Talk in G.O.P. Turns to a Stop Donald Trump Campaign.... Like they don't have enough MONEY to do it!

Read the link YOU PROVIDED (not just headline) - Trump did not say he gets his "military advice from TV shows".

That is EXACTLY what he said?

Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

Could it be any more obvious? I was watching it when it happened.

Yeah, I get it. You love Trump. And you'll rationalize the most idiotic nonsense because, well, he's Trump, and God forbid if he would say something embarrassingly stupid.

Meh,....I don't love Trump, but I l do LOVE that he is not playing by the rules. Fact is, I like almost all of the GOP candidates.

As for the segment - I watched it too. He still did not say what you are implying- he was interrupted by Todd in the middle of a sentence. Trump is not a sitting politician that has access to the names of generals etc.... I don't expect him to know the names of Generals and military advisers. He is a private businessman. That is a big part of his appeal.

Here is the full exchange.
Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”

Todd continued, “But is there somebody, is there a go-to for you? Every presidential candidate has a go-to.”

Trump answered, “Probably there are two or three. I like Bolton. I think he’s a tough cookie, knows what he’s talking about. Jacobs is a good guy –.”

Todd asked, “You mean Ambassador Bolton? You mean Colonel Jack Jacobs?”

Trump confirmed saying, “Colonel Jack Jacobs is a good guy, and I see him on occasion.”


Bottom line- Trump is the man to beat.

Could it be more obvious?



He watched those guys.

On TV!

You see, if he'd been a serious candidate, he wouldn't have said "I watch shows." He would have said "John Bolton and Jack Jacobs." But he didn't say that. He said that he "watched shows." But once he realized how stupid he sounded, he stammered, backtracked, and started naming names.

Because he's not a serious candidate.

So the Trumpians hear what they want to hear to rationalize their support for a thoroughly unqualified individual to be President.

You keep telling yourself whatever you need to reassure yourself.
And yet his poll numbers keep on rising, now to the point he BEATS the lying, murderous, corrupt Hillary Clinton by 5 %, and all other potential DemocRATS by 4-2%.... talk about the PUBLIC disdain for the CommiecRATS!!!!!
Read the link YOU PROVIDED (not just headline) - Trump did not say he gets his "military advice from TV shows".

That is EXACTLY what he said?

Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

Could it be any more obvious? I was watching it when it happened.

Yeah, I get it. You love Trump. And you'll rationalize the most idiotic nonsense because, well, he's Trump, and God forbid if he would say something embarrassingly stupid.

Meh,....I don't love Trump, but I l do LOVE that he is not playing by the rules. Fact is, I like almost all of the GOP candidates.

As for the segment - I watched it too. He still did not say what you are implying- he was interrupted by Todd in the middle of a sentence. Trump is not a sitting politician that has access to the names of generals etc.... I don't expect him to know the names of Generals and military advisers. He is a private businessman. That is a big part of his appeal.

Here is the full exchange.
Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”

Todd continued, “But is there somebody, is there a go-to for you? Every presidential candidate has a go-to.”

Trump answered, “Probably there are two or three. I like Bolton. I think he’s a tough cookie, knows what he’s talking about. Jacobs is a good guy –.”

Todd asked, “You mean Ambassador Bolton? You mean Colonel Jack Jacobs?”

Trump confirmed saying, “Colonel Jack Jacobs is a good guy, and I see him on occasion.”


Bottom line- Trump is the man to beat.

Could it be more obvious?



He watched those guys.

On TV!

You see, if he'd been a serious candidate, he wouldn't have said "I watch shows." He would have said "John Bolton and Jack Jacobs." But he didn't say that. He said that he "watched shows." But once he realized how stupid he sounded, he stammered, backtracked, and started naming names.

Because he's not a serious candidate.

So the Trumpians hear what they want to hear to rationalize their support for a thoroughly unqualified individual to be President.

You keep telling yourself whatever you need to reassure yourself.

Thank you, but I don't need reassurance .Maybe you're the one who needs reassurance?

Trump is a serious candidate with a serious lead over the GOP field.

He's qualified - he's over 35 years old, a natural-born U.S. citizen, and has over 14 years of residence in the USA.

I like Trump, but I've already told you that I like almost all of the GOP candidates. I'll take almost any of them over any of the Democrats.

Trump is shaking things up and I think it's a good thing.
This is disdain for Hitlary. It is not affection for the lying bastard Trump.

I believe you are wrong, as the MINORITIES and DemocRAT whites have started to come to Trump, as it is! After all there were a good amount of Reagan DemocRATS years ago that are still out there WATCHING a once patriotic party turn into the Socialist/Communist party!
Trump is a lying thieving democrat playing as a stooge for Hitlary. He is noway nohow a republican. From abortion up to the 40th week, to single payer, he is one of the worst of them.
Trump is a lying thieving democrat playing as a stooge for Hitlary. He is noway nohow a republican. From abortion up to the 40th week, to single payer, he is one of the worst of them.


