Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin.

Wanna blame someone, y'all? Then place it on the parent(s) who know the mess going on now with blacks and guns and drivebys and deaths. 12 years old, waving a toy gun around pretending to be all bad ass. Was he being supervised? Nope. Was he taught "son, never take a toy gun out and aim it at people. They might think its real and you could get hurt"? Nope. Did they even know where he was? Nope. And why was he waving it at people in the park to begin with?

As usual, the blame can lie from where it originated. THE HOME. The person(s) who are supposed to TEACH before that child goes to school, how to be a decent human being. PARENT(S). That is where it began. That is where it ended. Due to their stupidity.

Do you have any idea how many grown ass white men wave guns at cops and live to tell about it? Please don't force me to google story after story after story of you sorry fucks living to have a day in court...it will embarrass you!!
Wanna blame someone, y'all? Then place it on the parent(s) who know the mess going on now with blacks and guns and drivebys and deaths. 12 years old, waving a toy gun around pretending to be all bad ass. Was he being supervised? Nope. Was he taught "son, never take a toy gun out and aim it at people. They might think its real and you could get hurt"? Nope. Did they even know where he was? Nope. And why was he waving it at people in the park to begin with?

As usual, the blame can lie from where it originated. THE HOME. The person(s) who are supposed to TEACH before that child goes to school, how to be a decent human being. PARENT(S). That is where it began. That is where it ended. Due to their stupidity.
Here's the thing:

Very stupid black boy takes out BB gun pistol that looks like a real pistol.

Someone calls the cops, and reports a black man waving around a gun, scaring people.

Cops speed to the scene, expecting a shoot out with an armed black man.

Stupid black boy pulls out gun. Cops, already pumped with adrenilin, shoot him dead.
If black people really thought that "Black Lives Matter" then black women wouldn't be aborting so many of their babies, and black men wouldn't be killling so many black men.

Addressing the 31-year-old black man who posted earlier:


You have reached the age where you can be a father figure to black boys in your neighborhood, and teach them by example, the difference between right and wrong.

It is YOUR BUSINESS if your neighborhood is not a safe place for people to live, work and shop.

If you see black boys hanging around causing trouble, you need to approach them and kick their asses until they get the message.

You need to combine your efforts with other mature black men (and women) to turn this thing around.

YOUR COMMUNITY IS SICK. You need to be the man to fix it.

Stop blaming the police. They are doing all they can. You should not treat them with hostility.


Um 1st off how is a black person or a group of black teenagers doing something illegal my fault I can only reach out to people who want to listen and not force people to listen to my message.

2nd my neighborhood is quite safe with a mix of white,Latino, and Black people with modest incomes, so we don't get many drug lords or crime bosses here.

3rd most of the problems in the black community is the unconstitutional war on drugs that has wasted so many lives not only black people mind you but most people in this country as well as the cops. Why can't we be more like Portugal and decriminalize the drugs

14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

4th I have no love for liberals they run most of the cities that most of the black on black crime is happening.

5th Anything else you want to blame this black person on
I'm white, and I have come to the conclusion that most of black people's problems are only made worse when white people try to help them.

I find white guilt to be outdated. The Civil Rights laws were passed 50 years ago, so the law no longer supports discrimination against blacks. I was born in the same year, so I have no memories of that time. If I have no memories, how can I be guilty? Answer: I am not.

We can all wallow in self-pity, or we can stand up and take responsibility for our own lives. If you are black, and think that all your failures are caused by white discrimination, then you are giving up.

If it takes more effort to succeed as a black person, then you must put in more effort. Don't ask for special privileges because that only makes matters worse. People will assume you were hired or promoted or admitted to college because you are black.

I'm black and I work and pay taxes....now do tell, exactly what the fuck it is you white mf's do for me, that I should be made aware of......while I wait, I want you to stop showing your apparent ignorance here in thinking that all black people blame you racist fucks for our problems in life...on the contrary....if your white mops would leave black men alone, your white teen fucks would stop trying to be like us and if the white man would leave us alone and stop dusting us off when they need a vote, a sale or a scam deal we nigga would do just fine....just sayin!!
And none of this would have happened if Stupid Black Boy had been taught by Stupid Parent(s) that nowadays with LE being on edge, blah blah, to be SAFE, he should never wave a toy ANYTHING RESEMBLING A WEAPON at LE or innocent people in parks and make sure his homework is done, do the dishes, yes go play but stay close since you are only 12 years old blah blah blah.

