Taliban trolls Biden, releases mock of WWII Marine Iwo Jima iconic photo.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
No one respects nor fears this limp dick Biden admin. Holy Shit.

Congrats communists...America is NOW a joke to every other nation on earth.

The Neo-GOP are big fans of the Taliban now. Congrats, you both hate America with a passion.
Will the Biden admin now open a war with Somalia?

The Biden admin MUST feed the MIC BEAST!
What do you mean by NOW? We became a joke the day Drumpf was elected.
Putin's Whore is easily the dumbest, most senile, always wrong POS that ever napped in the WH.
Trump built an empire, Xiden sells the US out for cash, see the difference? Obama & Xiden never even ran as much as a KoolAde stand, it shows.
Trump knows how to get things done.
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Actually its one of many fuckups by Drumpf that is added to his already dismal legacy.
Posting about Trump because Xiden is a proven disaster, inside a catastrophe, dipped in stupidity?
Good luck spinning Xiden's legacy, even the Brits hold him in CONTEMPT.
Joe's "legacy" might be right there next to the "1619 Project" on the "fake history" shelf.
I agree. Thats why I said Drumpf made the US a laughing stock when he lost the popular vote but won the electoral college. I have never called Drumpf Putins whore. He was more like Putins bitch boy.
Xiden is Putin's Whore, he gave Putin the Nord Stream 2 pipeline after Trump sanctions had it stopped.
Bogus popular votes in blue states don't mean shit, the EC elects presidents.
Show me a list of things Trump did for Putin, and I'll show you a list of things he did to oppose Putin, including killing hundreds of Russian mercs in Syria.
No one respects nor fears this limp dick Biden admin. Holy Shit.
Joe has gone from the limpdick from Scranton to the Dickless Wonder President who can't recall what he did yesterday.

Congrats communists...America is NOW a joke to every other nation on earth.
At least they are still now all laughing at the USA again just as they allegedly were under Trump!
Goat fucking misogynist scum are now held in higher regard than Joe fucking Biden.

Try not to be too hard on Joe. He is already four years older than the age where Reagan's son says he feels Ronny was starting to show signs of Alzheimers! :shok:

Joe is cruising on borrowed time.
No one respects nor fears this limp dick Biden admin. Holy Shit.

Congrats communists...America is NOW a joke to every other nation on earth.

Funny how twitter can get away with providing aid, comfort and material support to the enemy with no repercussions.


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