Talk about Ironic: Wisconsin votes Republicans into power across the board.



Wisconsin was the only state in the country last night to see the its governorship and Senate seat flip parties, in addition to both chambers of the state legislature. In Wisconsin’s case, every changeover was a victory for the Republicans:

From Blue to Red: GOP takes Wisconsin

Gotta hand it to Republicans, when they say they are going to screw the American Middle Class, they aren't kidding around. At least they're honest.
"Elections Have Consequences." Nancy Pelosi.

It was okay with you when she said it then, somehow it's not okay with you now? Is she still right?
Looks like that old "will of the people" thingy only counts when democratics get their way.
Hey, I'm with you guys. Down with the Middle Class. Cut taxes for rich people. Screw the American Middle Class. Yea for corporate greed.

Wow, that feels good. Let's not stop.

Down with gays, down with Hispanics, down with women's rights - let's redefine abortion. Let's move jobs to China. Obama pals around with terrorists. Climate change is good. Get rid of the EPA.

Hmmm, so THAT'S what being a Republican feels like.

I feel sick.
Hey, I'm with you guys. Down with the Middle Class. Cut taxes for rich people. Screw the American Middle Class. Yea for corporate greed.

Wow, that feels good. Let's not stop.

Down with gays, down with Hispanics, down with women's rights - let's redefine abortion. Let's move jobs to China. Obama pals around with terrorists. Climate change is good. Get rid of the EPA.

Hmmm, so THAT'S what being a Republican feels like.

I feel sick.
Understandable... verbal vomit can have that effect.
But here is the irony: The GOP said exactly what they were gonna do, BEFORE the elections. We ran on slashing gov't. We said it. The people wanted it.

Just because the 7% of the people in America who are in unions don't like it doesn't mean the other 93% don't want it. The other 93% voted. The 7% can deal with it.
Since 1973 workers wages have lost ground.

Since 1973 unions have shrunk.

Today, public unions are 7.5% of all private workers with another 4% being part of all government workers.

What's wrong? Run out of people to hate?

College Professors

And now "Teachers"? Why doesn't this surprise me?
Since 1973 workers wages have lost ground.

Since 1973 unions have shrunk.

Today, public unions are 7.5% of all private workers with another 4% being part of all government workers.

What's wrong? Run out of people to hate?

College Professors

And now "Teachers"? Why doesn't this surprise me?

No, stupid ideas eventually run their course... except with you of course. You cling to them like Linus clings to his blanket. Somebody get rdean a few Xanbars.
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Since 1973 workers wages have lost ground.

Since 1973 unions have shrunk.

Today, public unions are 7.5% of all private workers with another 4% being part of all government workers.

What's wrong? Run out of people to hate?

College Professors

And now "Teachers"? Why doesn't this surprise me?

There ya go, thats it. When the argument is lost, pull the "hate card".

Oh, and btw, wages have soared in 1973, so has innovation, technology, GDP and Standard of Living in the US. All while unions have shrunk. Coincidence? I think not.
Since 1973 workers wages have lost ground.

Since 1973 unions have shrunk.

Today, public unions are 7.5% of all private workers with another 4% being part of all government workers.

What's wrong? Run out of people to hate?

College Professors

And now "Teachers"? Why doesn't this surprise me?

There ya go, thats it. When the argument is lost, pull the "hate card".

Oh, and btw, wages have soared in 1973, so has innovation, technology, GDP and Standard of Living in the US. All while unions have shrunk. Coincidence? I think not.

Not in rdeans world.... he's still living at Mom and Dad's waiting on the big gubmint payoff. Sad truth, he's probably like 45.

Wisconsin was the only state in the country last night to see the its governorship and Senate seat flip parties, in addition to both chambers of the state legislature. In Wisconsin’s case, every changeover was a victory for the Republicans:

From Blue to Red: GOP takes Wisconsin

Gotta hand it to Republicans, when they say they are going to screw the American Middle Class, they aren't kidding around. At least they're honest.

how does not spending Middle America's money on things they can't afford screw middle America?

Why do you presume that most of Middle class Americans are involved in the Public employees union?

How do you deal with the fact that Virigia Public Employees arent unionized, are well paid, and that Virginia has a budget surplus?

There are plenty of states that dont have Public Employee Unions and the world hasnt ended in any of them.
I think Rdean is a paid undercover shill for the DNC. He is a walking talking parrot of the Dnc talking points.

All he he does is PARROT polly wanna a DNC cracker over and over and over and over and over and over..well you get the point.:lol:
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I think RD is a paid undercover shill for the DNC. He is a walking talking parrot of the Dnc talking points.

All he he does is PARROT polly wanna a DNC cracker over and over and over and over and over and over..well you get the point.:lol:


Looks like that old "will of the people" thingy only counts when democratics get their way.

Well, I'll be damned... That's exactly the way "bipartisanship" works with the Democrats too! Is it just me or doesn't this seem a little bit odd?:eek:
I think RD is a paid undercover shill for the DNC. He is a walking talking parrot of the Dnc talking points.

All he he does is PARROT polly wanna a DNC cracker over and over and over and over and over and over..well you get the point.:lol:



DANG, I should of spelled out Rdean, my bad..:whip:
I went back and fixed it..sorry.
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Looks like that old "will of the people" thingy only counts when democratics get their way.

Well, I'll be damned... That's exactly the way "bipartisanship" works with the Democrats too! Is it just me or doesn't this seem a little bit odd?:eek:

Of course.

When Dems win it's "The people have spoken".

When Dems lose it's "They voted against their own self interest".

Remember: Democrats always know whats best for you. Their ideas are so good they have to be mandatory!!!!!!!

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