If that kid had a REAL gun and was waving it at people and it did go off deliberately or accidentally, those screaming for the cops to be held accountable would be screaming a different tune.
And that includes Stupid White kids with Stupid White Parent(s). Or Stupid Hispanic kids. Or Stupid Asian Kids. You get the drift.
Did the cop show up and say, "I'm going to kill this kid!"?

Or, did his instinct of self preservation take over, in a charged situation, which resulted in the tragic death of this child?

No, it wasn't instinct - it was fucking stupidity...maybe even racism. How many white kids get murdered under similar conditions?

A six year old white kid was killed in Louisiana a couple months ago.

Maybe you could post a link to the thread you started expressing your outrage about that?

Did the cops also swoop in beside him (like they were parking at a meter) and shoot within a couple seconds before evaluating the situation?

Actually, they pulled his father over for a supposed traffic violation, exited their vehicle and opened fire.

The little boy was hit 6 times. But, it was a white kid. No outrage to spare for him.

Yes, that's a true story and guess what? The gotdamned cops got locked the fuck up./......two nigga cops are in jail as we speak because a white dad endangered his kid and try to flee the cops.....now, lets count how many fuckin redneck coward bastard white cops are sitting in jail for killing nigga's and kids? And because you can't answer the damn question, white boy, I suggest you dry out your diaper and go to bed!!
Black Cop Shoots And Kills 6-Year Old White Boy With Autism

The reason these black cop(s) were arrested was because the shooting was completely out of line, and they killed an autistic child.

You can't compare this to the justifiable shootings that blacks like to go on about.

If blacks find a situation where a white cop actually makes an unjustified shoot, then they will be more successful at getting a prosecution.

But the Commies at BLM don't want to be reasonable. That doesn't suit their goal of starting a race war. if they made a big deal about an unjustified shooting, it would not accomplish their goals.
And none of this would have happened if Stupid Black Boy had been taught by Stupid Parent(s) that nowadays with LE being on edge, blah blah, to be SAFE, he should never wave a toy ANYTHING RESEMBLING A WEAPON at LE or innocent people in parks and make sure his homework is done, do the dishes, yes go play but stay close since you are only 12 years old blah blah blah.

If that kid had a REAL gun and was waving it at people and it did go off deliberately or accidentally, those screaming for the cops to be held accountable would be screaming a different tune.

And if grandma had BALLS we'd call her grandpa....if this:up_yours: and shut the fuck up!!
And that includes Stupid White kids with Stupid White Parent(s). Or Stupid Hispanic kids. Or Stupid Asian Kids. You get the drift.
To be fair, the Asian kids are all in the library and computer lab, taking every seat so blacks can't find anywhere to sit down.

So black kids, frustrated, go to public places and wave around toy guns that look real.

No, it wasn't instinct - it was fucking stupidity...maybe even racism. How many white kids get murdered under similar conditions?

A six year old white kid was killed in Louisiana a couple months ago.

Maybe you could post a link to the thread you started expressing your outrage about that?

Did the cops also swoop in beside him (like they were parking at a meter) and shoot within a couple seconds before evaluating the situation?

Actually, they pulled his father over for a supposed traffic violation, exited their vehicle and opened fire.

The little boy was hit 6 times. But, it was a white kid. No outrage to spare for him.

Yes, that's a true story and guess what? The gotdamned cops got locked the fuck up./......two nigga cops are in jail as we speak because a white dad endangered his kid and try to flee the cops.....now, lets count how many fuckin redneck coward bastard white cops are sitting in jail for killing nigga's and kids? And because you can't answer the damn question, white boy, I suggest you dry out your diaper and go to bed!!
Black Cop Shoots And Kills 6-Year Old White Boy With Autism

The reason these black cop(s) were arrested was because the shooting was completely out of line, and they killed an autistic child.

You can't compare this to the justifiable shootings that blacks like to go on about.

If blacks find a situation where a white cop actually makes an unjustified shoot, then they will be more successful at getting a prosecution.

But the Commies at BLM don't want to be reasonable. That doesn't suit their goal of starting a race war. if they made a big deal about an unjustified shooting, it would not accomplish their goals.