Trump is a lying thieving democrat playing as a stooge for Hitlary. He is noway nohow a republican. From abortion up to the 40th week, to single payer, he is one of the worst of them.


I wear my tinfoil hat proudly. But it is true. The man has a long and horrible record. He is dishonest, a liar, a cheat. He is everything we don't like in Hitlary in spades. And he is working for her.
Trump is a lying thieving democrat playing as a stooge for Hitlary. He is noway nohow a republican. From abortion up to the 40th week, to single payer, he is one of the worst of them.
I think you might enjoy and ponder this from the American Spectator.....

Earlier this week Steve Deace wrote an excellent Washington Times column suggesting that conservatives face a fundamental choice when confronted with the 17-person GOP presidential field and the emergence of Donald Trump as the leader in the polls. Deace said the choice is whether conservatives are going to make their peace with Trump as the standard-bearer for the movement despite his various deficiencies and lack of conservative pedigree, or to consolidate their support behind another candidate in the race.

Deace has endorsed Ted Cruz as that candidate, and I’ll admit in an element of full disclosure (as readers of this column have doubtless surmised by now) that I’m moving in the same direction. (Cruz has always been my first choice, and still is!)

But since it’s still early enough to speculate, and since during the current silly season the idea of Trump as the GOP standard bearer is a little more entertaining and ripe for spitballing than the idea of Cruz (yes, it’s also a good deal more terrifying), in this piece we’ll go the opposite direction and discuss how The Donald might entice the conservatives to which Deace is referring to, to get aboard his bandwagon.

Because at this point it should be obvious that the Republican Establishment is in no position to pick the party’s nominee. It parked an enormous sum of money in Jeb Bush’s campaign, and it is now clear that Jeb Bush possesses nothing of the skill required to win a national race in this cycle. Bush is boring, he reflects the thinking of a more placid time, he seems to have a slight disdain for the voters he’s trying to attract, and he can’t stop making statements which even under reasonable examination irritate the audience. Now Bush is attempting to bury Trump under a mountain of attacks, but every $100,000 spent on empty attack spots can be put to waste by a single Trump tweet generating earned media. Bush can’t beat Trump in a publicity war; not when the latter has honed his skills against celebrity trolls for two dozen years.

And beyond Bush, who? Scott Walker and Marco Rubio, who are both perfectly plausible fusion candidates with appeal both to the Chamber of Commerce crowd and the conservative wing of the party, have fizzled. John Kasich is hopelessly implausible; the idea that a panderer to the Black Lives Matter crowd who defends the Obamacare Medicaid expansion as his personal path to heaven is a viable GOP nominee is little short of comic. Chris Christie? Come on.

No, this year it’s going to be conservatives who decide the nominee. Conservatives will either galvanize around Cruz or perhaps one of the other non-politician candidates like Carly Fiorina or Ben Carson, or they’ll accept Trump as the standard-bearer.

To accept The Donald, with his myriad apostasies, would be to accept style over substance. This is a difficult task for Trump — so far, he’s winning by making himself the antithesis of everything the Democrat media has forced American politics to be. He apologizes for nothing, he belittles his critics, he makes gaffes in machine-gun fashion and then runs through the firestorm they cause by doubling down, he mixes gobsmacking arrogance with unpretentious language, he addresses issues thought by the media elite to be taboo…and the public simply cannot get enough.

But countless pundits and media wags have pointed out (as Bush is currently doing), rightly, that Trump can’t claim any connection to conservatism. He’s a big fan of eminent domain. He’s lousy on abortion. His ideas on taxes are heterodox for a Republican, to say the least. He’s given lots of money to indefensible causes and politicians. And so on.

As a result, few in the conservative movement are really taking Trump seriously, and so far no one should. If he doesn’t fix that at some point, he’s going to either fade away when the novelty of his campaign wears off or he’ll fall victim to Deace’s suggestion that conservatives consolidate elsewhere.

How to bridge that gap? Fairly simple, actually. Trump makes deals with people, doesn’t he? Just propose a deal with the Right.


What Trump ought to do is say something like “I know you aren’t convinced that I believe the same things you do. And I could tell you that in the past I’ve said and done lots of things you probably wouldn’t agree with, but as I’ve said some of them were said and done because I had to play the game with Democrat politicians to get things done and others were said and done because being from New York City you just don’t even get exposed to conservative philosophy like you do elsewhere in the country.

“And the more I go around and talk to people, the more I see and hear of conservatism as you guys practice and believe it, the more attracted I am to it.

