Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin.

For most of these idiotic libtard crying posts, you can blame our education system and the media. The colleges are turning out idiots at an alarming rate and the media fans the flames of this shit every time it can.
The cop's life isn't actually in danger until he gets shot at. Don't you all know that?
What a stupid thing to claim.
If I go up to you and point a gun at you do you seriously believe your stupid life would not be in danger?
God you're an idiot!
You go up to me and point a gun at me I'm going to shoot you fucking dead. I'm not waiting until you shoot first.

I think the guy was just using sarcasm to illustrate the stupidity of the left.
So Conservative65 and bucs90 are so scared and pro cop that they are okay with a 12 year old being killed. You know these are the same people would be just fine with killing the Jews in Nazi Germany, or the people 60+ million Stalin and Mao killed in their communist purges.

I'm not OK with a 12 year old being killed. What I have no sympathy for is an idiot, regardless of age, doing something then others expecting me to feel sorry because an idiot made a bad choice.

I damn sure am not scared of a pussy like you. You are so pro thug you'd be happy to see a cop shot because he didn't act when the situation involved a real gun.

So Conservative65 and bucs90 are so scared and pro cop that they are okay with a 12 year old being killed. You know these are the same people would be just fine with killing the Jews in Nazi Germany, or the people 60+ million Stalin and Mao killed in their communist purges.

I'm not OK with a 12 year old being killed. What I have no sympathy for is an idiot, regardless of age, doing something then others expecting me to feel sorry because an idiot made a bad choice.

I damn sure am not scared of a pussy like you. You are so pro thug you'd be happy to see a cop shot because he didn't act when the situation involved a real gun.

Yes keep flexing those interweb muscles that is going to get you real far in life. But if you must know I don't fall into the whole BLM movement as it doomed to fail like occupy wall st. and they don't go after real solutions that would end police brutality for all races. For Example ending the war on drugs would not only save lives but also save money

War on drugs a trillion-dollar failure - CNN.com

And hey Portugal did it and its still standing

How Portugal Brilliantly Ended its War on DrugsHow Portugal Brilliantly Ended its War on Drugs

so why can we.

But back to the main issue here the cops should've went to jail Tamir was not doing anything illegal and if he was I don't think shooting a 12 year old should be the 1st step

Try going into a bank in my State and pretending you have a gun in your pocket. Whether you actually have it makes no difference. That you present that you do does. Same here.

But Tamir was not in a bank he was in a park so please stop doing this

Don't be so fucking dumb!
There is video PROVING the thug was pointing what could have been a real gun at people walking past him. The fucking thug was in a public space pointing what could have been a real gun at people. Had he done that to me I'd have shot the thug dead on the spot.

So you would shoot a 12 year old in cold blood what hero oh and nice dehumanising there
Everyone who knew the law, knew that all these cases and others coming would either not go to court or not result in guilty verdicts.

Michael Brown: No indictment
Eric Garner: No indictment
Freddie Gray: Hung jury
Sandra Bland: No indictment
Tamir Rice: No indictment

Black activists Obama, Holder and Lynch have run around telling the Lame-Stream-Media and NAACP that there was a case against the cops when there never was. They got what they wanted, Race Riots and Whites sick and tired of the bullsh1+.

Make America Great Again by crushing this phony Race-Card crap out.
So you would shoot a 12 year old in cold blood what hero oh and nice dehumanising there

I certainly would. But you, you can feel free to let the thug shoot you first, if you are that stupid.
The kid was murdered. Cops should never close in so close and shoot so quick without observing the situation.
The GPS/time stamp data shown to the GJ proved the LEO did stop some distance away and observed the thug to make sure the thug was the one they were looking for. When the patrol car rolled up the thug got up off the table and walked towards the LEOs. The bulge under the thugs T-shirt was obvious. The LEO ordered the thug to put his hands on his head. Instead the stupid negro thug reached for his gun.
Even the Pros. knew there was no case.
And just how do you propose to tell if the gun is fake? Oh wait I know I know! It's like the old water test for witches. Hold her ass under water for 20 minutes and if she lives, she's a witch, right? So by your demented unrealistic logic, the cop should have let him shoot him, IF the gun had been real.
The way to not make that determination is to drive right up a few feet from the subject and get out of your car close enough for him to shoot you if he has a gun.

If you have cable TV I recommend you look for a popular documentary called, COPS, which is a "ride-along" series in which a tv cameraman rides in a police car and films the activities during a routine tour of duty. If you watch it often enough (as I do) one of the things you eventually will see is how someone who is suspected of being armed is properly approached.

First, the cops remain an appreciable distance from the subject. Remaining shielded by the open doors of their car, and with their spotlight and guns trained on him, they issue the following commands:

"Hands up - fingers spread!"

"Turn around!"

"Drop to your knees!"

"Lie face down with your arms spread wide and don't move or you will be shot!"

After the subject has complied and is incapacitated the cops cautiously approach, pull the subject's hands behind and handcuff him. Then they stand him up and search him.