Get the fuck outta here.....you got a father in a fuckin car being chased, the definative word here, by pursuing officers...now correct me if I'm wrong, ain't yaw the motherfuckers that obey the law, that when asked to pull over you do so with a fuckin redneck smile?????
And that includes Stupid White kids with Stupid White Parent(s). Or Stupid Hispanic kids. Or Stupid Asian Kids. You get the drift.
To be fair, the Asian kids are all in the library and computer lab, taking every seat so blacks can't find anywhere to sit down.

So black kids, frustrated, go to public places and wave around toy guns that look real.


Asian kids stay in fuckin libraries cause can't nobody understand a motherfuckin word they rice eatin ass's are sayin!!:banana:
"Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin."

That most on the right don't get it comes as no surprise; and that most on the right are so callous as to attempt to contrive this into a partisan issue is likewise unsurprising.
"Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin."

That most on the right don't get it comes as no surprise; and that most on the right are so callous as to attempt to contrive this into a partisan issue is likewise unsurprising.
One wouldn't expect anything less from a bunch of bible toting God fearing racist hypocrites, now would we?
I don't think BLM wants to actually solve any problems.

They choose only cases where the white cop did a good shoot, and go after them.

The grand jury doesn't indict, and then the riot happens.

They avoid cases where the white cop made a bad shoot, because their efforts to start a riot would be for naught because the white cop would be indicted.

This makes sense, even if it is confusing.
Wanna blame someone, y'all? Then place it on the parent(s) who know the mess going on now with blacks and guns and drivebys and deaths. 12 years old, waving a toy gun around pretending to be all bad ass. Was he being supervised? Nope. Was he taught "son, never take a toy gun out and aim it at people. They might think its real and you could get hurt"? Nope. Did they even know where he was? Nope. And why was he waving it at people in the park to begin with?

As usual, the blame can lie from where it originated. THE HOME. The person(s) who are supposed to TEACH before that child goes to school, how to be a decent human being. PARENT(S). That is where it began. That is where it ended. Due to their stupidity.
Here's the thing:

Very stupid black boy takes out BB gun pistol that looks like a real pistol.

Someone calls the cops, and reports a black man waving around a gun, scaring people.

Cops speed to the scene, expecting a shoot out with an armed black man.

Stupid black boy pulls out gun. Cops, already pumped with adrenilin, shoot him dead.

.....then cop lie and say we asked the boy to put down the gun several times.....now how he heard us in a car with windows rolled up, only God knows, but we said it several times before we got out of the car and start shootin......listen, the kid is dead, the cops are free...now go celebrate christian, your church is waiting!!
A six year old white kid was killed in Louisiana a couple months ago.

Maybe you could post a link to the thread you started expressing your outrage about that?

Did the cops also swoop in beside him (like they were parking at a meter) and shoot within a couple seconds before evaluating the situation?

Actually, they pulled his father over for a supposed traffic violation, exited their vehicle and opened fire.

The little boy was hit 6 times. But, it was a white kid. No outrage to spare for him.

Yes, that's a true story and guess what? The gotdamned cops got locked the fuck up./......two nigga cops are in jail as we speak because a white dad endangered his kid and try to flee the cops.....now, lets count how many fuckin redneck coward bastard white cops are sitting in jail for killing nigga's and kids? And because you can't answer the damn question, white boy, I suggest you dry out your diaper and go to bed!!
Black Cop Shoots And Kills 6-Year Old White Boy With Autism

The reason these black cop(s) were arrested was because the shooting was completely out of line, and they killed an autistic child.

You can't compare this to the justifiable shootings that blacks like to go on about.

If blacks find a situation where a white cop actually makes an unjustified shoot, then they will be more successful at getting a prosecution.

But the Commies at BLM don't want to be reasonable. That doesn't suit their goal of starting a race war. if they made a big deal about an unjustified shooting, it would not accomplish their goals.

Get the fuck outta here.....you got a father in a fuckin car being chased, the definative word here, by pursuing officers...now correct me if I'm wrong, ain't yaw the motherfuckers that obey the law, that when asked to pull over you do so with a fuckin redneck smile?????
Cops are not allowed to shoot at a car just because the driver refuses to pull over.

Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985)[1], was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that, under the Fourth Amendment, when a law enforcement officer is pursuing a fleeing suspect, he or she may not use deadly force to prevent escape unless "the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others."

Tennessee v. Garner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wanna blame someone, y'all? Then place it on the parent(s) who know the mess going on now with blacks and guns and drivebys and deaths. 12 years old, waving a toy gun around pretending to be all bad ass. Was he being supervised? Nope. Was he taught "son, never take a toy gun out and aim it at people. They might think its real and you could get hurt"? Nope. Did they even know where he was? Nope. And why was he waving it at people in the park to begin with?

As usual, the blame can lie from where it originated. THE HOME. The person(s) who are supposed to TEACH before that child goes to school, how to be a decent human being. PARENT(S). That is where it began. That is where it ended. Due to their stupidity.
Here's the thing:

Very stupid black boy takes out BB gun pistol that looks like a real pistol.

Someone calls the cops, and reports a black man waving around a gun, scaring people.

Cops speed to the scene, expecting a shoot out with an armed black man.

Stupid black boy pulls out gun. Cops, already pumped with adrenilin, shoot him dead.

.....then cop lie and say we asked the boy to put down the gun several times.....now how he heard us in a car with windows rolled up, only God knows, but we said it several times before we got out of the car and start shootin......listen, the kid is dead, the cops are free...now go celebrate christian, your church is waiting!!
I'm not surprised that you mock Christians. Your cause is evil. You are trying to start a race war. I suggest you go to church, and beg God to forgive you.
You must be talking to people I have on iggie, Blackrook. I was at first all like...huh? But then I saw the "show ignored content" and the lightbulb went off.

I don't bother "debating" with such folks.

Anyway..said what I had to say. Now its time to mosey on.
If black people really thought that "Black Lives Matter" then black women wouldn't be aborting so many of their babies, and black men wouldn't be killling so many black men.

Addressing the 31-year-old black man who posted earlier:


You have reached the age where you can be a father figure to black boys in your neighborhood, and teach them by example, the difference between right and wrong.

It is YOUR BUSINESS if your neighborhood is not a safe place for people to live, work and shop.

If you see black boys hanging around causing trouble, you need to approach them and kick their asses until they get the message.

You need to combine your efforts with other mature black men (and women) to turn this thing around.

YOUR COMMUNITY IS SICK. You need to be the man to fix it.

Stop blaming the police. They are doing all they can. You should not treat them with hostility.


Um 1st off how is a black person or a group of black teenagers doing something illegal my fault I can only reach out to people who want to listen and not force people to listen to my message.

2nd my neighborhood is quite safe with a mix of white,Latino, and Black people with modest incomes, so we don't get many drug lords or crime bosses here.

3rd most of the problems in the black community is the unconstitutional war on drugs that has wasted so many lives not only black people mind you but most people in this country as well as the cops. Why can't we be more like Portugal and decriminalize the drugs

14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

4th I have no love for liberals they run most of the cities that most of the black on black crime is happening.

5th Anything else you want to blame this black person on
I'm white, and I have come to the conclusion that most of black people's problems are only made worse when white people try to help them.

I find white guilt to be outdated. The Civil Rights laws were passed 50 years ago, so the law no longer supports discrimination against blacks. I was born in the same year, so I have no memories of that time. If I have no memories, how can I be guilty? Answer: I am not.

We can all wallow in self-pity, or we can stand up and take responsibility for our own lives. If you are black, and think that all your failures are caused by white discrimination, then you are giving up.

If it takes more effort to succeed as a black person, then you must put in more effort. Don't ask for special privileges because that only makes matters worse. People will assume you were hired or promoted or admitted to college because you are black.

So what's your take on the War on drugs then does it help or hinder black...no americans
If black people really thought that "Black Lives Matter" then black women wouldn't be aborting so many of their babies, and black men wouldn't be killling so many black men.

Addressing the 31-year-old black man who posted earlier:


You have reached the age where you can be a father figure to black boys in your neighborhood, and teach them by example, the difference between right and wrong.

It is YOUR BUSINESS if your neighborhood is not a safe place for people to live, work and shop.

If you see black boys hanging around causing trouble, you need to approach them and kick their asses until they get the message.

You need to combine your efforts with other mature black men (and women) to turn this thing around.

