Taliban has entered Kabul and the Afghan president has fled the country .

Oh, my bad...

Nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support sharia law as official law.

Forgot about that 1% of well bribed government bureaucrats in Kabul.
Dictators and totalitarians love and rely on useful fools and weaklings like you.
Yeah, being lied to by assholes like you.
Rubble rubble rubble...repeat after me

"Government is my friend...the media informs me with the facts...government and media work hand in glove to inform, and protect me from the evils of this world...without them I am useless...without them I cannot think or function"
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the Chinese will benefit as they build Communism. Communism is the Goal to be pursued.
America and Russia have no purpose.
Europe taught the goal - LGBT :lol:
Dictators and totalitarians love and rely on useful fools and weaklings like you.
Yeah? well corrupt politicians and the military industrial complex relies on bleeding heart rubes like you.

$2T--Afghanistan Mountain Adventure--total cost 01-21
$100B--Direct funding for the training of the AAF/ANA for those 20 years.

3400 Dead US Service Member
3000 dead contractors
265,000 Dead Afghans

So....what? We need to just stay there forever? For 1% of the population?


Oh, is this funny to you? Is the horror to be visited upon so many people there a source of humor to you? I know leftists don't give a shit about human life, so maybe you are enjoying all this.
Yeah? well corrupt politicians and the military industrial complex relies on bleeding heart rubes like you.
As I've said so many times, leftist weaklings like you don't give a shit about human life. You must be just thrilled about all this.
So the battle for the Cashmere region will end for a while. (Pakistan wins)

And Afghanistan will live in abject poverty for a long time to come with tribal wars and bloodshed. There's mining...lots of gemstones running around...used to be uranium. Probably a lot of rare earth metals...

But oh well...
With the exception of Tibet, all of those examples are people inside of China. China has the right to do what they want with Chinese people.

Like hell they do. People with your ideals will bring America to the Canadian system. We will see how much you enjoy government control over your life and career then.
We made it our circus and now we've sold that circus to the slaughterhouse. For 20 years we've been telling people we wouldn't turn our back on them and yet, we are. I don't think we should ever have put a boot on the ground there but that doesn't change the fact that anyone who stood with us is probably going to die horrible deaths.
We gave them every opportunity to defend thenselves. So it is the Afgahs that have turned their backs on us. fuck em If they will not fight for their country why should we
As I've said so many times, leftist weaklings like you don't give a shit about human life. You must be just thrilled about all this.
I'm a leftist now? Ok. I wish people on this board would make up their mind.
You mean more than the 265K that have already been killed as a result of a forced regime in Kabul?
Of course I care about human life. The Afghan people's lives, and their RIGHT to choose their form of government.
There is only one Sharia law, and the Taliban provide that. That is something 99% of Afghans want.
Stop trying to transpose your western values on Afghans. They had 20 years of that shit.
This is just my guess. The US left the Taliban mountains of weapons and equipment to pay for reparations for aggression, the demands of which the Taliban will definitely roll out.
Otherwise, only the final dullness of the American elites will explain the Afghan catastrophe...
I will what? Not following.

The CCP do not have a right to do as they please with Chinese citizens. There must be universal laws, especially as they are a member of the U.N.

Now I know the U.N has lost much power, thanks primarily to the U.S not holding them accountable. Citizens are born free. Government cannot do as they please just based on some characteristics of said citizens.

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