“I tell you these things, and they might make you feel good but you’re not sold by them. I get that. You keep electing these politicians who tell you how conservative they are, and you never actually get what you bought. You’ve been burned by practically everybody since Reagan, and the country keeps getting sold down the river by both parties. I don’t blame you for not trusting what some guy running for office says.

“So rather than try to tell you I’m a conservative just like you I’m not going to waste your time. You say I’m not a conservative? Fine. I won’t argue the point.

“Instead, let’s just say that I recognize it’s in my interest, if I want to be president, to govern that way. The country needs somebody who will roll back eight years of abuses and stupidity that Obama has given us, and the federal government has to be brought under control. To be successful as a country, we need that. We need a Reagan, and thankfully we have a Reagan as an example. I’m running for president because I know I can be that.

“So I will make you a deal. You give me this nomination, and you help me beat Hillary Clinton or whatever other ridiculous candidate the Democrats nominate, and I will govern the way you want to see the country governed. I will get the federal government off your back, I will clean out agencies and programs that don’t work, I will let the states reclaim a lot of power the feds have taken away from them, I will give you judges who understand the Constitution, I will bring in a tax code and regulatory scheme that makes the economy catch fire, I will rebuild the military and our prestige around the world and I will make sure we have trade and immigration that actually benefits us rather than making things worse for regular folks.

“You may not think I have a pedigree to do those things, and I won’t argue that point. I’ll say it doesn’t matter. I’m making them part of a proposal to you; we’re making a deal here. I know that if I break my promise then I don’t get re-elected and I shouldn’t.

“And believe it or not, you can trust me a hell of a lot more than these politicians who supposedly have these deep-seated convictions. We all know those convictions go out the door the minute some big-money donor calls. The donors own these guys. They count more than you do. But unlike the politicians in this race, I’m not beholden to those donors. We do this deal and I’m beholden to you. You’re the people I’m making a deal with, not the fatcats.

“And I fulfill my part of a deal I make. That’s how I got as rich as I am. I negotiate great deals, and then I follow through. I’m negotiating with you, and it’s in my interest to follow through and do what I’m saying I’ll do. I have a lot better record in doing that than the politicians, and you know it; if you didn’t agree then I wouldn’t be leading these polls with the other non-politicians coming in next.

“So that’s my offer. You accept it and help me win this thing, and I will give you what you’ve been looking for since Reagan. You don’t, and you get President Hillary, or President Bernie, or God knows what.”

Does such an open offer work? It’s hard to say. Elements of that appeal Trump has already made, and to an extent he’s already put this forth as an essential value proposition. But if he’d speak directly and put it to the conservative base of the GOP in the form of a transaction, he might have the opportunity to bypass some of the criticism being rightfully thrown his way.
Trump is a lying thieving democrat playing as a stooge for Hitlary. He is noway nohow a republican. From abortion up to the 40th week, to single payer, he is one of the worst of them.


I wear my tinfoil hat proudly. But it is true. The man has a long and horrible record. He is dishonest, a liar, a cheat. He is everything we don't like in Hitlary in spades. And he is working for her.

You're entitled to your opinion!!

He'll eat them up if they fuck with him, like he has been doing!

Neew York Times ^ | 4 Sep 2015 | NICHOLAS CONFESSORE
Quiet conversations have begun in recent weeks among some of the Republican Party’s biggest donors and normally competing factions, all aimed at a single question: How can we stop Donald Trump? Republican strategists and donors have assembled focus groups to test negative messages about Mr. Trump. They have amassed dossiers on his previous support for universal health care and higher taxes. They have even discussed the creation of a “super PAC” to convince conservatives that Mr. Trump is not one of them. But the mammoth big-money network assembled by Republicans in recent years is torn about how best to defuse...

Been waiting to use this one.....

I find this fascinating. Trump had said he would rule out a third party run if the GOP treated him "fairly" yet here we have the GOP establishment that wants to take him out which doesn't surprise me at all because there is no way this Neanderthal would ever become president.
Why do they want to get rid of Trump? He is renewing the party for the next generation!!

No need to be gentlemen conservative. If an obese and foul woman insults you, call her a fat loser hobo hog!

If a 'suspiciously friendly' man gives you his phone number, broadcast the number to the world!

The day of polite speech and gentle persuasion are over!! Tell it how it is!

Why did Jeb disagree with Trump about illegals? Because his wife is Mexican! No gentleness at all!

Truth comes at Trumps opponents like a spiked bat!! The GOP leadership maybe cruising for a Bruising right up Trump Avenue!!

...and we all know how Republicans like to go to a gun fight with plastic knives!!
Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

Yes, when you are in the military, or have children in the military, that's the type of competence you entrust Americans' lives with.


