Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin.

Wanna blame someone, y'all? Then place it on the parent(s) who know the mess going on now with blacks and guns and drivebys and deaths. 12 years old, waving a toy gun around pretending to be all bad ass. Was he being supervised? Nope. Was he taught "son, never take a toy gun out and aim it at people. They might think its real and you could get hurt"? Nope. Did they even know where he was? Nope. And why was he waving it at people in the park to begin with?

As usual, the blame can lie from where it originated. THE HOME. The person(s) who are supposed to TEACH before that child goes to school, how to be a decent human being. PARENT(S). That is where it began. That is where it ended. Due to their stupidity.
Here's the thing:

Very stupid black boy takes out BB gun pistol that looks like a real pistol.

Someone calls the cops, and reports a black man waving around a gun, scaring people.

Cops speed to the scene, expecting a shoot out with an armed black man.

Stupid black boy pulls out gun. Cops, already pumped with adrenilin, shoot him dead.

.....then cop lie and say we asked the boy to put down the gun several times.....now how he heard us in a car with windows rolled up, only God knows, but we said it several times before we got out of the car and start shootin......listen, the kid is dead, the cops are free...now go celebrate christian, your church is waiting!!

You fail at logic, the cop was probably telling the young man to "put the gun down" as he drew his weapon and even after he fired. That is called self defense.

Of course, whining limp wristed liberals have never thought through what actions a rational surviving person should take when a criminal points a gun at them. Their experience is limited to Jewish Hollywood movie fantasies where people have super natural powers or God protects them.

You probably think a car window or door would have provided protection from the .45 caliber automatic that the adult sized Tamir Rice had. LOL

BTW, it is illegal in my mostly White city for anyone to carry replica guns in public. Morons carry replicas. Replicas give morons a sense they can frighten people, without the repercussions of a real firearm. Tamir Rice is an example of that flawed logic.
Someone pointing a gun at police is hardly innocent.
The video doesn't show Rice pointing his gun at the police. It shows him lifting his shirt to expose the gun.

Yes he was reaching for it. Grand Jury says enhanced video "clearly" shows his hand going for the gun.

Now....once it's pointed at you...bullets can fly. When someone is going for a gun....it's best to get your shot off BEFORE they can. Kinda like Old West duels. First to shoot usually wins a gunfight.

Now...in hindsight....this is tragic. Lesson is when cops arrive....SURRENDER WITH YOUR HANDS UP. Don't fight. Don't reach for a weapon.
Judging by present trends if you are black it doesn't matter what you do..armed or not, you have a high likely hood of being murdered by responding officers. White people fare much better.

On boards such as this,, RW groupthink is rampant; and, the attitudes of the dominant society ,in regards to racial matters, greatly amplified . Liberals , progressives and objective conservatives( a rare breed indeed) are a minority here but their voices bring balance . Without them, USMB would be little more than a sounding board for Storm-front ideology.

Casei in point:

The exoneration of officers in the killing of Tamir Rce is cheered and defended by many if not all but a few of those who self identify as conservatives on this board.

Rice, a 12 year old, brandishing a toy pistol, was shot within 2 seconds after police arrived on the scene.

Now the death of Rice might have been justified if the officer really thought his life was in danger. 2 seconds is crucial here because in that brief period the officer decided to kill rather than negotiate. 2 seconds isn't long enough to tel lsomeone to drop their weapon.

White men/boys are given far more leeway when confrontations with cops occur.

1. Armed White Guy Has Standoff With Police, Then Gets His Gun Back

2. White Guy Points Gun at Police Officers and Children During Hour-Long Standoff

3. White Man Arrested Twice For Road Rage With a Gun

4. White Guy Arrested for Firing BB Gun at Officers

5. Two White Men Shoot Up Walmart With BB Gun and Live to Tell the Tale

6. White Guy Arrested After Pointing Gun at Pennsylvania Police Officers

7. White Woman Dressed In Body Armor Arrested After Shooting Into Cars and Pointing Gun at Police

8. White Man Arrested After Pointing Gun at Phoenix Firefighters During Hour-Long Standoff

ALL of the above incidents can be read in detail here

After reading these articles, I came away convinced even more that had Rice been White he would still be alive.
The family should get a bundle from the city for its negligence.

