Taliban Confiscating Weapons Across Kabul From Civilians

Ironic con-sidering you fantasize that an armed white supremacist milita means peace......
No, man, we all shouldn't live in fear of crazy people with guns because some dead slave rapists couldn't define a militia clearly.

Your delusional cowardice is your own problem, and not a valid excuse to violate the rights of sane people.
When one side, for good or ill, has all the power, and everyone else just keeps their mouths shut and does what those in power tell them to do, that's peace.

There are worse things than war.

Says a guy who never served in the military...

Now, I have to say, I'm lucky. IN for 11 years, never had to fire a shot in anger.

My dad, on the other hand, was in WWII. Landed in Normandy, was at the battle of the Bulge, liberated a concentration camp called Nordhausen. He had nightmares for the rest of his life, probably suffered from PTSD, but we didn't have a name for it back then.

If you are going to ask our young men (and women now) to go through that, you'd better have a damned good reason. Frankly, I have yet to hear one of you come up with a good reason why we still need to be in Afghanistan.

For the Afghans themselves, they've decided that after 42 years of almost constant warfare, the peace of the Talbian, no matter how brutal it is, is better than what they've been going through.

But you whine like a little Mormon twat when someone nicely asks you to wear a mask in public. It would be laughable to see what you do in real hardship.

No, it's by criminal pieces of shit such as yourself who are sick and tired of your intended victims being able to defend themselves.

Except of the 39,000 gun deaths every year, most of them aren't people defending themselves.

23,000 of them are people killing themselves. 1000 are dumb-ass accidents. of the remaining 15,000, most of those are domestic violence incidents. - 83% of murder victims know their killers!

If I wanted to victimize anyone, I really wouldn't have a problem doing it... gun or no gun. That's the whole point... unless you are walking about with your trigger on the finger all the time, the criminal would have the advantage... He's got a plan, and you don't.

You advocate a solution that is actually worse than the problem.
Your delusional cowardice is your own problem, and not a valid excuse to violate the rights of sane people.

Mormon BOb, nobody is holding you up as a symbol of sanity... you are a member of an insane cult and irrationally hate LBGTQ people.

The best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk...
Mormon BOb, nobody is holding you up as a symbol of sanity... you are a member of an insane cult and irrationally hate LBGTQ people.

What is really funny is the way that you think that taking the side of criminals and perverts and crazies against that of actual human beings gives you some kind of moral high ground from which to look down on sane, decent people. Sort of like some greatly-exaggerated ethical counterpart to Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.
What is really funny is the way that you think that taking the side of criminals and perverts and crazies against that of actual human beings gives you some kind of moral high ground from which to look down on sane, decent people. Sort of like some greatly-exaggerated ethical counterpart to Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.

What gives me the moral high ground is recognizing we've brought most of these "problems" on ourselves.

We have refused to treat addiction as a medical issue instead, we don't treat our mentally ill, we allow wealth inequality to the point where some parts of this country are like third world nations, and then we complain about the crime....

Again, Mormon Bob, you've never really experienced any hardship in your life... and frankly, neither have I... but you are pretty quick to judge those who have.
Again, Mormon Bob, you've never really experienced any hardship in your life... and frankly, neither have I... but you are pretty quick to judge those who have.

You have no idea what hardships I may or may not have experienced in my life; yet you are very eager to judge me based on horrendously-distorted misconceptions about my religions beliefs.
You have no idea what hardships I may or may not have experienced in my life; yet you are very eager to judge me based on horrendously-distorted misconceptions about my religions beliefs.

Okay, Mormon Bob. Worst thing that happened to you in your life. Go.

I'll play. Worst thing that happened to me, both of my parents died when I was 19-20. From Cancer. Long, agonizing illnesses.

I still recognize that I grew up privileged and really didn't have it that hard.

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