Tampa Resident Demands 3 Million Reparations

What does the state 'owe' black people? Reparations for what?

Sounds more like regurgitated talking points instead of an objective argument.
We do owe them a boat ride back to Africa.

On the condition their passport is taken and US citizenship revoked when they get there.
The Blacks owe us White people trillions in payback for the crimes they committed, destruction of our cities with their periodic riots and looting and all that welfare we gave them.
This is absurd. Nobody owes him anything, he was never a slave and there is not a black alive who was.

End this crap, it's not going to happen

Tampa man demands $3 million for every Black person in viral video: ‘We have to put White people on notice’

Actually some of them. Indentured servitude was basically slavery

The point is yes history is full of wrongs but it's history. It's time to move on. But for some odd reason blacks can't
If you thought you'd get 14 million dollars for not moving on, you wouldn't.
Black Thugs are the ones who owe White folks in the Trillions for all their violent crimes and BS
nobody suffered more than the IRISH in America
Remember all those young Irish men being shipped to the BS Civil war and dying
There's not enough money in the world for England to pay for it's atrocities
Lol, come and get it. Those in power take through out history. The vikings subjugated large swaths of England. The Roman's completely subjugated it. If ya think ya don't have English blood in your line I have some swamp land to sell ya in Florida. Irish and English blood have been mixed big time. Just like I have Viking and Roman blood in my line. Kinda comes with the raping and pillaging aspect. Lol so do I owe you reparations for my ancestors subjugation of Ireland do I?
Lol, come and get it. Those in power take through out history. The vikings subjugated large swaths of England. The Roman's completely subjugated it. If ya think ya don't have English blood in your line I have some swamp land to sell ya in Florida. Irish and English blood have been mixed big time. Just like I have Viking and Roman blood in my line. Kinda comes with the raping and pillaging aspect. Lol so do I owe you reparations for my ancestors subjugation of Ireland do I?

I don't want your money and I'm certainly not agreeing to give mine to whiny ass blacks

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