Some one called it and told dispatch that there was a child in the park waving what looked like it might be a toy gun.

This information was not passed on to the responding officers. Rice's death wasn't the cops fault but it sure was someone's fault.
Did you see the gun?

It was a pellet gun and a pellet gun is not a toy besides it was a realistic mock up of a .45

Tamir Rice Gun: Here's What The Airsoft Rifle Cleveland Officers Mistook For A Real Weapon Looked Like [PHOTOS]

Quick tell me which is the real gun in 2 seconds or less

And just how do you propose to tell if the gun is fake? Oh wait I know I know! It's like the old water test for witches. Hold her ass under water for 20 minutes and if she lives, she's a witch, right? So by your demented unrealistic logic, the cop should have let him shoot him, IF the gun had been real.
The way to not make that determination is to drive right up a few feet from the subject and get out of your car close enough for him to shoot you if he has a gun.

If you have cable TV I recommend you look for a popular documentary called, COPS, which is a "ride-along" series in which a tv cameraman rides in a police car and films the activities during a routine tour of duty. If you watch it often enough (as I do) one of the things you eventually will see is how someone who is suspected of being armed is properly approached.

First, the cops remain an appreciable distance from the subject. Remaining shielded by the open doors of their car, and with their spotlight and guns trained on him, they issue the following commands:

"Hands up - fingers spread!"

"Turn around!"

"Drop to your knees!"

"Lie face down with your arms spread wide and don't move or you will be shot!"

After the subject has complied and is incapacitated the cops cautiously approach, pull the subject's hands behind and handcuff him. Then they stand him up and search him.

This is standard police procedure. It is intended to avoid such lethal situations as the one being discussed here. I don't know why the cops who killed Tamir Rice didn't follow this procedure but I am sure the Rice family's lawyer will make very productive use of it. Because if the cops had followed the procedure Rice would still be alive.

Any questions?

No no questions, but one statement. I never knew until joining this forum that there were so many stupid people. You say suspected of having a gun. He was not suspected of having a gun. The police had reports of him waving a gun around and pointing it at people. The police view this as a serious threat. This was a very nice try at misdirection and blaming the police for the stupidity of this soon to be criminal who had a very realistic looking gun. Good riddance to him, and maybe you can learn something of reality, but since you are probably a libtard, that wont happen. :)
Someone pointing a gun at police is hardly innocent.
The video doesn't show Rice pointing his gun at the police. It shows him lifting his shirt to expose the gun.

Yes he was reaching for it. Grand Jury says enhanced video "clearly" shows his hand going for the gun.

Now....once it's pointed at you...bullets can fly. When someone is going for a gun....it's best to get your shot off BEFORE they can. Kinda like Old West duels. First to shoot usually wins a gunfight.

Now...in hindsight....this is tragic. Lesson is when cops arrive....SURRENDER WITH YOUR HANDS UP. Don't fight. Don't reach for a weapon.
Judging by present trends if you are black it doesn't matter what you do..armed or not, you have a high likely hood of being murdered by responding officers. White people fare much better.

On boards such as this,, RW groupthink is rampant; and, the attitudes of the dominant society ,in regards to racial matters, greatly amplified . Liberals , progressives and objective conservatives( a rare breed indeed) are a minority here but their voices bring balance . Without them, USMB would be little more than a sounding board for Storm-front ideology.

Casei in point:

The exoneration of officers in the killing of Tamir Rce is cheered and defended by many if not all but a few of those who self identify as conservatives on this board.

Rice, a 12 year old, brandishing a toy pistol, was shot within 2 seconds after police arrived on the scene.

Now the death of Rice might have been justified if the officer really thought his life was in danger. 2 seconds is crucial here because in that brief period the officer decided to kill rather than negotiate. 2 seconds isn't long enough to tel lsomeone to drop their weapon.

White men/boys are given far more leeway when confrontations with cops occur.

