Talk about Ironic: Wisconsin votes Republicans into power across the board.

Wisconsin was the only state in the country last night to see the its governorship and Senate seat flip parties, in addition to both chambers of the state legislature. In Wisconsin’s case, every changeover was a victory for the Republicans:

From Blue to Red: GOP takes Wisconsin

Gotta hand it to Republicans, when they say they are going to screw the American Middle Class, they aren't kidding around. At least they're honest.

It only took you 4 months to figure out that the Republicans won the elections? You are getting better rdean, and some people think you are hopeless. Thank you for providing yet more evidence of the existence of God.

By the way, the middle class in Wisconsin voted for the Republicans because they are tired of getting screwed over by the Democrats.
Since 1973 workers wages have lost ground.

Since 1973 unions have shrunk.

Today, public unions are 7.5% of all private workers with another 4% being part of all government workers.

What's wrong? Run out of people to hate?

College Professors

And now "Teachers"? Why doesn't this surprise me?

Could it be remotely possible that unions have shrunk because people no longer want them? Do you have any idea how man union elections have been held in WalMarts across the country? Me either, but I do know how many times the union has won.


Why do you hate democracy?
Wisconsin was the only state in the country last night to see the its governorship and Senate seat flip parties, in addition to both chambers of the state legislature. In Wisconsin’s case, every changeover was a victory for the Republicans:

From Blue to Red: GOP takes Wisconsin

Gotta hand it to Republicans, when they say they are going to screw the American Middle Class, they aren't kidding around. At least they're honest.

Yes I agree.

Norquist told us a long long time ago what the neocons plan is.

To bankrupt government so that it has no power.

Their plan is working just fine, too.

Smart guys, these American fascists.
Why do you... Want the government to have power? I've never understood that.

Ask BP. They have the same question.
Since 1973 workers wages have lost ground.

Since 1973 unions have shrunk.

Today, public unions are 7.5% of all private workers with another 4% being part of all government workers.

What's wrong? Run out of people to hate?

College Professors

And now "Teachers"? Why doesn't this surprise me?

Could it be remotely possible that unions have shrunk because people no longer want them? Do you have any idea how man union elections have been held in WalMarts across the country? Me either, but I do know how many times the union has won.


Why do you hate democracy?

Why does he hate this Republic?
Hey, I'm with you guys. Down with the Middle Class. Cut taxes for rich people. Screw the American Middle Class. Yea for corporate greed.

Wow, that feels good. Let's not stop.

Down with gays, down with Hispanics, down with women's rights - let's redefine abortion. Let's move jobs to China. Obama pals around with terrorists. Climate change is good. Get rid of the EPA.

Hmmm, so THAT'S what being a Republican feels like.

I feel sick.

once again....the guy who says he ALWAYS posts links to prove what he says.....NEVER...has a link when he makes statements like this.....lets see those famous links of yours Dean.....

Wow, look at the ones you DIDN'T highlight.

Cut taxes for rich people
Redefine abortion
Pals around with terrorists
Get rid of the EPA

I guess these are OK?
Since 1973 workers wages have lost ground.

Since 1973 unions have shrunk.

Today, public unions are 7.5% of all private workers with another 4% being part of all government workers.

What's wrong? Run out of people to hate?

College Professors

And now "Teachers"? Why doesn't this surprise me?
Yeah, why didn't the Democrats FIX all of this, during the times they had complete power? Which was ALOT of times since 1973.

Ever stop to think the Dems might WANT all of this to continue? I bet not.

Dean cannot comprehend a Democrat doing wrong....if the Democrats fuck up....there has to be a Republican factor in there somewhere causing the fuckup....after can the smart people fuck something up?.....

It's quite easy...A Conservative or a Republican speaking the TRUTH made the Statist Democrat do it.

Just as a petulant child, so goes deany...
Wisconsin was the only state in the country last night to see the its governorship and Senate seat flip parties, in addition to both chambers of the state legislature. In Wisconsin’s case, every changeover was a victory for the Republicans:

From Blue to Red: GOP takes Wisconsin

Gotta hand it to Republicans, when they say they are going to screw the American Middle Class, they aren't kidding around. At least they're honest.

those long cold winters do something to their minds. Too much TV i guess.
Wisconsin was the only state in the country last night to see the its governorship and Senate seat flip parties, in addition to both chambers of the state legislature. In Wisconsin’s case, every changeover was a victory for the Republicans:

From Blue to Red: GOP takes Wisconsin

Gotta hand it to Republicans, when they say they are going to screw the American Middle Class, they aren't kidding around. At least they're honest.

those long cold winters do something to their minds. Too much TV i guess.

Quite true, but they seem to be recovering. And people want me to believe that Global Warming is not good for us. It cured all those Wisconsin Democrats of their delusions.
Hey, I'm with you guys. Down with the Middle Class. Cut taxes for rich people. Screw the American Middle Class. Yea for corporate greed.