YOUR COMMUNITY IS SICK. You need to be the man to fix it.

Stop blaming the police. They are doing all they can. You should not treat them with hostility.


Um 1st off how is a black person or a group of black teenagers doing something illegal my fault I can only reach out to people who want to listen and not force people to listen to my message.

2nd my neighborhood is quite safe with a mix of white,Latino, and Black people with modest incomes, so we don't get many drug lords or crime bosses here.

3rd most of the problems in the black community is the unconstitutional war on drugs that has wasted so many lives not only black people mind you but most people in this country as well as the cops. Why can't we be more like Portugal and decriminalize the drugs

14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

4th I have no love for liberals they run most of the cities that most of the black on black crime is happening.

5th Anything else you want to blame this black person on
I'm white, and I have come to the conclusion that most of black people's problems are only made worse when white people try to help them.

I find white guilt to be outdated. The Civil Rights laws were passed 50 years ago, so the law no longer supports discrimination against blacks. I was born in the same year, so I have no memories of that time. If I have no memories, how can I be guilty? Answer: I am not.

We can all wallow in self-pity, or we can stand up and take responsibility for our own lives. If you are black, and think that all your failures are caused by white discrimination, then you are giving up.

If it takes more effort to succeed as a black person, then you must put in more effort. Don't ask for special privileges because that only makes matters worse. People will assume you were hired or promoted or admitted to college because you are black.

So what's your take on the War on drugs then does it help or hinder black...no americans
Respect the law, even if you disagree with it.
If black people really thought that "Black Lives Matter" then black women wouldn't be aborting so many of their babies, and black men wouldn't be killling so many black men.

Addressing the 31-year-old black man who posted earlier:


You have reached the age where you can be a father figure to black boys in your neighborhood, and teach them by example, the difference between right and wrong.

It is YOUR BUSINESS if your neighborhood is not a safe place for people to live, work and shop.

If you see black boys hanging around causing trouble, you need to approach them and kick their asses until they get the message.

You need to combine your efforts with other mature black men (and women) to turn this thing around.

YOUR COMMUNITY IS SICK. You need to be the man to fix it.

Stop blaming the police. They are doing all they can. You should not treat them with hostility.


Um 1st off how is a black person or a group of black teenagers doing something illegal my fault I can only reach out to people who want to listen and not force people to listen to my message.

2nd my neighborhood is quite safe with a mix of white,Latino, and Black people with modest incomes, so we don't get many drug lords or crime bosses here.

3rd most of the problems in the black community is the unconstitutional war on drugs that has wasted so many lives not only black people mind you but most people in this country as well as the cops. Why can't we be more like Portugal and decriminalize the drugs

14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

4th I have no love for liberals they run most of the cities that most of the black on black crime is happening.

5th Anything else you want to blame this black person on
I'm white, and I have come to the conclusion that most of black people's problems are only made worse when white people try to help them.

I find white guilt to be outdated. The Civil Rights laws were passed 50 years ago, so the law no longer supports discrimination against blacks. I was born in the same year, so I have no memories of that time. If I have no memories, how can I be guilty? Answer: I am not.

We can all wallow in self-pity, or we can stand up and take responsibility for our own lives. If you are black, and think that all your failures are caused by white discrimination, then you are giving up.

If it takes more effort to succeed as a black person, then you must put in more effort. Don't ask for special privileges because that only makes matters worse. People will assume you were hired or promoted or admitted to college because you are black.

I'm black and I work and pay taxes....now do tell, exactly what the fuck it is you white mf's do for me, that I should be made aware of......while I wait, I want you to stop showing your apparent ignorance here in thinking that all black people blame you racist fucks for our problems in life...on the contrary....if your white mops would leave black men alone, your white teen fucks would stop trying to be like us and if the white man would leave us alone and stop dusting us off when they need a vote, a sale or a scam deal we nigga would do just fine....just sayin!!

Dude, Blacks have been getting Headstart, Welfare, Section 8 housing, free college, job quotas and every AFFIRMATIVE ACTION possible for the last 50 years. No Black person has earned their way in those 50 yeas.

Most Blacks don't think they need to obey what they call WHITE MAN'S LAWS. They prefer a culture of prostitution, woman beating, illegitimate children, drugs and welfare. The fact they don't understand the real problem is no surprise.
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