1. Armed White Guy Has Standoff With Police, Then Gets His Gun Back

2. White Guy Points Gun at Police Officers and Children During Hour-Long Standoff

3. White Man Arrested Twice For Road Rage With a Gun

4. White Guy Arrested for Firing BB Gun at Officers

5. Two White Men Shoot Up Walmart With BB Gun and Live to Tell the Tale

6. White Guy Arrested After Pointing Gun at Pennsylvania Police Officers

7. White Woman Dressed In Body Armor Arrested After Shooting Into Cars and Pointing Gun at Police

8. White Man Arrested After Pointing Gun at Phoenix Firefighters During Hour-Long Standoff

ALL of the above incidents can be read in detail here

After reading these articles, I came away convinced even more that had Rice been White he would still be alive.

Here we have a libtard stating he knows what the officer was thinking.
The family should get a bundle from the city for its negligence.

Some one called it and told dispatch that there was a child in the park waving what looked like it might be a toy gun.

This information was not passed on to the responding officers. Rice's death wasn't the cops fault but it sure was someone's fault.
Did you see the gun?

It was a pellet gun and a pellet gun is not a toy besides it was a realistic mock up of a .45

Tamir Rice Gun: Here's What The Airsoft Rifle Cleveland Officers Mistook For A Real Weapon Looked Like [PHOTOS]

Quick tell me which is the real gun in 2 seconds or less

Holy shit, there is no way to tell the difference between these two weapons. Why would parents allow a 12-year-old to go outside with a toy gun that looks like a .45 pistol? Parents should be sued by the city, to pay for the costs of holding this kid's body in the morgue.
The family should get a bundle from the city for its negligence.

Some one called it and told dispatch that there was a child in the park waving what looked like it might be a toy gun.

This information was not passed on to the responding officers. Rice's death wasn't the cops fault but it sure was someone's fault.
Did you see the gun?

It was a pellet gun and a pellet gun is not a toy besides it was a realistic mock up of a .45

Tamir Rice Gun: Here's What The Airsoft Rifle Cleveland Officers Mistook For A Real Weapon Looked Like [PHOTOS]

Quick tell me which is the real gun in 2 seconds or less

Holy shit, there is no way to tell the difference between these two weapons. Why would parents allow a 12-year-old to go outside with a toy gun that looks like a .45 pistol? Parents should be sued by the city, to pay for the costs of holding this kid's body in the morgue.

A pellet gun is NOT a toy

You can do serious damage with one

Air Gun Injury
Skull pilot, there's a fine for confusing libtards with facts.
No! I want the cop to actually get shot, then return fire. There oughta be quality personal standing in line for that job.

You do realise that one being a cop is not that dangerous hell its not even in the top ten of dangerous jobs here in the US

The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In The US | Bankrate.com

In fact Crime in the US is declining

What's Behind The Decline In Crime?

So why is that you want the police to be so gun happy?

Are you a cop?

No but I am a 31 year old black man who is sick and tired of people like you giving the police carte blanche.I mean Tamir was shot in the stomach and left dying on the ground. His sister tackled, shackled, and shoved in a police car for trying to run to him. Forced to sit and watch her brother dying, a process that would take until the next day, while the cops stood there. Cops who either had no first aid training or no first aid items nearby and felt the only thing they really needed to do was call in the incident.

Four minutes. No help. A gutshot bullet wound. An FBI detective working a nearby detail was the first person to try and help. Three minutes before the EMS arrived. Without the FBI detective, it wouldn't have been four minutes, but seven unattended.

He was big. He was scary. The gun looked real (even though they never saw it). How does that excuse the aftermath of letting someone just bleed on the ground? He died the next day. Every moment counts. Every single one. And they wasted 240 seconds.

How can there be absolutely nothing done? How? Even with these garbage excuses for executing a human being, how does it justify then just standing there and watching them dying. The threat was handled. The threat was shot. The threat was dying.

And they did nothing to help beyond the barest of minimums.

I just don't get it. Was he still scary while bleeding on the ground?
The jury found no wrong doing. Deal with it.