Wow, that feels good. Let's not stop.

Down with gays, down with Hispanics, down with women's rights - let's redefine abortion. Let's move jobs to China. Obama pals around with terrorists. Climate change is good. Get rid of the EPA.

Hmmm, so THAT'S what being a Republican feels like.

I feel sick.

once again....the guy who says he ALWAYS posts links to prove what he says.....NEVER...has a link when he makes statements like this.....lets see those famous links of yours Dean.....

Wow, look at the ones you DIDN'T highlight.

Cut taxes for rich people
Redefine abortion
Pals around with terrorists
Get rid of the EPA

I guess these are OK?
you know why Dean?.....because SOME on the right have said those things.....NOW mr me some links of the ones Highlighted......dont try and dance around those Dean.....i aint going to let ya....
Wisconsin was the only state in the country last night to see the its governorship and Senate seat flip parties, in addition to both chambers of the state legislature. In Wisconsin’s case, every changeover was a victory for the Republicans:

From Blue to Red: GOP takes Wisconsin

Gotta hand it to Republicans, when they say they are going to screw the American Middle Class, they aren't kidding around. At least they're honest.

those long cold winters do something to their minds. Too much TV i guess.

so do the Democrats Winter in fucking Florida and miss the Elections?.....
Many states turned red the last election. It was Obama's gift to the Republicans.
Many states turned red the last election. It was Obama's gift to the Republicans.

And the Republicans know they're on Probation...No I'd rather tend to think Conservatives that are giving the Republican party an overdue

Hey, I'm with you guys. Down with the Middle Class. Cut taxes for rich people. Screw the American Middle Class. Yea for corporate greed.

Wow, that feels good. Let's not stop.

Down with gays, down with Hispanics, down with women's rights - let's redefine abortion. Let's move jobs to China. Obama pals around with terrorists. Climate change is good. Get rid of the EPA.

Hmmm, so THAT'S what being a Republican feels like.

I feel sick.

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once again....the guy who says he ALWAYS posts links to prove what he says.....NEVER...has a link when he makes statements like this.....lets see those famous links of yours Dean.....

Wow, look at the ones you DIDN'T highlight.

Cut taxes for rich people
Redefine abortion
Pals around with terrorists
Get rid of the EPA

I guess these are OK?
you know why Dean?.....because SOME on the right have said those things.....NOW mr me some links of the ones Highlighted......dont try and dance around those Dean.....i aint going to let ya....
If I can google a response in 3 secs., you must be the laziest bastard on the net.

Republicans — Hate Non Whites, Gays, Muslims, Poor People
When did Wisconsin's Governor Walker, his Republican supporters and our conservative "friends" in this forum suddenly decide to designate America's teachers and their unions were "the scum of the earth?"

Actually, the decision to ban public employee unions only applies to those organizations who didn't support Walker during the most recent election. The unions for the police and the fire fighters endorsed the Governor - and now they find themselves exempted from the ban!
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once again....the guy who says he ALWAYS posts links to prove what he says.....NEVER...has a link when he makes statements like this.....lets see those famous links of yours Dean.....

Wow, look at the ones you DIDN'T highlight.

Cut taxes for rich people
Redefine abortion
Pals around with terrorists
Get rid of the EPA

I guess these are OK?
you know why Dean?.....because SOME on the right have said those things.....NOW mr me some links of the ones Highlighted......dont try and dance around those Dean.....i aint going to let ya....

You want me to do them one at a time? We'll do China first. I have to go to work, so I'll do the others later.

Here's China.

The China Job Drain | Alliance for American Manufacturing

I previously started a thread on this very subject. You can get more info here:

On gays, you know I'm going to link to the Texas Republican Party Platform. This is for the "State of Texas". Mainstream Republicans NOT fringe. They want to make gays felons. Check out some other Republican Party Platforms in other states. No gay adoption, they don't want gays to teach and a whole list of other anti gay legislation.

You guys only see what you want. It's a pity. I know I'm going to go through all the work of posting those links, AGAIN, and you won't read a single one. Oh well.
When did Wisconsin's Governor Walker, his Republican supporters and our conservative "friends" in this forum suddenly decide to designate America's teachers and their unions were "the scum of the earth?"

Actually, the decision to ban public employee unions only applies to those organizations who didn't support Walker during the most recent election. The unions for the police and the fire fighters endorsed the Governor - and now they find themselves exempted from the ban!

When they called out sick then got phony medical excuses so they could get paid to protest.

That's fraud and theft.

2 things scum of the earth would do.
I'm sure the voter in WI will vote the Reps out if they don't like whats going on or how the state is being run.

They will vote the Dems back in and return to the status quo.

Guess we'll see in 2012.

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