Taliban has entered Kabul and the Afghan president has fled the country .

I would bet at least $100 that within five years China will be mining extensively in Afghanistan. I can almost guarantee you of that. Chinese intelligence was integral to the Taliban strolling into Kabul nearly untouched.
Chinese are about business. They are not about 'saving' shit.
Trump releasing their leaders was responsible for that.
China will rule with an iron fist, bribe power and take out of the country what they want for themselves. They aren't interested in "training an Afghan security force" (really brave weren't they?), or keeping soldiers there. They will simply exploit for their own nations needs. Just imagine if the U.S dollar is replaced by digital currency as China wants? This expansion of influence will be far easier for China.

What was the Wests objective in all of this? How many more decades will the military experts say they needed?

Hey, I suppose the progressive women are free to head to Afghanistan and preach to them about toxic masculinity. If they can manage to get around only on foot and a slit for their eyes to see...
The Taliban will fuck them up.
Ask the Uighurs, the Tibetans, the Cantonese, and folks in Hong Kong about that, jackass.
With the exception of Tibet, all of those examples are people inside of China. China has the right to do what they want with Chinese people.
The Afghan people want Islamic law. ....
In 1783 a lot of people might have wanted a protestant nation. In 1853 many protestants decried the danger of "those immigrants who want to establish a Papist state."

You don't get the point, do you?
It was a long time coming, but it's tremendously sad to see. It gives China another open door, of course, but it will also destabilize Pakistan and maybe India, cause a whole new wave of refugees, give terrorists a bigger and nicer home base, and I can't imagine the human rights violations they'll be free to commit, especially against their women.
Not all of them.
Oh, my bad...

Nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support sharia law as official law.

Forgot about that 1% of well bribed government bureaucrats in Kabul.
In 1783 a lot of people might have wanted a protestant nation. In 1853 many protestants decried the danger of "those immigrants who want to establish a Papist state."

You don't get the point, do you?

I get the point that you are a dripping vag..
Really? Why don't you ask these people.

Boogidy boogidy...mean Evil Islamic men with beards...'shudders' scarrrry.

Nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support sharia law as official law.

Just like with EVERYTHING else...you are being LIED TO.
Exactly,not our circus, not our monkeys
We made it our circus and now we've sold that circus to the slaughterhouse. For 20 years we've been telling people we wouldn't turn our back on them and yet, we are. I don't think we should ever have put a boot on the ground there but that doesn't change the fact that anyone who stood with us is probably going to die horrible deaths.
Boogidy boogidy...mean Evil Islamic men with beards...'shudders' scarrrry.

Nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support sharia law as official law.

Just like with EVERYTHING else...you are being LIED TO.
Yeah, being lied to by assholes like you.
With the exception of Tibet, all of those examples are people inside of China. China has the right to do what they want with Chinese people.
China would say Tibet fits all your conditions as well. The people of Tibet, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong would tell you different.

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