The jury got it wrong and AvgGuyIA looks seeing 12 years old getting killed thanks for tell us that
. I don't like seeing a 12 year old getting killed, but I don't want our police geting killed either. The jury heard both sides of the arguments and found the police acted responsibly. You're bitching because of all the recent news stories that are trumpeting up resentment of police tactics in dealing with black thugs.
And just how do you propose to tell if the gun is fake? Oh wait I know I know! It's like the old water test for witches. Hold her ass under water for 20 minutes and if she lives, she's a witch, right? So by your demented unrealistic logic, the cop should have let him shoot him, IF the gun had been real.
The way to not make that determination is to drive right up a few feet from the subject and get out of your car close enough for him to shoot you if he has a gun.

If you have cable TV I recommend you look for a popular documentary called, COPS, which is a "ride-along" series in which a tv cameraman rides in a police car and films the activities during a routine tour of duty. If you watch it often enough (as I do) one of the things you eventually will see is how someone who is suspected of being armed is properly approached.

First, the cops remain an appreciable distance from the subject. Remaining shielded by the open doors of their car, and with their spotlight and guns trained on him, they issue the following commands:

"Hands up - fingers spread!"

"Turn around!"

"Drop to your knees!"

"Lie face down with your arms spread wide and don't move or you will be shot!"

After the subject has complied and is incapacitated the cops cautiously approach, pull the subject's hands behind and handcuff him. Then they stand him up and search him.

This is standard police procedure. It is intended to avoid such lethal situations as the one being discussed here. I don't know why the cops who killed Tamir Rice didn't follow this procedure but I am sure the Rice family's lawyer will make very productive use of it. Because if the cops had followed the procedure Rice would still be alive.

Any questions?
All well and good. So what do you do when the suspect fails to follow your orders and raises his gun in a menacing way to shoot at you?

You drop him where he stands.
Someone pointing a gun at police is hardly innocent.
The video doesn't show Rice pointing his gun at the police. It shows him lifting his shirt to expose the gun.

Yes he was reaching for it. Grand Jury says enhanced video "clearly" shows his hand going for the gun.

Now....once it's pointed at you...bullets can fly. When someone is going for a gun....it's best to get your shot off BEFORE they can. Kinda like Old West duels. First to shoot usually wins a gunfight.

Now...in hindsight....this is tragic. Lesson is when cops arrive....SURRENDER WITH YOUR HANDS UP. Don't fight. Don't reach for a weapon.
Judging by present trends if you are black it doesn't matter what you do..armed or not, you have a high likely hood of being murdered by responding officers. White people fare much better.

On boards such as this,, RW groupthink is rampant; and, the attitudes of the dominant society ,in regards to racial matters, greatly amplified . Liberals , progressives and objective conservatives( a rare breed indeed) are a minority here but their voices bring balance . Without them, USMB would be little more than a sounding board for Storm-front ideology.

Casei in point:

The exoneration of officers in the killing of Tamir Rce is cheered and defended by many if not all but a few of those who self identify as conservatives on this board.

Rice, a 12 year old, brandishing a toy pistol, was shot within 2 seconds after police arrived on the scene.

Now the death of Rice might have been justified if the officer really thought his life was in danger. 2 seconds is crucial here because in that brief period the officer decided to kill rather than negotiate. 2 seconds isn't long enough to tel lsomeone to drop their weapon.

White men/boys are given far more leeway when confrontations with cops occur.

1. Armed White Guy Has Standoff With Police, Then Gets His Gun Back

2. White Guy Points Gun at Police Officers and Children During Hour-Long Standoff

3. White Man Arrested Twice For Road Rage With a Gun

4. White Guy Arrested for Firing BB Gun at Officers

5. Two White Men Shoot Up Walmart With BB Gun and Live to Tell the Tale

6. White Guy Arrested After Pointing Gun at Pennsylvania Police Officers

7. White Woman Dressed In Body Armor Arrested After Shooting Into Cars and Pointing Gun at Police

8. White Man Arrested After Pointing Gun at Phoenix Firefighters During Hour-Long Standoff

ALL of the above incidents can be read in detail here

After reading these articles, I came away convinced even more that had Rice been White he would still be alive.

