Talk in G.O.P. Turns to a Stop Donald Trump Campaign.... Like they don't have enough MONEY to do it!

Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

Yes, when you are in the military, or have children in the military, that's the type of competence you entrust Americans' lives with.


Where did Obama get his military knowledge from? Oh, yeah. He's a Dim, so that doesn't matter.

Obama's your bar?


Stop being a retard!

No politicians other than Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower had any genuine military knowledge, so all this blubbering about Trump is a waste of bandwidth.
The Silent Majority “Trump Coalition” Speaks – Survey USA Election Poll Confirms

Conservative Treehouse ^
Basically this poll completely disproves the MSM/GOPe argument that Trump is a disaster for Republican chances to increase their share of the minority vote. The opposite is exactly true, Trump incredibly broadens the base. If anything, Trump needs to sharpen his message a little to increase his numbers among white voters
Trump is beating the shit out of everyone.

I just hope he's not peaking too early.

OR he completely BLOWS OUT the rest of them.... Wasn't that YEB'S plan originally to SUCK UP ALL THE DONOR MONEY so others had NO CHANCE?...Why YES IT WAS HIS PLAN, now the RINO'S can suck hind tit as Trumps BILLION DOLLAR gamble has put them way behind with NO RECOVERY!

The only thing is Trump has hardly spent a dime. He has received a $billion worth of free publicity, however.
Trump is beating the shit out of everyone.

I just hope he's not peaking too early.

OR he completely BLOWS OUT the rest of them.... Wasn't that YEB'S plan originally to SUCK UP ALL THE DONOR MONEY so others had NO CHANCE?...Why YES IT WAS HIS PLAN, now the RINO'S can suck hind tit as Trumps BILLION DOLLAR gamble has put them way behind with NO RECOVERY!

The only thing is Trump has hardly spent a dime. He has received a $billion worth of free publicity, however.

The media follows him around like bloodhounds. To the media there is only ONE candidate and that's Donald J. Trump. Hillary hides, Sanders is so socialist he scares people, Bush is a xanex. No one cares what any of the others say. I'm so sick of Kasich saying his father was a mailman, I could puke all over his bag.

Ted Cruz is having a campaign event and invited Trump. Why? To make sure people will show up. Every media outlet will be there, thousands will be there. They aren't coming to see Cruz.

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