Talk about an isis recruiting tool

Across most of Africa, same-sex relationships remain illegal and public attitudes towards homosexuality are the most negative in the world. A wave of populist leaders in countries such as Uganda and Nigeria has sought to make political capital by championing laws strengthening the criminalisation of homosexuality.

In the Middle East, Isis has released shocking photos of executions of gay men, pushed to their deaths from tall buildings in front of crowds of people. Even in Turkey, one of the few countries in the region where homosexuality is legal, there were backlashes against activists by Turkish police at Istanbul’s annual gay pride parade. Russia has seen an increase in LGBTI violence in the wake of the signing into law of a bill that bans homosexual “propaganda” in 2013. And in India, the supreme court reinstated a law banning gay sex at end of 2013.

The Observer view on nurturing gay rights around the world | observer editorial
What about anti-Christian persecution? Obama doesn't give a flying fuck about Christians who are suffering in the Middle East, Africa, and China.

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