Here we have a libtard stating he knows what the officer was thinking.
I am no "libtard" stupid. I dare you to show me where I said what the officer was thinking...go on... make my day...sucker.
I am no "libtard" stupid. I dare you to show me where I said what the officer was thinking...go on... make my day...sucker.

Ask and ye shall receive:

Now the death of Rice might have been justified if the officer really thought his life was in danger.

Now, I know that you will deny this, but you can't deny you wrote it. You state the officer does not really think his life is in danger. So, you claim to know what he was thinking.

Now, pull a Bill Clinton and 'splain me how the words you wrote don't mean what you say they mean, and the real definition of your words really depends on the what the meaning "thought" is.

The family should get a bundle from the city for its negligence.

Which is an outstanding reason, however insensitive, for cops to be less precipitous in the use of deadly force. If you live in an affected community, regardless of your feelings toward the victims of these unnecessary shootings it's your tax money that pays for these protracted investigations, lawsuit awards, protest demonstration control and property damage from rioting.

In this example, the video plainly shows the cops recklessly pulling up too close to the subject of a "gun run." Common sense dictates their arrival should have been more methodically cautious. There was no immediate threat. No report of shots fired. They could have maintained at least a fifteen yard distance from the subject, using their car as a shield, and commanded him to lie down, etc., before resorting to deadly force.

Instead, the video clearly shows the police car rapidly approaching and pulling up directly adjacent to the subject of a "gun run," exposing themselves to possible deadly force, thereby prompting their unnecessary use of deadly force.
The video doesn't show that in fact the LEOs did stop out of camera range and observe the thug for at least two minutes. When they were certain this was the thug with the gun, real or not is obviously irrelevant at this point, the LEOs then drove up and stopped. The thug was immediately ordered to put his hands on his head. The thug instead reached for the gun and was shot. Period.
Someone pointing a gun at police is hardly innocent.
The video doesn't show Rice pointing his gun at the police. It shows him lifting his shirt to expose the gun.

Yes he was reaching for it. Grand Jury says enhanced video "clearly" shows his hand going for the gun.

Now....once it's pointed at you...bullets can fly. When someone is going for a gun....it's best to get your shot off BEFORE they can. Kinda like Old West duels. First to shoot usually wins a gunfight.

Now...in hindsight....this is tragic. Lesson is when cops arrive....SURRENDER WITH YOUR HANDS UP. Don't fight. Don't reach for a weapon.

They didn't give him time to surrender, nor ask him to, now did they, Einstein?

No communication can take place in less than 2 seconds. Again, cops should have placed themselves 75 feet away, aimed their weapons and asked him to drop his toy. They never gave him a chance.

God you're a stupid bitch!
Had the LEOs parked 75' away if they ended up needing to shoot they would have been at risk of missing the fucking piece of shit negro punk. At that distance the thug could have ran and there would be little chance of catching him. The thug could have had a real gun. He could have run into some innocent victims house and taken them hostages.
LEO are trained to secure the situation. That's what the GJ found they did.
I would have sent the fucking loser negro parent/s a bill for the rounds fired.
Someone pointing a gun at police is hardly innocent.
The video doesn't show Rice pointing his gun at the police. It shows him lifting his shirt to expose the gun.

Yes he was reaching for it. Grand Jury says enhanced video "clearly" shows his hand going for the gun.

Now....once it's pointed at you...bullets can fly. When someone is going for a gun....it's best to get your shot off BEFORE they can. Kinda like Old West duels. First to shoot usually wins a gunfight.

Now...in hindsight....this is tragic. Lesson is when cops arrive....SURRENDER WITH YOUR HANDS UP. Don't fight. Don't reach for a weapon.

They didn't give him time to surrender, nor ask him to, now did they, Einstein?

No communication can take place in less than 2 seconds. Again, cops should have placed themselves 75 feet away, aimed their weapons and asked him to drop his toy. They never gave him a chance.

God you're a stupid bitch!
Had the LEOs parked 75' away if they ended up needing to shoot they would have been at risk of missing the fucking piece of shit negro punk. At that distance the thug could have ran and there would be little chance of catching him. The thug could have had a real gun. He could have run into some innocent victims house and taken them hostages.
LEO are trained to secure the situation. That's what the GJ found they did.
I would have sent the fucking loser negro parent/s a bill for the rounds fired.