This is standard police procedure. It is intended to avoid such lethal situations as the one being discussed here. I don't know why the cops who killed Tamir Rice didn't follow this procedure but I am sure the Rice family's lawyer will make very productive use of it. Because if the cops had followed the procedure Rice would still be alive.

Any questions?
Ya. Do you still have your 'HUDS! T-shirt? Do you wear it in public? HAAAA HAAAAA!
Fucking loser! Again and again and again! You're ALWAYS on the stupid side of every issue.
I bet that's not the first time you've been told that.
The kid was murdered. Cops should never close in so close and shoot so quick without observing the situation.

You should become a tactical instructor for law enforcement; go show them how to do it right.

It's only common sense. Most experts will tell you the same.

And, you know this from all those years of experience in law enforcement?
The bitch has been too busy using her front yard as a fucking garbage dump for years to spend any time in LE.
Actually, they pulled his father over for a supposed traffic violation, exited their vehicle and opened fire.

The little boy was hit 6 times. But, it was a white kid. No outrage to spare for him.

Yeah, I'm aware of that story. However, it was NOTHING like the murder of Tamir Rice.
You're a race-baiter. You know you've lost the white vote, so you stir up the blacks and hope that hate will motivate them to vote Democrat.

Simply drawing attention to you racist assholes - not that you aren't already clearly visible for all to see.

But, when a white kids wasted, you are amazingly silent.

White kids aren't murdered by cops like black kids are - but you already know that.

White kids aren't as stupid as negro kids. Pretty easy logic.
And just how do you propose to tell if the gun is fake? Oh wait I know I know! It's like the old water test for witches. Hold her ass under water for 20 minutes and if she lives, she's a witch, right? So by your demented unrealistic logic, the cop should have let him shoot him, IF the gun had been real.
The way to not make that determination is to drive right up a few feet from the subject and get out of your car close enough for him to shoot you if he has a gun.

If you have cable TV I recommend you look for a popular documentary called, COPS, which is a "ride-along" series in which a tv cameraman rides in a police car and films the activities during a routine tour of duty. If you watch it often enough (as I do) one of the things you eventually will see is how someone who is suspected of being armed is properly approached.

First, the cops remain an appreciable distance from the subject. Remaining shielded by the open doors of their car, and with their spotlight and guns trained on him, they issue the following commands:

"Hands up - fingers spread!"

"Turn around!"

"Drop to your knees!"

"Lie face down with your arms spread wide and don't move or you will be shot!"

After the subject has complied and is incapacitated the cops cautiously approach, pull the subject's hands behind and handcuff him. Then they stand him up and search him.

This is standard police procedure. It is intended to avoid such lethal situations as the one being discussed here. I don't know why the cops who killed Tamir Rice didn't follow this procedure but I am sure the Rice family's lawyer will make very productive use of it. Because if the cops had followed the procedure Rice would still be alive.

Any questions?
Ya. Do you still have your 'HUDS! T-shirt? Do you wear it in public? HAAAA HAAAAA!
Fucking loser! Again and again and again! You're ALWAYS on the stupid side of every issue.
I bet that's not the first time you've been told that.

I don't know what a huds t-shirt is, but if I let you screw my mother will you calm down?
And just how do you propose to tell if the gun is fake? Oh wait I know I know! It's like the old water test for witches. Hold her ass under water for 20 minutes and if she lives, she's a witch, right? So by your demented unrealistic logic, the cop should have let him shoot him, IF the gun had been real.
The way to not make that determination is to drive right up a few feet from the subject and get out of your car close enough for him to shoot you if he has a gun.

If you have cable TV I recommend you look for a popular documentary called, COPS, which is a "ride-along" series in which a tv cameraman rides in a police car and films the activities during a routine tour of duty. If you watch it often enough (as I do) one of the things you eventually will see is how someone who is suspected of being armed is properly approached.

First, the cops remain an appreciable distance from the subject. Remaining shielded by the open doors of their car, and with their spotlight and guns trained on him, they issue the following commands:

"Hands up - fingers spread!"

"Turn around!"

"Drop to your knees!"

"Lie face down with your arms spread wide and don't move or you will be shot!"

After the subject has complied and is incapacitated the cops cautiously approach, pull the subject's hands behind and handcuff him. Then they stand him up and search him.

This is standard police procedure. It is intended to avoid such lethal situations as the one being discussed here. I don't know why the cops who killed Tamir Rice didn't follow this procedure but I am sure the Rice family's lawyer will make very productive use of it. Because if the cops had followed the procedure Rice would still be alive.

Any questions?
Ya. Do you still have your 'HUDS! T-shirt? Do you wear it in public? HAAAA HAAAAA!
Fucking loser! Again and again and again! You're ALWAYS on the stupid side of every issue.
I bet that's not the first time you've been told that.

I don't know what a huds t-shirt is, but if I let you screw my mother will you calm down?
'HUDS' >Hands Up Don't Shoot'.
No thanks. I've never been interested in fucking hippopotamuses. But you go ahead.
Oh, you mean pants up dont loot. Gotcha! I got one of these.

