugger. "TAKING" breeds hate between the classes AND the people.

So how do YOU get money? Well two ways really. One go to work and project another's dream forward. And two preset your dream well enough to get somebody to invest in you.

Anything OTHER then that is stealing. You can sugar coat it and call it a mandate or regulation but at its core its stealing.

Anyway, done tonight. Other things to do. I will read your thoughts tomorrow.

I spent today painting outdoors for $10/hour.

Here's my paycheck...

8 hours @ $10/hour $80
Less FICA -$5.40
Less State -$2.37
Less Fed -$0
Net = $72.23

= $9/hour

I charge $80/hour consulting, but seeing how my world has gone to shit I suppose $9/hour is ok.

I do what I have to do considering the circumstances.

Why? Because I'm a Republican.

Do I lament contributing $7.77/hour of my wages to people who don't want to work, illegal immigrants, and women who use abortion as a form of birth control?

Sure I do. But today I humped my ass and banked some green and paid some bills.

So, fuck you and hooray for me. :fu:
I'll be 61in January. I will syphon shit from an outhouse if it will make me some money to pay bills.

Negros, immigrants, and Syrian refugees can take away my paycheck but I will come out on top.

Because I will hump my ass to earn an honest living within the borders of the greatest motherfucking country on this planet.


Because... I'm a Republican. Fuck you. :fu:
Agree in general. Having people Give you money is the most moral. Such as entrepreneurs and laborers. Taking is the work of bullies and thieves.

But, the world is full of assholes and when someone doesn't pay you need to invoke the law to force them to pay. And I don't care if they like me or not, I earned it.

I can vent about the IRS but I'd much rather have our system where everyone pays than, say, the Greek system where it is largely voluntary. The US Treasury can be brutal in their collection efforts but it serves a purpose of public spectacle. One person brutalized by the IRS usually gets 100 to say; Holyshit, I'm paying my tax bills and never playing cute with the IRS.

The real issue is waste, deficit spending, stupid wars, etc. The issues which Congress controls, not Treasury.
The real issue is waste, deficit spending, stupid wars, etc. The issues which Congress controls, not Treasury.

dear, if libturds don't have the power to steal money to create moral hazard and an ever growing dependent underclass they cant waste, deficit spend and engage in stupid wars anywhere near as easily.
Special Ed, your brand of Republicanism gave us the deficit, and stupid wars. Obama is too incompetent to create the generational disaster GWB did in his short 8 years.
, your brand of Republicanism gave us the deficit,.

100% stupid since Republicans have tried to make deficits illegal 30 times since Jefferson's first attempt. Democrats killed every attempt!

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Is any other conclusion possible??

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