A lot of these people are really that stupid, but some of them are paid to stir up crap.
The family should get a bundle from the city for its negligence.

Which is an outstanding reason, however insensitive, for cops to be less precipitous in the use of deadly force. If you live in an affected community, regardless of your feelings toward the victims of these unnecessary shootings it's your tax money that pays for these protracted investigations, lawsuit awards, protest demonstration control and property damage from rioting.

In this example, the video plainly shows the cops recklessly pulling up too close to the subject of a "gun run." Common sense dictates their arrival should have been more methodically cautious. There was no immediate threat. No report of shots fired. They could have maintained at least a fifteen yard distance from the subject, using their car as a shield, and commanded him to lie down, etc., before resorting to deadly force.

Instead, the video clearly shows the police car rapidly approaching and pulling up directly adjacent to the subject of a "gun run," exposing themselves to possible deadly force, thereby prompting their unnecessary use of deadly force.
The video doesn't show that in fact the LEOs did stop out of camera range and observe the thug for at least two minutes. When they were certain this was the thug with the gun, real or not is obviously irrelevant at this point, the LEOs then drove up and stopped. The thug was immediately ordered to put his hands on his head. The thug instead reached for the gun and was shot. Period.
"But you can't take the cop's word that they stopped some distance away and observed the thug". That's right all you stupid LIB fuck wits. And that's why the GJ got to review the GPS time stamped data proving the patrol car was stationary where and when the cops said it was.
Virtually every patrol car is now equipped with a 'Black Box' recording device similar to what are in planes.
So Conservative65 and bucs90 are so scared and pro cop that they are okay with a 12 year old being killed. You know these are the same people would be just fine with killing the Jews in Nazi Germany, or the people 60+ million Stalin and Mao killed in their communist purges.

I'm not OK with a 12 year old being killed. What I have no sympathy for is an idiot, regardless of age, doing something then others expecting me to feel sorry because an idiot made a bad choice.

I damn sure am not scared of a pussy like you. You are so pro thug you'd be happy to see a cop shot because he didn't act when the situation involved a real gun.

So Conservative65 and bucs90 are so scared and pro cop that they are okay with a 12 year old being killed. You know these are the same people would be just fine with killing the Jews in Nazi Germany, or the people 60+ million Stalin and Mao killed in their communist purges.

I'm not OK with a 12 year old being killed. What I have no sympathy for is an idiot, regardless of age, doing something then others expecting me to feel sorry because an idiot made a bad choice.

I damn sure am not scared of a pussy like you. You are so pro thug you'd be happy to see a cop shot because he didn't act when the situation involved a real gun.

Yes keep flexing those interweb muscles that is going to get you real far in life. But if you must know I don't fall into the whole BLM movement as it doomed to fail like occupy wall st. and they don't go after real solutions that would end police brutality for all races. For Example ending the war on drugs would not only save lives but also save money

War on drugs a trillion-dollar failure - CNN.com

And hey Portugal did it and its still standing

How Portugal Brilliantly Ended its War on DrugsHow Portugal Brilliantly Ended its War on Drugs

so why can we.

But back to the main issue here the cops should've went to jail Tamir was not doing anything illegal and if he was I don't think shooting a 12 year old should be the 1st step

Try going into a bank in my State and pretending you have a gun in your pocket. Whether you actually have it makes no difference. That you present that you do does. Same here.

But Tamir was not in a bank he was in a park so please stop doing this

Don't be so fucking dumb!
There is video PROVING the thug was pointing what could have been a real gun at people walking past him. The fucking thug was in a public space pointing what could have been a real gun at people. Had he done that to me I'd have shot the thug dead on the spot.
The cop's life isn't actually in danger until he gets shot at. Don't you all know that?
What a stupid thing to claim.
If I go up to you and point a gun at you do you seriously believe your stupid life would not be in danger?
God you're an idiot!
You go up to me and point a gun at me I'm going to shoot you fucking dead. I'm not waiting until you shoot first.

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