Talk about BITCH SLAPPING!.. Poll: Sanders surges to 10-point Iowa lead!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
What can one say.....

The Hill ^ | 9/13/15 | Bradford Richardson
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is up by double-digits on former secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire, according to a poll released by CBS News on Sunday.The senator is drawing 43 percent support in the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucus, besting Clinton by 10 points.Sanders is also drawing 52 percent support in New Hampshire, almost doubling Clinton, who sits at 30 percent support in the Granite State.

Hillary is unfit to serve as Dogcatcher. Her candidacy is almost, if not more, stupid than Obama's. Someone has really got to put their own selfish interests WAY ahead of the nation's interests in order to justify voting for either Obama or Clinton.
I'm sure the gov would be in shut down everyday if Bernie got it. At least Bernie is not a war monger.
Awesome. Yall are in for one hell of a surprise come next November. :) People are tired of their labor being stolen for lousy pay,tired of endless war,foreign aide when we are starving here,tired of jobs being shipped overseas,rich and corporations NOT paying their share,with a mixture of all 3 done correctly education can be achieved for ALL that want it and healthcare will be the envy of the world. Stay scared. No one cares! :)
If people were tired of their labor being stolen they wouldn't keep electing politicians who over tax them for their own benefit.
Iowa is 3% black and yet, from 1995 to 2012, Iowa received over 24 billion in free government money. Only 19% of Iowa farms didn't get free government money.

And you guys complain about minorities.
Democrats are facing the worst of choices.

O'Maggot- a spineless faggot who apologized for saying "all lives matter"
hiLIARy- an angry arrogant harridan who is viewed as untrustworthy and inauthentic
Bernie- a disheveled curmudgeonly political insider who wants to see tax rates at 90% and who's entire campaign can be summed up in 1 word- FREE!!!!!

Good times!!
Democrats are facing the worst of choices.

O'Maggot- a spineless faggot who apologized for saying "all lives matter"
hiLIARy- an angry arrogant harridan who is viewed as untrustworthy and inauthentic
Bernie- a disheveled curmudgeonly political insider who wants to see tax rates at 90% and who's entire campaign can be summed up in 1 word- FREE!!!!!

Good times!!
Don't forget the Up and Coming pedophile....

What can one say.....

The Hill ^ | 9/13/15 | Bradford Richardson
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is up by double-digits on former secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire, according to a poll released by CBS News on Sunday.The senator is drawing 43 percent support in the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucus, besting Clinton by 10 points.Sanders is also drawing 52 percent support in New Hampshire, almost doubling Clinton, who sits at 30 percent support in the Granite State.

2016 Presidential Race
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/20 - 9/10 -- -- 45.0 44.2 Clinton +0.8
ABC News/Wash Post 9/7 - 9/10 821 RV 4.0 46 43 Clinton +3
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 48 48 Tie
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 45 Trump +5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 44 Clinton +2
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 45 41 Clinton +4
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 9/8 -- -- 44.3 43.8 Clinton +0.5
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 47 49 Bush +2
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 42 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 42 40 Clinton +2
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 42 44 Bush +2
All General Election: Bush vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Carson (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 9/8 -- -- 46.3 44.7 Clinton +1.6
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 3.0 46 51 Carson +5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 44 44 Tie
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 49 39 Clinton +10
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Rubio (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 8/30 -- -- 45.0 44.0 Clinton +1.0
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 43 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 44 43 Clinton +1
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 44 46 Rubio +2
All General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Trump vs. Biden
Poll Date Sample Biden (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/20 - 9/8 -- 47.8 42.3 Biden +5.5
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 54 44 Biden +10
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 42 44 Trump +2
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 47 41 Biden +6
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 48 40 Biden +8
All General Election: Trump vs. Biden Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Biden
Poll Date Sample Biden (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/20 - 9/8 -- 47.0 41.3 Biden +5.7
CNN/ORC 9/4 - 9/8 930 RV 52 44 Biden +8
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 44 41 Biden +3
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 45 39 Biden +6
All General Election: Bush vs. Biden Polling Data
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE Trump (R) Sanders (D) Spread
RCP Average 8/20 - 9/3 -- -- 42.7 42.0 Trump +0.7
SurveyUSA 9/2 - 9/3 900 RV 3.3 44 40 Trump +4
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 43 42 Trump +1
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 41 44 Sanders +3
All General Election: Trump vs. Sanders Polling Data
General Election: Bush vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE Sanders (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- -- 43.3 42.7 Sanders +0.6
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 40 41 Bush +1
Quinnipiac 8/20 - 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 43 39 Sanders +4
CNN/Opinion Research 7/22 - 7/25 898 RV 3.5 47 48 Bush +1
All General Election: Bush vs. Sanders Polling Data
General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Cruz (R) Spread
RCP Average 6/21 - 8/30 -- -- 48.0 41.3 Clinton +6.7
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 42 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 49 40 Clinton +9
FOX News 6/21 - 6/23 1005 RV 3.0 48 42 Clinton +6
All General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Walker vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Walker (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/23 - 8/30 -- -- 47.7 43.0 Clinton +4.7
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 47 40 Clinton +7
CNN/ORC 8/13 - 8/16 897 RV 3.5 52 46 Clinton +6
Quinnipiac 7/23 - 7/28 1644 RV 2.4 44 43 Clinton +1
All General Election: Walker vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Fiorina (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 - 8/30 -- -- 48.3 42.0 Clinton +6.3
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 45 43 Clinton +2
CNN/ORC 8/13 - 8/16 897 RV 3.5 53 43 Clinton +10
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 47 40 Clinton +7
All General Election: Fiorina vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Kasich (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- 46.5 39.0 Clinton +7.5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 44 39 Clinton +5
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 49 39 Clinton +10
All General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Paul vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Paul (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/20 - 7/28 -- -- 46.5 42.5 Clinton +4.0
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 48 43 Clinton +5
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 45 42 Clinton +3
All General Election: Paul vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Huckabee (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/22 - 8/30 -- -- 49.0 41.5 Clinton +7.5
PPP (D) 8/28 - 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 48 42 Clinton +6
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 50 41 Clinton +9
All General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton Polling Data
General Election: Christie vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Christie (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/20 - 7/28 -- -- 48.0 39.0 Clinton +9.0
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 964 RV 3.2 50 40 Clinton +10
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 46 38 Clinton +8
About my post above.......

These hypothetical races are all over the map

One thing is for sure.....Clinton's lead has eroded against Republicans and Democrats.

But she still leads all others, with few exceptions.

I know you'd like to interpret those few exceptions as the end of Hillary.

Watch out, her strategists are highly paid, and experienced.

It's going to be a long and bloody election season
Hillary's poll numbers are in free fall. The numbers in New Hampshire, Iowa, North and South Carolina are sinificant because the candidates are spending time there.

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