Talk about a waste of Taxpayer Money!

Think about this glorious waste of money. Keep in mind, this is borrowed money that we are paying interest on.....

Every hour, federal taxpayers in United States pay
$2.93 million toward Foreign Aid in 2016.
Cost of Foreign Aid in 2016 to Taxpayers in the United States

Every hour, taxpayers in United States are paying
$1.42 million for Foreign Military Assistance in 2016.
Cost of Foreign Military Assistance in 2016 to Taxpayers in the United States

We borrow money, then give it away. We are a debtor nation. But Trump is the crazy one for wanting to reverse this bullshit and put America First?

I only checked the Foreign Military Assistance, but I came up with only $645,000 per hour...almost 1/2 of the figure listed there. This is based off of last year's foreign military assistance ($5,647,645,000) divided by the number of hours in a year (8,760). It looks like your website grossly overestimates itself...which would seem to make it unreliable and biased.

Now, I agree we should decrease our amount of federally funded foreign assistance, but, at the very least, don't go to biased, agenda driven sites to get your data when it isn't even close to being correct. (You can find the data on our foreign military financing here: Foreign Military Financing Account Summary )
Their data is fully sourced and referenced with links. Your data does not include all of the costs. Click the links and look for yourself. It's very accurate.
The only notes / sources I found was here:

Notes and Sources

Which is a confusing page to say the least. My interpretation of this is that they included a lot of R&D funding and funding for our wars in these figures...which, again, inflates them needlessly. Funding the R&D of our military and the funding for our military operations is a separate issue from foreign aid or foreign military assistance...which is why the funding for those are not naturally lumped together and discussed / approved separately from each other. I stand by the fact that the stats on this website are needlessly inflated to serve a biased purpose. Again, I agree that our foreign military aid (and perhaps foreign aid, although that isn't an issue I care as much about) should be reduced. However, I don't think you need to overinflate the numbers to get that point across.

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