It's ok though, just stick to goats like most muslim scum
If black people really thought that "Black Lives Matter" then black women wouldn't be aborting so many of their babies, and black men wouldn't be killling so many black men.

Addressing the 31-year-old black man who posted earlier:


You have reached the age where you can be a father figure to black boys in your neighborhood, and teach them by example, the difference between right and wrong.

It is YOUR BUSINESS if your neighborhood is not a safe place for people to live, work and shop.

If you see black boys hanging around causing trouble, you need to approach them and kick their asses until they get the message.

You need to combine your efforts with other mature black men (and women) to turn this thing around.

YOUR COMMUNITY IS SICK. You need to be the man to fix it.

Stop blaming the police. They are doing all they can. You should not treat them with hostility.


Um 1st off how is a black person or a group of black teenagers doing something illegal my fault I can only reach out to people who want to listen and not force people to listen to my message.

2nd my neighborhood is quite safe with a mix of white,Latino, and Black people with modest incomes, so we don't get many drug lords or crime bosses here.

3rd most of the problems in the black community is the unconstitutional war on drugs that has wasted so many lives not only black people mind you but most people in this country as well as the cops. Why can't we be more like Portugal and decriminalize the drugs

14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

4th I have no love for liberals they run most of the cities that most of the black on black crime is happening.

5th Anything else you want to blame this black person on
I'm white, and I have come to the conclusion that most of black people's problems are only made worse when white people try to help them.

I find white guilt to be outdated. The Civil Rights laws were passed 50 years ago, so the law no longer supports discrimination against blacks. I was born in the same year, so I have no memories of that time. If I have no memories, how can I be guilty? Answer: I am not.

We can all wallow in self-pity, or we can stand up and take responsibility for our own lives. If you are black, and think that all your failures are caused by white discrimination, then you are giving up.

If it takes more effort to succeed as a black person, then you must put in more effort. Don't ask for special privileges because that only makes matters worse. People will assume you were hired or promoted or admitted to college because you are black.

I'm black and I work and pay taxes....now do tell, exactly what the fuck it is you white mf's do for me, that I should be made aware of......while I wait, I want you to stop showing your apparent ignorance here in thinking that all black people blame you racist fucks for our problems in life...on the contrary....if your white mops would leave black men alone, your white teen fucks would stop trying to be like us and if the white man would leave us alone and stop dusting us off when they need a vote, a sale or a scam deal we nigga would do just fine....just sayin!!

Dude, Blacks have been getting Headstart, Welfare, Section 8 housing, free college, job quotas and every AFFIRMATIVE ACTION possible for the last 50 years. No Black person has earned their way in those 50 yeas.

Most Blacks don't think they need to obey what they call WHITE MAN'S LAWS. They prefer a culture of prostitution, woman beating, illegitimate children, drugs and welfare. The fact they don't understand the real problem is no surprise.
Data attached:



Nigga's may be dumb as you put it, but there isn't one inch of ground in this country occupied by black people, that white people haven't marveled over, not an inch...cause everything we touch makes us gold, you rich and everybody wanting a piece of it...and them is facts.

And miss me on this welfare handout shit, cause white people own it too, especially a disability check...you people reeeeekkkk of it.
Wanna blame someone, y'all? Then place it on the parent(s) who know the mess going on now with blacks and guns and drivebys and deaths. 12 years old, waving a toy gun around pretending to be all bad ass. Was he being supervised? Nope. Was he taught "son, never take a toy gun out and aim it at people. They might think its real and you could get hurt"? Nope. Did they even know where he was? Nope. And why was he waving it at people in the park to begin with?

As usual, the blame can lie from where it originated. THE HOME. The person(s) who are supposed to TEACH before that child goes to school, how to be a decent human being. PARENT(S). That is where it began. That is where it ended. Due to their stupidity.
Here's the thing:

Very stupid black boy takes out BB gun pistol that looks like a real pistol.

Someone calls the cops, and reports a black man waving around a gun, scaring people.

Cops speed to the scene, expecting a shoot out with an armed black man.

Stupid black boy pulls out gun. Cops, already pumped with adrenilin, shoot him dead.

.....then cop lie and say we asked the boy to put down the gun several times.....now how he heard us in a car with windows rolled up, only God knows, but we said it several times before we got out of the car and start shootin......listen, the kid is dead, the cops are free...now go celebrate christian, your church is waiting!!

You fail at logic, the cop was probably telling the young man to "put the gun down" as he drew his weapon and even after he fired. That is called self defense.

Of course, whining limp wristed liberals have never thought through what actions a rational surviving person should take when a criminal points a gun at them. Their experience is limited to Jewish Hollywood movie fantasies where people have super natural powers or God protects them.

You probably think a car window or door would have provided protection from the .45 caliber automatic that the adult sized Tamir Rice had. LOL

BTW, it is illegal in my mostly White city for anyone to carry replica guns in public. Morons carry replicas. Replicas give morons a sense they can frighten people, without the repercussions of a real firearm. Tamir Rice is an example of that flawed logic.

One more time, you moron, the kid is dead!!

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