Where did Obama get his military knowledge from? Oh, yeah. He's a Dim, so that doesn't matter.
He'll eat them up if they fuck with him, like he has been doing!

Neew York Times ^ | 4 Sep 2015 | NICHOLAS CONFESSORE
Quiet conversations have begun in recent weeks among some of the Republican Party’s biggest donors and normally competing factions, all aimed at a single question: How can we stop Donald Trump? Republican strategists and donors have assembled focus groups to test negative messages about Mr. Trump. They have amassed dossiers on his previous support for universal health care and higher taxes. They have even discussed the creation of a “super PAC” to convince conservatives that Mr. Trump is not one of them. But the mammoth big-money network assembled by Republicans in recent years is torn about how best to defuse...

Been waiting to use this one.....

I find this fascinating. Trump had said he would rule out a third party run if the GOP treated him "fairly" yet here we have the GOP establishment that wants to take him out which doesn't surprise me at all because there is no way this Neanderthal would ever become president.

Then you should be rooting for him to become the GOP nominee. It's strange that so many DimoRATs are attacking him when they think he is the easiest candidate to beat. They all rooted for McCain because he was such a strong candidate . . . . . er, no, that isn't why they rooted for him.
Yo, if Trump wins the Nomination? I will vote for him! I would VOTE for the "True Devil" over any "Ass Democrat" who can`t run a City, let alone a Country!!!

View attachment 49336

Unfortunately for you, there aren't enough people like yourself - depicted below - to make that happen.


Yo, you have been lied too, by your favorite T.V. Station? MSNBC! We out number the Mini Socialist and just plain stupid people like you, so have a good night dunce!!!

Yo, you fags all look alike!
View attachment 49339
Here's another typical Democrat:

The "Jammie-Jake Starkey" wing of the "mainstream" GOP is salivating for The Democrat Party to kick Hillary under the bus - so they can offer her their nomination.

Which is why it's so unfortunate that Trump drank the Kool-Aid and signed the pledge.
He'll eat them up if they fuck with him, like he has been doing!

Neew York Times ^ | 4 Sep 2015 | NICHOLAS CONFESSORE
Quiet conversations have begun in recent weeks among some of the Republican Party’s biggest donors and normally competing factions, all aimed at a single question: How can we stop Donald Trump? Republican strategists and donors have assembled focus groups to test negative messages about Mr. Trump. They have amassed dossiers on his previous support for universal health care and higher taxes. They have even discussed the creation of a “super PAC” to convince conservatives that Mr. Trump is not one of them. But the mammoth big-money network assembled by Republicans in recent years is torn about how best to defuse...

Been waiting to use this one.....

I find this fascinating. Trump had said he would rule out a third party run if the GOP treated him "fairly" yet here we have the GOP establishment that wants to take him out which doesn't surprise me at all because there is no way this Neanderthal would ever become president.

For BillyZERO the perfect fool, and Socialist/Commie shill!

New Labor Day Polls Show Trump Leading in GOP Favorability & Defeating Every Democrat Challenger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Last Refuge - Conservative Treehouse ^ | September 4, 2015 | Sundance
Two Labor Day Polls Portend ‘Splodey Heads For The Anti-Trump Advocates…. Earlier today Gallup released a poll showing that Trump is the most heavily favored candidate (63% Approval Rating) amid Republicans. A devastating defeat for the establishment GOP (GOPe) who are seeking to push their preferred candidate Jeb Bush. Such substantive favorable opinion of candidate Trump puts the RNC/GOPe in a difficult position as they plot to begin their collective assault against the unpalatable frontrunner. But tonight the news for the Vichy Republican crowd is infinite degrees worse. As they plot the best course of Trump’s annihilation – national polls...

Things have gotten SO BAD for the DemocRATS that their LOGO changed all by itself.....

Trump is going to enslave the GOP leadership!! They have no choice but to get in line.

The people are speaking but the establishment is not listening. That will make it harder for them when the primaries start.

Hey, they used to laugh at Ronald Reagan, maybe Trump is the Reagan candidate that conservatives have been looking for.

However, Reagan was a polite and kindly gentlemen. :eusa_think:
Trump is going to enslave the GOP leadership!! They have no choice but to get in line.

The people are speaking but the establishment is not listening. That will make it harder for them when the primaries start.

Hey, they used to laugh at Ronald Reagan, maybe Trump is the Reagan candidate that conservatives have been looking for.

However, Reagan was a polite and kindly gentlemen. :eusa_think:

That DIED when the mother fucking DemocRATS turned Socialist/Communist, and I for one, are now playing by THEIR RULES!

Try to remember Harry Reids TAX RANT about Romney, and all the LIES he told on the Senate floor so he couldn't be taken to court over it... If you don't remember, look it up, and his ADMISSION of such AFTER the election!

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